why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial quizlet


This division was to last until 1956, when national elections would be held to decide the future of the nation. 450ATTN: PDC-P, Headquarters Air Force Personnel CenterMissing Persons Branch550 C. Street West, Suite 14Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4716. The controversy surrounding the memorial instantly vanished from the pages of the press, replaced by celebrations of its interactivity, tranquility, and emotive power. Some run their fingers lightly over hundreds of engraved names as they walk by some seem afraid to touch some rub the name of a loved one onto parchment paper and others leave offerings such as flowers, photographs, or medals. Barred from combat, these women served in health care, communications, intelligence, and administrative positions. Many veterans, politicians, critics, and the general public read its refusal to explicitly glorify the war or frame the listed soldiers sacrifice in recognizably heroic terms as an ideological statement, proof of Linsand the memorialspurported anti-war position. Updated: November 1, 2022 | Original: February 22, 2010. Today when we look at Maya Lin's sketches of abstract forms, comparing her vision with what became the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, her intention seems clear. She is the author of two books on home decor and sustainable design. Despite this, the US actively supported the Diem regime as a buttress against Ho Chi Minhs communist forces in the north. Interesting. Of the 265,000 women who served during Vietnam, nearly 10,000 military women served in-country during the conflict. Sturken, 321. 6. zThe Vietnam Wall Controversy, Round 3, October 1981January 1982, History on Trial, Lehigh University Digital Library, accessed April 21, 2011, https://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/trial/vietnam/r3/october/. Youll also hop off your cart to explore some areas by foot. Each year we honor these fallen heroes and their families at the In Memory Day ceremony. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/vietnam-war-origins-2361335. Daniel Libeskind. Causes of the Vietnam War, 19451954. In addition to attacking the communists, the Roman Catholic Diem assaulted Buddhist sects and organized crime, which further alienated the largely Buddhist Vietnamese people and eroded his support. The Salute opened with a vigil Wednesday morning at the National Cathedral, where all of the nearly 58,000 names on The Wall were read by volunteers around the clock, day and night, through midnight Friday. In 2002, the group changed its name to the Vietnam Womens Memorial Foundation, Mens Designer Long-sleeve Button-down Shirts, National Council For Interior Design Qualification, What Education Do You Need To Be An Interior Designer, died within the defined combat zone of Vietnam, died while on a combat/combat support mission to/from the defined combat zone of Vietnam, 17th Street Southwest, Washington, DC, United States. Though now celebrated for its modern, minimal design and contemplative space, the memorial was the subject of heated debates prior to its opening. while the veterans were primarily concerned with the ability of the design to offer emotional comfort to veterans and the families of the dead, either in terms of forgiveness or honor.7. Vietnam veteran Tom Cathcart was among those objecting to the memorial's black hue, which he said was "the universal color of shame and sorrow and degradation." Other critics thought Lin's. We do not memorialize bus accidents, which by nature are contextless, meaningless. On one side were the proponents of Lins memorials, defined in the media and the public imagination as Wolfes elitist art mullahs, draft dodgers, the future New Leftists, and, of course, followers of Jane Fonda (infamously dubbed Hanoi Jane after a trip to North Vietnam, during which she made statements condemning the U.S. military). In 1961, the newly elected John F. Kennedy and his administration promised more aid and additional money, weapons, and supplies were sent with little effect. Lin vociferously objected to the inclusion of Harts piece, arguing that it violated the integrity of [her] design and created the sensation of being watched, as if one were on a golf green. As Sturken points out, this did little to evoke veterans sympathy: Lin stuck to her position as an outsider . The antiwar movement began mostly on college campuses, as members of the leftist organization Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) began organizing teach-ins to express their opposition to the way in which it was being conducted. Also Read: Meditation Space, symbol of peace, UNESCO, Paris. In November of 1982, a processional of thousands of Vietnam veterans marched to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for its dedication in Washington, D.C. This development was shaped by the theories of economic neoliberals on the one hand and by the values of their socially conservative allies on the other. As Michael Clark points out in the essay, Remembering Vietnam, by the late 1960s, Hollywood and the mass media seized on this aspect of the veteran experience, creating variations of a fictionalized veteran who threatened at every moment to bring the war home with him in the form of flashbacks that turned firecrackers into artillery and passersby into the enemy.10 In Clarks analysis, these depictions of veterans served, for nonmilitary American citizens, as a way to launder the violence of the war by relegating it to some other place: Southeast Asia, and the [veterans] psychotic unconscious.11 Such representations enabled film viewers to reframe their experiences of the contemporaneous violence occurring at home, on American soil. Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 198182. The following year, Nixon claimed in a famous speech that antiwar protesters constituted a smallalbeit vocalminority that should not be allowed to drown out the silent majority of Americans. Traffic was stopped for a few hours, and CIA director Richard Helms later remarked that Mayday was one of the things that was putting increasing pressure on the [Nixon] administration to try and find some way to get out of the war., As antiwar fervor grew, in mid-1971, Daniel Ellsberg brought about the publication of the Pentagon Paperswhich revealed previously confidential details about the wars conductand misconduct by government and military officials. In 1950, to combat the spread of Communism, the United States began supplying the French military in Vietnam with advisers and funding its efforts against the red Viet Minh. The series of events began on Wednesday, November 10, 1982, and culminated with a service at the National Cathedral on Sunday, November14. All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden.12. Following its dedication, Lins memorial quickly became the prototype for American war memorials. The problem was not with Lin's beautiful and poignant ideas, but her drawings were vague and ambiguous. Is there walmart in vietnam? Its detractors perceived it as "a monument to defeat, one that spoke more directly to a nation's guilt than to the honor of the war dead and the veterans," describing it as the "black gash of shame," the "degrading ditch," and a "wailing wall for draft dodgers and New Lefters of the future." 4 Responding to its lack of This vocal minority included many students as well as prominent artists, intellectuals and members of the hippie movement, i.e., the growing number of mostly young people who rejected authority and embraced the counterculture. A communist, Ho Chi Minh waged a guerrilla war against the . Maya Lin's design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was simpleperhaps too simple. When VVMF announced the selection of Lins design, the initial public reaction was generally positive. The sight of these men on television throwing away the medals they had won during the war did much to win people over to the antiwar cause. The earliest of these battles was the controversy over Lins design. Representations, No. Which type of sculpture especially brings out the three-dimensionality of objects? For further explanation of the parameters for inclusion, please contact the relevant service branch below:ARMYHeadquarters U.S. Army Human Resources CommandCasualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Dept. The class adopted the Vietnam Memorial competition for their final class projects. By now, we are so accustomed to its visual rhetoricthe polished black granite, the lists of names, the horizontal positioningthat to think of these components as anything but standard practice takes an act of real imagination. One of Mathias early key suggestions was that the memorial should be on the Mall, especially because the anti-war demonstrations had taken place there. She had entered VVMFs contest as part of an assignment in her undergraduate course at Yale, focused on funerary architecture. Some felt that the money to build a memorial could be better spent delivering the many services veterans needed. She knew that she needed words to explain her abstractions. The memorial was established not only to honor those women who served, but also for the families who lost loved ones in the war, so they would know about the women who provided comfort, care, and a human touch for those who were suffering and dying. After visiting the Washington, DC site, Lin's sketches took form. Disputes broke among the veterans, some of whom feared this minimalist design would seem defeatist. By now, we are so accustomed to its visual rhetoricthe polished black granite, the lists of names, the horizontal positioningthat to think of these components as anything but standard practice takes an act of real imagination. Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. https://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/trial/vietnam/r3/october/, https://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/trial/vietnam/r4/1982/, https://millercenter.org/scripps/archive/speeches/detail/3407, Extending Beyond Craftsmanship, into Inquiry and Exploration, Horror, Contemporary Art, and Film: In Conversation with Dan Herschlein and Chad Laird. Though Eisenhower and Kennedy charted its course, the Vietnam War quickly became known as Lyndon Johnson's war. Carhart pushed for a more traditional monument and even submitted an entry into the contest featuring him carrying a fallen comrade. Q. Many Americans felt that our interference was meddling with a civil war. They opened a design competition for the memorial. Vietnam veteran Tom Cathcart was among those objecting to the memorials black hue, which he said was the universal color of shame and sorrow and degradation. Nina Simones Backlash Blues (1967) took a civil rights poem by Langston Hughes and adapted it into a protest of Vietnam: Raise my taxes/Freeze my wages/Send my son to Vietnam. Marvin Gayes Whats Going On? from 1971 went on to be one of the most popular songs of all time. In 1975 South Vietnam fell to a full-scale invasion by the North. The National Review commented, The mode of listing the names makes them individual deaths, not deaths in a cause; they might as well have been traffic accidents. Similarly, the New Republic opined: It is an unfortunate choice of memorial. Photo by Hisham Ibrahim / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images (cropped), Image courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, digital file from original, Entry Number 1026: Maya Lin's Words and Sketches. They allow people to remember a deceased loved one or an important public figure. In the course of his purges, it is estimated that Diem had up to 12,000 opponents executed and as many as 40,000 jailed. Its detractors perceived it as a monument to defeat, one that spoke more directly to a nations guilt than to the honor of the war dead and the veterans, describing it as the black gash of shame, the degrading ditch, and a wailing wall for draft dodgers and New Lefters of the future.4 Responding to its lack of narrative content, Senator James Webb called it nihilistic. Interestingly (given their opposing political positions), both the National Review and the New Republic equated the list of names with a police report on a traffic accident. Read Also: My Pets Wellness Design District. Boxer Muhammad Ali was one prominent American who resisted being drafted into service during the Vietnam War. There are eight women, all nurses, whose names appear on The Wall. Who Were the Viet Cong and How Did They Affect the War? For the competition, however, Lin needed words to accurately express her design ideas. They really worked well together and were the driving force. 1 (Spring 1987): 10. Vietnam War protests began among peace activists and leftist intellectuals on college campuses, but gained national prominence in 1965, after the United States began bombing North Vietnam in earnest. Expert Answer Answer The memorial is a black granite V-shaped wall near the western end of the Mall etched with the names of the nearly 58,000 men and women who we View the full answer Previous question Next question To help deal with the post-coup chaos, Kennedy increased the number of US advisers in South Vietnam to 16,000. Fascinating Posts. Among other duties, Healy was the member of Mathias staff who handled memorials and worked as the liaison with the U.S. Department of the Interior. Others questioned the intent of the Memorial. In the Rose Garden of the White House, immediately following President Jimmy Carters signing of the bill, Scruggs explained to the press the vision of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), the non-profit organization that collected and administered the funds for the memorial. It also offered a way to exorcise lingering bitterness and anxieties that the war had propagated. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. Marita Sturken presents the story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, exploring the deeper issues underlying the memorials controversy: How do we grieve as a nation? Image courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, digital file from original. 3 minutes In November of 1982, a processional of thousands of Vietnam veterans marched to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for its dedication in Washington, D.C. The war was ultimately settled by the Geneva Accords of 1954, which temporarily partitioned the country at the 17th parallel, with the Viet Minh in control of the north and a non-communist state to be formed in the south under Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem (19011963). Lin has said that it took longer to write this statement than to draw the sketches. The Vietnam Veterans' Memorial is dedicated on Veterans' Day, 1982. While many veterans successfully reintegrated into their families and communities, tucking their experiences in combat away on a mental back shelf, others were unable to cope on their own. First spelled out 1947, containment identified that the goal of Communism was to spread to capitalist states and that the only way to stop it was to contain it within its present borders. The conflict that divided family members and generations from each other didn't simply run counter to the stories America told to itself, it detonated them. As conservatives sought to consolidate their gains following Reagans election, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial controversy presented an opportunity for conservatives to harness both the affective power of the veterans fury and the resulting public outcry on their behalf. The launch of the Tet Offensive by North Vietnamese communist troops in January 1968, and its success against U.S. and South Vietnamese troops, sent waves of shock and discontent across the home front and sparked a most intense period of antiwar protests. All donations, however, came from the private sector.

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why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial quizlet