reopening of schools in south sudan


8 Facts about Education in South Sudan - The Borgen . Prolonged school closures are likely to cause students to regress academically. Government has finally announced the reopening of the schools and all the pupils & students will be notified in due time. People must be able to earn a living. SSEC- Report After Action Review of School Feeding (South Sudan Humanitarian Fund-SA 1) Questionnaire - IRNA Education Chapter. On the other hand, there is overwhelming evidence on the negative impact of school closures on childrens physical and mental health, nutrition, safety and learning. The US$7 million COVID-19 grant supports: In late March 2020, the UNICEF office in South Sudan received a GPE grant of US$70,000 to support the Ministry of Education in planning its response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This Manifesto was developed in Freetown, Sierra Leone on 18-20 May, 2022 in a gender-transformative leadership workshop hosted by the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and the Gender at the You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. There are 400,000 children out of school due to chronic insecurity and displacement, while another 13,000 are absorbed in the country's . Our knowledge is improving daily to ensure safety in reopening schools. Awut Deng Achuil, minister for general education said the first phase of reopening that kicks off on October 5 will involve only 75,000 pupils in primary 8 and 35,000 students in senior 4 across the . When schools in South Sudan shut down in mid-March 2020, forcing 2 million children out of school, we knew very little about Covid-19 and its impact on children. He noted that schools will only operate at half capacity as preventive measures against COVID-19. Parents are also thrilled to see their children returning to school. (END). Describing the joy felt by children and aid workers as classrooms reopened on Monday after more than 14 months of COVID-19 restrictions, Mads Oyen, UNICEFs chief of field operations, explained that going back to school was about more than just learning. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. (Its) about controlling malaria, its about controllingany measles outbreaks, its about providing clean water to kids, he explained, before highlighting the multiple risks that children face. The students and the teachers will also be provided with washable face masks. Parents are also thrilled to see their children returning to school. Schools are places for children to be safe and to be protected and also to access basic services, school feeding and so on.. Schools in South Sudan are set to reopen nearly seven months after they were closed as part of the governments measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. He said the partnership reduced bureaucracy and improved service delivery.. On April 21, 2021, Save the Children in collaboration with national partner CEF lobbied the Ministry of Defense and Veteran Affairs to express political commitment to advance the principles of safe school declaration by unconditionally prohibiting the military from occupying schools, "There is a need to domesticate the Safe School Declaration," Rama said. With 2.2 million children not in school, South Sudan has one of the largest out-of-school figures worldwide. Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005 Convention), Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report), Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC), Observatory on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Report on Public Access to Information (SDG 16.10.2) 2021, Reshaping Policies for Creativity - 2022 Report, UNESCO Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity 2020, UNESCO Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity 2022, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), UNESCO's International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA), World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2021-2022. John is one of the beneficiaries of school materials handed . Online learning is only for the privileged few. The reopening will happen in phases. Students tried to keep learning at home, but Wendy Ahonda (16) explains it was no easy feat. South Sudan said on Tuesday that a partial reopening of learning institutions will commence in October amid declining COVID-19 positive cases. Candidate classes Primary 8 and Senior 4 returned to school for a 6 day/week programme that will see them work towards examinations in February 2021 and March 2021, respectively. "This year is unique; I am proud of all candidates who never experienced school closures before, and despite the pandemic and crazy things happening, reading for exams in a short time. We applaud for the plan of the Ministry of General Education and Instruction to gradually reopen schools in the coming weeks and encourage the National COVID-19 Taskforce to support the plan. Accelerated learning: the key to COVID catch-up? In South Sudan, schools provide more than just academics. With the closure of schools, from one day to another, the number of out of school children in South Sudan had almost doubled. Yet, it is critical to balance the overwhelmingly damaging effects of school closures on children with the need to control the spread of COVID-19. Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, western media have been demanding in their reports that "Africa should be silent no more." Hussein Abdelbagi Akol, vice president in charge of service cluster, said the decision came in the wake of the recent drop in COVID-19 infections since March. Groundwater, making the invisible visible. UNICEF is thankful for all the support from our trusted Education partners, including Canada, EU/ECHO, Norway, Sweden, the Global Partnership for Education, UKAID and USAID. The reopening will happen in phases. UNICEF and UNESCO welcome the decision of the Government to start reopening of schools in South Sudan. As the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over, the re-opening of schools is a difficult topic to consider. Our work on the Sustainable Development Goals. I appreciate the day today that they have opened our school and we are really happy. Despite conflicting opinions on the question, theres no mistaking the strong, almost visceral response shared by all: there is a need to protect the young from the risk of harm brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Share. UNICEF is working with the Ministry of General Education and Instructionto prepare schools for the reopening and we are excited to note that this year will be the first with the new South Sudan curriculum. Sources say the reopening of schools could be . JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN 22 SEPTEMBER 2020 - UNICEF and UNESCO welcome the decision of the Government to start reopening of schools in South Sudan. Salaam Bright Academy is one of the schools under Salaam Schools South Sudan. Come June, primary healthcare services may no longer be available for women and children, the elderly and those living with disabilities. With 2.2 million children not in school, South Sudan has one of the largest out-of-school figures worldwide. The Minister of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI) has just announced that all schools in South Sudan will reopen on 3 May 2021. The year of 2022 witnessed a landmark setback for U.S. human rights, a report on human rights violations in the United States issued by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. We must mobilize to ensure no one is left behind, said Jacqueline Weekers, Director of Migration Health for IOM. For Daniel, Wendy and other candidates sitting their final exams in early 2021, education resumed last year in October 2020. Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace. Launch of the project "Boosting digital competencies of teachers in Chile". We now know more about children and COVID-19 than we did before. Unfortunately, some of them were going through many difficulties and challenges, as we all know. Minister of General Education and Instructions Awut Deng Achuil during the reopening of schools launch May 3rd. Nation-wide Assessment Dataset - SSEC - 2017-11. At school, students learn social and emotional skills and it's a safe place for the most vulnerable. Private and public institutions including primary, secondary, and universities, were permitted to resume learning under COVID-19 restricted measures. South Sudans education system is characterized as a low investment, low capacity, but high demand system. Monday 1 May 2023 - 6:45am. They are more vulnerable to child labor and less likely to break out of the cycle of poverty. Questionnaire - SSEC School Level assessment. I am very happy that schools have opened and we have returned to school and now we are very happy because of this school opening, Jackline Kizito said. October 6, 2020 12:32 pm. In a UNICEF letter-writing workshop, out-of-school students poured out their hearts to their instructors. VCG. Usually, we look forward to the holidays, but suddenly our holiday became so long," Wendy said. The Ministry of General Education and Instruction, UN and other education partners launched a distance learning programme through radio providing lessons twice a day as a way for children to continue learning and to stay engaged while home to prevent some of the adverse effects we saw. Our task is to inform people about the dangers of occupying civilian facilities, Gai said. War in Sudan | Evacuees back on South African soil. Makuei said that the report observed that the level of infection has reduced and there have been no more cases in the last few weeks., After that study, it was decided that schools and higher learning institutions should re-open at times to be fixed by the General and Higher Education ministries. However, catching up on seven months of lost education and preparing for the biggest exam of our lives was stressful. It says the country now records a decline of three percent of cases daily. Since most of those occupying the schools are armed forces, the Ministry of Defense as a key stakeholder was encouraged to commit themselves to the document. . What you need to know about the new 2023 SDG 4 Scorecard, Mr. Mohamed Ag Ayoya, UNICEF Representative in South Sudan, Mr. Julius Banda, UNESCO Representative in South Sudan, Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs. In fact, there is no known evidence on the correlation between the rate of disease transmission and whether or not schools remain open or closed. Ms. Awut further revealed that the reopening of schools came after the Girls' Education South Sudan (GESS), an education program, and the Global Partnership for Education, a partnership and funding platform that aims to strengthen education systems in developing countries, provided funds to enable distribution of water sanitation and hygiene . Fifty-eightwomen and children of more than 600 who were abducted last year during vicious intercommunal fighting in South Sudan, have been reunited with their families, the UN Spokesperson told reporters on Monday. Hence, the urgency to consider the reopening of schools in South Sudan. Schools protect learners from harmful cultural practices and work as an access point for services including water, sanitation and hygiene and food. The Minister of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI) has just announced that all schools in South Sudan will reopen on 3 May 2021. You can sense the jubilation at Development Secondary School in Juba as senior four students braced the blistering heat to celebrate the completion of their secondary school examinations. He also commended Save the Children for working with local organizations to ensure hardest reached locations are accessed. Essential health services are provided in former UN Protection of Civilian sites, host communities as well as remote and hard-to-reach locations serviced by the IOMs mobile rapid response teams. There is only one functional teacher training college in the country to meet the demand for training teachers. At school, students learn social and emotional skills and it'sa safe place for the most vulnerable. UNICEF has committed funds and support to the education ministry to distribute equipment allowing schools to adhere to the Covid-19 preventive measures. Everything must be done to avoid that the number of out-of-school children increases further. Meanwhile, the Executive Director of CEF, Chol Gai appreciated the Ministry of Defense, Interior and partners for committing to the document. Schools are safe places for children where they are protected from exploitation, abuse and from harmful cultural practices such as child marriage and early pregnancies. The South Sudan government in partnership with GESS will pay capitation grants, in addition to cash transfers, to girls at levels from primary five (5) to senior fouer (4), Minister disclosed. Makuei also said restrictions on working hours had been lifted and that offices will open from 8am to 5pm beginning next week. Schools in South Sudan are set to reopen nearly seven months after they were closed as part of the government's measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. I work for the GPE Secretariat Fewer that one in 10 children has access to child protection services, the veteran UNICEF worker said, noting that between January and March this year, the agency scaled up treatment to more than 50,000 children who were suffering from severe acute malnutrition. The Safe Schools Declaration is, therefore, an inter-governmental political commitment that provides countries the opportunity to express support for protecting students, teachers, schools, and universities from attack during times of armed conflict; the importance of the continuation of education during armed conflict; and the implementation of concrete measures to deter the military use of schools, The Ministry of General Education and Instruction, and Charity and Empowerment Foundation (CEF), with support from Save the Children International developed the guidelines to facilitate the dissemination of the guidelines of the Declaration incorporated into the South Sudan People Defense Forces (SSPDF) code of conduct. And the risks for them of keeping schools closed outweigh the health risks caused by the pandemic. He also acknowledged the importance of monitoring and reporting grave violations against children in armed conflicts as per the UN Security Council resolution. protection of civilian (PoC) and ad hoc IDP sites (South Sudan Education Cluster, n.d.), while also working to reopen schools in areas where the security situation had stabilized. Children are safer inside the school walls than outside. The family noise meant she had to study at a neighbour's house or wait until the nighttime snoring stopped before she could open her books. The crisis in South Sudan has impeded education for most of the countrys children. Some of the previous easing of restrictions included reduction of the curfew period, resumption of regional flights and the reopening of markets, shops and bars. Since the beginning of the conflict to date, 293 incidents of attacks on schools or protected persons or of military use of schools were reported across the country. Speaking during the launch of the event on Monday, the Minister of General Education and Instructions Awut Deng Achuil urged parents to encourage their children to go back to school. The pandemic has left the most vulnerable and marginalized even further off track when it comes to access to quality education. This document is inclusive of peacebuilding education, life skills, citizenship in the curriculum. "Overstaying at home is embarrassing us and erasing away the . Two students from Juba Day Secondary School spoke to Radio Tamazuj at the launch. ", This was the message delivered to the government and armed groups by school children during the official launch of the 'Safe School Declaration' guideline in Juba on Monday 25, 2021. We applaud for the plan of the Ministry of General Education and Instruction to gradually reopen schools in the coming weeks and encourage the National COVID-19 Taskforce to support the plan. UNDP Compound, Ministries Road And evidence has proven that the longer schoolchildren are out of school, the less likely they are to return. COVID-19 is still with us but we have decided to reopen schools and will strictly follow COVID-19 preventative measures in the schools, Akol told journalists in Juba during the official reopening for learners. # Together For A Bright Future. "I can't wait to get the results and join the university. Yesterday saw the phased reopening of schools in South Sudan. In conclusion, Save the Childrens Country Director called for an increase in funding for peace education and the implementation of the Safe School Declaration guidelines., Written by Daniel Danis/Save the Children, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In July, a number of international aid organisations urged the government to reopen schools warning that children face a number of perils while away from classrooms. Both Wendy and Daniel made it through the lessons and were part of the scenes of joy and relief after the last exam was done. Monday, August 30, 2021. . A joint statement by UNICEF and UNESCO argued that children and schools were not the predominant drivers of the spread of the pandemic.

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reopening of schools in south sudan