paul prager political party


Johnson and the Democratic Party were unified in their opposition to the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery; the 14th Amendment, which gave blacks citizenship; and the 15th Amendment, which gave blacks the vote. [49][50][51][52], In 2019, Mike Gravel, a former United States Senator from Alaska, launched The Gravel Institute, a progressive left-leaning think tank, to counteract PragerU. (It should be noted here that Russia, a country run by its security services where the leader recently created a 400,000-strong praetorian guard, doesnt exactly embrace the individual right to bear arms.) Are you interested in having Dennis speak to your organization or group? [31] Some prominent video presenters have included Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Nigel Farage, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, Bret Stephens and George Will. Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party. Meaning that the current Republicans (Previously named Democrats) created and pushed the KKK. What I never expected was that the Republican Partywhich once stood for a muscular, moralistic approach to the world, and which helped bring down the Soviet Unionwould become a willing accomplice of what the previous Republican presidential nominee rightly called our No. PragerU is an American advocacy group that creates videos and content to promote a conservative viewpoint on various political, economic, and sociological topics. [21][22] In August 2018, Facebook removed two PragerU videos from its platform. Back in 1866, the Democratic party started the KKK, kind of. Lincolns vice president, a Democrat named Andrew Johnson, assumed the presidency. Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. The fact is that, since the inception of the Republican Party, which was founded to counter the Democratic Party's defense of slavery, there has almost never been a time when the philosophical differences between the parties were not great. But is Prager University winning hearts and minds on college campuses? It is to vote for the party that Big Pharma, big corporations and radical teachers unions support. Surveying this lamentable scene, why wouldn't Russia try to turn the American right, whose ethical rot necessarily precedes its rank unscrupulousness? [10][8], Since a lawsuit over the use of a photograph in 2013, PragerU has used animation in its videos. Would somebody please help me out here: Im confused, read the email to me from a conservative Republican activist and donor. Secondary school teachers and college professors can register their classes through PragerU's Academic Partnership program, which lets students sign up and allows teachers to monitor their students' progress. Critics of Prager University call its videos biased, dangerous, fake news, propaganda, and , Overall, Prager University claims to have received. The South is now a Republican voting bloc but not because of the mythical party switch. Russia has been targeting the American right since at least 2013, the year Putin enacted a law targeting pro-gay rights organizing and delivered a state-of-the-nation address extolling Russias traditional values and assailing the Wests genderless and infertile liberalism. Critics of Prager University call its videos biased, dangerous, fake news, propaganda, and proselytizing ignorance.. PAUL PRAGER Co-Founder and CEO of TeraWulf Paul Prager is the Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of TeraWulf Inc., a leading clean energy digital asset company. His career as an entrepreneur, executive, developer, and investor has spanned three decades and four continents, with success across a broad range of energy infrastructure projects. Terms under which this service is provided to you, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Illegal Immigrant From Mexico Is Suspect in Mass Shooting of Honduran Family, Democrats Must Be Really Horrible At Fundraising, Donald Trumps Paper Tiger Campaign Is Worried As Hell, Regulator Seizes First Republic in Second-Largest US Bank Failure, Sells to JPMorgan, Coons: Kamala Harris Is 'Ready to Be President', Mayorkas Has a New Definition for 'Secure Border'. Copyright 2023 & Salem Media Group. This site is a proud member of Salem National, a subsidiary of Salem Media Group. even one negative thing to say about Trump, both personally and politically. The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s. Republican politicians and their allies in the conservative media behaved exactly as the Kremlin intended. [1] He was a deputy director at University of Gttingen, professor at Karlsruhe, University of Istanbul, the University of California, San Diego and Brown University, where he advised Bernard Budiansky. Paul Prager, principal of Bluepoint Hospitality, who attended the nearby Naval Academy and has a summer home and farm in the area, has been buying historic buildings In this case, much of the funding for the first PragerU videos. [37], In June 2020, Snopes criticized the video "How To End White Privilege." All Rights Reserved. Sign up now to get all our videos as soon as they're released. PragerU has 3.2 million Facebook followers and 2 million YouTube subscribers, though some of these might overlap. In South Carolina, a small-business man named Tim Scott is the Republican candidate for South Carolinas first congressional district. In any other era, our political leaders would be aghast at the rank opportunism, moral flippancy and borderline treasonous instincts on display. It would be as if someone in the mid-1800s had said, "I strongly oppose slavery, but the Democratic candidate is a much finer and more likeable individual than the Republican candidate.". How did the party of Ronald Reagans moral clarity morph into that of Donald Trumps moral vacuity? He is witty and thoughtful read the UKs Daily Telegraphs feature article on him and, by the way, black. Mike Rothschild is a writer who specializes in researching and debunking conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs. There are reasons why black voters flocked away from the Republicans at the same time that this party switch supposedly never happened. After I became a Republican in the early 1990s in a recent column, I explained how emotionally difficult it is for a Democrat to vote Republican, let alone become one I concluded that I had left the dangerous party and joined the stupid party. Its denial of widely accepted climate science aside, PragerU tends to find itself on both ends of a great deal of controversy. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on Yet, he so loathes the president that he will vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Fine Democrats who defended slavery did as much harm to blacks and to America as disreputable Democrats. [37][27] "Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?" It is named after someone named Prager, though.. You know where I am going with this, dont you? , two billionaire brothers from Texas who made a fortune in the fracking industry and believe in bringing the Bible back into school rather than teaching the gay agenda. Beyond their oil wealth, the Wilks brothers are involved in the Assemblies of Yahweh church, which preaches inflexible belief in every aspect of the Old and New Testaments, and provided seed money for Ben Shapiros conservative news site Daily Wire. Or, you can see the solid conservative south switch specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. [25] PragerU contended that Facebook had engaged in deliberate censorship. You have to explain to your childrenrepeatedlywhat America you stand for, Prager wrote in a 2013 column on his website. Full stop. Six days after the Confederate army surrendered, John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, assassinated President Lincoln. WebWilliam Prager, (before 1940) Willy Prager, (May 23, 1903 in Karlsruhe March 17, 1980 in Zurich) was a German-born US applied mathematician.In the field of mechanics he is well The south, which was Democrat at the time, created the KKK. You know not what you have done. This includes Prager merchandise, a variety of books, subscription services for his website, expensive trips to Israel alongside Prager, and of course, Prager University. In Michigan, the Republican candidate against John Dingell is Rob Steele, a distinguished cardiologist. In this case, much of the funding for the first PragerU videos came from Dan and Farris Wilks, two billionaire brothers from Texas who made a fortune in the fracking industry and believe in bringing the Bible back into school rather than teaching the gay agenda. Beyond their oil wealth, the Wilks brothers are involved in the Assemblies of Yahweh church, which preaches inflexible belief in every aspect of the Old and New Testaments, and provided seed money for Ben Shapiros conservative news site Daily Wire. He also writes about politics, history, and breaking news. Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). It is this ethical rot that allows Dennis Prager, one of the rights more unctuous professional moralists, to opine with a straight face that The news media in the West pose a far greater danger to Western civilization than Russia does. Why wouldnt a religious right that embraced a boastfully immoral charlatan like Donald Trump not turn a blind eye towardor, in the case of Franklin Graham, embracean oppressive regime like that ruling Russia? [4], In July 2019, PragerU representative Allen Estrin attended then-United States President Donald Trump's Social Media Summit, along with other conservative organizations and people such as Charlie Kirk and James O'Keefe.[12][13]. One person certainly thinks so: Dennis Prager, who. Its videos routinely get millions of views; its most popular YouTube video, an animated project called Make Men Masculine Again, currently has over 8.5 million. Despite the name, short for Prager University, PragerU is not an academic institution and does not hold classes or grant diplomas. The seven justices who voted in favor of slavery? The third myth is that the Republican Party has maintained a stronghold on the South with their use of the so-called Southern Strategy.. Today, its hard to judge this Russian effort as anything other than a smashing success. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described the video as a "dog whistle to the extreme right." [22][47][48], PragerU's coverage of COVID-19 has been criticized for spreading false and misleading information about the pandemic. Because they have a history of racism and bigotry that still exists to this very day. Instead, the Russia scandal has incurred a wrathful defensiveness among conservatives, who are reaching for anything paranoid attacks on the so-called American deep state, allegations of conspiracy among Obama administration holdovers to distract attention from the very grave reality of Russian active measures. The south used to vote Democrat, and now they vote Republican. PragerU has also been accused of promoting anti-LGBTQ politics. Since there was no exodus of people from the south to the north during this time, I will assume that the culture, ideas, and economics did not suddenly change during this time either. that he sees it as direct competition to the modern liberal arts college. A recent investigation by Politico Magazine, meanwhile, revealed how Russian intelligence services have been using the internet and social networks to target another redoubt of American conservativism: the military community. So angry are many Americans at what the left is trying to do to America that spectacularly bright and accomplished individuals from every walk of life have decided to leave their professions and run for office. Radio host Dennis Prager co-founded Prager University to fight supposed leftist and secular indoctrination on college campuses, which he believes instillun-American values in students. [23][24], The organization depends on donations to produce its content. FDR, who was a Southern Democrat at the time, was influential in changing the political structure during The New Deal, and some years surrounding this change in core beliefs of both parties. TKOmrade The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party - YouTube Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms.. In a video about the alt-right, Michael Knowles argued that it has nothing in common with conservatism and instead is close to leftism, except the left is much larger. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Rubios GOP colleagues completely ignored his counsel. Such an effort would be like staging an intervention for a drunk and abusive family member: painful but necessary. PragerU will tell viewers that the minimum wage shouldnt be increased, racism isnt a problem in America, multiculturalism is destroying Europe, todays Democratic Party is directly linked to the KKK, and men are being oppressed. Hundreds of black men were elected to southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the US Congress by 1900. WebPaul Prager - $36,800 in Political Contributions for 2020, Campaign Finance, Money, American politics, American political campaign contributions, presidential campaign The derivation of the emails (stolen by Russian hackers) and the purpose of their dissemination (to sow dissension among the American body politic) have either been ignored, or, in the case of my conservative interlocutor, ludicrously held up as an example of Russian altruism meant to save American democracy from the perfidious Clinton clan. 1 geopolitical foe: Vladimir Putins Russia. Or, the Democrats?Most people would probably say the Democrats. When conservative bloggers are willing to accept hundreds of thousands of dollars from Malaysias authoritarian government to launch a smear campaign against a democratic opposition leader they know nothing about, how much of a jump is it to line up and defend what at the very least was attempted collusion on the part of a brain-dead dauphin like Donald Trump Jr.? [39], According to Francesca Tripodi, PragerU's videos advance the conspiracy theory, popular among the alt-right, that whiteness and conservatism are under attack and many videos on PragerU focus on delegitimizing the mainstream media, accusing it of being based on emotion or opinion rather than fact. It is to vote for the party that, for the first time in American history, openly identifies with socialism more than with capitalism. [5] PragerU guests cover a range from the secular right, the far-right, and the theocratic right. 5. And they imposed poll taxes and literacy tests, used to subvert the black citizens right to vote.And how was all of this enforced? Instead, we get this from the president of the United States, explaining away his sons encounter with Russian operatives who were advertised as working on behalf of the Kremlin: Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. As historian Eric Foner - himself a Democrat - notes:In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.For the complete script, visit Logan Paul Prager (age 26) is listed at 5805 Trace Meadow Loop Apt 104 Riverview, Fl 33578 and is affiliated with the Republican Party. [19][20], In 2018, as part of its efforts to counter misinformation, YouTube added fact-checking tags to PragerU's videos about climate change. In this video, Vanderbilt University professor Carol M. Swain argues that the Republican's Southern strategy is a "myth" and is not what caused the South to become Republican. This is due to many reasons, as points out: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. But most of all, it said that every single Republican was prepared to fight the left, whatever the political cost. Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a long history of discrimination. [26] Much of PragerU's early funding came from hydraulic fracturing billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks. [22] According to the non-profit think tank InfluenceMap, targeted ads posted on Facebook included misleading material that cast doubt on science, framed climatic concerns as ideological and hysteria, and promoted a conspiracy theory that "big government control" is the real motivation behind energy policies to reduce gas emissions. [10], In 2020, PragerU received $704,057 in COVID-19 relief loans from the Paycheck Protection Program; this debt was later forgiven in full. the 115th United States Congress under Trump, the 71st United States Congress under Hoover, the electoral map of the solid south over time. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on the book of Genesis. I find nothing admirable in this position -- morally or rationally. Mr. WebPaul Prager, Co-Founder, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Paul Prager is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League described it as "filled with anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric". [3] In 1957, he received a Guggenheim Fellowship.[4]. I believe they made a keen study of the American political scene and realized that, during the Obama years, the conservative movement had become ripe for manipulation. It was co-founded in 2009 by Allen Estrin and talk show host Dennis Prager. Watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel, California Do not sell my personal information. William Prager, (before 1940) Willy Prager, (May 23, 1903 in Karlsruhe March 17, 1980 in Zurich) was a German-born US applied mathematician. The New Deal, which happened about the time of Roosevelt, cemented a new change in political structure, that changed from North Vs South to Liberal Vs Conservative. But alas there has been no such reckoning within the party of Reagan. It is so irrational as to be incredible. PragerU's Educator Program, with 3,000 sign-ups reported as of 2015, supplies teachers with lesson plans and study guides that accompany videos. Second Amendment Win: Federal Judge Blocks Illinois Ban on Some Semi-Automatic Rifles, Mag Kennedy Surges Despite Bias and Censorship. But we now know that they had no problem accepting the Kremlins helpin fact, Trump Jr. professes disappointment that his Russian interlocutors didnt deliver the goods. Back then, the Putin fan club was limited to seemingly fringe figures like Pat Buchanan (Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative? he asked, answering in the affirmative), a bunch of cranks organized around the Ron Paul Institute and some anti-gay marriage bitter-enders so resentful at their domestic political loss they would ally themselves with an authoritarian regime that not so long ago they would have condemned for exporting godless communism.. No one article can truly encapsulate Pragers decades of political commentary, but he did a pretty decent job summarizing his own worldview in a March The entire Trump-Russia saga strikes at a deeper issue which most Republicans have shown little care in examining: What is it about Donald Trump that attracted the Kremlin so? Trump Sr., after all, explicitly implored Russia to hack Clintons private email server. He didnt respond). In contrast, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. And to whatever extent Republican politicians found their moral and philosophical moorings, the Republican voter did so at least as much. Prager also does a longer fireside chat video every week. Making up the Trust are members Ned Hennighausen, Allan Noble, Hon. [41], By 2015, PragerU developed two partnership programs to promote its views, including religious material, in public and private schools. All of these are, presumably, things Dennis Prager wants college students to know. They say that they would vote for any Republican except Donald Trump because they find his character so objectionable. Tomorrow it could be us.. Put aside the factual inaccuracies in this missive (it was not Hillary Clintons controversial private server the Russians are alleged to have hacked, despite Donald Trumps explicit pleading with them to do so, but rather those of the Democratic National Committee and her campaign chairman, John Podesta). Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? The Democrats did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.But after Reconstruction ended, when the federal troops went home, Democrats roared back into power in the South. Sometime after 1866, the two parties switched platforms. ", "Who Funds PragerU's Anti-Muslim Content? In the 1857 case Dred Scott v. Sandford, the court ruled that slaves arent citizens; theyre property. [8][32], Among topics covered, PragerU videos have argued against a $15 minimum wage, against increased gun control, and in support of capitalism. Here, laid bare, are the impulses of a large swathe of todays Republican Party. Voting for any Democrat -- whether for mayor, district attorney, state legislature, state governor, the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate or president -- is to vote for someone who will enable the left to destroy America as we know it. Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party The Republicans? In March 2018, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh dismissed the case, ruling that because Google was a private company, PragerU had failed to show that Google had infringed its free speech rights. In effect, the left says, and has been saying for a hundred years, You may not agree with us, but our opponents are evil.. Co-Founder, and Chief Executive Officer of TeraWulf Inc. [43], Vanity Fair said PragerU "packages right-wing social concepts into slick videos" and that PragerU was "one of the most effective conversion tools for young conservatives. Or when he praised Putin on Morning Joe in December of 2015. In California, two powerhouse women, Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman, are the Republican candidates for senator and governor respectively. His career as an entrepreneur, executive, developer, and [4] In this way, viewers identifying as mainline conservatives gain "easy access to white supremacist logic. "[40], Reason has criticized PragerU's claims of being censored by big tech companies for being false, as the company's content had not been removed from any social media platforms, and that they indicate a misunderstanding of the First Amendment as protecting a party from any type of censorship, when that law merely protects content from censorship by the government.

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