dominic cummings reading list


And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. ; 2) how to map the spread of memes and identify critical nodes in the network that, if influenced somehow, can amplify or dampen signals? Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times (3 volumes), Morris Kline. Book accompanying an OU course. The Deputy Prime Minister resigned yesterday because a lawyer found against him on two of the eight allegations made. This is not true of blogs like Marginal Revolution. , one of the best movies ever made. The best biography in English (probably any language) is Otto Pflanzes three volumes. Like all the best political advice you dont need to be clever to understand it. I wrote some essays on the history of maths and computing which have further reading lists. Dominic Cummings Jul 15, 2021 39 66 Last week I wrote re: Why I went to No10 in summer 2019. Ditto for the Johnson volumes (Ive not read) when Caro publishes the last. New blog: Insiders & graduates across the West swallowed nonsense on 'AI stole it for Brexit/Trump' after 2016, in 2024 it will be used, maybe by Russia & China as well as both campaigns, so we shd expect an even more chaotic election. The politicians soon are on the next current thing too. What is mathematics?, Courant. And notice that despite their vast success Buffett & Munger have had almost zero success in persuading anybody to run their companies the way they run Berkshire! Had I included everything I knew and shown the whole truth, even I could not have watched it. If theres one film to show Nietzsche brought back from the dead, maybe this is it. I'm working on a Reading List as requested by many, coming in the next 2-3 weeks Classic text, university level. (Dostoyevsky was Nietzsches favourite novellist! This will also show you why high performance is so hard it is totally hostile to normal bureaucracies dominated by large numbers of middle managers. Their favourite argument is the laughable its a small island, about as sensible as a general saying Alexander the Great was using cavalry so its out of date. As Strauss said, Nietzsche despised anti-semites and the sort of characters who controlled the Nazi party but it also cannot be ignored that in attacking ideas and clearing the ground for new values, he also prepared the ground for communism and fascism: Nietzsche did not mean it in the way people like Hitler and Mussolini meant it, but through his negations, he prepares it. Los Alamos was crucial but it was part of a much vaster infrastructure of engineering projects, intelligence, planning and so on. (3 volumes), Morris Kline. How to predict news? , Hunter S Thompson. Sept. 7, 2019 Dominic Cummings, special adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson of . Dynamics of 2024. If you read Boyd youll see how lessons recur across Alexander, Nelson, Groves et al. Six months later tens of thousands died for the lack of such skills. The basic arguments remain critical today. (If anyone knows if his remarkable secretary, Mrs. OLeary, left any records or an oral history please leave links below.). It was a direct inspiration for my terrorist demand to Boris, July 2019: we must create an ARPA. Re Clintons 1992 campaign which influenced the Blair 1997 campaign. Worthlin. I started like everyone young assuming those at the top of politics must be smart, interested in policy and great at organising things. Apr 18. For the beginner, by a Fields Medallist. LAncien Rgime et la Rvolution, de Tocqueville. A classic book on calculus / analysis designed for undergraduates. Tyler Cowen, Patrick Collison and others have been trying to push some of the principles of how to do hard things into economics and government, in similar ways to some of my arguments over the years. He also wrote a, A great textbook by the worlds leading scholar on the subject. Groves (fired), Bob Taylor (fired), George Mueller (not funded to push on to Mars after the moon), Renoir The list goes on and on. , Leonard Susskind (2013). The media laughed and many said its so boring. Reading List Dominic Cummings Jun 26, 2022 80 This thread is only visible to paid subscribers of Dominic Cummings substack Subscribe to view Keep reading with a 7-day free trial Subscribe to Dominic Cummings substack to keep reading this post and get 7 days of free access to the full post archives. Jean Monnet created the ECSC and EEC/EU. I really liked this classic but a lot was beyond me. If you read his blogs and trusted him on covid over the entire CDC/FDA/WHO bureaucracies, youd have come out far ahead. , biography by John Sugden. This is the Newton biography and its brilliantly done with intense love and care for its extraordinary subject. Considered by many in Silicon Valley to be the best book on the details of management. I was not. You can learn from him about how to get very hard things done without admiring his character. On dynamic tools, interface design, Seeing Rooms, new ideas about programming, tools for thought, and so on, David Deutschs books. ), genetics, expert judgement, finance and many other topics with the focus on how education policy has to cope in order to train problem solvers for the coming challenges. On expert decisions under pressure, like firemen. About Robert Mosess grip on NYC. (Also note that the oversight for Groves was a group of just four who met with no secretariat and no formal records.) the word strategy is a) used differently in military books, b) used differently over time, c) constantly misused in politics.). . (Ive recently read some of the media commentary about 2019 that I ignored at the time and its amazing how many hacks thought I was trying to use vNs game theory. Something on how ideas change over different time scales. Update to Trump v Biden blog of last September. Pearl led a revolution in thinking about causation from inside the then tiny field of AI. While some characters from the ancient world, such as Themistocles or Alexander the Great, would be as interesting to study in minute detail we dont have the sources. , Bhattacharya. but most do not realise the last chapter is about Nietzsche and the Last Man, and this chapter is the most relevant today. Viz the famous lists, Yes to Renoir, Welles, Chaplin, Keaton, No to Fellini (tried to watch 8 1/2 at least five times and fallen asleep fast every time) and Hitchcock. Steve Jobs advised Obama to do the same but it didnt happen. If we could predict events like the fall of the Berlin Wall better it would have huge value. Rohls multivolume biography on Wilhelm II is brilliant and, like Pflanze, a whole political education in itself. The basic arguments remain critical today. Many ideas you see from others (e.g Taleb) derive from Mandelbrot. Twitter Web App Retweets This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. E.g Around 1848 nationalism was an elite opinion held by educated liberals who thought of liberalism and nationalism as naturally, and morally, connected, while uneducated peasants were less nationalistic. Mathematics for the Nonmathematician, Morris Kline. ), The foundational crisis of mathematics, set theory, Hilbert, Godel, and Turing. While some lessons are specific to time/place (e.g how the Senate works in 1950) the most important lessons from all such books are quite abstract and common and I assume this will be true of these classics. The Nazis did indeed think they were creating a new world beyond good and evil, so did Stalin. Sign in Non-fiction books on politics fail to give you this crucial sense. He is not a member of parliament and is not elected. Now It Can Be Told, General Groves. Number, Dantzig (1930, updated 1953; new edition 2007). Classic text, university level. But the storyteller makes this picture incredibly beautiful. The History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides. Dyson, Hawking) is wrong. I don't like to say it in front of my wife, but I did sort of neglect her sometimes; I needed to study. Alls Fair, Carville & Matalin. A big problem for UK political discussion is people focus obsessively on the immediate interest of the London media rather than trying to think about, . A Boyd ally wrote about his time in the Pentagon dealing with the extreme nightmare of procurement. . In Pursuit of the Travelling Salesman, Cook. , Murray Gell Mann. For this unprecedented project in world history Groves had no huge central staff, he worked with a brilliant woman and a tiny staff with truly extreme decentralisation. A big problem for UK political discussion is people focus obsessively on the immediate interest of the London media rather than trying to think about whats really important. W hen Dominic Cummings arrived in Downing Street, some of his new colleagues were puzzled by one of his mantras: "Get Brexit done, then Arpa". Ive flicked through books on post-Thatcher UK general elections but never found them interesting enough to read in full. Someone should run a prize for the best 10,000 word essay summarising the fundamental lessons of this book (which I havent read in full, just skimmed, because of time not a judgement). The Snippets format doesnt work well and Im rethinking how to do it. Classic on teaching children programming, recommended by Alan Kay and Bret Victor. A short companion book to his famous lecture series. Insider account of how the legendary Skunk Works worked by a guy who ran it. , Ben Rich. This will also show you why high performance is so hard it is totally hostile to normal bureaucracies dominated by large numbers of middle managers. Pflouffe ran the Obama 08 campaign and 2012 re-election. On the 50th anniversary Munger reflected on why his partnership with Buffett had been so successful and Buffetts personality. What is moral behaviour is not the same question as what are the principles of high performance in politics! His boss and predecessor was Kelly Johnson who wrote this short list of principles. Reagans White House was better at communication than any other in the modern era partly because they did not rely on normal political staff but brought people in from Hollywood. Aug 25, 2022. It was a direct inspiration for my terrorist demand to Boris, July 2019: we must create an ARPA. He was a businessman who understood systems thinking and was the first head of the Policy Unit in No10 for Thatcher. From Third World to First World by Lee Kuan Yew. In 2018 I asked some academics to consider this and we built a crude tool. , General Groves. Click repeat), , Hamming. , Flannery OConnor my wife gave me these, theyre little known and absolutely brilliant, the closest to Dostoyevsky of anything in the 20th Century Ive read. On typical problems dealing with statistics, Bayes Theory, and how to improve understanding of probability. ; 2) how to map the spread of memes and identify critical nodes in the network that, if influenced somehow, can amplify or dampen signals? Also the club of those who write about UK politics a) are rarely interested in how power really works, b) are almost never interested in management, how to get hard things done, or how organisations work, c) think theyre an expert on communication but are not a general problem for hacks who confuse understanding journalism with understanding communication. Richard Feynman was a giant of theoretical physics who famously defined science as "the belief in the ignorance of experts". I think hes right that most academics assume models for how this works that are clearly not how people really think under pressure. SW1 suffers such extremely powerful wilful blindness even an event as big as covid doesnt puncture consciousness in many important ways. Ive read at least some of (almost) all of them and (almost) all of most titles I refer to (not all the textbooks). A history of ARPA-IPTO and Xerox PARC: how the internet and PC revolution was created. Dominic Cummings Judea Pearl is one of the most important scholars in the field of causal reasoning. Zvi reviews Tyler Cowens new book, Talent. Why it's in AOC's interests to challenge Old Joe. ), Dostoyevsky. why some of the VL team decided to go to No10 in 2019, Thoughts on past and future of the Buffett system, , Scott Aaronson (Scientific American, 2008), Orson Welles thought Renoir the greatest director,, Almost anything good you read on strategy and conflict is based on ideas you see here. The best modern subject for those interested in how political decisions are taken and effective action in politics/government is Bismarck. Oppenheimer is better known but Groves was his boss. Sources of Power, Klein. One of the most critical lessons? ): how much was the. Interesting on the psychology of selling and marketing. Orson Welles thought Renoir the greatest director. A 16-year-old schoolgirl, Caitlyn Scott-Lee, was found dead near Wycombe Abbey School. Dominic Cummings, a special adviser to UK education minister Michael Gove, discusses technological advances (quantum computing, 3D printing, energetics etc.

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