alice woods ken rex mcelroy


Again, awesome book!! skidmore is a town that MURDERED A MAN & got away with it. Honestly, she has the townspeople to thank for that because his death was the reason she was able to move on and find her happiness with another man. I also was attempting to use Google Earth to observe the former Ken Rex house. Can I get in touch with you at your email? He was also preceded by his sister, Ronda Salsbury; son in law, Carey Barr; grandson, Rob Lowrance; and sister in law, Barb Dowling. Ken Rex McElroy was born June 1, 1934 to a family of poor tenant farmers who moved near the town of Skidmore, Missouri. sadly i feel the man & his killing caused so much trauma it never has fully recovered. It wasnt hard to imagine him jerking the gun from his pickup in a burst of anger and opening up on the large black head on the other side of the rear window of the pickup. i wonder why a group of ppl didnt grab him and beat him half to death way b4 the shooting. Im curious why you felt No One Saw A Thing was junk. 6. Del Clement died of liver disease this last spring. a narcissistic psychopath that made even the mafia look simple in comparison.. the day they snapped, it was when the last straw had been broken and good people were desperate & did a desperate thing. Required fields are marked *. By the way, In Broad Daylight goes up as a Kindle on Tuesday. My first teaching job ended up being in Skidmore. And we did not witness the actual shooting. In this day and age we would have a ream of cell phone photos of the funeral, which I would definitely have run. Im not going to comment on Mcelroys death, but all the small towns in America! I believe that Del Clement was the main shooter on impulse. While I understand that Harry MacLean and one of the alleged shooters have bad blood between them. But we exchanged some small talk, and I left. I think he probably knew it was the end for him, and I think he might have welcome it, at some level. Ive lived in both large cities and small, rural towns, and without the farmers, small towns will struggle to survive. I live about an hour away from this area still. There does not need to be a reeenactment. I have watched the show about it and each time I have seen it, I myself have been frustrated at the situation and I didnt even live there. I believe that the shooting was wrong , as someone said on here it was murder , but the law failed to do its job & they are also responsible for that mans death . we tolerated him doesnt meen we liked him. Del was a weasel. And the only women you get are the ones you buy on the street corner. period. Honestly, the story he told me about this man sounded so far-fetched. She owed her new life to the town is an interesting idea and one I hadnt thought of. Again, GREAT BOOK!! He was drunk and became outright hostile to me. He was most certainly not. Law Enforcement did NOTHING. Anywhere from 30 to 90 people watched the 47-year-old McElroy die in an act that ended his decade-long reign of terror over the people of Skidmore. its almost like you were their . I need to ponder a few things before I attempt to ask any more, and I will let you know how the trip fares. The vast majority of these rifles were chambered in 30-30; the Winchester 94 is practically synonymous with the 30-30 chambering. I watched the TV Movie In Broad Daylight, Iast night. Hi, Im doing a school project on the murder of Ken Rex McElroy. The whole story is somewhat lurid, given all the components of KRMs misdeeds and crimes. They should be strung up for the way they did it. (I seem to recall he wasnt quite right) I understand one weapon used that day was an 8mm. The posts didnt sound like it. He probably thought it would make him a bigger man in the eyes of the townfolk something he always wanted. If I were ever accused of a crime then found not guilty, Im reasonably confident that Id be smiling ear to ear & might even do a happy dance! Cmon people use your head. I would rather have a bio that reads defense attorney than town drunk , One can be both a defense attorney as well as the town drunk. I agree with you that we need to be careful about judging the town of Skidmore. But looking at this case through the lens of 2021, you can see how he clearly terrorized people. I was their that day I was watching from the old gas station on the corner I know who fired the first shot & no I WONT TELL , I TOOK THE OATH TOO. I was a witness , not a shooter . I dont like people taking the Law in their own hands, but in THIS CASE I see nothing else they could do. If Clement was one of the gunment, he was just protecting his neighbors. he is suppossedly dying & wants truth to come out . They are all over. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images) PURCHASE A LICENSE Standard editorial rights Custom rights How can I use this image? If that had happened, I doubt there would have been much of an outcry, and surely no book entitled In Broad Daylight. He was a man with a black soul and got exactly what he deserved. I do not see it that way. He was of the Christian faith and had attended the Skidmore Methodist Church.. Gary married Marilyn Lou Friend in 1959, they later divorced. Compelling read. Thank you Harry for your good work. And the girl killed for her baby, and the branson boy. i told this guy ( didnt know his reputation at the time) to back off he gave me an icy cold stare , he did in fact have an imitadation factor about him. 1. We drove back home talking about other things like life and baseball. This has certainly been an interesting read. After selling his farm, he worked at Energizer in Maryville, MO, for several years. she had to move,didnt have a choice. i wonder what wouldve happened if some of the guys in town reached out to him , talk to him , have a beer be pals . Interesting take on Ken and the town. I never met or knew Del Clement so I cant comment on him. Maybe in 30 or more years you will know there names but i wont be saying because there is still a lot of Mcelroy decents around these parts. Sorry, Ive never been a defense lawyer, and my bio does not indicate otherwise. damn right we were scared to death of him the man was a bully . Or is it possible, that was merely a shell game, and they had no intentions of showing them to you from the start? I heard stories over the years that a couple of men had been offered a sum of money to kill McElroy. Thanks again for sharing you trip there with us. (two increments noted in his description). trena did the right thing by leaving skidmore, no way in hell she could stick around & im sure she never went back to visit, she wouldve been outta her mind to do so. the people of skidmore mo murdered ken rex mcelroy-plain & simple. As I said, my feelings and comments are not for everyone, and obviously you have taken offense to them but sadly you wont be able to do anything about it so too bad. I think one of the rifles used in McElroys shooting was a Winchester 94 (or Marlin 336) chambered in 32 Winchester Special. The likelihood that a serious offer was made and accepted seems highly unlikely, given McElroys reputation and his many friends in the area. Thanks for your thoughts. If youre such a big bad ass why carry a gun and have a crew? Did you know him personally, or just hear this about him? OK, I did as you requested and I picked up a copy of the 2007 edition and read the epilogue. I later heard that there were suspicions that he had been driven off of the road. Trena only witnessed Clement with a rifle. Ken Tex McElroy had it coming. Some are saying they were a .22 and a 30-30. The obituary mentioned that he had lived in Skidmore, MO, but nothing at all about the event for which we are reading this material. I think it is Delta Road. Ken Rex was a hero to some and was running the area with the back of his hand and had a great run. Tell me what happened when Alice and the kids move in. As Juarez left the court room, the news item specifically mentioned he was smiling. In the incident in the bar, I was not asking Del questions. Its CIRRHOSIS of the liver NOT sclerosis of the liver. maybe they should have the gun that killed mcelroy in a museuem or something, maybe they can build a museueum there celebrating the murder . Also didnt Cheryl marry the town mayor or sheriff? There might be some truth to it, but, frankly, most of the people I knew were scared to death of the man and wouldnt have done anything to draw attention to themselves. Well then grow a pair and do something about it. Shot an old man because the old mans wife told Kens daughter that stealing was not nice. In the book you wrote that nobody ever saw McElroy in an actual physical confontation, e.g. Bystanders were aloud to crowd around the vehicle even after Officers arrived. Made me do a bit of searching on my own recently. I wonderwonder for how long he wished he could be big and strong like Ken Rex coupled with Ken Rex imasculating him he jumped on the opportunity to get even for everything. While you all are shakin in your boots your women will be coming to me, women love a real man, and so will your property. Granted, one needs to gloss over the statutory rape. But as long as you are armed, Im sure you feel like big man on campus. Tonight I rooted for the New England Patriots to beat the Chiefs! Getting Away With Murder State troopers finally arrived in Skidmore, to find that the streets were deserted. Whether the people that shot him are cowards or NOT, they simply did what the SYSTEM would NOT DO. I just ordered the new edition from Amazon and it is on the way. While it had some Hollywood necessaries (I suppose) in it, I was surprised to see some aspects of the movie were depicted just as I have read and appreciated that. Jupiter Entertainment "You could talk to everybody in this case, and they'd give you. As I understand it and read your post, you were on the same corner as my grand father that morning opposite of Sumys. Mr. MaClean, as a writer, you should check your facts before writing such gross untruths. and im not affraid to say yes del was the main shooter. Instead of writing some kind of relevant answer on the issue, you took your time to harass someone who was nice enough to give a deeper insight from first hand witnessing. Finally, there is some confusion on the rifles used. Well said. Bringing in meat and dairy products from U.K. countries. The man Im thinking of, one time, was merely asked by the Los Angeles Police to move his double parked 18 wheeler. Estes certainly did not come off well in the whole McElroy story. I also read Judgement Day, it was worth reading although you can tell its not as accurate. Too many other people demanded to get a piece of Ken too bad, 4) Ken was the coward..the town was defended what was rightfully theirs! I did get the side eye from someone who walked in though, when I was by the front door looking at the photos on the wall. On July 10, 1981, Ken Rex McElroy would be shot dead in the street in broad daylight, amongst as many as 60 witnesses. 2. but the shooters are dead now and wives. Someone who was loved. I think anyone who has been on the receiving end of a bullys wrath or the injustices of the legal system to deal with criminals can put themselves in the plight of the towns people of Skidmore. Mr. MaClean, excellent book!!! Del, a short man with a chip on his shoulder and a hot temper, wore a cowboy hat and drank heavily. I believe there was a third gun, but whether it fired or not is another question. I have seen similar areas in my youth. I have pictures of that mess as well. If anyone has information on Treena family I would love to know what happened to them all . I read your book and think it is great. How fitting. I happened on this story a couple of years ago via the Sundance program. As I understand it, Gary D moved to Texas a few years back. Ken Rex McElroy, 47, was a big, burly man with bushy sideburns, cold eyes and an ever-present gun. You may email me if you do not want to post it publicly. I never considered the gunmen as cowards. Can you direct me to where this information is? This was verified. I will obviously drive through the town, and more than likely take some pictures along the way, and of course stop by the bar, if it is open. Or in his wifes purse? towns are mear gone now? I guess thats understandable. I know Treena passed,which is so sad, she had a terrible life . Just after the killing two of the. Those people TRIED to get some relief, they were ignored. .. I would have to drive it to be sure, but it sounds like it. Probably sobut I also think it might have been mitigated to manslaughter or justifiable homicide. He always said I know you have a lot of loyalty to the town, but how do you balance that with the law? (Lets just say me and my sisters definitely dont blend in with the locals). The irony of course is that the way they got it back was to take a mans life. I look forward to receiving it. I hope Skidmore survives, its had a tragic history and deserves a break. Life forced us to leave the area for a time and we totally lost contact with the family. No one recognized him, even though he stopped in several places. Never saw anyone over 64. I can not put into words how painful it is to read these untruths on the internet. They preceded him in death. Almost ghost-like in the downtown area. Especially while drinking in the presence of overly curious people. Thanks for the great book and your comments. Not knowing who Ken was before someone had told him. These small man syndrome types are quick to jump on the bandwagon and try to out do everyone by being first to the punch due to their own perceived difficiencies. The bullet must have been mis-identified as an 8 mm bullet; just 2 thousands of an inch different. dennehey , when I saw him on tv just brought back all the memories . One farmer told me: The killers should be given medals for what they did. Who else would shoot a man in the back of the head as he sat in his truck?. I have a few questions. I will post a link once I have all the pictures posted. BB. AND the pedophile I will add, yet again. He simply declined the offer knowing that the cattle were hot. ive been to skidmore a few times , saw the movie in broad daylight. Rod Rex you might be a narcissist but you certainly arent any man. Why wasnt the surrounding area taped off and secured by law enforcement for the investigation? It not only provided additional information on the people, places and events that lead to the showdown on main street but the also with the aftermath of investigations, reflections and conclusions. Perhaps you were drunk, too, I live in Independence, MO (after living in LA and Indiana) not far from SkidmoreO have read this book three times it is so goodthe entire story is one of the most intriguing incidents everYou did a GREAT job (And I am a screenwriter, myself (and actor/comedian)I hope you have other true story books, cause I want to read themAre you into screenwriting as well? The same cops who ignored McElroys crimes were rousting them trying to find his killers. This is the Home County of Kenneth McDuff, you have heard of him Im sure. I understand you are a tall man, so relatively he would be shorter than you, but he was not a short man with a chip on his shoulder. will they tell , or will they take it to the grave too. did they like her or not , was she mean too ? But I will say that incidents like this are why its so important to have a working justice system. I hear more and more stories as time goes on. walked around the back of the old grocery, then looked at the buildings and grocery, out front. RELATED: 10 Of The Best Docuseries You Should Be Watching Now Each episode is around 40 minutes each and contains dramatic and intimate . During our many trips this subject came up and she gave an entirely different perspective on the story. His second wife, Alice Wood. I just heard that a new cafe has opened in Skidmore, in the old B & B grocery store. The only hope for solving the crime seemed to be that one of the witnesses, or maybe one of the killers, would confess on his deathbed in order to clear his conscience. we all knew that the police would be coming , no one expected the fbi . Its so hard to imagine that he was not dealt with long before, I mean a good beat down every time he came to town. Standing at his truck, watching McElroy sit calmly in this truck with his wife, as if he owned the street, the twon, someone shouted Shoot the sonofabithch! and he grabbed his rifle. My house on Safari Drive backed up to the cemetery where McElroy is now buried. The third person with the shotgun was always a theory, but never proven. A year or so after the book was published, I met one of Kens kids who had been adopted out as a child. 717 people, hmmmmmm a small town just a little bigger than skidmore- makes you wonder ? I would say that the shotgun was the first thing fired then shots rang from the other 2 guns, one being fired instantly after the shotgun blast which took out the window. He was not looking forward to going to prison for a couple of years, and his best days as a coon hunter and seducer of girls were long behind him. As I mentioned above, using Google Earth, you can see the remains of a structure still there. we all talked & took a vow of silence , NO MATTER WHAT to our death bed. off of RT. He was constantly committing crimes and threatening the townspeople. Ia dikenal sebagai "tukang rusuh kota". Chris: We just published an e-book entitled The Story Behind In Broad Daylight. Available on Amazon. Ken McElroy terrorized his town for years. McElroy should have been taken care of by law enforcement officers and the courts. He made me think he was McElroy. no one planned it. She told of one incident in particular where her family was present when his property was being buzzed repeatedly by a low flying plane. and yes he kept harassing the clements and you are right. When I met him, he was a sophomore in college, which amused me greatly, to think of one of Kens kids being a college graduate. Ken was eventually convicted for shooting a local general store owner for accusing his daughters of shoplifting. You or your crew. I have a first issue hard copy that was my grandfathers and he left to me after his passing in 2006. Whether it was in the heat of the moment or putting him down like a mad dog, I cannot say. And here we are in 2021 & some insist the shooter of Ken was a coward. Nothing more was saidbut obviouslythe town had already vetted me. After you turn off V, you go a few miles, hit a curve, and Tims house is on the right. thats why this towns are falling into disrepairnot just Skidmore! Just after the killing two of the Mcelroy children moved into our nieghboorhood in St Joe. My grandpa has always maintained that he was at the Albany court house awaiting ken Rex for his trial. Im sure the shooting came up after a few beers, it would be a hard thing to live with. She had our food ready to go I would really love to find out what happened to all of his children, and women, as well as if you or the authorities have any new leads to speak of.

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