chemical composition of an apple list


The prevalence of pulmonary disorders, particularly asthma, has been increasing over the past several decades worldwide (50). Several recent intervention studies have examined the effect of fresh apple consumption on oxidative markers in humans. These data support prior observations that complete mixtures of phytochemicals in AP are more effective than individual components tested alone. Ferulic acid The next list of chemicals in an apple is Ferulic acid, belongs to a group of an organic compound called hydroxycinnamic acid. In a separate study, Shaheen et al. Recent work in humans has moved toward a greater emphasis on examining mechanisms and biomarkers related to cardiovascular risk, in particular, oxidation and lipid metabolism. >15% of a large apple) was associated with a 10% risk reduction. Thus, apples may be potentially important in weight-related disorders. Very preliminary in vitro evidence indicates that compounds from AP could be protective against gastric ulcer. Tumor size as a significant prognostic factor in T1 gastric cancer: a Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database analysis. An indirect outcome of inflammation (splenomegaly) was also reduced in the groups taking the phloridzin. This is of importance, because many flavonoids and dihydrocalchones are present in intact plant foods as glycosides with saccharide residues, but during processing and storage hydrolysis occurs, leading to the aglycone form. Dina Spector. Apple juice was among 8 fresh fruit juices that exhibited an antioxidant effect within 30 min postconsumption that was sustained for up to 90 min. Alloy 28 is a high-alloy multi-purpose austenitic stainless steel for service in highly corrosive conditions. Another in vitro study with AP demonstrated that there may be other beneficial effects to gastrointestinal health by an alternate mechanism of reducing risk of mutagenesis in gastric cancer (77). A similar pattern of beneficial association was present when the groups were stratified by age, energy intake, vegetable consumption, smoking, and BMI. Adapted with permission from (4). Collectively, these studies indicate that a relatively modest intake of apple is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and associated mortality. Both products also reduced the percentage of aortic surface area covered by foam cells (aortic fatty streak lesion area) by 48% in the apple group and 60% in the apple juice group compared to controls. It is thought that lungs are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage due to high and continual exposure to oxygen. Parents/caregivers reported apple and apple juice intake and health data of over 2600 children aged 511 y. The apple protected cells from oxidative damage, particularly the extract that was highest in chlorogenic acid (104 mmol/L). VDOMDHTMLtml> What is the chemical composition for apple? The authors estimated that the amount of procyanidin ingested would be comparable to humans consuming 2 apples/d (410 mg procyanidin/kg bodyweight). The variability might be attributed in part to the many types of apples and apple components studied in addition to varied reaction conditions, including pH, concentration, types of ROS, and other study conditions. The synthetic mixture of polyphenols also inhibited growth, although less effectively, and isolated components were significantly less effective than either mixture. However, it is still not fully understood which components mediate the observed effects. However, detailed analysis of the nutrient content and antioxidant properties of the seeds and pulp has not yet been reported. In vitro work has demonstrated that several important pathways and processes involved in carcinogenesis are affected by AP and phytochemicals in AP. CardboardChampion 3 yr. ago. They found that apple consumption reduced anxious behavior in rats in elevated maze tests and restored synaptic function (long-term potentiation) to the level of younger animals. I thought it might be interesting to list the top 20 organic and inorganic compounds of something like an . A self-administered FFQ was used to assess maternal diet at 32 wk of gestation. Several investigations have used cultured colonic cells, both healthy and cancer-derived cells lines, representing various developmental stages, to examine the in vitro effects of AP on cancer-related processes. Oxidative damage appears to be an initiating factor in several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, due to disruptions in DNA, protein, lipids, and other cellular components by ROS. Unprocessed pomace containing 61% of dietary fiber (DF) and 0.23% of polyphenols (PP) and ethanol- or ethanol/acetone-extracted pomaces containing 66% DF and 0.10% PP and 67% DF and 0.01% PP, respectively, were subjected to a 4 week study in rats. Selected polyphenols in apples and apple products. A hospital-based, case-control study published in 2005 included over 6000 participants from various regions in Italy and examined the association between fresh apple intake and risk of cancer (14). Polyphenolic compounds account for the color, flavor, taste, and metabolic activity of plant-based foods as well as the putative health benefits to humans. Treating the cells with apple juice extract increased the expression of several genes, including phase 2 enzymes associated with chemoprevention (sulfotransferases and glutathione S-transferases). The current report focused on studies published since the last review of AP and health in 2004 (1). Further investigation of the in vivo effects of AP as well as other sources of antioxidants relative to antioxidant status is relevant and warranted. The chemical structures of several representative polyphenols present in AP are shown in Fig. Apples were identified as the only flavonoid-rich food that might be protective. (31). Liu et al. Hamsters were provided with apples to approximate human intake of 600 g/d (~2.5 large apples) or 500 mL of juice/d. Additional work from this laboratory using mice with genetically induced oxidative stress (an ApoE-deficient strain) showed that 1 mo of apple juice concentrate intake reduced the accumulation of ROS in brain tissue and attenuated cognitive impairment (60, 61). The nitrogen content varied from 43.2 to 171.4 mg N/L. In men, the risk reduction was 19% in the group consuming >54 g compared to no apple intake (34). It was found that consuming one or more medium-sized apples (166 g)/d was associated with a reduction in risk of cancer compared to consumption of <1 apple/d. Thus, it is important to consider the effects of potential breakdown products in the gut in addition to metabolites in the blood (12). The apple peel extract was among the fruits that showed a significant dose-response reduction in cell proliferation in the HT29 but not the MCF-7 cells, the latter cell type being generally less responsive to extract exposure. Previous studies on Monkey apple have reported the composition of an ethereal extract of the fruit stones [5]. Among the various foods studied, apples were the only individual fruit associated with the protective association. Mechanistically, it is feasible that catechins or other polyphenolic components in AP may be inversely related to the risk of type 2 diabetes, possibly by preserving pancreatic -cell function via reduced oxidative stress-induced tissue damage. This work proposes a potential mechanism by which AP, particularly metabolites related to AP exposure, might exert anticarcinogenic effects in the colon. Iso-octane. Given: a chemical substance. After apple consumption, FRAP increased significantly by 12% at 1 h and plasma levels of ascorbate and urate also increased. The loss of bone mass is associated with osteoporosis and is viewed by some as a global epidemic. The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04266.. Recent investigations have added to the earlier work as well as identified potential new health benefits of AP consumption. Histone deacylation inhibition is associated with reduced colon carcinogenesis. In a combined investigation using cell and animal models to mimic nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug injury, cultured gastric epithelial cells (MKN 28 from a human gastric tubular adenocarcinoma) were exposed to oxidative stress via 2- to 3-h exposure to xanthine oxidase and live rats were subjected to indomethacin, each with or without treatment with phenolic-rich extracts of freeze-dried apple (flesh only). The authors concluded that the high procyanidin content and metabolites in the apple extract might directly interfere with cholesterol absorption in addition to modulating lipids and lipid-related processes. Similar results were found in cells exposed to an enriched extract of procyanidins (flavanols, catechin, and epicatechin). Checkmate, atheists. The investigators tested for the ability of apple to protect against DNA damage in cultured lymphocytes isolated after apple exposure and found a significant protective effect at 3 h with a gradual loss of protection 24 h postconsumption. Even less is known about the complex interactions between isolated constituents, but it is speculated that the synergistic interactions and balance of nutrients in native AP are difficult to duplicate experimentally (27). In vitro studies from the above laboratory examined the potential mechanisms by which AP may cause reduction in mammary tumors (29). Kern et al. To measure the animal response to dietary . An anthocyanidin-rich fraction from each of the fruit extracts was also tested. The fresh peeled apple meal included 311 g of unpeeled apple plus a protein drink and 53 g of candy; the applesauce test meal included 877.5 g of unsweetened canned applesauce and a protein drink and the control meal included just the candy (108 g) and the protein drink. Its chemical formula is C 10 H 10 O 4. Fecal fermentation resulted in a degradation of 99.9% of the parent polyphenols except for complex structures. An estimated 10 million Americans over age 50 y have osteoporosis and another 34 million are at risk (71). Carbohydrates present in apples include starches and sugars, pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose among other things. The association persisted even after correction for other factors, including childhood diet and lifestyle variables. The most effective compounds on all antioxidative parameters included quercetin and phloretin. (53) recently published a follow-up analysis of an earlier study in which they demonstrated a protective effect of apple consumption on asthma (54). Diagnosed asthma, on the basis of self-reported data using validated questionnaires, was present in 3.1% of the cohort. Hydrofluoric acid, 40%. Search for other works by this author on: Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits, Effects of dietary flavonoids on apoptotic pathways related to cancer chemoprevention. The fraction highest in catechin also protected cells from oxidative damage in a dose-dependent manner with a maximal protective effect at 3 h. The protective effect was associated with a corresponding increase in antioxidant activity and reduced lipid peroxidation per measurement of MDA. It has been proposed that assessment of total oxidant scavenging activity might overcome the inconsistencies observed in other assays. It was shown that in maternal groups with progressively greater apple intake ranging from 01/wk to 14/wk to >4/wk, there was a significant and linear reduction in diagnosed asthma as well as reduced reports of ever having wheezed or ever having asthma among the nearly 1200 5-y olds in the study. However, there are convincing data suggesting an association between AP and reduced risk of major diseases and indicating multiple plausible mechanisms by which AP might be protective in humans. Metals, sugars, organic . Nutrient Composition of Hawthorn. The processes associated with aging and amplified in neurodegenerative diseases of aging are complex and not completely understood. The infection of Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) can severely damage the cellular structure of apple leaves, leading to a decrease in leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) and reduced fruit yield. This review summarizes current clinical, in vitro, and in vivo data and builds upon earlier published reports that apple may reduce the risk of chronic disease by various mechanisms, including antioxidant, antiproliferative, and cell signaling effects. (55) examined the effect of AP on the presence of asthma diagnosis and symptoms (defined as wheeze) in children in the UK. The only ingredients that are supposed to be in an apple are sunlight, natural goodness, health, positivity, happiness, and a little bit of love. In a follow-up study, the above investigators developed reconstituted mixtures including 5 major apple-derived compounds to determine the relative antioxidant contribution of selected polyphenolics (20). Hydrochloric acid, aqueous solution 2%. How Odor Works A detailed report of apple phytochemicals and their health benefits was published by Boyer and Liu (1) in 2004. Apple juice concentrate may work by other mechanisms, including the ability to suppress overexpression of presenilin-1, which is linked to the production of amyloid peptide, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (63, 64). A research group in Italy studied the effects of 10 wk of fresh apple intake in aged rats (66). (27) treated rats with a carcinogenic agent (7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene) to induce mammary tumors and then fed extracts of whole apples by gavage to the animals. The longer exposure time suggests that apple extracts target signaling elements upstream of PKC and not PKC specifically. Many recent studies demonstrate a beneficial effect of AP on critical processes in the etiology of disease at the metabolic and cellular level. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Several studies, summarized below, have attempted to elucidate specific antioxidant components in AP using in vitro assays. Others have worked to characterize the effects of individual compounds known to be present in AP. Biochemistry or biological chemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. A recent study in hamsters evaluated the effects of adding daily apples and apple juice (pressed from fresh apples) to an atherogenic diet on lipids, oxidative markers, and early aortic lesions (47). Other authors have described cell signaling and molecular mechanisms that respond to AP exposure. Results expressed on dry matter basis revealed the seeds contained the following: 2.74% protein, 15.86% crude fat, 7.67% crude fiber, 468.74kcal, 82.01% moisture content, 5.72% ash, 88.98% carbohydrate. The potential of AP phytochemicals to reduce disease risk and improve health has caught the attention of scientists, practitioners, and the lay public. 1 (4). Table 1 is an attempt to summarize research studies of the last 10 years which are related, with different degrees, to sweet taste perception in apple. Preliminary observations show the potential of a link between AP intake and possible risk reduction for osteoporosis and diabetes, but the work on potential mechanisms needs to be expanded. Exposure to apples and apple products has been associated with beneficial effects on risk, markers, and etiology of cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and Alzheimer's disease. Rats were fed 2 different preparations of apple juice pressed from a mixture of apples to determine if 7 wk of daily consumption protected the mucosa from 1,2-dimethylhydrazineinduced genotoxic damage. A great deal of work has focused on dietary polyphenols, particularly the most abundant subclasses, including flavonoids (60% of all polyphenols) and phenolic acids (30% of total polyphenols) (2). Further examination demonstrated that apple juice intake reduced a compensatory increase in the endogenous antioxidant glutathione, suggesting that the antioxidant activity of apple juice accounts in part for the observed protective effects in animals subject to dietary and genetic oxidative stress and a potential neuroprotective effect of AP under these conditions (59). The chemical composition of apples and cider. More than 1400 adult participants in a case-control study of dietary antioxidants and asthma in the UK completed FFQ for assessment of daily intake of 3 major classes of flavonoids, including flavonols, flavones, and catechins. freshly squeezed orange juice. There are ongoing attempts to elucidate other bioactive compounds, beyond flavonoids, that might account for the observed effects of AP on cancer risk. The idea that there is a difference between "natural . The effect of AP on cell proliferation has been the focus of many recent studies. HT29 cells, as well as a breast cancer cell line, MCF-7 were the models in a study of the effects of extracts of 10 fruits, including apple peel (Malus domestica) (21). Polyphenolic concentration of whole apples (freeze dried) and apple juice. A study conducted in Turkey included 15 elderly participants (mean age 72 y; 8 female, 7 male) who ate fresh apples at a daily dose of 2 g/kg for 1 mo (36). The highest quartile of intake was > 47 g of apple/d, which approximates one-third of a medium-sized apple. The composition of cider as determined by dominant fermentation with pure yeasts : Alwood, William Bradford, 1859-1946 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The chemical composition of apples and cider. Dianne A. Hyson, A Comprehensive Review of Apples and Apple Components and Their Relationship to Human Health, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 2, Issue 5, September 2011, Pages 408420, Their experiments tested for the effectiveness of various fruits in inhibiting ROS-induced production of ethylene from -keto--methiolbutyric acid. Fresh apples contain about 15% total carbohydrate. Many investigations have assessed the potential antioxidant effects of AP. There is also inconsistency in the correlation between in vitro outcomes and in vivo antioxidant activity mediated by AP. In addition, the extract downregulated several signal pathways involved in cell proliferation and differentiation, including PKC and enzymes involved in polyamine biosynthesis. Follow-up work with this model to further characterize the effects of the fresh apple extract demonstrated dose-dependent inhibition of markers of cell proliferation (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and down regulation of the cell cycle in mammary tumor cells (cyclin D1 protein expression) (28). I have been fighting the naturalistic fallacy lately and I seem to remember a picture of an apple with a list of compounds which I assumed were naturally occurring - I seem to remember it was a motivational type. There was no statistical association between reduced asthma or asthma severity and any of the flavonoids examined, inferring that compounds other than those studied must be attributed to the observed reduction in risk of asthma. The sole author had responsibility for all parts of the manuscript. Results of the study were presented in 2 reports, the most recent in 2008. The characteristics that distinguish one substance from another are called properties. This study focused on a single concentration of one isolated compound; an expansion of work with this model using a wider range of concentrations and varied phytochemicals would be of interest. The authors concluded that these compounds could be partially responsible for the anticancer activities associated with AP. There is no detailed breakdown of the relative proportion of apples compared to pears, but the authors noted that in general hard fruits were consumed in greater quantities than all other subgroups of fruit. Overproduction and/or overexposure to oxidants in the body can result in an imbalance leading to cellular damage. Because early lesions in the colon may progress to malignancy, the presence of premalignant hyperproliferative crypts and aberrant crypts are indicators of the potential pathogenesis of cancer in this model. Individual compounds isolated from the apple extracts were not effective in altering any of the markers in this study, suggesting that the composite mixtures of components in the extracts were more important in mediating the observed effects than individual compounds, likely due to interaction/synergy between the different components. Significant risk reduction was observed in cancer at several sites (percent reduction in parentheses), including oral cavity and pharynx (18%), esophagus (22%), colorectal (30%), larynx (41%), breast (24%), ovary (24%), and prostate (7%). For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. These studies are among the few that highlight the importance of metabolized AP and emphasize the need to determine the biological activity of metabolites of phytochemicals in vivo. An extract isolated from a mixture of 4 apple varieties was incubated for 24 h with cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells to test the effect of AP on NF-B response to TNF stimulation. Apples increase nitric oxide production by human saliva at the acidic pH of the stomach: a new biological function for polyphenols with a catechol group? It has been suggested that the aglycone form of flavonoids (i.e. In addition, apple intake was associated with reduction in SOD elevation in the hippocampus of aged rats, suggesting that apples provide antioxidant protection that mitigates the predicted compensatory elevation of enzymes associated with aging. Blanching of apple puree, on the other hand, increased apple juice turbidity by increasing the amount of . In a cross-over study, 15 healthy female participants 1950 y (mean 24.6 y) old each consumed a 500-kcal test meal on 3 different occasions consisting of either fresh peeled apples, unsweetened canned apple sauce, or candy. In addition to clinical data, recent animal feeding and in vitro studies have aimed to examine the potential protective link between AP and cancer. Their work focused on NF-B, a transcription factor involved in regulation of inflammation, immunity, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and differentiation. Thirteen pure compounds were identified as triterpenoids and tested for antiproliferative activity against human liver cancer cells (HepG2), as well as human breast cancer and colon cancer cells (MCF-7 and Caco-2, respectively). Individual phytochemicals, including rutin, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, were all effective, with some reconstituted mixtures being more effective than the original, in terms of antioxidant capacity and reducing DNA damage (43). Fresh apple intake (26/wk) tended to be protective but was not significant for a dose-response relationship. Extracts of apple pulp were shown to release NO from human saliva under acidic conditions, prompting the authors to propose a possible gastroprotective role of AP in mediating and scavenging of nitrogen oxides. Intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with improvement in bone mineral density and other bone markers in epidemiologic studies (73). A case-control study from the UK also did not show a protective effect of apples on risk of developing asthma (58). Example 3.4. This group developed a standardized mouse model of neurodegeneration in which aged mice exhibit impaired cognitive performance and increased oxidative parameters in brain tissue when subjected to a prooxidant diet (deficient in vitamin E and folate; high in iron). Although there is a trend toward studying polyphenol-enriched extracts or isolated constituents and fewer clinical studies since the last review of AP and health, several investigators note that native AP and extracts are often more effective than individual compounds or synthetic mixtures of compounds. I thank Sue Taylor and Stacie Haaga for their helpful discussion and review. Several ranking studies have been completed and the pros and cons of chemical methods used to assess in vitro antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables have been debated and will not be reviewed here. Apples and AP 3, including juices and extracts, have been included in health-related studies around the world due to their rich content of varied phytochemicals. One of the most common pesticides used on apples after harvest is diphenylamine, used to prevent apple scald or browning of the skin that can occur during storage. Apples for direct consumption should be rich in biologically active compounds, such as ascorbic acid, and phenolic compounds, particularly flavanols, including catechins and proanthocyanidins. One widely studied mechanism related to cancer is oxidation. Data were based on FFQ (including interviews) of dietary intake in the 2 y prior to diagnosis. Several studies demonstrate that AP reduce cell proliferation, alter markers of the cell cycle, increase apoptotic mechanisms, and modulate signal transduction pathways. As summarized below, recent studies demonstrate the potential of AP to mitigate many metabolic processes associated with the etiology of cancer at various stages. (65) propose that the content of S-adenosyl methionine in apple juice concentrate might account in part for these effects, because comparable effects were observed with S-adenosyl methionine alone. selenium. Apple cider vinegar is 94% water and 5% acetic acid with 1% carbohydrates and no fat or protein (table). In reality, all of these chemicals are either cellulose (the most common chemical in plants) or various breakdown products of cellulose: E460 - Cellulose E461 - Methyl cellulose E462 - Ethyl.

Samantha Jacques Leaving, Articles C

chemical composition of an apple list