christina gallagher 2021


They are normal practitioners of their Catholic faith. Outside, at the side and the back of the House of Prayer, tents, cars, buses and people everywhere - July 16 / 25th July 2016 My child, do not worry about those things. Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity mingling with the people outside the House of Prayer Achill - July 16 / 25th July 2016 Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016 No-one will want to know Me. 12 animals of each kind (lambs,bulls and rams)had to be sacrificed. You let Me look and see My Blood once again poured out upon the earth but this time through your being seduced by Lucifer. It is perplexing, to say the least, and very disappointing that at the slightest mention by another visionary of 'a third world war', some who profess to have been following Heaven's Message to Christina become suddenly quite excited. Pray, pray for your safety. "We have presented a lot of medical and scientific evidence to my parents and they refuse to listen as her propaganda once again is brainwashing people who have been conditioned by the Catholic Church.". My Sacred Heart sorrows as does My Immaculate Mothers Heart. Fo r s e r v i c e s t o t h e C h ar i ty (On Sunday December 18th, 2016 during Holy Mass Jesus told Christina that the Coptic Catholics - at present enduring the most severe persecution for the faith - are most pleasing to Him.). My dear child, you have given everything to respond to My call. You have shown me sodomy growing rapidly like a cancer in the wind. What does Christina Gallagher say about the Living God? It bleeds from the lack of response of My children for the greatness of the gift of My Life to souls. They are full of fear of where they are about go and what they are about to do rather than knowing they are meant to serve Me. Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt Meanwhile, we can reveal that the House of Prayer spent $2.2m on a former synagogue in New York State which will become the newest House of Prayer in the U.S. when it officially opens next Saturday. In the New Jerusalem which God will bring about at the end of time, St. John saw a Tree with 12 fruits - one fruit for each month in a year. I have interceded with My Divine Son regarding the House of Prayer in Texas. I would bet this money is the accumulation of donations and she has to put it somewhere because theres no interest in banks so property is the answer. You generation of people, the more you have, the more corrupt you become and the more prideful, yielding to the needs of the flesh all leading to war and now the third world war- all of which is with you: it has begun. My little one, My vessel, I fill and empty you many times with suffering to show people it is I. So Jesus means we are in the time of superpowers that act for evil intent. Those rogue sites mimic and mock Our Lady's Mission and try to discredit Her messenger Christina. Do not follow any such because, from this time forward it will lead to the destruction of your soul, but the chosen ones of many years who have genuinely received divine messages and who have shown fruitfulness of Me, their Lord and God will continue to receive in order to help and guide My people" . How she is still operating is beyond me. January 20, 2023. While such opposition to the genuine apparitions has always existed,it is nevertheless horrifying to see the depths to which the attackers have continuously sunk in setting up false websites under the same name to deliberately mislead readers. There are also many signs and wonders reported all the time. The Sunday World was the first paper to reveal how the House of Prayer was a money-making operation which helped Gallagher build up a multi-million property portfolio. People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016 So, My dear child, I wrap you in My Mantle, I keep the holy angels around you. Those who took from you or would not respond to help you, they will have much to lament. My Mercy and Love are endless but Lucifer has blinded you, My people. I will be removed from a darkened world. They already have other houses in a number of American states including Texas, Minnesota and Florida. Christina has 5 jobs listed on their profile. The Blessed Sacrament over My Mother's Heart in that picture will remain illuminated for all. It is growing in your hearts to destroy your souls. I will not keep repeating My call and that of My Mother. It is well known in the history of genuine apparitions that every authentic intervention of God is always attacked. Nothing could be more untrue. Contrary to the false impression conveyed by the attackers Christina Gallagher NEVER went out and asked people for ANY money: all she ever did was convey the message given to her. It's all just nonsense, but with the vaccine, it is going into dangerous category. Lucifer is so joyous with your response to him as you receive his lure and seduction to every kind of sin. Christina Gallagher claims that she can 'bi-locate' 9. All you have will be at his disposal. You have suffered so much, it even grieves My Heart. There are many websites making false claims about Christina Gallagher and the. It carries the full truth. I shed My Blood to its very last drop. They will not be genuine; they will be deceived by evil spirits - some of them will be deceived even to themselves. This is perplexing for the reason that details of the third world war go back so far and have been referenced so frequently in Our Lady's messages to Christina. power and the world's people who have been redeemed by My Blood follow the darkest spirits and run to him who is antichrist. Since then she claims to have received several messages from Jesus in which he warns of a coming apocalypse and attacks vaccines. Your time is short before My Hand comes through the sky and the fire falls and devours many. This is my testimony of my brother and his miraculous conversion through Christina Gallagher. Her life has come to be in great danger. 12 precious stones will form its foundation named after the 12 apostles. They must be renewed and lived in all hearts that want to have My life in their souls. You can see how perverse so many are becoming you can see in so many a sickness of mind which is beyond any realisation of the destruction of their souls through their bodies behaviour. The fire is lit. Jesus then concluded;) You are not important for your own sake but only because you were chosen to convey God's message. _______________________________________________________ (Matt.10:16,22), "I am sending you out like lambs among wolves(Lk.10:4), and "Happy are you when people hate you, drive you out, abuse you, denounce youon account of the Son of ManThis was the way their ancestors treated the prophets." The people who come are those who are active in their respective parish communities. Christina published this at the time in her autobiography. A break in prayer allowed a change-over giving more people a chance to be in the chapel - July 16 / 25th July 2016, People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside, at the side and the back of the House of Prayer, tents, cars, buses and people everywhere - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity mingling with the people outside the House of Prayer Achill - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016. Some of the paraphernalia she sells to her devoted followers. Jesus then referred to two countries (which will not be named here) whose leaders have made their pact and signed papers that will bring about the fire to fall from the sky. My people, I desire you to fast and come to My Mothers House and pray for nine days from the ninth day of the New Year. . I bless you daily and My Immaculate Mother places Her mantle around you. He is cast out. There will be much suffering before that - many disasters will occur in the world that will lead to great suffering and war. Everyone- of any faith persuasion or none- is always welcome. We can also reveal that the House of Prayer have insisted anyone attending the launch of their new house in New York next week will have to provide photo ID and have been banned from recording or taking notes at the event. During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus, "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life.". Its time is now. How foolish of such 'man' who has failed to hear My call because if My words had been taken to heart, you would have the wisdom to understand how you have been deceived by those in union with antichrist. Your mission is overshadowed by deception and evil persons. days ago. Christina Gallagher claims that her 'House of Prayer' offers the Seal of the Living God(i.e. People during prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016 In deference to the 12, the mystical meaning is not seven and a half but the multiple of seven and a half by twelve, making approximately seven years. I had told you, My daughter, how the birds of the air and wild animals would feed on the bodies lying upon the earth and how the stench of human flesh would carry for miles upon the wind. The illnesses foretold to you in this Mission have already begun. My little one of My Sacred Heart, I bless you in the name of the Father, in Me His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Haringey - Will Maimaris (acting/interim) Harrow - Carole Furlong. These are on view at the House of Prayer Achill for all to read. Those who will remain living will envy the dead. Message of Jesus to Christina - July 16th,2022 I desire My people to turn away from sin. The impact of COVID-19 is threatening to make each of these factors worse. I have pleaded before many hearts but what have you returned to Me? Christina Gallagher, July 16, 2021 Posted on July 22, 2021 by inspiredbythespirit ________________________________________________________________ "The take-over of the World is with you and you fail to see" JESUS: My little one, I desire you tell the people of the world what I reveal to you. It is up to the Archbishop of Tuam to undertake this action. Yet there was a man in authority who united with others to do everything possible to destroy this Mission and lead people into blindness and deafness regarding its importance but when he will be called to account before the justice of the Lord, he will have much to endure. The current flooding which is inundating so many parts of Ireland is described by Met Eireann as "the worst since records began" but most interestingly the Met Office in its reaction and commentary has unsuspectingly echoed the very phrase used by Jesus to Christina as far back as February 21 2005 , A woman who was brain-dead and on the life-support machine which the hospital was about to turn off, was healed, opened her eyes and spoke after a matrix medal was placed on her forehead and the Rosary was prayed. Message to Christina Gallagher - 16 July 2021 "The take-over of the World is with you and you fail to see" . Many leaders have signed documents to destroy many of you; it is all in the plan of him who is antiChrist, living among you. In January 2017 on the 8th day of the special 9 day Fasting and Prayer Novena requested by Jesus, while the people were praying the Rosary in Our Ladys Chain House in Texas, the red substance appeared to weep on the Chapel wall again, in the same area that the Host appeared years ago. See how she has upheld the messages I give to her to warn you of what is to befall you. She has endured much for your sake: she has been disbelieved, mocked, attacked - and all for your sake. from the Book of Revelation) 7. Mankind has turned in such surrender to the evil one. The phrase means tyrants or aggressors (like wolves) do not need a real reason Another relative compared what is happening to coercive control because Gallagher has so much influence over her followers. Those of you who fail to hear and continue to run from place to place will perish. The stone 'wept' again in 2017 on the 8th day of the 9 day Novena of Fasting and Prayer requested by Jesus The meaning of "Seven and a half moons" should not be taken in self-assumption. Gallagher's website describes "the chip" as "the mark of the beast" which will lead to "a godless society of suppression and dictatorial control.". Amen. You have opened your life to him. He said as well as using the New York house as a base to attract more American members and more donators it could also been seen a property investment. Those of you who read those destructive websites are urged to see them for what they are- the work of the devil. See how they disbelieve you. It should be constantly recited before the three-dimensional picture of My Mother with the Roses. You have the time of seven moons and a half. More concerns relatives came forward this week to say they are terrified their elderly parents with medical issues could become extremely ill or die if they catch Covid. The sinner who looks upon this light will die of shock from the impurity of their body through sin. Many will die throughout the world. Youre talking about elderly and vulnerable people. _______________________________________________________ They will be too numerous and rapidly-spreading to investigate or find remedies. Jul 2019 - Nov 2021 2 years 5 months. The wind you are permitted to hear so often when all is calm outside, is the fury of the devil's legions from hell. NY10509 Open every day from 9.30am until 6pm. During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus, "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life." On another occasion also, while a prayer vigil was going on there, a panel of the door was kicked in, which led to the need to install a camera at the door for security. You are being seduced into darkness and you fail to recognise its evil depths. For the remnant I have given safety in My . Antichrist is already influencing what is to be done and making ready to take the seat of Peter. The world is on the brink of its destruction yet all they can think of is what message is new - to fulfil their empty hearts. He said he has dealt with numerous relatives of House of Prayer members who have expressed serious concerns in recent days over the vaccine issue. Your endurance was never meant to be in this way. They, too, will endure their just reward. One tabloid even pictured Christina in the cross-hairs of a rifle- a motif known before to have incentivised would-be assassins. Only when all this takes place will the illumination of conscience happen and eventually the return of My Divine Son. It sounds ridiculous but she [Gallagher] has such a hold over people. Anyone wishing to verify this are free and welcome to come at any time. Read More Most inhabitants of the world remain asleep while many others fail to believe and run to find Me here or there. She is hated in many hearts - many desire her blood. Jesus chose 12 apostles. Lucifer tempted many to take from the message given to you by Me your God and they changed it to suit themselves, pandering to the world to gain world acclaim. They are blinded and walk in dangerous paths. **Christina's name, in fact, literally means "anointed" and "follower of Christ". People were listening at first but then they began to be influenced by an authority which only wanted to destroy this Work and Mission and yes, they accomplished their plan abundantly! Its very visible what shes doing. Can you not see it is the seduction of Satan? He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire" (Matt.3:9-12) but Christina was also made aware that in harmony with the plan of God in the many actions of salvation history, this gift would would occur in relation to the number twelve. My love and Mercy will never stop till you breathe your last and then your soul will depart with Lucifer where it will then burn in hell for all eternity in the fires that he has already prepared for you. My Church - its deliverance is close at hand..*** The antichrist is in the height of his If she is encouraging people not to take the vaccine she should come out and say whether she got it herself, one family member of a follower told the Sunday World this week. What is coming to the world is a lot more suffering, illness, hunger and a take-over of your very person and eventually, when all this occurs, the Hand of My Son will come over the world with horrendous fire falling from the heavens taking place. So the number of dots always indicates the number of letters in the actual abbreviated word. You will receive the anointing of the fire of the Spirit for your soul and find mercy. Amen." "My Mother's picture with the roses will bring great protection to the homes where the Rosary is prayed in its presence because I will flow many graces through it," she claims he told her. Latest accounts filed by the Irish House of Prayer revealed the company has reserves of 1.8m - an increase of more than 300,000 on the previous year. The word in question has absolutely nothing to do with excrement or human waste as, for some unknown reason, they seem to automatically assume because it happens to begin with the letter "s"! Relatives of elderly followers of the controversial House of Prayer have said their parents won't take the Covid vaccine because of messages fake visionary Christina Gallagher claims to have received from Jesus. I receive everything from the person with a closed heart to the person who has an open heart and responds and My Son's Heart, which is always open, will receive all. All the powers of Lucifer are now dictating to you. "They think they'll go to hell if they get a vaccine". Day by day fresh events continue to pile up proof upon proof, powerfully fulfilling every single message received by Christina for the world from the very beginning of the apparitions to her of Jesus and His Blessed Mother - the most recent being the 'plan to have a. Jesus spoke to Christina on April 26, 2020; Message of Jesus to Christina on February 2, 2020 during flight to New York. Many will curse Me and accuse Me of being their destruction and downfall, and many will worship the beast and go with him willingly. I have poured out My Precious Blood upon you. According to Gallagher, Jesus himself recently encouraged people to buy the picture for protection. *"Seven and a half Moons" One family member said: "They believe they'll go to hell if they take the vaccine and obviously if elderly people don't take the vaccine, they could potentially get exposed to Covid and pass away. Mike pointed out that people who have left money to the House of Prayer in their wills could die sooner because of Covid. The take-over of the world is with you and you fail to see! During this time there will come into being a one-world bank, a one-world government and a one-world Church which will not be Christian. Im sure this has led to death in some families already but it wouldnt shock me if she [Christina] was vaccinated at all.. Christina Gallagher: Prophecies The weather changes will escalate more and more in their behaviour, floods, drought, fires, twisters, all those are little, but there will also be earthquakes, and tsunamis. QUEEN OF PEACE "I am your Jesus who loves you and who partook of the chalice of sin for each one of you. The loss of Paul has naturally left a huge hole in our Association. You have been left in a desolation of darkness, only that so much more can be drawn from you on account of your having already endured so much but I promise you, My daughter, you will be welcomed with such joy in your Heavenly home when that time comes but I tell you accept and offer everything - those who hurt you, those who deny you, those who show you no love or lack of compassion -just offer without asking why - offer it for the many souls who are now dying in Ukraine but the Americas will have much to suffer as will many other parts of the world. Pat, the best insight into Christina is the book 'The Boy who met Jesus' written by Rwandan survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza. Pilgrims of all ages from all walks of life come to Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill to answer Her call. Now they are calling on Gallagher to reveal whether she has been vaccinated herself. Christina, My little one Has received the blows you inflict from your falls through sin. When I once let My Blood be poured out upon the earth, it was to give you Life of Me and set you free but in that free will you now choose Lucifer's path and walk away from Me. Through this control you reject Me and your final decision is made for death that you have chosen for yourself. There is little goodness in your world but lawlessness is spreading like a virus that is full of poison. I desire that you can understand the evils of your world and recognise how you are being led into the snares of evil. (Matt 19:28) All this gave rise to widespread gossip which was in turn further multiplied by lies and deception in the media leading to Christina's life being in grave danger. The House of Prayer refused to comment to the Sunday World on whether Christina has had the vaccine. I endure deeply for all souls since the time of My Passion. Christina Gallagher gave the message as she always does- of whatever is given to her- and the people from there on responded generously to get a house put in place for her safety. During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus. Gallagher has been strongly backed over the years by her right-hand man Fr Gerard McGinnity who has hit out against the media exposs. Many, many of you including My priest sons who serve Me will go with him. They give of their lives in such pain and sorrow. 12 priests were set apart by Ezra when Israel returned after their captivity (Ezra, 8) My daughter, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is the beginning of the third world war which will eventually involve Russia, China and America and many other countries throughout the world.

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