according to the solar nebula theory, planets


B) faster due to an increase in angular momentum. For several decades most astronomers preferred the so-called collision theory, in which the planets were considered to have been formed as a result of a close approach to the Sun by some other star. B) the interstellar medium. This causes increased gravitational attraction which in turn causes more matter to come together and vice versa. E) Saturn has the same density as water. Growth via pebble accretion may be as much as 1000 times faster than by the accretion of planetesimals. The main issue was angular momentum distribution between the Sun and planets, which the nebular model could not explain. away from the sun and becomes longest and brightest at perihelion. So far, beyond the solar system the extrasolar planets found have been mostly: b. large jovians very close to theiri star. Which of the following statements is most likely to have been true about these first-generation star systems? D) everything past Mars and the asteroid belt A) in the Kuiper Belt. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on In this treatise, he argued that gaseous clouds (nebulae) slowly rotate, gradually collapsing and flattening due to gravity and forming stars and planets. Artem has a doctor of veterinary medicine degree. This diagram represents the solar nebula early in its history and shows the location of the frost line. What came out of the evolutionary hypothesis was the solar nebula theory, the theory that posits that the planets and sun in the solar system formed from the solar nebula. C) a chunk of space debris that has struck the ground. A) the crust of a differentiated asteroid, now broken up. The cores in this hypothesis could have formed locally or at a greater distance and migrated close to the star. During the late 19th century the Kant-Laplace views were criticized by the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who showed that, if all the matter contained in the known planets had once been distributed around the Sun in the form of a disk, the shearing forces of differential rotation would have prevented the condensation of individual planets. C) imaging them with the HST in the infrared, where they are easier to stop. The latter case corresponds to the so-called hot Jupiters, which are likely to have stopped their migration when they reached the inner hole in the protoplanetary disk. 9) The Kuiper Belt is found where in the solar system? D) size divided by weight. a. Saturn Many of the Jupiter-sized planets have eccentric orbits which may indicate that gravitational encounters occurred between the planets, although migration while in resonance can also excite eccentricities. Moon Formation Theories & Overview | What is the Capture Theory? A) between the orbits of Jupiter and Uranus The protoplanetary disk is sometimes referred to as an accretion disk, because while the young T Tauri-like protostar is still contracting, gaseous material may still be falling onto it, accreting on its surface from the disk's inner edge. C) have satellite systems with less than 4 moons. c. cout << "y == z - 3: " << (y == z - 3) << endl; The ices that formed these planets were more plentiful. B) meteoroids B) noting the drop in the star's light as the planet transits its disk. [2][20][61][65] In the Solar System they may be represented by Earth and Venus. D) in the Oort Cloud. The nebular hypothesis has thus become the prevailing theory of the origin of the solar system. d. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune only a. true E) a large meteorite impact. A) cometary debris. Name the four principal types of solar-system debris; pair them up in terms of composition, Asteroids: Large chunks of metals and rock primarily formed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid belt, Metereoroids: A meteoroid is a small rocky or metallic body in outer space. A rocky body between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is a(n) ________. According to the nebular theory, why did terrestrial planets form in the inner solar system and jovian planets in the outer solar system? Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. B) the velocity of the comet. B) toward Earth and never varies. D) flattens out into the ecliptic plane around the Sun's poles. D) an irregularly shaped body, mostly found orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. The first one is the disk instability model, where giant planets form in the massive protoplanetary disks as a result of its gravitational fragmentation (see above). Because extrasolar planets are too close to their much brighter parent stars, observers cannot typically observe an extrasolar planet directly. The terrestrial planets grow by slower accretion, and the material may have started to be cleared from the disk. This causes increased gravitational attraction which in turn causes more matter to come together and vice versa. copyright 2003-2023 Meteoric material dates the formation of the solar system at about ________ billion years. Proto-Sol is formed. [81], Solar nebular model: achievements and problems, Formation of stars and protoplanetary disks, Compare it with the particle number density of the air at the sea level, The T Tauri stars are young stars with mass less than about 2.5. His Trait de mcanique cleste (Celestial Mechanics), appearing in five volumes between 1798 and 1827, summarized the results obtained by his mathematical, According to the nebular hypothesis, part of an interstellar cloud of dust and gas underwent gravitational collapse to form a primeval solar nebula. a. a micrometeorite impact. e) should orbit perpendicular to their star's equator. A) have the Sun at their exact center. We have written many articles about the Solar System here at Universe Today. By the early 20th century, the Laplacian model had fallen out of favor, prompting scientists to seek out new theories. The most detailed look we've had of an asteroid comes from If a comet's ion tail is pointing perpendicular to its direction of travel, the comet is In addition, Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell (1831 1879) asserted that different rotational velocities between the inner and outer parts of a ring could not allow for condensation of material. E) reverses its direction of rotation. The total mass of remaining planetesimals will be small, because cumulative action of the embryos before their ejection and giant planets is still strong enough to remove 99% of the small bodies. b. everything past Mars and the asteroid belt So, what this theory is saying is as follows: Originally, there was a rotating cloud of gas that condensed and flattened out like a pancake. A) most jovian satellites A) orbiting around the Kuiper Belt body Hector. According to the nebular hypothesis, part of an interstellar cloud of dust and gas underwent gravitational collapse to form a primeval solar nebula. [20] Formation of both planets required merging of approximately 1020 embryos, while an equal number of them were thrown out of the Solar System. If the mergers happen too early runaway gas accretion may occur leading to the formation of a gas giant. E) None of the above are true, A meteor is e. beyond Neptune, with orbits similar to Pluto's, b. sixty degrees ahead or behind Jupiter, sharing its orbit about the Sun. e. size divided by weight. [19] It starts with planetesimals that undergo runaway growth, followed by the slower oligarchic stage. He proposed instead the catastrophic or tidal theory, first suggested by the American geologist Thomas C. Chamberlin. C) Ida. It was also rejected by astronomer Sir David Brewster (1781 1868), who stated that: those who believe in the Nebular Theory consider it as certain that our Earth derived its solid matter and its atmosphere from a ring thrown from the Solar atmosphere, which afterwards contracted into a solid terraqueous sphere, from which the Moon was thrown off by the same process [Under such a view] the Moon must necessarily have carried off water and air from the watery and aerial parts of the Earth and must have an atmosphere.. Elliptical, Irregular & Spiral Galaxies | Types, Comparison & Shapes, Bioremediation: Microbes Cleaning Up the Environment. Jupiter and Saturn formed earlier and captured nebular gas before it was cleared out. "Birth of the planets: The Earth and its fellow planets may be survivors from a time when planets ricocheted around the Sun like ball bearings on a pinball table", "Interactive Extra-solar Planets Catalog", "SPHERE Reveals Fascinating Zoo of Discs Around Young Stars", "Formation of protoplanet systems and diversity of planetary systems", "The evolution of viscous discs and the origin of the nebular variables", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, "What Puts The Brakes On Madly Spinning Stars? So the transition from the geocentric view and eternal state the way things are evolved with appreciation of dinosaurs and plate tectonics too and then refining the nebular idea the Nice model the Grand Tack model alittle more? Eventually, when the sun became luminous enough, the unnecessary dust and gas was blown away into space, leaving the planets around the sun. The extrasolar planets are found mainly by observing the ________ shifts of their stars. The Oort Cloud lies closer to the Sun than the Kuiper Belt. The first spacecraft to land on the surface of an asteroid was named A) very durable, made of iron. Why do we expect other solar systems to be common? E) the asteroid Gaspra. (ASs well as the direct collapse scenario.) [64] The latter number represents the average lifetime of gaseous disks around Sun-like stars. A) the circular disk of gas around the Sun's equator from which the planets formed. In the 20th century, two competing hypotheses were proposed for the extinction of the dinosaurs and the formation of the solar system. The masses of the original planets (see protoplanet) were assumed to be larger than in the earlier version of the theory, and the apparent discrepancy in angular momentum was attributed to magnetic forces connecting the Sun and planets. A) all spin slower than the Earth. If the mergers happen after the gas disk dissipates terrestrial planets can form, if in a transition disk a super-Earth with a gas envelope containing a few percent of its mass may form. Long-period comets are believed to originally come from C. The jovian planets began from . Convection Zone of the Sun Overview & Process | How Hot is the Center of the Sun? E) Both A and C are correct. The terrestrial planets are made almost entirely of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. C) sixty degrees ahead or behind Jupiter, sharing its orbit about the Sun. How Does the Interstellar Medium Help Form Stars? 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according to the solar nebula theory, planets