are tarot cards dangerous to use


A common one folks have is around the safety of tarot and tarot cards. DraconMarius April 29, 2023, 5:08am 1. By asking for God's help in performing your reading, you are essentially saying that you would like to use the cards as a tool to discover what he has planned for you, the matter youre reading on, anything you like really. Free Online Tarot Readings and Tarot Library & Tutorials, Tarot Cards Can Be Misused In Dangerous Ways, Associating Tarot Cards With Evil Will Do A Lot Of Harm, Using Tarot Cards For Spiritual Bypassing Will Create More Problems, So-Called Psychics Use Tarot Cards To Scam Others. Just like the portals question, this is also something which just will not happen. If you would not do this with something as important as, for example, a major surgery (should you or should you not have it), then why would you do so with equally important life decisions, such as marriage, finances, and other life issues? In fact, one could argue that randomly selecting Tarot cards are a form of cleromancy; hardly a sin when God commands Moses to tell Aaron he has to practice it! So, many people feel intensely curious about Tarot Readings but have heard its dangerous or scary. That is because the later at night it is, the veil becomes thinner, and then from 1 am to 5 am is when the veil is the thinnest, and from 3 am to 4 am is the Witching Hour. All forms of divination, no matter how seemingly innocuous, can potentially open someone up to much deeper problems, such as direct demonic oppression, obsession, and possession. They are not necessarily sinister people. Are Tarot Cards Evil, Bad or in any Way Dangerous. The safest way to be always protected is to create a sacred space protection where space is protected before even beginning to set up the reading. Therefore, you may want to keep an area of your home clean and create that sacred space to put the cards into, indicating that you are taking care of the cards and cleansing your cards at times by placing them for hours on the window sill for daylight or moonlight to bathe them. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. Post written by Gypsy fortune teller, Lisa Boswell. Tarot cards are not dangerous to use, but like any other tool, they can be used for harm or for good. Lets talk about that. Two things linked to superstition and to black magic which are totally out of context when it comes to Tarot Cards, in my opinion. The art on many Tarot decks rely heavily on Christian symbolism. Many, perhaps too many, believe that the Tarot Cards predict the future. You will follow one or the other. Are Tarot Cards Evil and What Should Christians Know about Them? And lastly, you may wonder what could happen if you touch someone elses tarot cards. If this all sounds a bit daft, that is because it truly is. I cannot say that I believe in this, because to call it a belief would not be enough. This dialogue can help Manduley talk with clients about solutions. When used with positive intent, tarot cards can be a helpful tool for self-reflection and gaining insight into one's own life. In fact, anytime divination is shunned in the Bible it is because God is warning against someone else practicing it for you: But the Bible includes many instances where people have practiced pulling lots, interpreting the weather, interpreting dreams etc. It doesnt mean that what you have done in the past was wrong or evil, it just means that it is not for you now and that God has a new plan. At 24, I won an award for my work with Tarot (Young Tarosophist of the Year) and have appeared in media all over the world. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. He is the author ofThe Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. This is simply another attempt at trying to be in that position. If you know someone who is using tarot cards, the best approach is to first address the reality that a deck of cards cannot answer life and future questions. . As a tool, you can use a toothpick for good things. Proverbs 3:5-6, Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/HappyNati. So, if your intentions to use them are good, you dont engage in anything dangerous, and if you take great care of them, youll be fine while using tarot. In fact, in many cultures where evil spirits are a belief, divination is used as a tool to help work out why they are present; divination doesnt attract them but can diagnose them, explain their existence and even help the diviner figure a way to expel them. How do you choose? As mentioned in the point above, if you allow yourself to use the tarot cards in a way that can cause curses and hexes, then that is a sure way to allow yourself to believe that the cards hold dark powers. Tarot Cards are a divination tool useful for understanding, learning and prevention. However, this does not mean that divination is evil, all that it means is that human sacrifice potentially is. Would like to thank you and let you know I look forward to time with you on YouTube everyday. Get your own copy of Miriam's Penguin Tarot for just $24.15! This is dangerous ground for a person who does not know Christ and should be avoided by people who do. No, they are not, because they help us understand ourselves better and where we can improve ourselves in life. And since I said that it is safe to use tarot if you take care of yourself, that does not mean it isnt safe to use tarot cards if you happen to incorporate a lot of McDonalds into your diet, in addition to eating potato chips and candy bars often. I see a succession of blessings arriving, and this is not by chance. Do you honestly believe that he would allow a practice, which isnt even evil, to ruin your life? Tarot may be becoming more mainstream, but not everyone is familiar with the practice. One of the disadvantages of paying for a Tarot reading is that when you have your cards read you may not want to tell the reader too much because you may feel you want proof they are a good reader. The Purpose of Tarot. Read on for what professional tarot readers think about the pros and cons of using tarot for mental health. Bibliomancy is not in the bible, it practically is the bible! Learn how to read for yourself, go directly to the source. We need to respond to occultism and occultists with wisdom and love (1 Peter 3:15). Tarot is dangerous. Tarot Cards can be many different things, a guide, a tool for personal growth, an ally when it comes to your spiritual awakening and much more. Tarot isnt a one-size-fits-all cure-all for your mental health but for me, its a big part of my mental hygiene regimen, Hinson says. Remember in his heart he wants to be like God and worshipped as God. You can read the cards using your own (internal . Karmic relationships are often equal parts passionate and volatile, and you may feel like you're magnetically drawn to the other person. Angel cards have become much more common over the years. The best way to get guidance is to build up a relationship with spirit yourself. If you set the intention of working with God, he will pull through for you: Setting your intention on who youre working with is very important in Tarot. Some . One thing I found to be incredibly helpful was using tarot as a way for me to more objectively look at my situation. There is no such thing as neutral divination. Luckily for you, if anyone would be at risk, it would be the mostly the reader, not the client. And remember, a spiritual awakening isn't always easy, especially if you choose to come out of the closet with your divination. Follow the steps below to hone your abilities as a Tarot card reader to offer insight and guidance to those who seek it or to aid in your own personal growth. However, suppose you touch someone elses tarot cards without their permission. To put it as plainly as I can, these are things that should not be played with and taken lightly. How can cards be evil? Some say that the bible rejects the use of cards to predict the future. No! It is spiritually dangerous. Our actions and attitudes have a lot to do with what happens to us in our future and knowing of consequences is always good, certainly not bad, especially if I follow the advice of the cards to improve my life for the better. The message of Jesus and many other prophets is that God dwells within us all, we do not need to be told what to do by any organisation. I come from a culture which is very, very afraid of the Devil, demons and evil, so much so that we will not even say these words out loud. And yet, in almost every major city in this country, you will absolutely find occult societies and groups. I honestly believe that church leaders in post-prophet times condemned divination and fortune-telling as being evil because they wanted to remain in control. In 1781, the former French Protestant minister, Antoine Court de Gebelin, published a complex analysis of the Tarot. Ac., CYT, What Is Ayahuasca? The litmus test is simple: Does it make you feel better? So if tarot is a tool that can help many people manage their mental health and help them learn about themselves, that tool is not evil, despite what you learned from your religious family or place of worship where you attended during childhood. These are the best two tips I have for you for a safe positive experience. Remember that a serious professional reader reports what the cards say, even if this is not what you wanted to hear. Keep protective crystals such as black obsidian or black tourmaline around to ward off negative energy. I have to admit that when I was young, I was very curious about Tarot Cards, their powers and abilities, I had always seen them when I was younger and this was before I really knew about them. Tarot Cards and Christianity have blended the usage of the cards as well. And yes, many use tarot for divination and have not had any problems at all. Therefore, I treat them with respect. First, if you dont understand how to read them properly, you can easily misinterpret the meaning of the cards. So, if you grew up in a religious household of any of those religions, then it is understandable that you would have that fear. There is a lot of contradictory stuff online which regards anything, and it is no different when it comes to reading content on tarot cards. For tarot to work, you have to suspend disbelief and open up something that may feel surreal. There is a spiritual component to tarot cards, which may appeal to those who dont associate with organized religion. The best readings I have performed (and the only ones which have worked) are the ones where I have set out to receive advice from God and the spirits and didn't just 'wing it'. You will also get access to my free tarot course, which is a great bonus! Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. You can read more about me Here. What Happens If You Touch Someone Elses Tarot Cards? Does having the cards read badly or getting the cards read badly attract negativity? A tarot deck has 78 cards and is divided into two sections: major arcana (major mysteries) and minor arcana (meaning minor mysteries). What Makes Arianism Such a Dangerous Heresy? Why would the nighttime be a concern? However, The Devil card doesnt even symbolize worship, it represents the Christian idea that the Devil is evil and the card warns against indulging in human urges and earthly pleasures. In the New Testament God gave us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which often operate in the same fashion. Are tarot cards evil? Let me go over that with you. Remember you are responsible for your own life choices, angel cards are just a helpful tool to assist you into reaching your . So a genuine apology for that will balance it out. Personal Interview. In these forms of treatment, you talk about and contextualize behaviors. More Americans now say theyre spiritual but not religious. Thats it for this article! Sansone-Braff sees clients who are taking similar approaches. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. And you will read others that state that you can use tarot to get a yes or no answer, or maybe, and I believe the latter is true as well. But, again, Tarot is a tool, so it is neutral; furthermore, it boils down to intentions and your care for yourself and the cards. "Tarot cards, along with any other metaphysical tools, are as safe or as dangerous as you make them," McBride says. I think it is of the utmost importance to have your own Tarot Card deck, I personally have 3 decks, and never use a borrowed deck. Nowhere in the commandments does God say that thou should not read Tarot, or even, practice divination. As with any treatment, tarot will help some people and not work for others. If you have an interest in Tarot, I honestly believe you have the potential to be a reader and shouldnt be scared off. It is my intentions for them which matters. To believe so, is to think that opening a Bible at a random page to receive guidance, reading your horoscope in the paper or generally being superstitious opens portals: the universe doesnt work like that. That is something you should consider when you travel with the tarot. God has clearly stated that he will set himself against anyone that turns to mediums and spiritists, both of which are forms of divination. Playing cards were so adaptable that they were culturally appropriated throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. However, some people think Tarot Cards can be used as a portal to connect to the unknown and with the spiritual realm. Tarot cards cannot attract evil spirits unless you tell them to come, just as using cards is not bad or dangerous. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that Satan disguises or masquerades himself as an angel of light. I will say that Tarot has completely transformed my life for the better and my faith, spirituality and relationship with God and the spirits has became better because of it. If the reader is just playing with the cards with no awareness of the energies coming through, theres a possibility for less than desirable spirits to come through, make themselves present or try to communicate to the reader. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. Its a really good vortex for opening the subconscious mind and collective unconscious mind and for figuring out whats going on below the surface.. You know within yourself if Tarot or divination is calling your name, so why let anyone else tell you otherwise? However, thats where the similarities end, really. For generations, people turned to organized religion to find purpose in their lives and strength in troubled times. 3. Learn more about Lisa here. It has as much validity as putting a bunch of pre-written answers into a hat and drawing one out, expecting to be guided to the right answer. Your May Tarot 2023 Reading. These scammers often prey on vulnerable or gullible people, and they can end up taking advantage of them financially. Sorcery here is to be understood as the use of mind-altering drugs. It can expose you to heavy energies and entities which will, in turn, affect you if you dont do it with a responsible reader. Likewise, do not be an enchanter nor an astrologer (Didache). There is this belief that reading Tarot is sinful. Someone who has the ability to channel information? That said, tarot may go against your faith, or you may find it hard to believe. Below I have included the most common questions people have around the subject of Tarot being evil, causing possession and all that jazz. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where youre not living your life but are just going through the motions. The bottom line is that tarot cards are safe if you have good intentions, take care of your cards, and dont dabble into anything dangerous. Tarot isnt magic and neither are any other method of divination. If you ever open up your Bible at a random page to get guidance or inspiration, then you practice a form of divination called Bibliomancy (divination using books or paper). If attracting and linking with spirits was as simple as reading Tarot cards, everyone would be walking around possessed! Even if I deliver hard messages, they are delivered with love and to help. Some people buy them out of a sense of curiosity, while others are deeply involved in various occult systems and utilize them to gain insights into their lives and even their futures. Hope this was helpful. Once when we were going to the place of prayer,we were met by a female slave who had a spiritby which she predicted the future. And you can do this using your translation book i.e. My siblings, my daughter, my nephew and other relatives also read Tarot and practice forms of divination and they have never been possessed either. 5. What they offer you is the opportunity to tell your fortune and show you what is going to happen in your future. Maybe you would love a Tarot Reading but feel like it may confuse you or can create an unnecessary expectation for your life. Its also not a replacement for therapy, though it can complement it. If youre paranoid that youll be chatting to a demon and not God, all that you must do is set your intentions to work with and receive Gods word before you perform your reading. What I meant by taking care of yourself is that you dont engage in any dangerous activity where you would purposely engage with dark energies where you could end up with attachments. The purpose of this post is not to sway you in any way towards reading Tarot. In some cases, the response of the cards is positive and for the reader it is a pleasure to confirm that everything is going well. Here is what scripture says about divination. In fact, the Bible is one big Channelling exercise of Gods will. There are many rumors about Tarot Card readings, and this is one of them. All rights reserved. Take the first step to improve your life start today. Yes, occultism is in every neighborhood. Absolutely not! In the context of occult societies practicing Satanism, witchcraft, ritual magic, etc., when we use the word occult, we mean an attempt to gain knowledge of the spirit world, and/or power, by means of contact with the supposed spirits of the dead, pagan deities, and ancestors. Therefore, if you utilize those tips when traveling with the tarot, it is safe. If you want to learn how you can read Tarot cards (which are clearly not evil) you can learn through my free Tarot For Beginners Guide which you can grab for free on this website! Where Was Judaism Founded and Why Does it Matter Today? Well, they can be if done without the consciousness required to do a responsible reading. Yes, you can read tarot for fun with friends without attracting dangerous stuff. In fact, Tarot cards are in the same class of divination as receiving random guidance from the Bible is. to determine the will of God for themselves. Tinson isnt alone in seeking solace in tarot. I felt back home somehow and I found that its actually very healing and helpful when approached in the right way. In this case, divination is completely neutral. The problem with essentially stepping back and not saying much is that the reader then is really just broadcasting. No, Tarot cards cannot attract demons and you will not be possessed by using them. The section of Tarot cards can also be called Bibliomancy. Understand the basics of a tarot deck. Hi there! Do not practice divinationor seek omens. For example, many people find tarot cards comforting for meditation and introspection and to help them with journaling as they see it therapeutic. Therefore, you cannot say that Tarot is like Ouija boards just because they are both methods of divination. Turn to the word of God and prayer and you will find the answers you need. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. For instance, quitting a job is similar to dying, but finding new work is similar to giving birth. April 26, 2023. If this eases your mind, many people practice the tarot that has not given up their religion. You will find, that every single one of these stories contain statements such as: Then something crappy happens to confirm their inner worries. You can use it for helpful purposes where you can learn about something helpful, or you could use it for harmful purposes. But what happens if you plan to do some traveling? If youd like to book a reading with me, please let me know. In a lot of traditional decks, tarot cards are gendered and boxed into masculine and feminine, they say. Methods of divination can (though rarely do they do so) invite demons into your life, and by proxy, the lives of your family members and other loved ones. Divination refers to exactly what is done with tarot cards. The rules of the games played were recorded by Marziano da Tortona, sometime before 1425. In the part of the world where the stories in the Bible take place, sacrifice was common. The Mayor Arcana consists of 22 cards representing a journey and all the possible stages/energies available from a process that begins to one which ends. The Tarot System of cards is said to go back to Egypt and was introduced to Europe in the 14th century. Just as the prophets did in the bible and just as the saints do, you can have access to divine knowledge and get guidance directly from higher sources. Cledonism appears in the Bible and is recommended by God: Cledonism is something which you have to practice yourself, it cannot be practiced for you. Tarot Cards tell you what MIGHT happen so you can learn a lesson and get advice from the cards and to reconnect you with the energy the right way to create the life you want. And, dont worry, they will protect you if you ask for it. If you have a bad reader misinterpreting the cards, if means you would be misadvised. If tarot cards make you feel more at peace and help you feel better, they could be a good resource. Manduley says that some of the older tarot card decks play into gender and class stereotypes. Though fewer adults in the United States affiliate with organized religions than ever before, many still do. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Anyone who does these things is detestable to theLord; because of these same detestable practices theLordyour God will drive out those nations before you. Dont get me wrong, I am not downplaying the existence of the Devil or possession. It may open the door for you to think about changing a relationship, and maybe you werent giving yourself permission to think about that before, Manduley says. If they dont, its OK to move on to something else. They told her they got the death card and felt this was the universe telling them not to get the shot. You do not have to follow rules which make no sense, rules which take the divine phone line away from you. Therefore, they cannot be good or evil, they are what they are: they are only cards. The FACT given is that they were developed about 600 years ago for use in divination, which is strictly prohibited in the Bible. J. Davila-Ashcraftis an Anglican priest, Theologian, and Apologist, and holds a B.A. It involves both good and bad because where it is good, there is bad. Ouija boards were invented fairly recently by businessman Elijah Bond in 1890. Most Tarot readers see even negative cards as a good thing because these represent something which is bad for you leaving your life. For example, some people use them for evil purposes, such as trying to hex or curse someone. "One card readings are one of the quickest and most satisfying ways to build a relationship with your deck, especially if you . The difference is rather than turning to the tarot card reader, God wants you to turn to him. Tarot may not be ideal for individuals with certain mental health diagnoses, especially those including symptoms like paranoia, psychosis, or obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Thats not true because the only thing that really matters when it comes to Tarot Cards is what you do with them. The Tarot is an intricate system of cards which includes aspects of numerology, astrology, archetype wisdom, psychology, alchemy, and divination. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. No, they are not, because they help us understand ourselves better and where we can improve ourselves in life. In that case, it is best to apologize immediately because even though it was not intentional, you crossed their boundary, which can create negative karma. Tarot is not a key card., Obsessed with Astrology? Again, if your intentions to use tarot cards are safe, you can read them at any time of the day or night without any problem, even during the Witching Hour if you are awake then. That can lead to people becoming obsessed with the cards and their meanings, which can take over their lives. Tarot is a deck of cards with culturally derived meanings that you can use for spirituality, art, and storytelling reasons, says trauma-focused therapist Aida Manduley, LCSW, who uses they/them pronouns. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. These are common things people wonder about. They are average people who are seeking something to give them answers and life meaning. These occult decks consist of 78 cards divided into two arcana. These and the cards specific to them are: One of the more popular tarot decks was created by Aleister Crowley and is known as the Thoth deck, drawing on Egyptian symbolism. Magic and sorcery derive their power from evil demons (Origen). I must fall in love with a deck to buy it and by spending more time with it, I develop a special connection with the cards. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For example, she would refer a client with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to a therapist. Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness, by Rachel Pollack. However, were their worries truly confirmed or where they just looking for evidence? I have been reading since I was a young child and I can honestly say I have never once been possessed. Well, they can be if done without the consciousness required to do a responsible reading. tarot cards can be an excellent tool for self-exploration and personal growth, but its essential to be aware of the dangers of using them as a form of spiritual bypassing. Others think that Tarot Cards have the power to trigger something negative in their lives. In short, even though the decks were a little different, they were just like an ordinary deck of cards you might use today to play bridge, hearts, or some other card game. Unsubscribe at any time. Youll read one article telling you that you cannot use tarot to get a yes, no, or a maybe answer, as the pendulum is the only divination tool for that. Once you see the evidence from the other side, you can decide if Tarot is or isnt bad: I want to get this point out here first and foremost because it is so important to me. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. [The death card] doesnt have to be a negative thing, and we can use that to talk about life changes.. Cards in image are The Devil and Temperance cards from the Rider Waite Smith deck. Therefore, I am not going to try to convince you that these things do not exist if these are your spiritual, religious and/or cultural beliefs. Tarot cards are not some mystical tool as they are a helpful tool as . Tarot Cards hypothesize, based on the choices and gestures we are making in our present. This card is from the Rider Waite Smith deck, the most common deck for beginners. For us, divination is just a hobby, a job or something someone may be particularly good at. False news has been circulated by the media and many by religious cultures. Also, envision yourself in a bubble of protective white light and ask your higher guides to keep you safe. Which Tarot Cards Predict Physical Death? I do not come from a religious background per say but one which is very spiritual, superstitious and paranoid. Can people use Tarot Cards for evil purposes? You can also access our FREE VIDEOS on our Youtube Channel. Tarot connects deeply with the soul. No, Tarot is not witchcraft. However, just like any other tool where you get to use your (inner) power, it all depends on your intent of how you're planning on using the tarot cards that could potentially make them dangerous.

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are tarot cards dangerous to use