what mold publications should hazard mitigation staff distribute?


More protective respirators may have to be selected and used if toxic contaminants such as asbestos or lead are encountered during remediation. FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)indicate these anticipated levels, called Base Flood Elevations (BFE). This Guide is also available in HTML. If a community decides to pursue a property acquisition project, the land cannot be redeveloped and often is preserved as public open space, parks, or recreation areas. This lesson will discuss the NFIP and informing the public about it after a disaster event. You can read a description of the report and purchase a copy. When speaking with members of the public about reducing the risk of future hazard damages: Remember that you are THE face and voice of hazard mitigation. The glove material should be selected based on the type of substance/ chemical being handled. They should be placed into impermeable bags, and usually can be discarded as ordinary construction waste. Ninety percent of all natural disasters in the U.S. involve flooding. Concern about indoor exposure to mold has increased along with public awareness that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions. An official website of the United States government. A company employs 400 400 salespeople. Seasonal rainfall and storm systems can cause the lake level to rise faster than it can empty. Walls that are not completely dry may allow mold spores to grow quickly. It is important to package mold-contaminated materials in this fashion to minimize the dispersion of mold spores. Inhalation is the exposure of most concern to cleanup workers. These materials can then usually be discarded as ordinary construction waste. Spend the time needed to become familiar with the purpose of and intended audience for the resources and publications that are included in this lesson. Press Enter to select a navigation button or hyperlink. Indoor air related documents, answers to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) questions, maintains listing of State IAQ contacts, and regional EPA Contacts. These materials may be disposed of as ordinary waste. 1. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Protecting Your Property from Flooding provides information on damage-resistant building materials, dry flood proofing, raising electrical components, anchoring fuel tanks, raising HVAC equipment, protecting walls and installing sewer backflow valves. Priority is given to businesses with fewer than 250 employees at a worksite, with further consideration given to the severity of the worksite problem. Some jobs may require the use of dust-tight chutes to move large quantities of debris to a dumpster strategically placed outside a window in the remediation area. Guidance Introduction Mold Prevention Investigating, Evaluating & Remediating Moisture & Mold Problems Table 1: Water Damage - Cleanup and Mold Prevention Table 2: Mold Remediation Guidelines Checklist for Mold Remediation Resources List Appendix A: Glossary, References, Acknowledgements Appendix B: Introduction to Molds Warning: Repeatedly pressing Tab beyond the number of selections on the screen may cause the keyboard to lock up. Preventing moisture from condensing by increasing surface temperature or reducing the moisture level in the air (humidity). Track your progress by looking at the Progress bar at the top right of each screen. This section provides a brief overview, but does not describe all potential health effects related to mold exposure. FEMA Publications Below are FEMA mitigation publications relevant to this hazard. Porous materials that are wet and have mold growing on them may have to be discarded because molds can infiltrate porous substances and grow on or fill in empty spaces or crevices. Follow all local building codes. A major bloom involving a large area of a collection or one involving highly toxic mold species will require outside professional advice and assistance to stop the mold growth, clean the collection, and render the affected area safe for use again. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. Available in both English and Spanish languages. These courses address basic mitigation measures to reduce risk from earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornados, and wildfires, at a level appropriate for communication to the general public. In all situations, the underlying cause of water accumulation must be rectified or the mold growth will reoccur. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) vacuums are recommended for final cleanup of remediation areas after materials have been thoroughly dried and contaminated materials removed. Either a half mask or full face piece air-purifying respirator can be used. If left unchecked, mold can eventually cause structural damage to a wood framed building, weakening floors and walls as it feeds on moist wooden structural members. Before planning the remediation assess the extent of the mold or moisture problem and the type of damaged materials. Even if they are inundated for only short periods, electrical system components usually have to be replaced. If you have to leave the course, do not exit from the course or close your browser. Some methods that may be used include the following: Wet vacuums are vacuum cleaners designed to collect water. If you know you have a mold problem, it is more important to spend time and resources removing the mold and solving the moisture problem that causes the moldy conditions than to undertake extensive testing for the type and quantity of mold. The publication, A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home[EPA 402-K-02-003] reprinted September 2012, is available in: The publication, Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, [EPA 402-K-01-001] reprinted September 2008,is available in: The Key to Mold Control is Moisture Control Infographic A. Referrals to clinics with physicians, who have experience with environmental exposures, include exposure to mold; maintains a database of occupational and environmental cases. When you use biocides as a disinfectant or a pesticide, or as a fungicide, you should use appropriate PPE, including respirators. If the structure is damaged or improved, but not to the regulatory definition of Substantial Damage or Substantial Improvement or if it already meets the ordinance, the owner can reduce the risk of future damages by selecting other, less expensive mitigation measures. FEMA's HM Disaster Workforce Website houses a wealth of hazard mitigation information. Health and safety information with a workplace orientation. Cleaning and drying wet or damp spots as soon as possible, but no more than 48 hours after discovery. At a disaster, the Hazard Mitigation Community Education and Outreach (CEO) group, in collaboration with the state, decides which of these approved publications and resources support the Hazard Mitigation Strategy for the disaster. These can be accessed from the FEMA website. Molds can cause adverse effects by producing allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has published: World Health Organization (WHO) Document. (Note: the bonus was based totally on sales performance.) Of these, 83 83 received a bonus last year, 100 100 attended a special sales training program at the beginning of last year, and 42 42 both attended the special sales training program and received a bonus. Mold also can damage materials in your home. Actions that tend to disperse mold include: breaking apart moldy porous materials such as wallboard; destructive invasive procedures to examine or remediate mold growth in a wall cavity; removal of contaminated wallpaper by stripping or peeling; using fans to dry items or ventilate areas. Sampling for mold should be conducted by professionals with specific experience in designing mold-sampling protocols, sampling methods for microbial contaminants, and interpretation of results. Identify and correct moisture problems. Currently, there are no federal standards or recommendations, (e.g., OSHA, NIOSH, EPA) for airborne concentrations of mold or mold spores. National Flood Insurance Program Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Coverage: How You Can Benefit provides brief information on ICC Coverage. By reading this safety and health information bulletin, individuals with little or no experience with mold remediation may be able to reasonably judge whether mold contamination can be managed in-house or whether outside assistance is required. Other floods develop very quickly. These direct reading devices have a thin probe that is inserted into the material to be tested or pressed directly against the surface of the material. (e.g., asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and severe allergies). Surfaces in the work area and areas directly adjacent that could become contaminated should be covered with a secured plastic sheet(s) before remediation to contain dust/ debris and prevent further contamination. Visible mold, mold-damaged materials, and moldy odors should no longer be present. Wet vacuums should be used only on wet materials, as spores may be exhausted into the indoor environment if insufficient liquid is present. NFIP Claims Handbook tells policyholders what to do before, during, and after a flood. This completes the final lesson in this course. Dust suppression methods, such as misting (. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Institute, Mechanical Systems Hygiene Institute, National Institute of Disaster Restoration, National Institute Rug Cleaning, Water Loss Institute referrals to professionals. Use Ctrl + Tab to deselect an element or reset to the beginning of a screens navigation links (most often needed for screens with animations or media). EPA-402-K-02-003, September 2012 (reprinted). As specified by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.134 individuals who use respirators must be properly trained, have medical clearance, and be properly fit tested before they begin using a respirator. Are building materials or furnishings visibly moisture damaged? Remediation can be conducted by the regular building maintenance staff. If you are using a biocide such as chlorine bleach, or a strong cleaning solution, you should select gloves made from natural rubber, neoprene, nitrile, polyurethane, or PVC. Because mold is common in flooded communities, some basic facts about mold that you can share with the public are: Removing mold and mold conditions does not protect a building from mold in future hazard events. Visible mold and moldy odors should not be present. You can request the phone number for an HM Insurance Specialist or the JFO Insurance Hotline phone number from your supervisor. Remediation can be conducted by the regular building maintenance staff as long as they are trained on proper clean-up methods, personal protection, and potential health hazards. Dry floodproofing may NOT be used to bring a Substantially Damaged or Substantially Improved residential structure into compliance with the communitys floodplain ordinance. If you are using a mild detergent or plain water, ordinary household rubber gloves may be used. Microscopic identification of the spores/ colonies requires considerable expertise. A full face piece respirator provides both respiratory and eye protection. Who's affected? Disposable PPE should be discarded after it is used. Technical information on topics such as air conditioning and air ducts. However, the spores in the ambient air will not cause further problems if the moisture level in the building has been corrected. Only properly trained mold remediation workers should attempt clean-up and containment at this volume. Indoor environmental quality training center giving courses in building moisture and biocontamination, and managing and operating facilities for good IAQ. Venting moisture-generating appliances, such as dryers, to the outside where possible. To see a numeric display, roll your mouse over the Progress bar area. before taking further action. For more information about the other courses, refer to the EMI website at http://training.fema.gov. Many communities have adopted even stricter standards in their floodplain ordinance and require higher elevation called freeboard. Freeboard helps compensate for many unknown factors that can contribute to flood heights greater than those calculated in base flood elevations, such as wave action, bridge openings, and the effects of urbanization of the watershed. Always, read and follow product label precautions. It is important to be able to discuss basic information about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with anyone concerned about flooding. Flood insurance is the best way to protect from devastating financial loss. Emphasis should be placed on preventing contamination through proper building and HVAC system maintenance and prompt repair of water damaged areas. The specific method or group of methods used will depend on the type of material affected. Flood Hazards Portable Generators Flood water can make the air in your home unhealthy. Floods are not all alike. Click on the "Help" button to review guidance and troubleshooting advice regarding navigating through the course. A JFO Insurance Hotline, manned by HM Insurance Specialists, may be established after large flood disasters and is for the use of FEMA staff only. How Do You Know When You Have Finished Remediation/Cleanup? Pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers must comply with hazard-specific safety and health standards and regulations promulgated by OSHA or by a state with an OSHA-approved state plan. Information on engineering issues and indoor air quality. In addition, pursuant to Section 5(a)(1), the General Duty Clause of the Act, employers must provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Mold exposure may cause or aggravate asthma or respiratory problems in adults and children. A user id and password are required to access either website. In addition, there are no standards for "acceptable" levels of mold in buildings, and the lack of a definitive correlation between exposure levels and health effects makes interpreting the data difficult, if not impossible. Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Notification should include a description of the remedial measures to be taken and a timetable for completion. Click on the "Glossary" button to look up key definitions and acronyms. . which agency is responsible for the message to the public about mold hazards and remediation? It is important to dry these surfaces quickly and thoroughly to discourage further mold growth. While it is impossible to eliminate all molds and mold spores, controlling moisture can control indoor mold growth. Respirators used to provide protection from mold and mold spores must be certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Mold is a public health issue that is addressed by appropriate local, state, and federal experts. Examples of fungicides include hexachlorobenzene, organomercurials, pentachlorophenol, phthalimides, and dithiocarbamates. Information on indoor comfort products and services. Extensive courses given in IAQ. Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Remediators, particularly those with health related concerns, may wish to check with their physicians or other health-care professionals before working on mold remediation or investigating potentially moldy areas. In this lesson you will learn about the different types of flooding that occur along coasts, rivers, streams, and lakes. The advice of a medical professional should always be sought if there are any emerging health issues. In addition to elevating large utilities, household appliances such as washing machines and dryers should be elevated above potential flood waters. No major drilling or cutting of dry wall is required. People who are sensitive to mold may experience stuffy nose, irritated eyes, wheezing, or skin irritation. New York City Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Disease Epidemiology. A quick guide to the dangers of mold in your home. They also can be used to monitor the progress of drying damaged materials. Gloves protect the skin from contact with mold, as well as from potentially irritating cleaning solutions. Use hand, eye, and respiratory protection. Never mix chlorine bleach solution with other cleaning solutions or detergents that contain ammonia because this may produce highly toxic vapors and create a hazard to workers. Ten Things You Should Know about Mold. These materials may be disposed of as ordinary waste. This training can be performed as part of a program to comply with the requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (, Respiratory protection (e.g., N-95 disposable respirator) is recommended. Due to the wide difference in individual susceptibility to mold contamination, sampling results sampling may have limited application. Contaminated materials that cannot be cleaned should be removed from the building in sealed impermeable plastic bags. In this lesson you learned about: Future risks associated with the hazard event that resulted in the disaster declaration, Mitigation measures available to improve personal safety and reduce or eliminate the risk of future damages to structures and personal property, Identify the different types of flooding that occur in the United States, Recognize information about the NFIP to share with the general public, List the importance of directing individuals to local building officials, engineers, and other specialists before starting repairs, Match FEMA information, publications, and websites that support the mitigation recommendationsto specific audiences, How to receive credit for this independent study course. Refer to an HM Insurance Specialist at the JFO if you need assistance with answering a specific question from a member of the public, or if you need clarification and additional information about aspects of the NFIP.

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what mold publications should hazard mitigation staff distribute?