elijah mikaelson oc wife fanfiction


They found out that the "son" was a werewolf and a vampire, the bloodline of the new werewolves is Klaus' bloodline of his real father. Faith Aurora Mikaelson. Ariane accepted her fate, wanting to be released from the burden of her magic, and Elijah bit down into her neck. Instead, Marcel had the owner of the home invite Elijah inside. He told her Mikaelsons relished in bloodshed and didn't want her to know that part of him. Sometime later at the compound Elijah meets with Hayley and Rebekah. He shivers and groans in pain, and explains to Hayley she has to leave and that his mind is flooded with torturous memories. However, a look from Klaus told Elijah that it was an act. Vincent coldly told him that he had no virtue and was a soulless infection to anyone around him, saddened that Hope had to be raised in a family he was part of. However their date is interrupted when Rebekah threatens to kill Marcel if he doesn't tell them where Elijah is. The brothers head outside the courtyard when Marcel approaches them, saying to Elijah he preferred him inside the box although he hands Sabine over to them, granting them one locator spell to find Hayley. In Season Four, now that Klaus has redeemed his nature for the sake of Hope, Elijah now acts as the families enforcer. Will you find your way out? When Elijah demanded the truth, he learned compulsion, which forced her to tell him what she knew. Elijah is still dealing with the emotional trauma of the last couple of years when an old friend returns to town to alert the Mikaelsons of the war that is brewing. His composure also enabled to him to single-handedly subdue Marcel's army without getting so much as a scratch on him, evidence by the lack of cuts on his clothes, something Klaus is unable to do, due to his lack of composure. Diego isn't happy with the presence of the werewolves. That's until her father's death by the Volt. Elijah and Klaus tracked down a witch who had been helping Elijah, Lenore, who was now possessed by Esther and speaking to Hayley. When Sophia finds out that Elijah had accused Klaus of planning to use the baby's blood to make more hybrids, she shut him out. He then says "Celeste. Elijah's prowess in combat even allowed him to defeat ancient vampires like members of the Strix with relative ease, even when outnumbered. She answers him by saying that the wolves deserve a voice, he knows it's the right thing to do. He threatened to expose them as monsters to the entire land. Elijah went to check on Hope on Klaus' orders to make sure all of their family was safe. He explains how they became vampires and for Niklaus, the very first Hybrid, resulting in the spell their mother cast on Klaus to suppress his werewolf side. Burning edges and scars and stars, Old pangs, captivation, and beauty. While they all reeled from having the Hollow's magic removed, Marcel showed that he had found Elijah's key in a coffin in the basement, recognizing that Hope viewed Elijah as death now after what happened to Hayley. He is later shown to be second to Finn in this regard. When Sabine has a location, revealing she is in The Bayou, Klaus snorts to Elijah that if he's afraid to ruin his expensive shows, Elijah looks to him and changes his mind that he could do with a decent walk after being inside a coffin. Instead, Alaric told them about another werewolf family line, where supposedly one of the members was buried with another of the Hollow's bones. In New Orleans, Elijah has developed feelings for Hayley Marshall, after he promised to protect her and the child she was carrying. -Her memories could be lock Tumblr request: Can you do an Elijah x Reader based on the song The Last Time by Taylor Swift featuring Gary Lightbody? Kol Mikaelson ran throughout his brothers' mansion, his brown eyes darting around, searching for his wife. He has short brown hair which appeared to have darkened slightly in the fourth season, with hazel brown eyes. Klaus asked what if there was only darkness in death and Elijah assured him that they would face it together then, as always. Elijah came running to join his mother as she grieved Henrik's death. In Red Door, Elijah has a dream about a brunette girl running away from him. They all shared in old stories from throughout the millennia. Later at the compound while Klaus is painting. Elijah, he threatens Stefan that if anything happens to Katherine he will descend upon Elena. Elijah refused, saying that she wasn't their blood. Elijah waited for Rebekah at her house and he handed the cure and asked if she truly wanted it, she took it and thanked her brother. Tristan explained that Lucien was targeting Elijah, so he could bring down Tristan and The Strix. After Marcel leaves she tells Elijah and Matthias that she isn't done talking to them yet. It is possible that Elijah did not know Katherine was dying because Klaus probably didn't tell him as Klaus wanted to return to Mystic Falls to gloat over Katherine's corpse and see Caroline otherwise Elijah would have stopped him. Better yet, what if she finally finds the legendary Mikaelsons and she gets sucked into a world full of supernatural danger? When the vampires in the quarter start dying he with Klaus investigate who and what could have done a spell like this and recalled Papa Tunde who Klaus killed. Elijah finally found Hayley and she tells him about her hybrid baby and what it can do. The next morning Elijah sits on the fountain playing with his phone while he stares and cries over Gias body. Their perfect little wedding was only five months away. The more you struggle, the more wrapped up you become in the Mikaelson family's strange world. One morning after a full moon, Klaus came out of the woods, holding his dead little brother Henrik in his arms. Elijah did not care if they did not share the same blood because she was still his sister, regardless of what anyone saids. This was one of the few times Esther ever spoke of her lost daughter. Klaus argued that this new Elijah had killed his brother, the best friend that had been at his side for a thousand years. He then tells her she came here to gather information about her family and to learn what she can. I question, rounding the corner. In Where You Left Your Heart, eight years after being compelled to forget his past, Elijah had set up his new life in Manosque, France and taken a job as a club musician, playing the piano. 500 years later, Elijah finds her stuck inside the vampire tomb and compelled her to stay. Klaus then asks him if it anymore deaths he would like to wave in his face, Elijah responds. When Jackson points out it went off where it was being lucky as no one was killed, Elijah realizes the first bomb was engineered to move everyone closer to the main bigger bombs when they explode. Elijah tells Marcel that Klaus didn't kill Aiden. However, after Lucien was taken to the dungeons for supposedly having an affair with the count's daughter, Aurora, Elijah and Klaus intended to rescue him from his punishment. After attacking Esther for going after his daughter Hope, Klaus rescued Elijah and brought him back to the compound where he was incapacitated in an almost coma-like state, suffering from Esther's torture. Hayley starts fighting for air. InFruit of the Poisoned Tree,Elijah is reading one of his mother's grimoires and tells Rebekah that the dead girl on the table is about forgiveness which can not be bought and that's what Klaus was trying at. As Elijah and Marcel waited for Alaric to bring the bones at the decided meeting point, they spoke about their rough past and Marcel believed Elijah only brought him along to make sure his power didn't fall into the Hollow's hands. He is known for speaking his mind and having a fierce temper, which he possibly inherited from his father though unlike Mikael, Elijah is capable of controlling it. .. Juliette moved state, with everything new and threatening, she seeked solace in the embrace of thre What if their wasn't just two salvatores but three? Later, after Marcel had successfully recovered the last remaining white oak bullet, Elijah broke up a fight between Kol and Finn after Finn had been locked into his original body by Davina as vengeance for previously killing Kol. She knew Elijah was the only one strong enough to stand against Klaus so asked for his help in keeping Klaus from harming Roman, leaving out that she had instructed Roman to abduct Hope. Elijah remained unaware that both visitors were his siblings from his previous life. Marcel questioned Elijah on why his memories were still gone and Elijah countered that Marcel may have fried his brain with his tinkering or Vincent wasn't a very good witch. In the next couple of episodes Elijah tries to help Hayley through her transformation and how she grieves with losing her child. Later, Klaus and Elijah sit on a bench and discuss what his child could offer him. In the year 1914, Elijah attended his family's Christmas party with his siblings. by Jae_Bae98 162 14 4 What happened? Elijah has lost most of his previous traits of being honorable, noble, and moral towards humans, vampires and witches alike. He asks her if she is sure that she shouldn't return to the compound. Elijah tells him it's good to have him back, and tells him that Niklaus was beside himself in Marcel's absence. He asks her to see the witch Jane-Anne, but Sabine tells him it is too late as the vampire, Marcel, had already killed her in public, which Elijah finds shocking. She's one of the main people he can always count on and work together with in a difficult situation. Elijah stands before Marcel covered in his own blood, They both reveal to Klaus that they had a witch who had protected Davina with the spell so she survives. He then spoke to Klaus over the phone, telling his brother that he now has the cure and intends to bring it back to Mystic Falls, much to Klaus' elation. He also meets Serena Julia Vivian. In Don't It Just Break Your Heart, Elijah told Antoinette how much he enjoyed the feeling of sundown without a daylight ring, and how liberating it was. Hayley says that she doesn't love Jackson but can't be involved with Elijah and be married to him. We have fought together for centuries, and once again, to break your enemy, you broke your family.Elijah to Klaus in Ashes to Ashes. Cami gives him a list of chores to do. He sat down beside Klaus and told him that he planned to die by his side. Hayley knocks Genevieve down and runs toward the baby, but Genevieve casts a pain infliction spell on Hayley, which makes her fall onto her knees. As Klaus takes the blame. Back at the Mikaelson mansion, Klaus asks Hayley what it is about his brother that always inspires admiration in people, showing jealousy of his older brother. Elijah then decides to go to St. Anne's Church to help Klaus and Mikael. Elijah hoped she was calling from far away but Aya hadn't left, not going until the prophecy was averted and her sireline's safety assured. Later back at the Mikaelson Mansion, Elijah stops Klaus from daggering Rebekah. Back at the mansion, Elijah is reunited with his younger sisters and Hayley. Apparently the dead bodies out in the bayou were warnings as someone is coming. Elijah does have morals, but when ever a member of his family is in danger of being killed, he is forced to commit immoral acts, something he doesn't like to do in the first place, like Klaus, he has a sense of humor. He inquired about Hope and how she was before deciding with Hayley that there was only one person in the family left to save; they prepared to rescue Klaus from Marcel. He's dressed in a form-fitting suit covered in a black coat, and my heart seems to stutter as his captivating brown eyes meet mine. The boy then argued with Klaus and he threw him down the stairs while Elijah tried to stop it. When it comes to my family, I am never going to let anyone hurt them.Elijah about his family in Sinners and Saints. But after my sister and I lose our parents in an accident, things start to get strange in our small sleepy town of Mystic Falls. Elijah woke up in a cell and heard the ritual taking place. A sleeping Elijah opens his eyes and Sophia finds herself in a dreamlike state. But only if she could pretend to be human for a day without any vampire privileges and then he will give her the cure. Too bad there are 1,000 years of blood separating them, and counting. However, it failed to and Finn died after finally beginning to see the love and loyalty the family had. As they talk about what happened with Hayley, Jackson and Hope. Tatia chose Elijah to be her next husband when the time came. I'm the oldest Gilbert. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Elijah bursts into the church looking for Hayley and screaming her name, he stops dead in his tracks, panting and out of breath as a result of the werewolf bites, and struggles to focus his vision. Elijah reminded her that they were in a foreign land with customs far different than they knew. He believed he could have convinced Marcel to back down but Elijah defended his actions, telling him that it was the only way to protect them all. He said goodbye and left them, to go die his way. When Klaus discovers that Davina is missing Elijah joins him to find her. He tells her until Hope is safe. Freya tells Elijah and Rebekah that she put a spell Klaus' paintings. Klaus and Elijah are breaking their way through the illusion by destroying the tombs. *Story starts at the beginning of season 3*. He injects Hope's blood into her. They both hugged each other and mourned Klaus' death. When Marcel accuses him for taking Davina, he assures him that he has no desire to harm her in any way. Elijah, with the help of Sophie, tries to keep Hayley's temperature down, until Davina had unlinked Hayley and Sophie. She tried to defend herself but was no match and was killed. Matthias watches him closely and Davina offers him some of her blood. After Tristan showed Hayley was alive, the Mikaelsons showed Aurora in a shipping crate. Elijah tells them all they have done is doubt Freya and they need to trust her. Mikael also made Elijah help him in tying up Klaus so that his mother could do the spell. Elijah returns to The Abattoir, Marcel told he got everyone looking for Klaus and Rebekah and they get a lifetime of a favor if they find them. His relationship with her has been very dysfunctional. He went on, telling him that when the family were all celebrating, he saw a future for everyone there except for himself and had realized his sole purpose of his long life was to save Klaus from himself, and now believed he had achieved that. I'm gonna let you decide where we go from here.Katherine to Elijah in American Gothic. In 1492, they met a woman named Katerina Petrova, the first doppelgnger of Tatia. Elijah tried to convince Klaus that letting Hope torture Roman for his crimes against her wasn't going to fix her. However, Elijah was called to Rebekah out in an alleyway where she showed him that the hex was still active, despite Freya's efforts. He opened the curtains and let the sun set him on fire, saying goodbye to Elijah Mikaelson and burning what was left of his past away. Gia tells off Josephine and Gia plays some of the music she likes. Hayley notices something going on with Elijah and Gia. He said it was this type of bickering that had driven Elijah away and made him want nothing to do with them. Elijah asks if he let her get away and he says not exactly. Season 1: The relationship between Elijah and Hayley began once Elijah was made aware of Hayley's pregnancy with his brother's child. Marcel takes Davina back to her room and tucks her in bed. Before he goes he says to Damon that Elena will never forgive him. Klaus and Rebekah will do whatever it takes to get Elijah back but Sophia looks worried. As the conversation grew more intense, with Finn trying to learn the secret of Hope's survival, Elijah turned the tables by explaining that Finn's representational magic only worked as long as the representations were correct. Sophie made Elijah promise that he wouldn't let Klaus kill Agnes and Elijah reluctantly agreed, promising to keep his word. As he turns, he quickly turns back towards his brother and viciously bites him. Once they arrived back in Mystic Falls, they came across Matt. In the second season of The Originals, he and Klaus continued to work in a combined effort to stop Esther, Finn and a resurrected Mikael, while struggling with reawakened sins from his past. Elijah also began to dress more casually, wearing leather jackets and t-shirts instead of expensive suits. In Bring It On, Elijah learns from Thomas the truth of Hayley and Klaus' baby to how it will destroy everything. She will be considered as an enemy to the Mikaelson Family. In the meantime, Elijah wishes Rebekah and Niklaus to look after Hayley and her unborn baby. Freya managed to penetrate the Chambre de Chasse as the ritual began in the real world, Elijah and Klaus felt their throats being slit. Klaus tells him why Witches do anything. Elijah is not known for killing just for the fun of it like his younger half-brother, Niklaus. He announced that the Originals would remove the Hollow and its disciples from New Orleans; tearing out Dominic's heart and publicly executing him. He then looked over the wreckage of their dinner and remembered a similar image in his vision of the prophecy, verifying that the prophecy was still possibly true and looming over them. Elijah and the others gave a few last words for Finn before throwing his ashes into the Mississippi River.

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elijah mikaelson oc wife fanfiction