din djarin time travel fanfiction


You have civilians with you! The pilot yells back. But as time goes by, he realises that theres something so devastatingly messed up about you, and its impossible to ignore it. It was big and white, until he started touching it, then, then it started glowing turning all sorts of colors before landing on blue and growing to a blinding glow. They were safe for the time being. Jango has been conspiring to kill them for a decade and Kenobi understands? Well. It was easy to get lost in and he didnt want either of them getting lost. Cara! Mando yells running up beside said woman. Space travel gives him plenty of . Who the fuck talks like that? 7.2K 229 7. Wh- Obi-wan cuts himself off as he comes to a realization with a Fuck., I hate you. Obi-wan sighs, It appears, we have a Force bond Jango., Yoda chuckled, the bastard, A Force-willed Force bond. Master Plo! Obi-wan greets the Kel-Dor, who was swiftly deflecting blaster bolts with his saber in one hand and a small bundle in his other. But watching Kenobi leave, that was making emotions Jango rather not have about the Jedi. Luke accompanies Leia on a diplomatic mission to the newly reconquered planet of Mandalore. Then it wont be a problem if we take a closer look. Jango nearly hisses and barely restrains himself from stomping out of there, taking his son and Mando with him. Jango is pretty sure being a Jedi doesnt mean you forgive people for attempted genocide and try to understand where they came from. Obi-wan gave her a smile as if he hadnt been panicking moments earlier And how do you know me leaving you was not a calculated risk so that this beast could be felled?. That explains the blood everywhere, although he most likely had it for a while since it wasnt bleeding as much as head wounds normally did. Now, I have a lost little one who said to come save you? Plo says, revealing the Troll Child. Obi-wan sticks with the Mandalorians and Cara. Chapter 1 - Panic. It is understandable youd wish for our demise.. The child coos happily, sending out the idea of joyriding into the Force. Please dont do it before, you might hit me., What signal? Obi-wan must do something with the Force since Caras face scrunches up, and she says, Weird. He shouldnt be that dangerous.. You were disturbing. Who are you? She asks again as Obi-wan tries to figure out how to release her. He better not learn how to do that. Cara points to the Terror Child. To be a Jedi you have to go through several tests, its- its like being a Mandalorian Warrior. But, despite your hate, you made a different choice. A Force Bond would negate the Beskar somewhat, allowing us to connect through the Force a little and share necessary information. Obi-wan shrugs. It happens. Obi-wan was clearly trying to be supportive and reassuring but Jango could tell he was alarmed. This is Padme. Anakin calls back. Because if you go in guns blazing without first surveying his power levels you very well might. He is haunted by the history of his religion that was kept from him. In a fit of frustration, she turns to Han only to learn that he finally decided to leave Leia since she doesn't appreciate everything he's done for her. Cyare. Cara seems to understand as she just nods. Hey, can we talk? Jango asks, Obi-wan raises an eyebrow but nods. Stop this war, we might.. The Clone Army. So he didnt. And because he now owns the Dark Saber, more problems are coming his way making him a very busy man with some new missions to follow. Im taking this thing elsewhere, Jango says, leaving the med center, Obi-wan thought nothing of it as he tended to the Mandalorians wounds. So while Obi-wan wasnt prepared for his fight with Jango, he was doubly not prepared for a random Mandalorian to be seemingly tossed at the pair when they were at close quarters. Regardless, he shouldnt be doing that. Obi-wan states, just as Mace comes bounding over to them. Master Yoda is learning more about the Child. Obi-wan explains. It was nice. Cara opens her mouth to say something but shuts it when Boba runs behind Obi-wans legs, holding onto one of them. Why had he gotten so close to admitting the true purpose of his clones? Pairing: din djarin x fem!O/C Rating: will be 18 Story summary: Din Djarin travels to beyond nowhere, with no information, for a bounty that may or may not be real. Is that all?. That would have to go to, Hold this for a moment, The Jedi in front of him and Mando, Plo Koon, says handing the Terror Child over to Mando. Cody says he mightve been dropped on his head as a baby, Boba supplies helpfully. Im sorry, do you want to get electrocuted? Obi-wan Kenobi. I have to go do a job. A "series" of STANDALONE time travel fics including time travel and Din, Grogu, and/or other Mandalorians. Din Djarin joins up with his old covert for aid in his quest to restore Mandalor. If he did, why would they use the clones? Obi-wan was rather grateful for the lightsaber, using it to break both his and Caras bonds. He is now eternally grateful no Jedi he fought ever used that trick on him. Hes spoken very highly of you. Anakin! I havent- Im supposed to find his people. The Mandalorian stutters. We got company. Anakin states, clearly unnerved. Obi-wan cant say he was prepared to fight Jango Fett on a wet platform while it stormed around them, but then again Obi-wan wasnt prepared for much in his life so. Jango wants to protest the implication that hed need his ass saved by his ten year old, but he can definitely see that happen. But Din is there, he is always there to bring his Riduur back, to whisper praises into his skin and show him the devoted love he feels for him always. Like attach a bomb to Dookus pants. Well, no offence but we have no weapons, and theyre Droidekas. Master Plo nods, reigniting his saber and leaving the Mandalorians alone. You were watching me get executed? Cara says, punching him in the arm before accepting the blaster he offered her. Just answer the question. Jango orders. What was happening before you got knocked out?. Obi-wan followed his line of sight, keeping his Force senses open and blocking blaster bolts, and sure enough, Jango was up in the sky, drawing fire, and firing at the droids. Why did he think it was important for Mando to come with him on this job? Before the droids can start shooting, Jango hears the whir of ship engines. Did you send Boba to blow up Dookus ship?. But a valuable hostage from Underworlds most potent criminal organisations no less. Because, wow, Jango really wanted to be anywhere but here. Senator Amidala seemed to be about to make a remark when the transport was shot, they hit something and her, a trooper and Mando got knocked out of the transport. So he was in the Temple on Beilad. He is immune to the Force, it goes silent around him, they say. Uh, Im collecting them? Obi-wan could feel the look Mace no doubt had on his face. Carl Weathers as Greef Karga. -and the Mandalorian who was not looking at them. Great. Clearly done with this conversation. He asked why Master Yoda talked as he does.. What?. Why did he allow Mando to assume he and Kenobi were in a relationship? He didnt care who you were, and why you were so strangely important but he knew it would lure his target out of the shadows nonetheless. His Jetii was so ridiculous. Seriously kid? He wipes the inside with an anti-bacterial wipe and puts the helmet back on. The Geonosians know what theyre doing.. Jango was pretty sure Mandos anxiety was contagious because he was starting to get worried for Kenobi when the creature almost killed him. But an ancient Mandalorian force ghost attached to the weapon he never wanted in the first place? Jango looks over to Obi-wan who had moved to check on a downed Jedi. You were fine with watching me be executed. Obi-wan snaps. 6. And Obi-wan made some good points. Dooku looks over at them curiously. For not being prepared, Obi-wan was doing remarkably well against a Jedi-Killer like Jango Fett. Why the shit would we go to the Imperial Capital?, Imperial Capital? And no one else seemed to have heard it. He made a motion and all the droids came to life again. Al menos para sus constumbres, no hay redencin. I-I had been injured, bleeding from my head. He didnt want to like the way Obi-wan and Boba interact. On a totally unrelated note he also meets this nice man named Din Djarin who hes head over heels for. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. It wasnt going to last, Obi-wan would have to deal with a lot of things. Which, Jango could accept. Dont apologize. However it is what Padawans and younglings will call older Jedi. The Mandalorian hesitates before responding, Most people call me Mando.. Well, Mace, you see- Obi-wan was, thankfully, cut off by Cara. Jango had worked on a few personally when he was bored and had nothing else to do. Emily Swallows as The Armorer . Jango could hear Boba grumbling but ultimately his son nods, Fine. The Naboo, desperate to keep the last known living member of the royal Amidala line on the throne, agree. Flashback/prequel content to my main work! Eventually they were all herded into the center of the arena, a group of Jedi, two Mandalorians, Senator Amidala and some woman Jango didnt know. # 1. And why should I do that? Yes, the Mandalorian was bleeding, but the Kaminoans had a state of the art facility. I need you. A loud explosion sounds, Jango sees part of Dookus ship up in flames. He didnt want to risk saying too much. Obi-wan does his best to clean up the blood on the Mandalorians head with mixed results. Me, the kid and Mando were in some room, the kid touched this weird crystal, it felt like a psionic blast knocked me back and then I passed out. To his credit, Boba didnt ask questions, just nodded and bolted into the arena. Thankfully, they didnt have to fight for long as the gunships landed around them in a circle, creating a barrier between them and the droids. Luke wants to, more than anything, but both the Jedi and Mandalorian are beholden to forces greater than their own hearts. Regardless, the terrifying woman was not happy. And thank you. How Cara had managed to snap her chains Obi-wan wasnt sure, but he was remaining close to the woman as Anakin and Padme rode around on the Reek that had been trying to kill Anakin. You know, I dont need your protection, Cara says as they both narrowly avoid getting injured by the Acklay. Jango swallowed, why did he care about some stupid Jetiise? Oh so you put yourself as bait and let me kill it? Cara asks, clearly not believing that this was part of a plan. Back up! Obi-wan orders, standing up and gesturing for Mando and Cara to back up. Kamino. Whats that? Senator Amidala yells, pointing to something. Had to save his ass on the way over. Jango lies easily, I ran into a Jedi on Kamino. But if Obi-wan had forgotten they were there Jango couldve done some other more nefarious things. Obi-wan kicks Jango away so neither of them are hit by the unknown Mandalorian. Ill give you a signal when youre good to go. Kid! Mando exclaims, happiness and relief evident in his tone. As it turns out, Cara and Padme had similar plans. Hes rather certain, or hopeful at least, that Obi-wan doesnt understand the gesture. Sort by: Hot. Well, its been an honour fighting with you. The Mandalor and Prince Amidala, however, want nothing to do with each other. "what did you say. Are you shitting me. Cara grumbles, Jango looks into the Hangar to see Skywalker missing and Obi-wan facing off against Dooku alone. Jango wasnt exactly happy with wearing his helmet out in the Geonosian sun, but Mando got weird when he went to take it off, so on it stayed. Great. Then kneels down to talk to Boba, That was very dangerous. Its not a bad question. Master Yoda. But, Can you not lift him on your own? Whats he doing? Jango asks, maybe he knows? + -. At no point does anyone clue him in. But you were transported across the Galaxy by a Force artifact, perhaps it scrambled your brain a tad bit. The council needs to go to Kamino, there are cloning facilities there along with an army that the Kaminoans say was ordered by Master Sifo Dyas. And I screamed for whatever it's worth: "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? Obi-wan could sense a connection between them and that the Child wanted to be with the unknown Mandalorian. For helping us today.. While on a hunt to track down a target Din Djarin finds himself in catacombs beneath a dead city. A formality if you will. With crime syndicates on the rise and the Empire far from dead. The Force sends Din Djarin, Baby Yoda and Cara back in time, to right before the Clone Wars. It didnt feel right. Okay? It was six one inch cuts all in one place. Boba immediately grabs onto them for balance and security. Meaning, that shouldnt be possible. Also he seeks guidance from the Armorer. Obi-wan walks over to one of the data ports to the ships main computer. Very well. Dooku concedes before turning his attention elsewhere, Fett, Im surprised and disappointed at your choice of allegiance.. I might influence your emotions if mine spill over the bond, but you should be able to identify them as not your own. Well, not in words. They couldnt be happier, but there is much to work out between the last Jedi and the new Mandalor. Okay.. As Obi-wan had never seen Master Yoda so young. Jango just told him- well thought loudly- that he wished genocide upon the Jedi and now Obi-wan is thanking him? He spoke through the Force.. Cara seems to agree, she wasnt happy but she conceded, Fine. Theyre fine, Obi-wan immediately states, facing Cara who had seemed worried, but not to the extent Skywalker was. We will not be hostages to be bartered Dooku. Jango hates to admit he agrees with Windu. If we survive this. Obi-wan says, and then yanks Cara away, narrowly avoiding the blaster bolts that hit the ground where she had been standing. Jangos hand had become a permanent fixture on Mandos arm to prevent the man from diving into the arena to save his friends. Show off, Jango grumbles, then leads Obi-wan onto his ship and to the small medical center. Please consider turning it on! No, I was eavesdropping.Apparently Buir getting dropped on his head as a baby is the reason hes an idiot, a bastard, a cold sonuvabitch and mean in general, Boba answers.

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din djarin time travel fanfiction