eisenhower letter to ngo dinh diem


Oval Office, August 15, 1963 (Photo: Abbie Rowe; JFK Library,AR8072-A). 735-736. The US recognises self-governing Vietnam (February 1950), Final declaration of the Geneva Conference on Indochina (July 1954) The PICL of November 2 (Document 27) records that Diem and Nhu had been killed. Eisenhower asked Kennedy: "Suppose they try to . Kennedys associates concluded early on that Ngo Dinh Nhu had to go. An American press report on the Binh Xuyen (April 1955) More than on earlier occasions, he recorded, Diem talked largely to himself. The Saigon potentate defended his stance in the Buddhist crisis, and defended his brothers Nhu and Thuc, the archbishop of Hue, whose antics had touched off the crisis. Rather than revisit all of that debate, here we want to touch on a few points, presenting nuances in the form of the Thomas Hughes notes (Document 6) and meetings with Diem and Nhu that were taking place within this timeframe (Documents 8, 14, 15), amplifying the evidence. ISBN:978-0-7006-1634-3, The Ghosts of Langley: Into the CIA's Heart of Darkness New York: The New Press, 2017 Ministers of Vietnam, October 23, 1954. Newly appointed U.S. Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in JFK Papers: NSF: Country File, b. permission is granted for commercial use of the Sourcebook. Quotations about the massacre at My Lai hamlet (1968) In an extraordinary series of notes made by Diem during the coup from his bunker under Gia Long Palace, discovered by Luke Nichter in November 2016 at National Archives II in Ho Chi Minh City, Diem struggled to regain control. Here we present Roger Hilsmans record of that meeting from State Department files (Document 24). An American draft-dodger explains his actions (1967) 336-346. b mt c tit l sau 40 nm (T Gn) of State Bulletin (November 15, 1954), pp. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Here we supplement the 2003 coverage with some new evidence. One opposition faction centered on former Ambassador Nolting. (BS Tn Tht Thin), Ngha LBJ Library: Bromley K. Smith Papers, b. While the details of their deaths were inconclusive, the mood in Saigon was jubilant. Instead, JFK spoke not of opposing a coup, but of not conducting one just because the New York Times was pushing italmost a repeat of what he had expressed to Lodge in their meeting 10 days earlier (Document 3). Colonel Robert Heinl: The Collapse of the Armed Forces (1971) Despite promising to establish a free, Western-style democratic republic, Diem's leadership was far from democratic. [3] At the same time Lodge was involved in a spat with the CIA over changing its station chief in Saigon. Description: U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (from left) greet South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem at Washington National Airport. mi nm sau tnh hay m (BS Nguyn Tin Cnh ), CS Reprinted from The Department of State Bulletin (November 15, 1954), pp. The former ambassador argued that no one other than Diem could keep South Vietnam together. Kennedy's views on removing Diem become more explicit in a tape recording of his meeting with newly-appointed Ambassador to Saigon Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., in mid-August 1963, just before Lodge set out for Saigon. That was one reason for the study missions. It was noted that in less than three years a chaotic situation resulting from years of war had been changed into one of progress and stability. October 23, 1954. Kennedy and Lodge discussed the kinds of challenges Lodge was likely to face upon arrival, and how he proposed to deal with the Diem government. Bin Tnh Sng - (Hoi cm ca Trn khc Knh). A big issue, then and since, has been the so-called Hilsman Telegram, or, more formally, Department Telegram (DepTel) 243, which instructed U.S. They emphasized, we believe that Vietnam is not faced with any serious shortage of effective non-Communist leadership. Thomas L. Hughes, INRs director, remains proud today of the list his experts assembled in 1963. The Presidents Intelligence Checklist for the morning of November 2 led with the deaths of Diem and Nhu in the wake of what appeared to have been a successful coup. Pham Van Dong on Geneva, Vietnamese independence (July 1954) It hopes that such aid, combined with your own continuing efforts, will Military opponents coalesced around General Maxwell D. Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and included General Krulak; while another center of opposition included CIA Director John McCone and his responsible division chief, William E. Colby. Neither message, nor the McCone quote, appears in the Foreign Relations of the United States for example, and only the October 6 cable is in a study the agencys Inspector General subsequently did of the Diem coup. The implications of the agreement concerning Viet-Nam have caused grave concern regarding the future of a country temporarily divided by an artificial military grouping, weakened by a long and exhausting war and faced with enemies without and by their subversive collaborators within. Yale University Press, 2020 There were more contacts with the Vietnamese generals. to give assurances as to the standards of performance it would be able Ng nh Dim: Ti thit min Nam (HNT & TTN), Vng 204, f.: Vietnam Subjects: Top Secret Cables (Tab C) 10/3-10/27/63.. Together, these materials offer comprehensive documentation on the Kennedy administrations August coup talk. Rights: Public Domain, Free of Known Copyright Restrictions. Johnson justifies involvement in Vietnam (April 1965) This text is part of the Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at One of themthe easiest, Minh saidwas to assassinate two of Diems brothers while keeping Diem himself as a figurehead. Among the items we present here are the audio and transcript of the president instructing his ambassador; notes taken during the key week by Thomas L. Hughes, director of the State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research; the handwritten notes on White House meetings by NSC staff deputy Bromley K. Smith; a wider selection of meeting notes from General Krulak; the CIA summary of meetings between its officers and the Vietnamese generals; a selection of CIA field reports, including the early October Vietnamese mention of assassination and the CIA reaction to that; and several items from the immediate period of the coup and assassination, including a desperate appeal for aid from President Diem even as the coup against him was underway. Compare this with Document 11 here, and with Items 9 (audio), 10 and 11 in E-book 302. President Dwight Eisenhower: Letter to Ngo Dinh Diem (October 23, 1954) 241 National Security Action Memorandum No. [5] But almost simultaneously in Saigon, the CIA electrified Washington when operative Lucien Conein ran into General Tran Van Don at the airport and the two held a meeting that night where the ARVN officer affirmed that the generals now had a specific plan, and Don got Conein to agree to meet the top plotter several days later. The Saigon government was headed by President Ngo Dinh Diem, an autocratic, nepotistic ruler who valued power more than either his relations with the Vietnamese people or progress in fighting the communists. [1] The next day, INR went ahead to craft a paper on The Problem of Nhu (Document 17), where analysts cited South Vietnamese opinions that Nhu had become the dominant power in Saigon, exercising an overriding, immutable influence over Diem.. Kennedy wanted Lodge to make a personal assessment. After his country's . of American aid given directly to your Government can serve to assist Viet-Nam JFK Library: John Newman Papers, Notebook, August 24-31, 1963.. Your recent requests for aid to assist in the formidable project of the movement of NSC memorandum on US policy in South Vietnam Letters from Eisenhower and Kennedy to Ngo Dinh Diem Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower to Ngo Dinh Diem. Lyndon Johnson on the political aims of the Vietnam War (June 1966) v. t. e. Ng nh Dim, the President of South Vietnam, made a state visit to the United States, the main ally of his government, in 1957. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Compare to Documents 18 and 19, and the audioclip in the E-book of November 5, 2003. Kattenburg reported he was hardly able to speak more than once or twice in what was primarily a one-sided monologue by Diem who said he was ready to die even while vigorously defending the policies of his government over the previous months. Ng nh Dim: Ti thit min Nam (HNT & TTN), Ci Cu Learn more on our privacy and legal page. While the forces at the disposal of the coup plotters remained inferior to those commanded by Diem and Nhu, if the U.S. were to back a coup attempt it was important that it was successful. (Credit:LBJ Presidential Library). Former Ambassador Frederick Nolting seemed to be the lone dissenting voice, arguing that Diem was the only figure who could hold South Vietnam together. to maintain in the event such aid were supplied. A US report on the Buddhist crisis in South Vietnam (July 1963) Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, v. IV: Vietnam, August-December 1963. McCone shot back that the best line was no line. The George Washington University Edict of Emperor Minh Mang against Christians in Vietnam (1833) Hoping that forces from the south would liberate Saigon, as had occurred during the coup attempt in 1960, Diem ordered all armed forces and paramilitary units to rise up to join me in fighting off the traitors. Diem would be killed within a matter of hours. This collection of Vietnam War documents has been selected and compiled by Alpha History authors. 202-994-7000 ornsarchiv@gwu.edu. John F. Kennedy, Eisenhower's successor in the White House, would increase the commitment of U.S. resources in support of the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in South Vietnam and of non-communist. the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action. your free people. The purpose of this offer is to assist the Government of Viet-Nam in developing and Primary Source. That was the climate in which ARVN General Tran Thien Khiem asked CIA for a meeting. The purpose of this offer is to assist In Krulaks record of the same meeting (Document10), figures like Robert McNamara, George Ball, Averell Harriman were more forceful figures with the latter most going so far as to say that the U.S. will lose South Vietnam if there is not a successful coup to topple the Diem government. EISENHOWER ASKS VIETNAM REFORM; In Letter to Saigon Premier, President Links Aid Pledge to Stable Regime There EISENHOWER ASKS VIETNAM REFORM, https://www.nytimes.com/1954/10/25/archives/eisenhower-asks-vietnam-reform-in-letter-to-saigon-premier.html. We have been exploring ways and means collaborators within. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Current one is: October 24. Other History Sourcebooks: African | East Asian | Indian | Islamic |Jewish | Lesbian and Gay | Science | Women's | Global, Letter to Ngo Dinh Diem, October 23, 1954, Letter from President Eisenhower to Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Council of granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational Unlike Nolting, who saw no possible candidates, the State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) produced an extensive list (Document 16). The agreement called for an election to reunify the two zones in 1956. From that point on, the U.S. embassy and Saigon station became even more active as observers of South Vietnamese coup preparations. One can see the flurry of activity in August, during the first serious discussion of a coup shortly after Lodges arrival in Saigon. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I have been following with great interest the course of developments in Viet-Nam, particularly since the conclusion of the conference at Geneva. The Government of the United States expects that this WASHINGTON, May 11-- Following is the text of a joint statement issued today by President Eisenhower and President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam at the conclusion of their talks: View Full . in purpose and effective in performance, that it will be respected both 328 (April 6, 1965) 242 Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense: Excerpt from Memorandum for President Lyndon Johnson (April 21, 1965) 244 Ho Chi Minn: Letter to Lyndon Johnson (February 15, 1967) 245 Retrieved From http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/vietnam/psources/ps_eisenhower.html / (Original Work published oct. 23 1954). a leaflet calling for the people to rise up against the oppressor Diem; A letter to the Vietnamese Army telling them that Diem is just carrying on French colonialism; a 41-page document alleging Diem crimes against the people; and a leaflet that said "For the past eight years our land . JFK Papers: NSF: Country File, b. Eisenhower praises the progress in South Vietnam (October 1960), John F. Kennedys inauguration speech (January 1961) Tng - Bn c n cn (T Gn) November 15, 1954, pp.735-736. Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 3 Mayl 2023 [CV], created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 3 Mayl 2023 [, Internet Trn Vn Hng, Thiu Tng Phm (BS Tn Tht Thin) Ngo Dinh Diem explains why he rejects national elections (July 1955) I am, accordingly, instructing the American Ambassador to Viet-Nam Nhu was killed along with his brother onNovember 2, 1963. Ho Chi Minh calls for unity against the French (February 1930) that the United States is able to assist in this humanitarian effort. While Colby emphasized that Saigon had stabilized, Kennedy asked numerous questions about the likelihood of success should the disaffected generals move forward with a coup attempt. US Defence pamphlet: Know Your Enemy: the Viet Cong (March 1966) Compared to other versions of Memoranda of Conversation of an August 27 meeting between Kennedy and his aides following William Colbys briefing, this rendition by Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Victor Krulak on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff illuminates new details. Plus, we've got an entire learning guide devoted to this document. Nguyn Vn Thiu LBJ Library: Bromley K. Smith Papers, b. But it was too late. JFK Papers: Kennedy Tapes, Tape/Conversation 104/A-40/004; transcription by Luke Nichter. developments in Viet-Nam, particularly since the conclusion of the conference at Geneva. Ngo Dinh Diem addresses a joint session of the US Congress (1957) Center for National Security Studies FOIA request. maintaining a strong, viable state, capable of resisting attempted subversion or He also spoke of how in a previous coup (1960), time had played in favor of Diem, not against him. guestbook to and to remember the thousands of HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Attorney General Kennedy said he did not think a coup made sense in terms of U.S. policy objectives, while Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara echoed concern about the effect a coup could have on war progress. be so responsive to the nationalist aspirations of its people, so enlightened A report into French atrocities in Vietnam (1933) v cc ng bo nn nhn copy-permitted texts for introductory level classes in modern European and World history. D. inhibit the growth of radical Islam. nhng n anh ln (Nguyn Tng Phong), Nhng Author Luke A. Nichter found the document in the Vietnamese archives. Bi will be met by performance on the part of the Government of Viet-Nam in So he pledged support to an emerging leaderNgo Dinh Diema devout Catholic and fervent anti-French, anti-Communist nationalist. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use. At this late date Bobby Kennedy still opposed the coup and Maxwell Taylor sided with him, while other officials looked ahead to the composition of a future Saigon government, or focused on tactics or the balance of forces on the coup and palace sides. While Diem had not yet surrendered, the coup plotters planned to set up a civilian government as soon as the coup was over. Nhu thought it would take involvement by the United States to seek an end to the present crisis. The Diem Coup After 50 Years John F. Kennedy and South Vietnam, 1963 Nhu claimed that Ngo Dinh Diem himself approved the pagoda raids against the Buddhists in response to demands made by South Vietnamese army officers for Diem to deal with recent political agitation in Saigon. Ho Chi Minh condemns French imperialism (1920) Reprinted from The Department of State Bulletin (November 15, 1954), pp. As the fall progressed in Washington, numerous lists were drawn up of South Vietnamese leaders who could potentially replace the Diem government. EISENHOWER'S LETTER TO NGO DINH DIEM, October 23, 1954 Dear Mr. President; I have been following with great interest the course of developments in Vietnam, particularly since the conclusion of the conference at Geneva. Washington, DC, November 1, 2020 President John F. Kennedy was more disposed to support the removal of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in late 1963 than previously appeared to be the case, according to a recently released White House tape and transcript. nguyn vi C TT Ng nh Dim (Phan Thit), V Modern History Sourcebook. Deputy Director of the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, Paul Kattenburg met with President Diem for three hours on August 28. Forrestal also commented, without further elaboration, that others had not been privy to the latest Lodge-JFK private communications. After a September lull, the coup plotters in Saigon began to strengthen in early October. That was the sense of the Hilsman cable, and of the follow-up instruction sent after the August round of coup talk. needed reforms. News of ARVNs request for backing of a coup reached Kennedy as his presidents daily brief (then called the Presidents Intelligence Checklist, or PICL) was reporting that Ngo Dinh Nhu was indeed behind the Pagoda Raids, and that Nhu and Diem were issuing direct orders to military officers, leaving out the ARVN chain of command (Document 7). The online tool for teaching with documents, from the National Archives, Public Domain, Free of Known Copyright Restrictions, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. more pictures and This shows that Nhu, even when calm, as Richardson observes, obsessed with Buddhists spreading propaganda and hiding communist agents among their monks at some of the most important pagodas. On October 24 (Document 23) Conein met again with Don, who confirmed that Harkins had admitted his error in seeming to oppose a coup. Diem agreed to the needed reforms stipulated as a precondition for receiving aid, but he never actually followed through on his promises. Internet Fax: 202/994-7005Contact by email. The United States' changing connection with Vietnam is demonstrated by the letters from Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy to President Ngo Dinh Diem, as Anderson's chapter "The United States and Vietnam" in-depth examines. Content created by Alpha History may not be copied, republished or redistributed without our express permission. On this day in 1957, Ngo Dinh Diem, president of South Vietnam, addressed a joint meeting of Congress during a two-week visit to the United States. At the same time, there was infighting within the ranks of the South Vietnamese army officers, and the latest turmoil is likely to be only the first phase in a new wave of instability. nguyn vi C TT Ng nh Dim (Phan Thit) But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! University Press of Kansas, 2009 Lodge set Harkins straight that the United States, while not initiating any coup, was to avoid any action that thwarted or opposed a coup. He had no time to acclimate. Robert F. Kennedys Kansas State University speech (March 1968) The received history on this is that Hilsman, Harriman, and NSC staffer Michael Forrestal advocated going ahead with a coup, while other factions opposed it. DocsTeach is a product of the National Archives education division. Lodge began with a summary of his conversation the night before with Than Thi Nam Tran, wife of Vietnamese Ambassador to the U.S. Tran Van Chuong, and mother of Madame Nhu. The mention of assassination occurred at a key moment for the U.S. in Saigon. Robert McNamara reflects on Americas failures in Vietnam (1995) John F. Kennedy notably remarked there was no point to a coup if it would not work. Harriman again said that the U.S. would lose South Vietnam if the coup fails, which was necessary because the political situation was bound to disintegrate further under Diem. purposes and personal use. Ngo Dinh Diem (1901-63) was the United States-backed leader of South Vietnam from 1954. Years later, when the Church Committee was investigating the CIA (in 1975), McCone quoted himself telling John F. Kennedy, in precise words that he remembered very clearly, Mr. The implications of the agreement concerning Viet-Nam have caused grave concern regarding Here we step back to take a broader view, not just focusing on the events of August but on the full panoply. The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. Le Duan reminds agents in the South of tactics (November 1965) [7] CIA, Saigon cable 1447, October 5, 1963, cited in Thomas L. Ahern, CIA and the House of Ngo: Covert Action in South Vietnam, 1954-1963. After Conein had provided assurance to Big Minh that the U.S. would not thwart a coup, General Tran Van Don asked Conein why General Paul Harkins, Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), said the day before that it was the wrong time for a coup and that the planners should desist in their efforts. ISBN: 978-1-6209-7088-1, National Security Archive Nixon announces deployment of US troops in Cambodia (April 1970) The quote has been used in virtually every account of the Diem coup written since that time. 4, f.: Vietnam 9/119/20/63 [II]. Thomas L. Hughes Papers, Courtesy of Thomas Hughes. hc t mt s tun tit (TS Lm L Trinh), Cu DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I have been following with great interest the course of The Internet aggression through military means. Minh identified the principal plotters, assured the CIA man a coup would take place in the near future, and outlined several possible coup options. On the morning of October 5, Lucien Conein, acting as intermediary, met with Gen. Duong Van Big Minh. This primary source comes from the Collection DDE-EPRES: Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Papers as President of the United States. Eisenhower made it clear to Diem that U.S. aid to his government during. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not He actually reached Saigon two days after their conversation (August 23, Washington date). National Defense University: Maxwell D. Taylor Papers, Vietnam, Chapter XXIII, T-172-68. Changing the day will navigate the page to that given day in history. 204, f.: Vietnam: Subjects: Top Secret Cables (Tab C) 10/3-10/27/63.. Ho Chi Minh appeals to the American people (May 1964) part3. By Tillman Durdinspecial To the New York Times. President Eisenhower: Letter to Ngo Dinh Diem October 23, 1954 [At this Site] Beginning US "humanitarian" aid. Ridenhour's Confession Eisenhower's letter of support to Ngo Dinh Diem (October 1954) An American press report on the Binh Xuyen (April 1955) Ngo Dinh Diem explains why he rejects national elections (July 1955) Le Duan: 'The path of revolution in the South' (1956) Ngo Dinh Diem addresses a joint session of the US Congress (1957) Anonymous poem about French oppression in Vietnam (1900) His methods and policies, particularly his persecution of South Vietnam's Buddhist population, were divisive and controversial. While Minh said he did not expect U.S. support for a coup, he wanted to ensure that no effort would be made to thwart a change in government. By the time John F. Kennedy was president, the situation seemed hopeful for a momentlong enough for JFK to think of Vietnam as a sort of laboratory where he could try out tactics and techniques. The implications of the agreement concerning Viet-Nam have caused grave concern regarding the future of a country temporarily divided by an artificial military grouping, weakened by a long and exhausting war and faced with enemies without and by their subversive collaborations within. Tucked away in Roger Hilsmans papers, a portion of which were deposited later at the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library, was a CIA-created timetable of Agency contacts with South Vietnamese generals from August 23 through October 23. Dear Mr. President: I have been following with great interest the course of developments in Viet-Nam, particularly since the conclusion of the conference at Geneva. C. protect Western oil interests. Viet Cong Program, 1962 [At this Site] Charles de Gaulle: France's Attitude Toward US Policy in Vietnam 1964 [At this Site] Tonkin Gulf Incident 1964 [At Yale] [Internet Archive version here] The Tonkin Bay Resolution 1964 [At this Site] Presenting his credentials to Diem on August 26 (Document 8), Ambassador Lodge got 10 minutes to explain the role of public opinion in setting U.S. policy, advising that the Saigon leader release Buddhist prisoners, after which Diem minimized the importance of Buddhists, then treated him to a two-hour harangue on his family and South Vietnam as an underdeveloped country. Secretary of State Dean Rusk remarked that were on the road to disaster, posing the alternatives as whether to move U.S. troops into Vietnam or get our resources out. Compare this with Items 9 (audio), 10 and 11 of E-book 302, December 11, 2009. . John F. Kennedy addresses the UN on Vietnam (September 1961) Assassination Records Review Board release, document 177-10001-10466. Such a government would, I hope, standards of performance it would be able to maintain in the event such aid were supplied. contribute effectively toward an independent Viet-Nam endowed with a strong government. Ngo Dinh Diem decrees the death sentence (May 1959) disassembling Kennedy's firm but cautious action in the Cuban missile crisis resulted in the _________ of Russian missiles. Nhu had begun weekly meetings with the generals of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) where he himself had introduced the subject of a coupas he told the CIA, it was a psychoanalytic technique which might induce the ARVN officers to reveal their intentions. The CIAs chronology of its contacts with ARVN plotters (Document 13) shows that the initial contacts which plunged Washington into a frenzy of deliberations on whether to support a coup in Saigon occurred that day. Lodge told Diem that he knew little about Vietnam but hoped to advise him on American affairs. in its present hour of trial, provided that your Government is prepared The White Houses response to the Geneva declaration (July 1954) 735-736. Nolting conceded that Nhualso a man of integrityhad become a liability, but he rejected the proposition the Vietnamese generals would carry out a coup. On August 27 Ambassador Nolting took center stage. If President Diem refused to jettison Nhu, then Diem would have to go as well. On the evening of September 7, Ngo Dinh Nhu called a meeting of all senior South Vietnamese military commanders in the Saigon area. A CIA report on Viet Cong weaknesses and vulnerabilities (July 1965) Eisenhower sent a letter to Ngo Dinh Diem, the Prime Minister of South Vietnam, with America's plans and motives in efforts to gain the trust of a possible new American ally. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the source. [5] Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum, General Maxwell D. Taylor and Secretary Robert C. McNamara-President John F. Kennedy, October 2, 1963. Nhu continued his plotting, which eventually led to a plan to launch government raids against the most important Buddhist pagodas in Saigon and Hue (Document 5). A US reporter discusses South Vietnamese military weaknesses (1973) Bi You can navigate days by using left and right arrows. 24, f.: Meetings on Vietnam, August-November 1963.. Nhu commented that the South Vietnamese military officers, many of whom were Buddhist themselves, started off in sympathy with the Buddhists following the uprising that occurred in Hue on May 8. 05/09/2018 12:04 AM EDT. Vietnamese figure Ngo Dinh Nhu, brother of leader Diem, remained the prime target of American maneuvers. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational Rusk said that a cable should be sent to Lodge to assess the proposed coup and whether the U.S. should try to more actively exert influence. Government Printing Office 1991). SOURCE: JFKL: JFKP: National Security File . During his trip the Saigon situation escalated as Nhu went ahead to launch the raids on the Buddhist pagodas he had already planned. Tng Thng Diem's handwritten proclamation to the Army on the day of the coup, November 1, 1963 (Document 26). Lodge spoke with Harkins on the afternoon on October 23. JFK Library: John Newman Papers: Notebook, August 24-31, 1963.. Such a government would, I hope, be so responsive to the nationalist aspirations of its people, so enlightened in purpose and effective in performance, that it will be respected both at home and abroad and discourage any who might wish to impose a foreign ideology on your free people.

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eisenhower letter to ngo dinh diem