baelnorn stat block 5e


Deathless appear corpse-like, but are created through divine power, often by a cleric or deity. At first I was shocked and scared of such a being that was obviously undead, but my mother reassured me that he is a guardian of knowledge to the elves, his undeath is a holy gift rarely given to elves by the gods; it is his sacred duty to remember and record events that will be history so that the knowledge and lessons learned will not be forgotten with generations to come. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage dealt, and you regain hit points equal to that amount of damage. Archliches understand that they may be targetted by do-gooder adventurers who belive them to be evil liches, or agents of gods who despise the undead, or worse gods or demon lords who despise undead who aren't under their influence. You do not require food, drink, or air, at least not in the same way the living do. However this might vary depending on setting. Your character takes a feat to acquire the basic undead traits. While the true reasons why Eberron: Rising from the Last War has this approach to monster's stat blocks is something only the design team involved can truly answer (and I couldn't find it online), this approach was firstly featured in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (the Skull Lasher of Myrkul being an example).. My best guess is that presenting such spells in . How do they deal with it? a character who wishes to advance their vampiric powers can take a vampire class or prestige class which taps into their innate vampiric abilities much like a sorceror taps into their innate magic. Like many "Knightly Orders", membership is open to more than just fighters and paladins. Either way, these undead are often raised through their own sheer will, a will that spits in the face of death and says "I am not finished". Bond: I fell in battle centuries ago, and I am ashamed of it, I hope that by defending the descendants of those I fought with, I can reinforce my bond with my people and strive for lasting peace. You must carry the gemstone with you during the duration of the spell, in which it remains passive until activated. Some types of undead require specific circumstances to occur, such as someone who died after living a very sinful life, dying of ghoul fever, or being carefully embalmed and preserved with powerful necromancy. In theory, a Lich could potentially be non-evil butit's going to be extremely complicated and require some.significant moral gymnastics. The process that creates and sustains a lich requires them to destroy the souls of others. A baelnorn may construct or repair a ruined area such as a library or vault to a condition where it can protect what is inside and then dwell there for ages, the only sign being a strangely unruined building among ruins. If you would like to support the GM Binder developers, consider joining our Patreon community. The baelnorn cannot have more than three summoned creatures present at one time and cannot attempt to summon the same type of creature after it is dismissed by any means for 8 hours. Hit Points per Level: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Baelnorn level. Sunlight Sensitivity. Clone has some problems, it takes 120 days to have the body ready for one, and it costs gold every time. The idea of transcending mortality for some can be very compelling and even spiritual. She has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, minor illusion, posion spray, prestidigitation If you fall to 0 hit points, the spells activates, the gemstone breaks, and the creature possesses your body. People love to flex their creative muscles while composing new homebrew content. A princess has been recently turned into a vampire. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Classes Special Classes, This can happen of an undead person has profane urges such as an overwhelming desire to kill the living and looses control of that; it can also happen if the undead person is tempted into evil the way even the living are, or they break under the stress of being persecuted by the living or under the ennui of vast oceans of time. However, you can probably just use the stats for a lich and make a few changes that you see fitting. The baelnorn casts misty step without spending a spell slot. The archlich has advantage on saving throws against being turned. Your DM has made a ruling on evil characters and per the Monster Manual a Lich is evil (page 203). Liches are immensely powerful evil creatures only encountered at the end of a long, high level campaign. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Sneaky. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th or higher you may target creatures up to Huge size. Deathless are also linked heavily to the divine which makes them harder to work with less religious characters. The baelnorn has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. utterly.. (MM 203). Or maybe she decides to do a trip to the land where she lived hundred of years ago in hope of finding some inner peace or a purpose to fill before passing away. The rules on the blood of another creature and size type still apply. Missing bones or organs cannot be replaced, and the spell does not work if the head or skull is missing. Clones can be destroyed if an enemy finds them, and they cannot hide as well as a phylactery. On a hit, your bite deals 2d6 piercing damage + your Dexterity or Strength modifier. That said, 5e is clearly trying to move away from typical alignment constraints on just about everything else, so your DM might be willing to alter their setting to include the possibility of homebrew non-evil lich-like creatures. A creature you target with this spell cannot have their soul removed or tampered with a spell that directly affects the soul such as magic jar. There could be a variety of non-evil reasons for a wizard to do this. She only reveals herself to the party when she feels she needs to help them. The secret is usually passed from an archlich to apprentice, or bestowed to someone an archlich deems worthy. You now have truesight out to 120 feet. No other green elves subsequently became baelnorns, so it was unknown whether all green elves would undergo a similar transformation or if this was a unique occurrence.[31]. The reanimated creature regains its maximum hitpoints after finishing a long rest. Your investigations find out not all is what it seems to be. If your Intelligence score drops below 5, you become feral and beast-like and the DM may control your character until it has eaten the equivalent of 1 Huge-sized creature of carrion and the carrion must come from a giant or humanoid creature. Your bite attack targets one creature within a range of 5 feet, and uses your Dexterity modifier to hit. Your party has been hired to find the culprit. Some good or neutral gods can be more considerate of undead if they serve them, or even in disagreement with the gods who hate undead. There of course is one of the most compelling reasons for undeaththe fear of death itself. It is unknown who the real storefront owner is, but Mr. Bodoni hints that the shopkeeper is the one who discovered himand perhaps animated him in a dungeon years ago in a deadly trap. While in this form, the shadows gains a fly speed of 60 feet (hover) and can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. This template covers the very basics of what it means to be a vampire, so the benefits and costs are minimal. These spirits may have already consorted with creatures of the inner or outer planes or gods without fully becoming extraplanar creatures yet. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Gods and other powerful extraplanar beings who endorse undeath often favor murder, selfishness, tyranny, and devouring all. Undead Awakening. Good undead? Activity cycle Greatsword. Such undead stay in abandoned places that they can call their domain, but their aura might catch the attention of do-gooder clerics and paladins. Multiattack. 5th level (3 slots): geas, insect plague, legend lore The only good undead is a slain one!" Share your ideas or tweaks if any, we would love to hear it, all homebrew it's welcome. Liches are incredibly powerful. However you are slightly closer to life than most other undead creatures; such spells do not directly heal you but may stimulate your body to heal itself. Unearthed Arcana also offers up the Revenant Sub-Race: @guildsbounty That one perma-kills you when you finish your quest, and doesn't feel very party-friendly to me. Nyx exhales a dark chilling blast in a 15-foot cone. Nyx is no ordinary vampire, so she suffers from less of the weaknesses of other vampires, but has less of the boons. His hunger was sated enough that he could pursue somewhere else. Depending on the setting, some good-aligned gods have occasionally had good-aligned undead servants, namely baelnorns and archliches. Coinciding with this revelation are rumors of a mountainside that is haunted. For more information, please see our Phoenix Soul (Costs 3 actions). The baelnorn can see, hear, speak, see into the Ethereal Plane, and cast spells through its projection. They lost all ability to speak but instead of gaining the arcane powers of a typical baelnorn, they instead became prodigious warriors. As the self-appointed guardians of the Vale of Lost Voices, these new creatures found that they could not leave the Vale's boundary, but they could travel instantaneously within it and were telepathically aware of all visitors to their territory. An adventurer dies horribly in a battle. Finally, the king who sent them went on a mission to face the dragon himself and was able to kill it. This can act as a compelling source of contention between heroic undead characters and the gods. Knowledge is their passion, knowledge is their raison-d'etre. [10] Such a request was usually granted only on rare occasions when a clan or settlement had an exceptional need for lorekeepers or guardians. The second is to gain the favor of a good-aligned god. Tons of reasons. You may however have an unconventional setting where things do not work that way, and undeath is more neutrally seen or reviled by more than just good and evil. Any An archlich is a powerful spellcaster of any humanoid race, whom like the evil-aligned lich has chosen to pursue immortality by becoming a powerful undead being. 3e In previous editions there were added complexities that did make undead characters more difficult to handle--they had no constitution score, were healed by necrotic spells that harmed the living, were harmed by healing spells that healing the living, and were destroyed upon loosing hit points. They care not for the deeds or alignment of said undead, only that undead to them must be put down. I really dont like spooking my patrons, but a little interaction and they ease up and find they can see right through me! If she instead chooses a space within range that is occupied by a willing Small or Medium creature, they both teleport, swapping places. The DM make take your character for the time of the possession. For example, a halfling druid might have a speed of 25 feet and the Lucky trait. Homeland(s) Mr. Bodoni can disattach a limb he is not using at the moment such as a leg, arm, or even just a hand, and wield it as a melee weapon that causes bludgeoning damage. You cannot gain any new equipment unless it is specifically designed for incorporeal creatures. Spartoi can re-assemble themselves after damage. If Ezzie where human though she would notice a new ability to see in the dark. Dradrelyn would be accepted into a wizard academy, but Torrendra would not, due to the lingering prejudices. [] those that control the power of lichdom always demand fealty and service for their knowledge. Consider nercotic if your undead type does not have it, or probably radiant depending on the flavor and nature of the class feature. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. Then we move onto an overview of how to put non-evil undead in a setting, such as motivatations, the state of undeath and necromatic energies, how it can effect the setting to have neutral or good undead, and philosophical viewpoints of the undead. Many archliches were once advenurters or renown heroes who decided to slip into obscurity and watch the world continue rather than move onto the afterlife. As soon as your party approaches, any inhabitants who were outside immediately run indoors, they should start running as they spot your party in the far distance. The creature may choose to fail its roll. The king was frightened and threw a brick amongst them, wherein they began to fight amongst each other. Pack Tactics. Paralyzing Touch. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, unless it is immune to being frightened. Instead, the blood slept in her body, even after it was consecrated and preserved through gentle repose, but one day it would break those spells that prevented reanimation. Nyx is not bound to the tomb she was intered in, but still requires a designated resting place that is free of sunlight during the day and that she can retreat to if reduced to 0 hit points. If a creature attempts to turn the archlich, and the archlich succeeds its saving throw, it can, as a reaction turn the caster and up to six other creatures of its choosing. When you sleep, you appear to be dead to attempts at close inspection without magic. The baelnorn is capable of sustaining tremendous physical damage, and is immune to disease, poison, fatigue and other effects that affect only the living. Time passed, Torrendra's age started to show before even her human peers. The archlich, as defined as a good-aligned lich appeared in the 2e supplement Lost Ships for the Spelljammer setting. or other foul entities. A target that succeeds its saving throw becomes immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. Turned creatures can only use their Dash action or try to flee an effect that prevents it from escaping. General Information[1][4] Legends tell of a great dragon that devoured many soldiers that tried to defeat it. Undead workers can work for days on end without rest. Depending on your setting you might potentially ask if you could play as a Baelnorn. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Most would think undeath to be a state of eternal torment and unrest, but what if its done right its not like that at all? Dexter was driven to kill people periodically, which is normally an inherently evil act. Hit 14 (1d6 +10) piercing damage plus 8 (2d6) necrotic damage. Third is to have divine backing be official, to have a god represent non-evil undead. Deeds are more important to the Order than formalities and symbolism. You can continue gaining levels in this class as long as you maintain your oath with the deity. Fortunately the city is rather cosmopolitanthere is a weird person in each corner of the city, and Mr. Bodoni wears an amulet that protects him against turning and smites. My undeath is a shield from my past life. The amulet does not negate class features that have no direct effect, such as a ranger's favored enemy feature. It takes 5 (1d8) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object unless it intends to inhabit or move that object. Perhaps as you get to a higher in level you can revisit this idea with the DM. Many did not choose undeath, but were fortunate to break free from the servitude they were most often brought into it for. [12], The relatively large number of baelnorn in Myth Drannor were credited as being the only reason many elves were able to escape duirng its fall. Evil characters may often answer this question usually with power, since the state of undeath brings with it certain perks and durability. "Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings." Replace them with the undead type's resistances and immunities in addition to the basic undead immunity to poison condition and poison damage. If you fall to 0 hit points again, you have advantage on death saving throws, if you die, you are no longer possessed. 8th level (1 slot): antimagic field Remember that Lay on Hands is available to oathbreakers now, so does that power really need to come from a holy oath? Some who aspire to become deathless but learn that it has a racial restriction that does not include their own race may become undead out of spite, but still retain a sense of justice that does not allow them to slip into evil. Creatures within a 5 foot radius centered upon the archlich must make a Constitution save (DC 20) or take 15 (3d8) of either necrotic or radiant damage (the archlich must choose either before using this action) in addition to 15 (3d8) fire damage.

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