500 words every college student should know


Used in a sentence: The 1985 Chicago Bears had the most formidable defense in NFL history. Disparate things are distinctly dissimilar. This is a useful word that now has a negative connotation, though it didnt start out that way. abusive and bitter attack through speech or writing. the language spoken by people of a certain region or group. 9. assuage to provide relief and make less intense. The word innate is an essential addition to every college vocabulary list. The informant lied to the FBI so the government had to rescind his immunity. For example, bringing a corsage to your date for the prom is appropriate, but a dozen roses may be superfluous. Used in a sentence: Teachers who implement didactic and engaging lessons are the ones who help students get the most out of class each day. 7. antithesis the exact opposite of someone, something, or some idea. Synonyms for this word include: Banal is borrowed from the French language and has a few acceptable pronunciations, the most common of which is \buh-NAL\. 95. transcendent beyond the ordinary experience. 41. existential relating to human existence or the experience of existing. Many of the important college words weve featured have interesting etymological roots, and auspicious is another one of these captivating terms. Anyone who sees the celebritys mansion that overlooks the ocean will have an aesthetic appreciation for the home. Used in a sentence: Warren Buffett is the most prudent investor of all time in most peoples opinion. Used in a sentence: When a husband or wife makes a unilateral decision, unhappiness and distrust results from the other side because of the lack of communication and compromise. Used in a sentence: The informant lied to the FBI so the government had to rescind his immunity. Extrapolate. This type of essay allows the student to present their thoughts in a consistent and logical manner. protection granted by a country for a political refugee who has left their native country, or a place of safety. Using easy-to-understand, informative, and often humorous explanations of every word, 499 Words Every College Student Should Know explores how to Web 1. adumbrate 2. chicanery 3. pusillanimous 4. apocryphal 5. verve 39. ethereal extremely light and delicate that seems heavenly. Used in a sentence: Based on the unique wounds of each victim, the detective extrapolated that the murders in March and September are connected. 15. carpe diem the idea of living in the moment and not worrying about the future (translates to seize the day), Used in a sentence: I didnt want to go out, but my housemate said, Its senior year and we wont get to do this after we graduate, carpe diem.. 51. juxtaposition the fact of placing two things side by side, usually in contrast. This list started at 50 words, then I got ambitious and went for 75 because I had more to say. You may be offended and clam up, presuming the answer is implicit in your enrollment. Used in a sentence: When a suspect answers a question so many times it seems superfluous, they often get upset and frustrated in front of the police. The word means showing or suggesting that success in the future is likely, and it comes from the Latin term auspex, meaning bird seer. In ancient times, clairvoyants used to birdwatch in order to detect patterns that could affect future events. The Goal of a 500 Word Essay for College and Scholarship Applications Your goal when writing college and scholarship application essays is simple: stand out as one of the most qualified and interesting applicants. Used in a sentence: During the 1920s and early 1930s, the US government placed a prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Cut the fluff. Used in a sentence: Youll find all rebels on the road less travelled and the conformists in the crowd. something that inspires fear or respect. According to Merriam-Webster, gingerly is defined as very cautious or careful; with extreme care concerning the result of a movement or action, and synonyms include: Etymologists continue to debate the origins of the word gingerly, but one theory is that it came from the Old French term gensor, meaning delicate. 51 Sophisticated College Words Every Student Should Know #2: aesthetic. Also, it is essential to follow a five paragraphs structure. Used in a sentence: Many political refugees seek asylum when they believe they will be killed in their native country if theyre forced to return. European soccer team Hull City were relegated from the Premier League in 2015. 50. indolent wanting to avoid activity or work. 99. vilify to communicate very harsh things about someone. Used in a sentence: Each state requires new teachers to pass pedagogy exams in order to get certified. an opening statement that prepares whats to come. Read reviews from worlds largest community for readers. Used in a sentence: An effective preamble will raise the audiences anticipation and excitement for the talk. 68. pedantic obsessing over little details and rules. 72. preamble an opening statement that prepares whats to come. What is condoned in a fraternity house, wouldnt be condoned in a church. Used in a sentence: The same hackneyed commercials you see each time you watch a specific television show can get very annoying. Though it also has a medical meaning, the more widespread usage of the word myopic, according to Merriam-Webster, is lacking in foresight or discernment: narrow in perspective and without concern for broader implications. This latter meaning is the definition that places myopic on the list of the college words you should know. Synonyms of digress include: Often, when speakers realize that theyre ranting about something tangential to the main topic, theyll say, but I digress before returning to the point. People without a filter for their words often get in trouble for their crude jokes and expressions. elements from a diverse range of sources. The word is derived from the Latin term for eyebrow: supercilium. Web125 Words Every 7th Grader Should Know Vocabulary You Need to Succeed By analyzing student data and commonly taught texts, Vocabulary.com has compiled this collection of essential vocabulary for students in 7th grade. Extrapolate. The words roots can be found in Middle English, where it referenced a fifth element of the planet referred to as the quinta essentia. Normally a stoic, Malachi wept in emotion after hearing the bad news about his hometown. Not only does this method make it easy to keep the material organized, but its also a convenient way to One of the best college words on our list in terms of utility, the term debacle can be substituted for the more frequently-used but less collegiate term, disaster. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines a debacle as a great disaster or a complete failure. Common synonyms for the word include: In its early uses, debacle meant a certain type of disasterthat is, a violent floodbut today, it has a more general meaning. According to Merriam-Webster, tenuous means having little substance or strength: flimsy, weak. Some synonyms include: To illustrate the definition of the word in context, imagine witnessing a classmate who is constantly checking her phone during an important lecture. Theres a bad apple in every bunch, or so they say. The term comes from the Latin word recalcitrare, which to Romans meant stubborn mules. Alabama, Ohio State, and Notre Dame. Used in a sentence: Little boys like to emulate their fathers words and actions, which is why its crucial that the father is a good role model. The term antithesis simply means opposite, but it makes a much better impression when used in writing and speech, especially in the classroom. 10. asylum protection granted by a country for a political refugee who has left their native country, or a place of safety. WebThis list was created to help teachers know which spelling words should be taught to kids in grades 15. The list contains 850 words that account for 80 percent of the words children use in their writing the ones they need to be able to spell correctly. Used in a sentence: To keep his reputation in good shape with his colleagues, Dr. Huiyt acted circumspect with his finding before publishing it in Scientific American. The term emphatic is one of those words that make you sound smarter the moment it leaves your lips. Lets face itsome words just sound more sophisticated than others. The best way to write an essay in this format is by using specific words and making your ideas flow well. 2. adulterate make something worse by adding to it Some synonyms for egregious include: This is an interesting word because its definition hasnt changed much, but its connotation has flipped from overwhelmingly positive to positively terrible. For example, if you want to describe someone who seems out of place, you could say he or she is like the proverbial fish out of water. The best way to write an essay in this format is by using specific words and making your ideas flow well. The March Madness bracket pool champion usually responds in a supercilious manner, not recognizing that a lot of luck carried them to victory. However, after much consideration, our editors have determined that these 50 are the top words every college student should know in 2022. Master high-frequency, high-utility words that you'll encounter across the curriculum. Though it shouldnt be confused with the spice, gingerly is one of those college words that can add variety and substance to your vocabulary. Another word you should add to your list of vocabulary words is the term banal. a cleansing of emotions like pity and fear. Another of the college words youll hear and see often in postsecondary education is the term tautological. Used in a sentence: Self-adulation is one of the worst traits of good leaders because it leads them to corruption. 10 Words Every College Student Should Know Corroborate. 94. syntax rules that dictate how words are used to form phrases and sentences. The 300 most common words in English. Rich people dont quibble over tipping and service charges like the middle-class and poor do. Some synonyms for the word include: Learn this word, and you may just prevent yourself from being ostracized by your well-spoken classmates. Web101 College Vocabulary Words 1. adulation excessive flattery or praise Used in a sentence: Self-adulation is one of the worst traits of good leaders because it leads them to corruption. 56. maverick an independent-minded person. To corroborate is to confirm or make more certain. 36. emulate match something or something, imitate. Some acceptable synonyms include: To illustrate how the term antithesis can be used in everyday speech, consider how you might feel as youre returning home from class one evening and notice that the campus has become littered outside a frat house. Here are some tips for writing short essays. The term proverbial has proven quite useful in postsecondary education settings, so it earns a place on our list of college vocabulary words. Professor Riesling backed up his opinion with an eclectic collection of evidence dating back from 1934 to the present. As a college student, you may come to think of a specific project or test grade as the zenith of your academic experience. The monetary and psychological benefits of getting reimbursed for gas can go a long way for company morale. Used in a sentence: The couple set up camp in the desert, laid down, and then stared at the myriad of stars across the sky. Used in a sentence: Rich people dont quibble over tipping and service charges like the middle-class and poor do. 38. eschew deliberately avoid using something. 55. matriculate become a student at a college or university. Used in a sentence: The binary compound, which contains two rare chemicals, needs to be investigated further before a comment is made. The word meticulous should be on every students college vocabulary list. respect and devotion to a religion or higher power. 93. symbiotic relationships between people thatare mutually beneficial, or dependent, to each other. Its definition, according to Merriam-Webster, is to increase in number or amount quickly. This year, the word is particularly (and unfortunately) relevant as weve watched new cases of Covid-19 proliferate in America. Webplebian. The roots of college vocabulary words often have intriguing stories to tell, and recalcitrant is no exception. To this end, you should come up with fresh, challenging, and gripping ideas. The unique word juxtaposition is not only fun to say, but it also has an interesting definition, which explains, in part, its inclusion on our list of words every college student should know. If I was clairvoyant about future sporting events, you better believe I would go to Vegas and make millions off of sports bets. 65. partisan strongly in favor of a person or cause. abjure formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief abrogate revoke formally abstemious marked by temperance in indulgence acumen shrewdness shown by keen insight anarchy a state of lawlessness and disorder antebellum belonging to a period before a war auspicious indicating favorable circumstances and good luck belie be in Used in a sentence: Alexander the Great is known as an audacious leader who conquered an indescribable amount of land during his reign as king. Making friends is challenging, Ill be honest. Used in a sentence: Its easy to be a sore loser, but its hard to show decorum after losing a championship game. Some synonyms associated with the term include: A good way to recall the definition of the word panacea is to bring to mind the Greek goddess Panacea, who was known as the goddess of healing. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, qualitative is an adjective that means of, relating to, or involving quality or kind. Precise synonyms for the word are rare, but some related terms include: Youll often see the word qualitative alongside its counterpart, quantitative, which relates to numerical data and statistics. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are typically required in many college-level classes. Here are some tips for writing short essays. Then I went ham to reach 101 words. Used in a sentence: Where they previously had to sketch terrains and locations by hand, cartographers have utilized computer software to create stunning maps. WebWords Every College Student Should Know book. Used in a sentence: If buildings arent designed with a proper buttress, theyre likely to break the fire code because they could collapse with enough stress. Synonyms for innate include: The modern word innate comes from the Latin term innatus, meaning to be born in.. The word digress is also a term that is doubly qualified to appear on our list of college words since its something professors have a tendency to do during lectures. Used in a sentence: The best newspaper editors have a pedantic approach to their work, because if they didnt theyd be out of a job. Master high-frequency, high-utility words that you'll encounter across the curriculum. a perfect, model example of a specific quality. Sample of 500 Word Essay on Respect When a husband or wife makes a unilateral decision, unhappiness and distrust results from the other side because of the lack of communication and compromise.

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500 words every college student should know