jujube tree root system


Among them, stimulating sucker propagation by cutting off the roots at the periphery of the vertical projection of the canopy and separating fasciculate suckers can increase the reproductive coefficient, while gathering and nurturing the suckers in a nursery can greatly improve the quality of the root system. & Li, H. Nutrient composition analysis of jujube from different habitats. Forests10, 460 (2019). Analysis of QTL for needle length in Chinese jujube. Ploidy segregation and pure tetraploid acquirement from mixoploid (2x + 4x) Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Comprehensive studies have shown that the most advantageous nutritional features of jujube fruit include its contents of soluble sugars (23 times the levels in other fruits), vitamin C (100 times the level in other fruits), cAMP (1000 times the level in other fruits), vitamin B, triterpenoid acid, proline, polysaccharide, flavonoids, iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc. Second, jujube fruits can satisfactorily meet the various needs of consumers. It takes ~1 month for natural drying or air drying to be complete, while the time required can be reduced to 1 day or even less with artificial drying. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 6177, Atkinson D, Johnson MG, Mattam D, Mercer ER (1978) The effect of orchard soil management on the uptake of nitrogen by established apple trees. J. Agric. cv. Forests10, 392 (2019). and Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng were also proposed to consider them as two independent species67. The 2019 Forum of China Jujube Industry, Linxian County, Shanxi Province (2019). Acad. Some gene families involved in phytoplasma and cold stress and flower and fruit development were identified and analyzed at the genome level22,23,24,32,33,34. Jinsi 4 on its fruit cracking and nutritional quality in the South. It . Within Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng, three forms were confirmed, namely, f. granulata Cheng et Liu, f. trachysperma Cheng et Liu, and f. infecunda Cheng et Liu. Hu, F. Study on Four Main Functional Components of Chinese Jujube. The house that backs up to my house never had sprinklers in . It was reported that jujube originated from the Yellow River valley between Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces, China, after studying ancient documents, fossils and modern distributions as well as the transitional genotypes of jujube and sour jujube1,5. Hortic.244, 372378 (2019). Can J Bot 84:16861694, Zamora DS, Jose S, Nair PKR (2007) Morphological plasticity of cotton roots in response to interspecific competition with pecan in an alley cropping system in the southern United States. Acta Hortic. Discovery and identification of natural triploid ploidy of Chinese jujube cultivar Pingguozao. Jujube is difficult to keep fresh. Soc. The presence of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied. Jiang, H. & Liu, M. Studies on polyploid induction of Chinese jujube with colchicine. Li, D., Niu, X. When I planted my Jujube as a bare root tree, I chopped it down to knee height about 2 feet tall and it finished the summer around 9 feet. After the beginning of the 21st century, outbreaks of pests and diseases, including Lygocoris lucorum, Euzophera batangensis, Ceratitis capitata, jujube flies, fruit cracking, and fruit shrinking, have become increasingly severe102,110,111,112,113,114. Liu, M., Wang, J., Wang, L. et al. Wang, L. et al. Evol.303, 413417 (2017). & Huang, J. The roots of both intercropped wheat and jujube had less root length density (RLD) at all soil depths than those of sole wheat and jujube trees. p Sci. drew the figure of the different organ morphologies of Chinese jujube. For Ecol Manag 16:269279, Mead R, Willey RW (1980) The concept of a land equivalent ratio and advantages in yields from intercropping. J. Ningxia Agric. Coll.25, 3033 (2004). Org.131, 175182 (2017). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Genome-wide characterization of simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci in Chinese jujube and jujube SSR primer transferability. Based on the main contents of jujube research, the landmark achievements and the supporting role for jujube industry development, this period can be further subdivided into three stages3the period of recovery after World War II (19491978), the period of accelerating development (19791999), and the period of comprehensive development (20002019). ISSN 2662-6810 (print), The historical and current research progress on jujubea superfruit for the future, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41438-020-00346-5, Germplasm resources and genetic breeding of Paeonia: a systematic review, Comparative population genomics dissects the genetic basis of seven domestication traits in jujube, A roadmap for research in octoploid strawberry, Advancing crop genomics from lab to field, RosBREED: bridging the chasm between discovery and application to enable DNA-informed breeding in rosaceous crops, Prunus genetics and applications after de novo genome sequencing: achievements and prospects, The genome of cultivated peanut provides insight into legume karyotypes, polyploid evolution and crop domestication, An update on the arsenal: mining resistance genes for disease management of Brassica crops in the genomic era, Identification and stacking of crucial traits required for the domestication of pennycress, http://jujube.genomics.cn/page/species/index.jsp, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Identification and expression analysis of BURP domain-containing genes in jujube and their involvement in low temperature and drought response, Comparison of ascorbate metabolism in fruits of two jujube species with differences in ascorbic acid content, Genomic constitution and relationships of Ziziphus species collected from Malakand Division, Pakistan, Multiple responses contribute to the enhanced drought tolerance of the autotetraploid Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Sin.33, 687 (2006). At present, the jujube industry in China has entered a new era of transformation, upgrading, and globalization150,151. (3) Current labor-intensive cultivation techniques were developed with the goal of increasing yields on small farms with inexpensive labor. Environ.11, 405409 (2013). ) in a Paulownia and wheat intercropping system. Yang, X. et al. J Sci Food Agric 30:129135, Article Acta Hortic. Study on the content of polysaccharides in different cultivars, growing periods and organs in Chinese Jujube. Process.8, 4547 (2014). The contents of vitamin C, cAMP, soluble sugars, titratable acids, sucrose, glucose, and fructose were significantly higher in tetraploid Riguang fruits than in diploid Dongzao fruits79. BMC Genom.20, 568 (2019). Bot. Based on a systematic analysis of the unique characteristics of jujube, we suggest that it deserves to be recognized as a superfruit. Zhang, Z., Huang, J. Jujube fruits are eaten fresh, dried, boiled, stewed, and baked and are used to flavour tea. Jinsixiaozao. The Illustrated Germplasm Resources of Chinese Jujube (China Agriculture Press, 2013). Liu, X., Li, H., Liu, Z., Zhao, J. Jujube leaves are rich in leucine, vitamin B6, carotene, betulinic acid, and ursolic acid, the flowers are rich in vitamin B1 and leucine, and mature fruits are rich in cAMP, functional sugars, vitamin B, triterpenic acid, proline, and some other important functional components in addition to the well-known carbohydrates and vitamin C. Jujube is an important traditional herb and tonic. (6) Quality and nutrition preservation with postharvest and processing technology: adapting to internet and international marketing and upgrading the jujube market structure; making jujube an essential raw material in several superfoods that are increasingly requested by the market in addition to being directly used as fresh or dried fruit13; extending different production and processing certification systems (e.g., Global GAP, Organic, etc.) Liu, P., Peng, J., Peng, S., Zhou, J. N. W. SCI-TECH Uni. Jujube tree needs to change its pots when it is young, turning pots and changing soil. Yao, S. Past, present, and future of jujubesChinese dates in the United States. Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M. & Qian, J. M.L. Morphological, cytological and nutritional changes of autotetraploid compared to its diploid counterpart in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). Approximately 1500 YA (the Northern Wei Dynasty), Jia Simiao wrote a famous agricultural book called Qi Min Yao Shu that not only recorded 45 jujube cultivars but also described cultivar selection breeding, orchard site selection, planting times and methods, flower thinning, girdling, harvesting, and jujube paste processing. Agrofor Syst 61:237255, Li FD, Meng P, Fu DL, Wang BP (2008) Light distribution, photosynthetic rate and yield in a Paulownia-wheat intercropping system in China. Flora of China (Science Press, 2007). Juice obtained from the fruits is used in making small . The beginning of this period was marked by the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949. Pruning is necessary if you want to keep your Jujube tree down to a manageable height. tortuosa Hort., Z. jujuba Mill. Zhang, Z. It only takes 10 days to differentiate flowers whenever there is new shoot growth1. Method 3: is a universal technology free of emasculation, i.e., covering the parents with nets to keep away unexpected pollen donors, pollinating by bees inside the nets, and identifying the hybrids with molecular markers84. Acta Hortic. This work was financially supported by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Project No. Plant Physiol.224-225, 110 (2018). Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding (2019). Sci.21, 414418 (2004). The older the jujube the more developed were the jujube roots so that the smaller the SRL of jujube the bigger the RLD and RD of jujube. The rooting rate can reach as high as 95%96, but its cost and technical requirements are relatively higher than those of other propagation techniques. After entering the 21st century, protected cultivation techniques for fresh jujube have developed gradually. Mao, Y. et al. Sci. Benefiting from late bud sprouting (~20 days later than peach), late flowering (June in North China) and a 2-month flowering period, jujube avoids late frosts and biennial bearing. proposed that jujube evolved from wild sour jujube1 based on a systematic study of ancient books, ecological distributions, karyotyping, palynology, and isoenzymes as well as of the transitional types between jujube and sour jujube1. The jujube tree is the main cash crop and wheat is a primary food crop and both are harvested once a year in south Xinjiang. Study on systematic relationships of Ziziphus jujuba and Ziziphus spinosa using RAPD technique. Wu, Y., Zhang, J. The historical and current research progress on jujubea superfruit for the future. For successful grafting there are five important requirements: This species, 7.6 to 9 metres (25 to 30 feet) high, has alternate, three-veined, elliptical to ovate leaves 2.5 to 7.6 cm (1 to 3 inches) long. and Ziziphus acidojujuba Cheng et Liu as the proper scientific names for the jujube genus, the jujube and the sour jujube, respectively10,65,66,67,68,69. Chen et al. Univ.42, 8590 (2019). Plant Cell Tiss. Wang, X., Shao, J., Zhang, X., Peng, S. & Wang, Y. (China Forestry Publishing House, 2013). Stnic, F. Rezultate preliminare privind micronmulirea in vitro a curmalului chinezesc (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) The ethylene and ABA pathways are involved in regulating jujube fruit ripening30,31. PubMed Effects of different treatments on storage quality of Dongzao jujube fruits during shelf-life period. Research methods should involve more new approaches, such as modern information technology and multiomics techniques. spinosa plants from leaf explants. Jiangxiensis35, 935939 (2013). The assembly (437.6Mb) covered 98.6% of the estimated jujube genome (444Mb), and 32,808 protein-coding genes were predicted (http://jujube.genomics.cn/page/species/index.jsp). A series of new products with high nutrient value, such as refined jujube cyclic nucleotides, jujube polysaccharides, jujube oil, instant jujube powder, and high vitamin C juice, have been developed54,139,149. Jinsixiaozao hort. China is the country with the longest history of jujube cultivation. In the last 30 years, various new products, such as jujube juice, jujube powder, jujube slices, jujube tea, jujube beer, jujube essence, and jujube pigment, have been developed149. The trend of jujube industrial development and research. Dried jujube (the main form) can be stored for more than 1 year at room temperature with proper insect control and for 23 years at 4C. According to the authors investigation in Iran, all the jujube trees that were hundreds of years old were located at key sites on the ancient Silk Road, and Iranian scholars report that the jujube was introduced from China. Qu et al. Dicianu, E. D., Ivan, E. ., Jerca, I. O., Ciceoi, R. & Stnic, F. Morphometric and phytopathological analysis of Romanian jujube fruits during the storage period. Structures and immunological activities of two pectic polysaccharides from the fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. We can simulate the growth trend of the bearing jujube based on different length conditions and use L ( d) = l max 1 + e a - r d to calculate the length of the bearing jujube based on different growth days. PubMedGoogle Scholar, Zhang, W., Ahanbieke, P., Wang, B.J. In the past 30 years, a total of ~200 new cultivars with large fruit, good fruit quality, high resistance to diseases, and varying uses and maturity times were released through polyploid breeding or selection from seedlings, bud mutants, and local germplasms2. The traditional production region formation period (Zhou DynastyHan Dynasty, or 1000 BCE1 CE). - var. Acta Hortic.390, 161165 (1995). ), and f. apyrena Cheng et Liu (Z. jujuba Mill. (5) Macroscopic research on jujube is still quite weak, and the existing studies in nontraditional fields such as ecological and cultural studies and the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries are insufficient. China Fruits3, 4647 (1983). Genome sequencing-based multiomics analysis combining transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, and phenotypic data has taken horticultural research to a new level. However, the earliest records and evidence from Iran and Japan could only be traced back to 2000 YA, when SinoJapan exchanges became popular and Zhang Qian was sent on a diplomatic mission to west Asia and European countries during the Han Dynasty. research in Romania. How to Grow a Jujube Tree. Huang, J., Chen, R. & Li, X. The same depth should be used to plant bare-root trees as in the nursery row (or no more than 1-inch below). HortScience53, 609612 (2018). Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. It was discovered that an autotetraploid sour jujube had higher tolerance to salinity than the diploid, and its preliminary molecular mechanism was illustrated80,81. A study on the classification of jujube and wild jujube by peroxidase isozyme. Studies of root systems and the nutrition-use efficiency of dense, dwarfed fruit . After the beginning of the 21st century, much more attention was paid to intensive processing that highlights the characteristic nutrients of jujube. Plastic house and Chinese solar greenhouse cultivation (a plastic house with thick back wall as a thermal mass) have been successful in North China and have formed large-scale production regions of over 10,000ha in Dali County in Shaanxi Province and Linyi County in Shanxi Province in China. Hebei12, 1013 (1989). Fruit scientific research in new China in the past 70 years: Chinese jujube. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in In the past 20 years, postharvest treatment technology for Chinese jujube has made great progress. Converting dehydroascorbic acid to AsA (vitamin C) resolved the bottleneck problem in the determination of dehydroascorbic acid, and accurate determination methods for the two kinds of vitamin C in jujube were finalized141,143. Currently, under the optimal storage conditions, half-red fresh jujube can be preserved for 23 months or even more than 4 months. spinosa. . Solar greenhouses along hillsides facing the sun in the Taihang Mountains of Hebei Province have the advantages of lower investment costs, better sunlight, and much better heat retaining properties than a traditional greenhouse by using the mountain as the back wall of the greenhouses107. Jujube is becoming increasingly important in arid and semiarid marginal lands because of its outstanding endurance and adaptability to drought as well as barren and salty soil and deserves to be considered a superfruit for the future due to its distinct advantages. However, the Rhamnaceae family was moved to the Rosales order in the APG III Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Classification based on chloroplast DNA sequencing (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III, 2009), which was further confirmed by phylogenic studies on the genome-sequenced plant species using 390 shared genes64. Jujube is a tree that produces a date-like fruit. reported that Shanxixiaozao could be stored for 70 days at 01C and 60% RH119. Sin.31, 647650 (2004). Chireceanu, C., Iamandei, M., Stnic, F. & Chiriloaie, A. Sin.44, 195196 (2017). Li, D., Du, X., Wang, Y., Sui, C. & He, J. Callus induction and embryogenesis of Ziziphus jujuba cv. To perform nutritional analysis and intensive processing on jujube, efficient extraction and determination methods were established and optimized for 23 kinds of nutrient components (7 vitamins, 3 triterpenic acids, 8 amino acids, aromatics, cAMP, polysaccharides, flavonoids, and pigments) in jujube54,136,137,138,139,140,141,142. Du, X., Li, D., Wang, Y., Sui, C. & Fan, B. var. Dongzao. Plant Soil 227:149161, Article Acta Hortic.840, 259262 (2008). Qu, Z. . ), or Chinese date, is the most important species of Rhamnaceae, a large cosmopolitan family, and is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world. Rep.7, 1025 (2017). lageniformis Nakai, Z. jujuba Mill. Nat. Fruit. Sci. PubMed Central Univ.26, 221224 (1999). Corrections? It has multiple uses as a fresh or dried fruit, processing material, traditional Chinese medicine, celebratory food, health product, and a representative of native Chinese products. It seems that you can pretty much . Pap. Luo, Z. et al. Jujube breeding has a long history. PubMed Commun.42, 221224 (2006). To date, more than 95% of jujube production is still concentrated in China, and scientific research on jujube is also mainly carried out in China. Eleven jujube cultivars were recorded in Erya, written 2600 YA. Objectives such as tolerance to transportation and long storage life, varied ripening times, and multiple-use cultivars are marketers preferences. Jujube tree roots showed a mainly downward trend and . Generally, it is best to repot it from March to may in spring. PubMedGoogle Scholar. South Univ. for jujube products to respond to the demands of different international markets and especially of large distribution channels. Zhang, C., Huang, J., Yin, X., Lian, C. & Li, X. 201003043-01)and by NSFC (Project No. Compd.43, 374376 (2007). & Tian, J. Zhao, Z., Liu, M. & Tu, P. A bioactive polysaccharide isolated from the fruits of Chinese jujube. Wang, N., Liu, M., Dai, L. & Qin, Z. Asian J. Chem.24, 792796 (2012). Using the genome data, 511 pairs of SSR primers showing high polymorphism were screened and applied for the identification of large-scale hybrid progeny and a genetic diversity analysis18,19,20. Evaluation of five natural variants materials from ziziphus jujuba Mill. & Gao, Q. in Bucureti area. Spectr. Thank you for visiting nature.com. The complex jujube genome provides insights into fruit tree biology. Sci. 1. The basic ideas for jujube research in the future are as follows: serve the producers, consumers, marketers, government, and society at the same time; learn from experiences with other fruit trees; align with modern global agricultural development, including the reduction of chemical pesticides and environmentally friendly approaches153; carry out innovative research in various fields, multiple levels, and through whole industrial chains; and strongly support the advancement of science and technology for the jujube industry in the new era. Stnic, F., Dicianu, D. E. & Butcaru, A. C. Jujube fruits behaviour at controlled atmosphere storage. Xue, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, P. & Wang, L. Effect of hypobaric storage on physiological and biochemical changes of Dong jujube fruit during cold storage. Try not to plant it close to your house if there's a good source of water inside since there are some owners who report roots are able to break through stone. Jujube never needs flower-promoting treatments. showed that the percentage of healthy fruit and the edible rate of Dongzao jujube stored at 2C for 100 days were 7.4% and 20.2% higher than those of jujube stored at 0C125. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Nature - The historical and current research progress on jujubea superfruit for the future, jujube - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Liu, M. The challenges and countermeasures of jujube industry during transition period. This period has not yet ended, and there is still a long way to go before establishing a modern technology system for jujube. Liu, M. Advances in taxonomy study on the genus Ziziphus. This evidence showed that the traditional jujube cultivation technology system had been established at 1500 YA, and many of these processes have been used continually until the present. Agric Water Manag 87:6172, Rao MR, Sharma MM, Ong CK (1990) A study of the potential of hedge row intercropping in semi-arid India using a two-way systematic design. Analysis of Bioactive Components and Extraction Technique of Wax in Jujube. Jujube is highly tolerant of drought, infertility and salinity, and has low demands for water and fertilizers4 (Table 1). Evaluation of Six Natural Variants and Screening of Genes Associated with Twisted Branches in Ziziphus Jujuba Mill. Agric. Liu, P. et al. In addition, other books such as Descriptors and Data Standards for Jujube Germplasm56, Test Guidelines for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stabilityjujube57, Technical Regulators for the Identification of Jujube Cultivars-SSR Marker Method provide references and technical standards for character selection, data collection, testing, and identification in jujube germplasm studies. Fruit. Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome of four known Ziziphus species. Identifying the genetic diversity, genetic structure and a core collection of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. quinequeflora Hort. J. Hortic. Tree Genet. & Liu, M. Expression profiles of genes and enzymes related to ascorbic acid metabolism in fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Many reports on fresh fruit preservation techniques in jujube have been published. Hortic. Acta Hortic.769, 265269 (2006). Liu, P. et al. Agrofor Syst 50:116, Friday JB, Fownes JH (2002) Competition for light between hedgerows and maize in an alley cropping system in Hawaii, USA. For instance, the formation and genetic mechanisms of the main economic traits of jujube and the interaction between jujube fruit development and environmental changes are still unclear, which restricts breeding efficiency improvements and innovation in cultivation techniques. The seedling rate of young embryos <30 days after flowering (before the abortion peak) was increased from 3.7 to 40%89. Research on jujube cultivation technology has a long history that includes fruitful achievements and has played an important role in promoting the jujube industry. In vitro plantlets were obtained from the stem segments of root suckers in 198398. Wang, L. et al. Wang et al. Agrofor Syst 31:181198, Schroth G, Poidy N, Morshauser T, Zech W (1995) Effects of different methods of soil tillage and biomass application on crop yields and soil properties in agroforestry with high tree competition. The crisp white pulp surrounds a single large pointed stone. However, green shoot cuttings (semilignified primary extension shoots, secondary shoots, and bearing shoots) root much more easily and have a high reproductive coefficient. PubMed Central Softwood grafting in early spring also gave success of 90%. var. found that the respiration rate, ethylene release, and cell membrane permeability of Dongzao stored at 00.5C were significantly inhibited compared with those of jujube stored at room temperature121. Jujube research in the future should more precisely respond to the needs of industry, markets, and government and could even actively create and lead these demands. indicated that jujube was sensitive to CO2 and that fruit browning occurred quickly under the conditions of 10% CO2120. Liu, Z. et al. PLoS ONE11, e0154212 (2016). Mengjun Liu. Sin.41, 14951510 (2014). After the Asian Olympic Games in Beijing in 1990, dense cultivation was developed for dwarf fresh jujube, and even superdense plantings (grass orchards) with densities of up to 15,000 plants per hectare were established. spinosa Hu) and cultivate them1,2,3,4. Res.17, 307313 (1999). The flesh is as sweet as honey and as crisp as an apple or pear. Jujube needs to be promoted to consumers around the world as a new superfruit by scientists and commercial companies with the aim of introducing its unique qualities for human health and longevity. Evaluation on nutritious characteristics and germplasm screening of different Chinese jujube cultivars. Water and fertilizer are the two main factors which promote the rapid growth of Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) trees. Acta Hortic. These techniques effectively solve the problem of a short supply period for open field cultivation and can increases revenues by 35 times. The root system is the main organ of water uptake for the plant. spinosa Hu), four viewpoints have been reported66, i.e., that they are the same species, that jujube is a variety of sour jujube, that sour jujube is a variety of jujube, or that they are two different species.

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