uss suwannee crew list


I would like to thank all of those of you who contacted me after the . Her repairs were completed by 31 January 1945; and, after brief stops at Hunter's Point and Alameda, Calif., she headed west and back into the war. battle. Renamed Suwannee (AO-33), the ship was commissioned in ordinary [an inactive status] on 9 July 1941, then placed in commission on 16 July 1941, Cmdr. At 0148, San Francisco opened fire on an enemy cruiser 3,700 yards off her starboard beam. Help| National Archives & Records Administration photo, # 19-N-24296. On the 24th, she headed east again and arrived at Pearl Harbor on 2 March for a two-week stay. The . (NARA) photo, # 80-G-270615. For the major portion of the next 77 days, her planes continued to deny the enemy the use of those air bases. Photographed by USS Suwannee (CVE-27) aircraft. This drew Vice Adm. Jesse B. Oldendorf's Bombardment Group south to meet that threat in the Battle of Surigao Strait. US Navy Crew List - Reunite with old Navy Buddies - 346432 entries available online. Unlike today, when everything is stored on computers, during World War II the Navy never . Search crew members| 1 204 William D. Johnson. She arrived back at Hampton Roads, on 24 November, and stayed until 5 December, when she got underway for the South Pacific. Monteau, USNR; Lieutenant Junior Grade Joseph Coleman, USNR; Ensign Raymond L.J. The person's rank/rate ? That force, Kuritas, immediately began a surface engagement with Rear Adm. Clifton A. F. Spragues Taffy 3, the northernmost group of escort carriers. Suwannees work at Argentia would earn her the American Defense Service Medal (1622 November 1941). This force, Kurita's, immediately began a surface engagement with Rear Admiral Clifton Sprague's "Taffy 3", the northernmost group of escort carriers. For crew lists, and reunions see the Veterans Info Page. Strange USN (Ret.) Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval After short stops at Purvis Bay, in the Solomons, and at Seeadler Harbor, Manus, the escort carrier headed for New Guinea. Commissioned on 19 April 1997 at Staten Island, New York and brought to life by Kelly Sullivan Loughren and brother, John Sullivan. Survivors whoo had previously abandoned ship reboarded the hulk and rescued eight men still aboard and alive, five of whom lived after reaching land. Commanding Officers Date Assumed Command, Cmdr. The concentrated American destroyers were now central targets. Soon her first target was enveloped in a large explosion and sank. USS SUWANNEE (CVHE-27) Crew Links. Suwannees planes did not actually become engaged in the famous battle of naval aircraft, because they remained with the invasion forces in the Marianas providing antisubmarine and combat air patrols. A Zeke crashed Suwannees flight deck and careened into a VT-60 TBM, piloted by Lt. F. W. Beidelman, Jr., A-V(N), USNR, which had just been recovered only 30 seconds before. Explosion in the background resulted from a carrier-plane Ensuing magazine explosion blows Juneau in half, killing most of the crew. Try the Ship's Store. USS Suwannee (CVE-27) (originally an oiler AO-33, converted to an escort carrier AVG/ACV/CVE-27) was laid down on 3 June 1938 at Kearny, New Jersey, by the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, under a Maritime Commission contract as Markay (MC hull 5); launched on 4 March 1939, sponsored by Mrs. Howard L. Vickery; delivered to the Keystone Tankship Corporation and operated by that company . At the appearance of an enemy more her size, Sterett tore into the destroyer with her guns and launched two torpedoes. United States National Archives, Photo #80-G-30228. Search by Name. Photograph: 7 April 1943. Reciprocating engines, single screw, 2,800 hp. Refine Search. Suwannee has too long gone untold. USS Suwannee (AO 33) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Suwannee (AO 33). USS Suwannee CVE 27 and Related Air Groups Reunion Association. They once again anchored in Wakayama, on 13 October, for about two days and then headed north to Tokyo, arriving on the evening of 18 October. Markay was laid down on 3 June 1938 at Kearney, N.J., by the Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., under a Maritime Commission contract (M.C. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. Twenty minutes later, completely immobilized in all departments, the ship was ordered abandoned. Reclassified as an "Escort Helicopter Aircraft Carrier" and redesignated CVHE-27, 12 June 1955, Heritage Center Open Everyday: 9:30am - 5:00pm, Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's, Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services, 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20004. National Archives & Records Administration photo, # 19-N-2429?. ARSENAULT, Tilmon J. SUWANNEE (CVE-27) HELL U.S.S. Battle Two was out of commission by a direct hit from the port side. But her gallant skipper and crew had made the enemy pay a fearful price of one battleship severely damaged, one cruiser and two destroyer sunk. San Francisco followed suit and withdrew eastward along the north coast of Guadalcanal. Speed, 32.5 Knots, Crew 868. After daybreak Monssen was still a floating incinerator. (NARA) photo, # 80-G-270613. Earl E. Hartman, USNR. 2023 United States Navy Memorial. Artwork details about sitting Air Raids in the Pacific, 1 July 1945. Casualties incurred were 26 killed and 18 seriously injured. National Archives and Records Administration She remained on the west coast for two weeks, into the new year, then set a course for Lahaina Roads in the Hawaiian Islands. She returned to the United States at San Diego, California, in October, and by 5 November, was back at Espiritu Santo. the Distinguished Flying Cross with two stars and Air Medal with seven stars. BAIN, Ronald Eugene Engineman Second Class. The resulting fire burned for several hours, but was finally brought under control. Sterett turned now to the Japanese battleship tormenting her port side, let fly four torpedoes, and peppered her superstructure with 5-inch shells. McKellar and his men and offloaded MTBRon 1s six ELCOs, completing that operation on 18 September. Jocko Clark in command. Pilots waiting for summons, (left does not share your information. (AO-33) available at NavSource. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. A muster revealed 2 officers and 56 sailors missing (some of whom were recovered subsequently). (NARA), # 80-G-349435. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. Within two hours, her flight deck was sufficiently repaired to enable the escort carrier to resume air operations. She provided air support for the assault forces with ASW and CAPs and strikes against Japanese installations ashore. For the major portion of the next 77 days, her planes continued to deny the enemy the use of those facilities. She arrived back at Hampton Roads on 24 November and stayed until 5 December when she got underway for the South Pacific. For ship's logs and personnel records, see the Reference Page. Following two voyages from Espritu Santo, one to Tulagi and the other to Kwajalein, Suwannee arrived off Saipan in mid-June 1944. Find Your Shipmates . Periodically, she put into the anchorage at Kerama Retto to rearm and replenish, but she spent the bulk of her time in air operations at sea. By 30 March, she was in the vicinity of the Palau Islands as the 5th Fleet subjected those islands to two days of extensive bombing raids. Clearing Norfolk for the Gulf Area on 3 November 1941, Suwannee arrived at her destination after a passage of five days, after which she down the Houston [Texas] Ship Canal, setting course for Argentia, Newfoundland, on 10 November, where she provided services to the Atlantic Fleets ships as the fleets involvement in the Battle of the Atlantic intensified. ):553' x 114' 3" / 168.6 x 34.8 meters Armor:None Power plant:4 boilers (450 psi); 2 steam turbines; 2 shafts; 13,500 shp (design) Speed:18+ knots Endurance:23,920 nm @ 15 knots (with 4,780 tons of oil fuel) [2] His bomb compounded the fracture when it exploded between the flight and hangar decks, tearing a 25ft (7.6m) gash in the latter and causing a number of casualties.[2]. The survivors, 40 percent of the crew, were picked up and taken to Guadalcanal. SUWANNEE CVE 27 NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER 2010 #1 Editor's Note Association Officers President Charles Casello Vice-President Bill Hunter Secretary/Treasurer Norm Jennewein President's Message I want to take a moment for a personal note. The new passengers destinations ranged from new construction like the carrier Hornet (CV-8), the destroyer Hambleton (DD-455), and the submarine Finback (SS-230), to the gunboat Erie (PG-50). Their only escape was to leap aflame into the sea, but some were trapped so that they were incinerated before they could leap. At 2336, she was ordered abandoned. At 2300, the enemy cruiser Sendai was picked up on radar, and, the 3rd Battle of Savo Island commenced. Suwannee was much farther south as an element of Rear Admiral Thomas Sprague's "Taffy 1". Joseph J. Suwannee provided air support for the assault forces at Leyte Gulf with antisubmarine and combat air patrols and strikes against Japanese installations ashore. She was launched on 12 August 1995 by ships sponsor, Kelly Sullivan Loughren. Farther out heavier Japanese ships were preparing to join in. (ACV-27), circa late 1942 or early 1943. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are 0 crew members registered for the USS Suwannee (CVE 27). One salvo from Japanese cruiser Nagara had put both firerooms out and toppled the afterstack. by USS Suwannee (CVE-27) aircraft. USS Ashtabula (AO-51) USS Aucilla (AO-56) USS Cacapon (AO-52) USS Caliente (AO-53) USS Caloosahatchee (AO-98) USS Canisteo (AO-99) USS Chemung (AO-30) USS Chenango (CVE-28) USS Chicopee (AO-34) USS Chikaskia (AO-54) USS Chipola (AO-63) USS Chiwawa (AO-68) USS Chukawan (AO-100) USS Elokomin (AO-55) USS Enoree (AO-69) USS Escalante (AO-70) Then a torpedo in her fantail put Laffey out of action. With each salvo of popping, two or three more panicky crew men would leap over the side, and we found that our most urgent task was to persuade those poised on the rail not to jump by a combination of physical restraint and reassurance that fires were being controlled and that more help was on the way. After transiting the Panama Canal (31 August1 September 1941), Suwannee proceeded directly to San Pedro, Calif., (911 September), whence she sailed on the 11th for Oahu, Territory of Hawaii. SHIPS CREW. marking around its national insignia. To top of page | To bottom of page Reunions There are currently no planned reunions. is more than men ought to endure so far from home, we want you to keep something in mind. National Archives and Records Administration to right): Lieutenant Robert I. Roth, USNR; Lieutenant Junior Grade John E. Benson, USNR; Ensign Vincent National Archives and Records Administration Photograph released 20 August 1945. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships 1 207 Suwannee remained in reserve at Boston for the next 12 years. Problems and site related matters, E-mail Webmaster, This page was created by Paul Yarnall and is maintained by Fabio Pea, National Archives & Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, National During the Naval Battle of Casablanca from 811 November, Suwannee sent up 255 air sorties and lost only five planes, three in combat and two to operational problems. Against that backdrop of the United States being at war in both oceans, the oiler sailed from Hampton Roads on 13 December and set course for New Orleans, and there loaded a cargo of oil. On 19 June 1944, as the Battle of the Philippine Sea began to unfold, Suwannee was one of the first ships to draw enemy blood when one of her TBM-1C Avengers of VT-60, accompanied by an F6F-3 on anti-submarine patrol, spotted the Saipan-bound Japanese submarine I-184 (Lt.Cmdr. Originally, she was known as the SS Markay, built for the Keystone Tankship Corp. by the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. of Kearny, N.J. Her problems, however, soon came from another quarter. On 3 August, she got underway for Okinawa, arriving in Buckner Bay three days later. exploded on flight deck immediately after coming to a stop following normal landing on board. To honor the five Sullivan brothers, the Navy has named two destroyers, USS THE SULLIVANS. Two previous ships had been named Suwanee, an alternate spelling: (Map NS0302736 by Karl Musser, courtesy of Wikipedia. (NARA), photo # 80-G-270619. Shifting thence to Baytown, Texas, she took on cargo, after which she took departure on 15 October. She was finally scrapped in Bilbao, Spain, in June 1962. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. It was commissioned on July 16, 1941, under Commander Joseph R. Lannom's command and served in the US Navy for 6 years until it was struck from the Navy List on March 1, 1959. He came below to report that medical help was critically needed there. She returned to Manus on 5 May. The destroyer unleashed her torpedoes and using all her firepower, machine-gunned the battleship's bridge. Less than a month after commissioning, Suwannee, with VGS-27 embarked, stood out of Hampton Roads on 25 October 1942 in Task Group (TG) 34.2, as part of Task Force 34, for Operation Torch, the invasion of Vichy French-held North Africa. During this time Suwannee was transferred from the US 9th Fleet to the 5th Fleet. Laffey DD 459 11 13 1942 1942-11-13 00:00:00.000 Naval Battle of Guadalcanal The naval battle of Guadalcanal was just about to begin when the enemy force, a group of two battleships, one cruiser and 14 destroyers appeared on the horizon. She fought in the Marshalls, Carolinas, Marianas and Philippines and earned nine battle stars. Renamed Suwannee (AO-33), the ship was commissioned "in ordinary", an inactive status, on 9 July 1941, then placed in commission, on 16 July 1941. His bomb compounded the fracture when it exploded between the flight and hangar decks, tearing a 25-foot gash in the latter and causing a number of casualties. Filling more fields will reduce the number of results. U.S. Navy photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives ". A Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat (nicknamed "Rosenblatt's Reply") aboard USS Suwannee But others trapped below and aft of the forecastle area found themselves under a curtain of fire from aviation gasoline pouring down from burning planes on the flight deck above. BELL, John Edward Machinist's Mate First Class. Joseph J. Clark 24 September 1942, Capt. On 4 August, she cleared the Marianas for Eniwetok and Seeadler Harbor, reaching the latter port on 13 August. National Archives and Records Administration With cruiser Brooklyn (CL-40 . A Zeke crashed Suwannee's flight deck and careened into a just recovered torpedo bomber. John M. De Vane, Jr. 29 March 1946, Cmdr. Prepared by CAPT R. O. SUWANNEE (CVE-27) Crew Roster Her keel was laid down on June 3, 1938; she was launched March 4, 1939. does not share your information. Photograph: 7 April 1943. Chief Engineman. accident apparently was caused by the explosion of a 100# bomb in the bomb bay." BRANN, Richard Paul Engineman Second Class. This drew the US Bombardment Group south to meet that threat in the Battle of Surigao Strait. In part because of the extent of damage suffered during the first kamikaze attacks of the war, much of the information about the Suwannee, and of what her crew and air groups endured, was classified for several decades. For the next one and a half months, she supported the invasion of the Marianas, participating in the campaigns against Saipan and Guam. U.S. Navy photograph, now in the collections of the National on 22 October 1944. The escort carriers put into Kossol Roads in the Palaus on 28 October, then headed for Manus for upkeep on 1 November. Crew members of Suwannee were given shore leave during their stay and observed the devastation of ground zero first hand. This a chronological list of named operations involving aircraft carriers combining USN, RN, and IJN operations for Atlantic and Pacific theaters. A week later, she put into Espiritu Santo, for four days. Laffey lashed out at the enemy with gunfire and torpedoes. At 0145 Juneau, in company with 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers encounter a Japanese force of 2 battleships, 1 light cruiser and 11 destroyers. U.S. Navy photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives The ship worked as an oiler for 6 months with the Atlantic Fleet and was then reclassified as an AVG-27 in February of 1942. (AO-33: displacement 7,500; length 553'0"; beam 75'0"; draft 31'7"; speed 18.0 knots; complement 380; armament 1 5-inch, 4 .50-caliber machine guns; class Cimarron; type T3-S2-A1). Navy Unit Records Research. choose to come to an honorable understanding with us will find that we treat them as human beings, 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Aircraft carriers at specific battles, invasions, and raids [ edit] They hit the enemy, but he rolled over, dove at Suwannee and crashed into her at 08:04 about 40ft (12m) forward of the after elevator, opening a 10ft (3.0m) hole in her flight deck. Official U.S. Navy photograph, now in the collections of the National on flight deck during flight operations. Cimarron/List 1 Class: Displacement: 24,830 tons Length: 553' Beam: 75' Draft: 32' Speed: 18 knots Armament: 4 5"/38 DP, 4x2 40mm, 4x2 20mm Complement: Capacity: 146,000 barrels Geared turbines engines, twin screws, 30,400 hp Maritime Commission T3-S2-A1type Chicopee Class: Archives and Records Administration (NARA), photo # 80-G-39315. With the old battleships fighting in Surigao Strait and Halsey's 3d Fleet scurrying north, Suwannee, with the other 15 escort carriers and 22 destroyers and destroyer escorts, formed the only Allied naval force operating off Leyte Gulf when the Japanese 1st Striking Force transited the unguarded San Bernadino Strait into the Philippine Sea. She remained in the vicinity of Kwajalein for the first 15 days of February, then spent the next nine days helping out at Eniwetok. Within two hours, her flight deck was sufficiently repaired to enable the escort carrier to resume air operations. Thomas, of the crew. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Santee (AO 29). They and the seven members of the flight crew were discovered in the wreckage of the aircraft on 19 November 1948, and their bodies were recovered. The ships had entered Nagasaki Harbor by 15 September while Allied prisoners of war (New Zealand) were taken on board the hospital ship Haven. Jr. 30 December 1943, Capt. Archives and Records Administration (NARA), # 80-G-349249. This drew Admiral Jesse B. Oldendorf's Bombardment Group south to meet that threat in the Battle of Surigao Strait. You can help improve our commands section Click here to Submit events/comments/updates for this vessel . For the next seven months (during which time she was re-designated to an escort aircraft carrier, CVE-27, effective 15 July 1943), she provided air escort for transports and supply ships replenishing and bolstering the marines on Guadalcanal, as well as for the forces occupying other islands in the Solomons group. She joined Ranger (CV-4) as the other carrier attached to the Center Attack Group whose specific objective was Casablanca itself, via Fedala [Mohammedia] just to the north. Suwannee (and her embarked air units for the pertinent periods: VGS-27, VGF-27, VGS-30, VGF-28, CVEG-60 and CVEG-40) received the Presidential Unit Citation and 13 battle stars for her World War II service: North Africa occupation, Algeria-Morocco Landings (811 November 1942), Anti-submarine action (planes S-10, S-11, and S-12 of VGS-27) (11 November 1942); Battle of Rennell Island (2930 January 1943); Gilbert Islands operation (20 November8 December 1943); Marshall Islands occupation: Occupation of Kwajalein and Majuro Atolls (31 January8 February 1944) and Eniwetok (1724 February 1944); Pacific Raids: Palau, Yap, Ulithi and Woleai (30 March1 April 1944); Hollandia operation (Aitape, Humboldt Bay, and Tanahmerah Bay) 22 April5 May 1944); capture and occupation of Saipan (23 June11 July 1944); occupation and capture of Tinian (12 July1 August 1944); Morotai Landings (15 September 1944); Leyte landings (10 October29 November 1944); Assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto (25 March4 June 1945); and Balikpapan operation (26 June6 July 1945). Archives and Records Administration, National Archives Last Name. National Archives & Records Administration photo, # 19-N-24297. Many photos show crew members on duty and on shore leave, portraying both the routine and the exciting experiences the Sailors have had. This propaganda leaflet was saved from a batch that was being air dropped by VT-60's Avengers The ship reached Saipan around 15:00, on 28 October, and stayed just long enough, 15 hours, to load stores and 400 troops. Three Japanese destroyers conduct a coordinated torpedo attack of US Forces. Naval Hospital, Balboa, and an MM2c to the gunboat Erie, on 6 October (in addition to Capt. Flight deck poster made by an AMM, B.L. She was re-designatedfor the final timeto an escort aircraft carrier (helicopter) CVHE-27, on 12 June 1955. Suwannee remained in North African waters until mid-November 1942, then sailed, via Bermuda, for Norfolk. The pilot, LT(JG) Obed F. Slingerland, was killed instantly. suicide plane streaks out of clouds in an 80-degree dive. The project was subsequently canceled and in May 1961, her hulk was resold to the J.C. Berkwit Company, also of New York City. Her first assignment was close air support for the invasion troops; but, within a few days, she settled down to a routine of neutralizing the kamikaze bases at Sakishima Gunto. About this time Suwannee received orders detaching them from the fleet and assigned them to Operation Magic Carpet. For the week that followed, the group operated off the coast of Kyushu, southwest of Nagasaki, Japan, while aircraft from the carriers patrolled the island and coast and assisted in locating mines in the clearance operations paving the way for entry into the harbor at Nagasaki. Aircraft Carriers: An Illustrated Design History, by Norman Friedman. The ship sported the shamrock of Ireland on her forward stack and sailed into World War II with 23 crew members named Sullivan. Soon after, however, the battle was rejoined. Artwork details about crossing Johnson) and 89 enlisted. Frederick W. McMahon 21 January 1943, Capt. They were declared dead on 4 October. # 80-G-30228. Photograph released 4 August 1945. I really hope some other people can find this service and get in touch with people like I did. On 24 and 25 October 1944, the Japanese launched a major surface offensive from three directions to contest the Leyte Gulf landings. strike on Balikpapan, Borneo. takes your privacy seriously. Add yours! Official U.S. Navy photograph, now in the collections of the National National Archives and Records Administration From 1923 November, she was a part of the Air Support Group of the Southern Attack Force, and her planes bombed Tarawa, while the ships in the Northern Attack Force engaged the enemy at Makin. Those who The bow cables and hawser held and she remained safely in place by turning the screws to maintain position. Following two voyages from Espiritu Santo, one to Tulagi and the other to Kwajalein, Suwannee arrived off Saipan, in mid-June. Commissioning. In the two attacks Suwannee suffered the loss of 13 officers and 80 enlisted men, and the wounding of 13 officers (including Capt. She fired on a cruiser to starboard and, in turn, took a terrific pounding from battleship Hiei on her port side. A Sea2c, however, who embarked on the 26th with orders to report to the light cruiser Savannah (CL-43), deserted before the oiler cleared San Pedro for the Canal Zone on the 28th.

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uss suwannee crew list