headspace strain genetics


Supplementary Figs. OR. The Aspergillus-resistant locus 4 (Asprl4), one of several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that mediate resistance against Aspergillus fumigatus infection, overlaps this locus and comprises of a 1 Mb (~10% of QTL) interval that, compared to other classical strains, contains a haplotype unique to NZO/HlLtJ (Supplementary Fig. Sheared DNA was subjected to Illumina paired-end DNA library preparation and PCR-amplified for six cycles. Based on coordinate intersections, each transcript was assigned a putative parent gene, if possible. For example, chromosome 10 (22.122.4 Mb) on C57BL/6J contains Raet1 alleles and minor histocompatibility antigen members of H60. Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome. EMPLOYMENT 16-19: Indiana University; EMPLOYMENT 14-15: University of California. Each input genome assembly, along with its associated Chicago library read pairs in FASTQ format, were used as input data for HiRise, a software pipeline designed specifically to scaffold genomes using Chicago library data2. 73, 196200 (2012). 5, 814826 (2013). If your chamber is not only under minimum, but has a .223 leade, then the headspace reaming operation will take care of both. If you have too much headspace, and your brass stretches, then what? Basically, subjecting the same brass to excessive headspace too many times will cause it to break in the middle. 60, 403409 (1996). Genes within all hSNP candidate regions have been identified and annotated (Supplementary Fig. 9, 10991107 (2007). Further details of methods are given in the Supplementary Note. Our de novo assembly is concordant with previously published data for CAST/EiJ48. You will find the link onto the strain-description pages, right below the short overview about the available hybrids. The total terpene content is impressive, at 1.00% of the total weight. b, Evolutionary history of Efcab3-like in vertebrates including genome structure and surrounding genes. Chromosome assembly of large and complex genomes using multiple references. However, when part of a transcript structure was unclear, for example an unalignable transcript part, RNA-Seq evidence could help fill in missing parts. Boroviak, K., Doe, B., Banerjee, R., Yang, F. & Bradley, A. Chromosome engineering in zygotes with CRISPR/Cas9. In mouse, IRG protein family members contribute to the adaptive immune system by conferring resistance against intracellular pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Toxoplasma gondii56. Brain sections were double-stained using luxol fast blue for myelin and cresyl violet for neurons and scanned at cell-level resolution using the Nanozoomer whole-slide scanner (Hamamatsu Photonics). Nephrol. Members of group 4 Slfn genes50, Slfn8, Slfn9, and Slfn10, show significant sequence diversity among these strains. In most cases where a new locus was predicted on the reference genome, we identified pre-existing, but often incomplete, annotation. The assemblies had 4.76.7% primer pairs showing incorrect alignments compared to 10% for MGSCv3 (Supplementary Table 6). In mice, the gene Efcab3 is specifically expressed during development throughout many tissues with high expression in the upper layers of the cortical plate (see URLs) and is located in the immediate vicinity of the genomic 17q21.31 syntenic region linked to brain structural changes in both mice and humans63. If you're looking for something that will help you focus on a project or creative endeavor, this is the strain for you! Transcriptional activity and strain-specific history of mouse pseudogenes, Inbred lab mice are not isogenic: genetic variation within inbred strains used to infer the mutation rate per nucleotide site, Extended regions of suspected mis-assembly in the rat reference genome, Towards a reference genome that captures global genetic diversity, Population structure and inbreeding in wild house mice (Mus musculus) at different geographic scales, Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species, The sequences of 150,119 genomes in the UK Biobank, A unified catalog of 204,938 reference genomes from the human gut microbiome, https://github.com/ucsc-mus-strain-cactus/MouseGenomesAnnotationPipeline, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006886, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/02/11/088435, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Analysis of structural variation among inbred mouse strains, Multiple genome alignment in the telomere-to-telomere assembly era, Genetic quality: a complex issue for experimental study reproducibility, MoG+: a database of genomic variations across three mouse subspecies for biomedical research, Sign up for Nature Briefing: Translational Research. Proc. First, whole-genome alignments produced by Progressive Cactus65 were used as input to transMap, producing an initial set of orthologs. PLoS Genet. Nat. Get what matters in translational research, free to your inbox weekly. Retrotransposition of gene transcripts leads to structural variation in mammalian genomes. Mouse genomic variation and its effect on phenotypes and gene regulation. Here as example a link to the Map for Sensi Seeds Super Skunk. Due to popularity, many cultivars of the same name have cropped up, leading to confusion and dispute over the original genetics and breeder. The pontine nuclei were also increased in size by 42% (P=0.001) and the cerebellum by 27% (P=0.02); these two regions are involved in motor activity (Fig. This was a five-fold enrichment compared to an estimated genome-wide rate (Fig. See the Mouse Genomes Annotation pipeline documentation for details on this process (see URLs). 3d and Supplementary Fig. Cell Mol. These initial orthologs, along with strain-specific RNA-Seq (Supplementary Table 8), were input to AUGUSTUS74 one at a time to apply local strain-specific refinement. WGE: a CRISPR database for genome engineering. When mixing strains, consider the characteristics of each strain (e.g., Indica, Sativa, THC/CBD levels) and how they may complement or enhance each other. Proc. Laws vary by location, and it's important to ensure compliance. Gene retrotransposition has long been implicated in the creation of gene family diversity36, novel alleles conferring positively selected adaptations37. We have completed the first draft de novo assemblies and strain-specific gene annotation for 12 classical inbred laboratory mouse strains (129S1/SvImJ, A/J, AKR/J, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6NJ, CBA/J, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, LP/J, NZO/HlLtJ, and NOD/ShiLtJ) and 4 wild-derived strains representing the backgrounds Mus musculus castaneus (CAST/EiJ), M. m. musculus (PWK/PhJ), M. m. domesticus (WSB/EiJ), and M. spretus (SPRET/EiJ). Second, C57BL/6J reads aligned to the regions of interest in the C57BL/6NJ assembly were extracted for targeted assembly, leading to the generation of contigs covering sequences currently missing from the reference. 7). 21, 15121528 (2011). The paternal gene of the DDK syndrome maps to the Schlafen gene cluster on mouse chromosome 11. The largest difference in mean sequence divergence was between LTRs within and outside of hSNP dense regions. Sastalla, I. et al. Each of the three M. m. domesticus strains (C67BL/6J, NOD/ShiLtJ, and WSB/EiJ) carries a different combination of Nlrp1 family members; Nlrp1d1f are novel strain-specific alleles that were previously unknown. Previous variation catalogs have indicated high concordance (>97% shared SNPs) between NZO/HlLtJ and another inbred laboratory strain NZB/BlNJ21. Cell Tissue Res. OSullivan, T., Dunn, G. P., Lacoursiere, D. Y., Schreiber, R. D. & Bui, J. D. Cancer immunoediting of the NK group 2D ligand H60a. To obtain Check it out and see what will happen if you click onto the Hybrids! In AugustusCGP the same types of evidence can be incorporated for either a subset or all species/ strains. Webheadspace strain geneticsmegabus cardiff to london. Genet. Uteroglobin: a potential novel tumor suppressor and molecular therapeutic for prostate cancer. Fixed chromatin was then digested with restriction enzyme Mbo I, the 5 overhangs were filled in with biotinylated nucleotides and then free blunt-ends were ligated. We used these genomes to improve the mouse reference genome, resulting in the completion of 10 new gene structures. Simpson, J. T. & Durbin, R. Efficient de novo assembly of large genomes using compressed data structures. Ewing, A. D. et al. Natl Acad. Headspace has a modest amount of 19% THC on average although this number could vary from one grower to another. 21, 12391248 (2011). WebThis strain is a mind-bending, potent sativa that has earned its title as one of the best strains available. Examining the hSNPs in C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NJ, we find that the vast majority can be explained as occurring in remaining gaps or problematic regions of the reference genome. It can give off an earthy, lemony, pungent, spicy, or dank aroma. Genome Res. Cactus: Algorithms for genome multiple sequence alignment. Church, D. M. et al. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. De novo genome assembly methods address this issue by allowing unbiased assessments of the differences between genomes. It can induce euphoria, relaxation, and altered sensory perception. Cell 139, 13531365 (2009). Hunn, J. P., Feng, C. G., Sher, A. Population variation in NAIP functional copy number confers increased cell death upon Legionella pneumophila infection. Genome Res. In the de novo assemblies, both mouse strains share the same promoter region for Nlrp1c; however, when transcribed, the cDNA of Nlrp1c_CAST could not be amplified with previously designed primers54 due to SNPs at the primer binding site (5CACT-3 5TACC-3). PLoS Pathog. Sci. J.Li., A.G.D., T.M.K., B.P., I.T.F., M.A., P.D., D.W.L., X.I.S., R.D., P.F., C.E.M., R.M., and D.T.O. e, Box plot of sequence divergence (%)for LTRs, LINEs, and SINEs within and outside of hSNP regions. This makes it possible to exploit the combined evidence for gene finding and to discover genes that, for example, are only weakly expressed and partially supported in the reference strain but that have a high expression in other strains. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies J. Respir. For each strain separately, coding genes from GENCODE M815 overlapping pass heterozygote dense windows were identified. Leafly is not engaged in rendering medical service or advice and the information provided is not a substitute for a professional medical opinion. Comparative Annotation Toolkit (CAT) simultaneous clade and personal genome annotation. We identified between 116,439 (C57BL/6NJ) and 1,895,741 (SPRET/EiJ) high-quality hSNPs from the MGP variation catalog v521 (Supplementary Table 9). All of the mate-pair reads were aligned to GRCm38 with BWA-MEM v0.7.5, and duplicate fragments were removed with GATK MarkDuplicates v3.4. In particular, the wild-derived strains represent a rich resource of novel target sites, resistance alleles, genes and isoforms not present in the reference strain, or indeed Standard operating procedures are described in more details elsewhere79. Mamm. Genet. 35, 222236 (2015). WebHeadspace is a hybrid strain with a 60:40 sativa/indica ratio. 3b and Supplementary Fig. Due to popularity, many cultivars of the same name have cropped up, leading to confusion and dispute over the original genetics and breeder. However, we are left with six loci (57 kb) enriched for hSNPs in C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NJ that do not have an obvious explanation and could be attributed to residual heterozygosity. Loviglio, M. N. et al. Hpcal1 belongs to the neuronal calcium sensors expressed primarily in retinal photoreceptors, neurons, and neuroendocrine cells34. Windows were grouped according to the number of hSNPs they contained. Some suggest Red Velvet is a mix of Lemon Cherry Gelato and Pina Acai or a cross between Orange Velvet and Redrum. Article Three techniques were used to produce the gene annotation for each mouse strain. However, the most consistent reports maintain that a Cherry Pie/Burmese Thai cross makes The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. For example, strains high in THC may produce stronger psychoactive effects, while strains with balanced THC-to-CBD ratios may offer milder effects with potential medical benefits. Approximately 0.52% of total genome length per strain was unplaced and is composed of unknown gap bases (1849%) and repeat sequences (6179%) (Supplementary Table 2), with between 89 and 410 predicted genes per strain (Supplementary Table 3). volume50,pages 15741583 (2018)Cite this article. A co-evolutionary arms race: trypanosomes shaping the human genome, humans shaping the trypanosome genome. Scaffolds were broken in locations where there was not a minimum number of 10 kb and 40 kb (where available) fragments that spanned the join. The 10 kb Illumina Nextera libraries were prepared according to the manufacturers instructions (Illumina Nextera Sample Preparation Guide) with the addition of a size-selection step on the BluePippin (Sage Science). Thomas M. Keane. Anthony DiMeo. Biol. The presence of higher densities of hSNPs may indicate copy number changes, or novel genes that are not present in the reference assembly, forced to partially map to a single locus in the reference12,21. Mol. Ross DE, Marshall CW, Gulliver D, May HD, Norman RS. Our guide explores the relationship between cannabis and imagination, including how to use it to enhance your creative pursuits. The expected effects are a little bit like the effects of a good friend: relaxed, happy, euphoric, uplifted, creative, and focused. The odds of two rifles from different sources both having incorrect headspace is exceedingly low. Back in the early days, we ran into incorrect headspace frequently, as many people who were making parts were either new or not very good at it. Simpson, E. M. et al. 306, L10L22 (2014). EMBO Mol. Evolutionary history of mammalian transposons determined by genome-wide defragmentation. Inbred laboratory strains of mice are broadly organized into two groups, classical and wild-derived strains1, that can be used to model the variation observed in human populations2,3. Taylor, G. A. IRG proteins: key mediators of interferon-regulated host resistance to intracellular pathogens. 16, 407420 (2016). The origin of the strain is very controversial, but, in both instances, its genealogy includes OG Kush and Durban Poison, which gives it a minty and pungent punch with a sweet after-burst. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a curious tourist, our guide can help you find the best cannabis dispensaries anywhere you go. Behav. We observed several innate immunity gene families in mice with a high density of retrotransposons, which is the likely mechanism for diversification at these loci (for example, Nlrp1, Fig. Finally, alignment of PacBio long-read complementary DNA sequences from liver and spleen of C57BL/6J, CAST/EiJ, PWK/PhJ, and SPRET/EiJ showed that the GRCm38 reference genome had the highest proportion of correctly aligned cDNA reads (99% and 98%, respectively) and the strains and MGSCv3 were 12% lower (Supplementary Table 7). Science 346, 987991 (2014). Next, we used a set of 612 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer pairs previously used to validate structural variant calls in eight strains22. This strain is an easy-to-grow photoperiod cultivar that will produce dense buds it's a great option for new growers. Bustos, O. et al. Keane, T. M. et al. Physiol. carried out the genome annotation. In particular, the wild-derived strains represent a rich resource of novel target sites, resistance alleles, genes and isoforms not present in the reference strain, or indeed many classical strains. (2017). The DNA was sheared to ~350 bp mean fragment size and sequencing libraries were generated using NEBNext Ultra enzymes and Illumina-compatible adapters. Diversity Outbred mice identify population-based exposure thresholds and genetic factors that influence benzene-induced genotoxicity. 2a and Supplementary Table 13)42. a, Olfactory receptor genes on chromosome 11 of CAST/EiJ. We used the C57BL/6J GRCm38 sequence as a single reference and found that 95% adjacent synteny block pairs from the assemblies were also adjacent in C57BL/6J reference. Preclinical evaluation of human secretoglobin 3A2 in mouse models of lung development and fibrosis. Pairs of flanking guide RNAs (gRNAs) were designed using the WTSI Genome Editing (WGE) tool78 creating four gRNAs (two gRNAs 5 and two gRNAs 3 to the CE region, Supplementary Table 21). However, the locus contains a breakpoint at the common ancestor of chimpanzee, gorilla, and human (Homininae) due to a ~15 Mb intrachromosomal rearrangement that also deleted many of the internal EF-hand domain repeats (Fig. M.K.S. Sequential anaerobic-aerobic degradation of munitions waste. 11 and Supplementary Data 7) and the near-complete inclusion of the Sts gene that was previously missing. USA 113, E3300E3306 (2016). 1d). 2a,b). Sour Diesel BX2 (aka Sowahh) byApeOrigin - hergestellt mit offener Bestubung der Sowahh von Karma. Notably, NZO/HlLtJ contained 55 SNPs (33 shared with the wild-derived strains) and appears distinct compared to the other classical inbred strains (Supplementary Fig. 17, 167 (2016). The mRNA structure of each gene is shown with white lines on the blue blocks. 16, 1927 (1997). nov., a strictly anaerobic bacterium that grows via fermentation and reduces the cyclic nitramine explosive hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). Biotin-containing fragments were then isolated using streptavidin beads before PCR enrichment of each library. Genome 26, 366378 (2015). 3a). Examining only repeat elements with less than 1% divergence, we found these regions are significantly enriched for LTRs (empirical P<1107) and LINEs (empirical P=0.047). 1d). Same-day pickup or delivery in Portsmouth, ENG. Protoc. Med. We use cookies for certain features and to improve your experience. These coordinates were then used to estimate the combined density of hSNPs using a 10 kb sliding window (step of 2 kb) across the mouse reference genome. Strain HAAP-1 was isolated after enriching for the homoacetogens in a mineral medium containing RDX and an H2-CO2 (80:20) headspace. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the For example, the Nmur1 gene was extended at its 5 end and made complete on the basis of evidence supporting a prediction that spliced to an upstream exon containing the previously missing start codon. The Efcab3-like gene has previously been represented by two loci MGI:3651790 and MGI:1918144, corresponding to the 5 and 3 regions, respectively. Srivastava, A. et al. Discover the best cannabis Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration, education, and entertainment. F0 mice were screened for the exon deletion by a combination of end-point PCR and loss of wild-type allele quantitative PCR. 5). The consensus gene sets contain over 20,000 protein coding genes and over 18,000 non-coding genes (Fig. M.Q., L.S., N.P., L.Re., A.C., M.Du., and A.F.-S. prepared the samples and carried out the sequencing. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. These windows were then intersected with GENCODE M8 gene annotations; the total number of unique genes and base pair positions overlapping pass windows for each strain was calculated (Fig. But with the Headspace weed strain, you'll also get a side effect that is like your friend's annoying habit of always showing up late drowsiness. After applying this cut-off to all strain-specific hSNP regions and merging overlapping or adjacent windows, between 117 (C57BL/6NJ) and 2,567 (SPRET/EiJ) hSNP regions remained per strain (Supplementary Table 9), with an average size of 1820 kb (Supplementary Fig. Anthony DiMeo. Yalcin, B. et al. In mouse, embryonic death may occur between strains carrying incompatible Slfn haplotypes59. 13). Epub 2018 Nov 28. 1). J. Physiol. 3). Illumina sequencing compatible Mate Pair libraries were created at 3 and 6 kb according to the Sanger method70. Nat. All of the wild-derived strain hSNP regions contained gene and coding sequence (CDS) base-pair counts larger than any classical inbred strain (503 and 0.36 megabases (Mb), respectively; Supplementary Table 9). 2c). Immunol. Efacb3-like is conserved in orangutan but reversed in gorilla and appears to have split into two separate protein-coding genes, EFCAB3 and EFCAB13, in the Homininae lineage. 1e). Its effects hit like a freight train, unleashing creativity and happiness. This strain has also been speculated as Bob Marleys favorite. Relating Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Effects to Reaction Mechanisms during Aerobic or Anaerobic Degradation of RDX (Hexahydro-1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-Triazine) by Pure Bacterial Cultures. Publishers note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Clostridium geopurificans strain MJ1 sp. Svenson, K. L. et al. c, Total amount of sequence and protein-coding genes in regions enriched for hSNPs (relative to the GRCm38 reference genome) per strain. Environ. Curing and trimming the buds can be something that takes you multiple days. Newly annotated members Nlrp1b2 and Nlrp1d appear functionally intact in CAST/EiJ but were both predicted as pseudogenes in PWK/PhJ due to the presence of stop codons or frameshift mutations. We are here to help! Epub 2003 Jun 24. Amplified libraries were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq platform as paired-end 100 base reads according to the manufacturer's protocol. Inbred laboratory mouse strains are characterized by at least 20 generations of inbreeding and are genetically homozygous at almost all loci1. The 16S rRNA gene sequence for strain HAAP-1, consisting of 1485 base pairs, The remaining 31 strains used are commercial starters obtained from different companies. Genome Res. The authors declare no competing interests. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0223-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0223-8. A conditional knockout resource for the genome-wide study of mouse gene function. The previously annotated pseudogene model has been retained as a nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) transcript of the protein- coding locus. Growing strains with large yields can be a hassle during harvest time. Interestingly, the lateral ventricle was one the most severely affected brain structures exhibiting an enlargement of 65% (P=0.007). 14). Stremlau, M. et al. We examined three immunity-related loci on chromosome 11, IRG (GRCm38: 48.8549.10 Mb), Nlrp1 (71.0571.30 Mb), and Slfn (82.983.3 Mb) because of their polymorphic complexity and importance for mouse survival48,49,50. High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes. We thank members of the Sanger Institute Mouse Pipelines teams (Mouse Informatics, Molecular Technologies, Genome Engineering Technologies, Mouse Production Team, Mouse Phenotyping) and the Research Support Facility for the provision and management of the mice. Indoors, you can expect to harvest 1-2 Oz/Ft (~ 400 g/m) of weed. Across all strains, hSNP regions account for 1.55.5% of protein-coding genes (Fig. One of the challenges of gene finders is to distinguish coding genes from pseudogenes and expressed non-coding genes that contain partial open reading frames. Print 2016 Jun 1. 1c) and are over-represented with genes associated with immunity, sensory, sexual reproduction and behavioral phenotypes (Fig. We're still trying figure out what flavors or effects you've experienced - if it was good leave us an review below so other users know too d, Top PantherDB categories of coding genes in regions enriched for hSNPs based on protein class (left). Mari profitability report. The SV1 isoform in C57BL/6J is derived from truncated ancestral paralogs of Nlrp1b and Nlrp1d, indicating that Nlrp1d was lost in the C57BL/6J lineage. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis and is responsible for producing the "high" associated with marijuana use. Gigascience 1, 18 (2012). Liu, Q. et al. 102, 23692378 (2007). Knig, S., Romoth, L. W., Gerischer, L. & Stanke, M. Simultaneous gene finding in multiple genomes. The Nlrp1 locus (NOD-like receptors, pyrin domain-containing) encodes inflammasome components that sense endogenous microbial products and metabolic stresses, thereby stimulating innate immune responses51. Yalcin, B. et al. Lung Cell. Both loci have been targeted using a conditional approach as part of the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) resource. Here, we report the finished genome sequence of Methylocystis bryophila S285, a pMMO2-possessing methanotroph from a Sphagnum -dominated wetland, and compare it to the genome of Methylocystis sp. As a result, the total brain area parameter was enlarged by 7% (P=0.006). was supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant numbers WT108749/Z/15/Z, WT098051, WT202878/B/16/Z), the National Human Genome Research Institute (U41HG007234), and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. By accessing this site, you accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. government site. Bookshelf Before PLoS Comput. Hodgkins, A. et al. We found an 18 amino acid mismatch in the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) between Nlrp1b_CAST and Nlrp1b_PWK. Wang D, Boukhalfa H, Marina O, Ware DS, Goering TJ, Sun F, Daligault HE, Lo CC, Vuyisich M, Starkenburg SR. Microbiologyopen. The generation and assembly of a reference genome for C57BL/6J accelerated the discovery of the genetic landscape underlying phenotypic variation11.

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