unfictional falling podcast transcript


But back when he was a kid, how old were you? Props to her. And our next following feature is Falling Asleep, but with a little kick. As someone who makes his living making radio, I am acutely aware of my hearing, and the sounds around me. Completely and thoughtfully answer the following questions. Unexplainable on Apple Podcasts. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. Conduit to the Gaian Mind. Yeah, I got to just walk by. Yeah. It's storytelling that covers the ground between the most sophisticated and the searingly profane. The external processor is where the computer is, that takes sound and processes sound, converts the sound to an electrical message, causes the electrodes, then, to stimulate the hearing nerve itself. Oh, you go chasing rabbits and. We haven't gotten rid of it yet, is what he's saying. BOB CARLSON (HOST): From KCRW and KCRW.com, I'm Bob Carlson and this is UnFictional. podcast definition an internet based digital audio file made available for download, as a series of episodes Podcasts aren't radio bc 1 podcasts are internet based Podcasts aren't radio bc 2 podcasts are "On-Demand" Podcasts aren't radio bc 3 Podcasts are not live Podcasts aren't radio bc 4 podcasts are primarily talk based And so the point comes where you snap into two pieces likely to happen at the base of your spine. Yeah, not now. So I figured people like death and mayhem. [SOUNDS OF A PARK, BIRDS CHIRPING, CARS PASSING]. Provide evidence, Considering the placement of artificial intelligence (AI) on the hype cycle, discuss an industry that could be disrupted by AI and explain the cause of that disruption. Since a. Doesn't make sense. Unfictional producer Bob Carlson watches his two children go through the transmogrifier and come out unexpectedly as grown-ups. So that's my trick is just basically so I don't get eaten by a lion all these many years. Nothing all, complete silence. Yeah. She had been a principal. And after falling about nine floors and accelerating the speeds up to about 60 miles an hour, something happens. OK, how much of that have you heard this tape? unfictional podcast falling transcript. Don't forget to like the show on Facebook when you're there, and follow us on Twitter @UnFictional. Falling time, how do you. So it is so. I couldn't figure out who was talking when, I got so frustrated my eyes started to water and I just walked out of the house and went for a walk, because I couldn't because[Amanda's voice starts to break]in my life, I'm alone in this. And it's wet at my feet and I'm feeling while I'm in there that this is miserable. Over the last couple of years, it feels like everyone has been through the transmogrifier in one way or another. I would take a picture of the two years set suited up with your helmets, have since fallen out of love and fall in love with other people. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true . I said, why would the cat fall out? She had traveled all over the world. But we'll get back to her. Sandbox is Science Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. [MUSIC: An electronic melody; but warm, almost like bells. She was 63. You're listening to Radiolab Radio from WNYC. I spent my entire life being afraid of losing any more of my hearing. AMANDA McDONOUGH: It sounds like[She giggles again]a robot? But after nine floors, the wind resistance, which all the while has been pushing back up on you, starts to slow you down. But I would get a little bit anxious when we'd have to meet each other somewhere. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. By the time they were very much in love and they had decided they were going to go skydiving together together. Like times not slowing in the moment, but seems to be slowing after the moment? I picked up the phone, I dialed her as I always do, and she says Mom I know you're there but I can't hear you, will text me? But what happens is that stretch continues beyond comfort levels. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. That[Amanda giggles, nervous]. It seems really far. So if light doesn't come out, nothing's coming out. [MUSIC: The piano music fractures and decays]. Evan Chapman, Glen Farmer and Norman Ollestad, March, 2013. That's what I really was falling for about him. In this episode, stories of the transmogrified. And what to think I haven't told you is that not only was she wet and soggy and according to newspaper accounts, hysterical. Sounds like a delicious fruit salad. But cats that fell between five and nine between five floors and nine floors had really serious injuries and had more injuries per cat. Yeah. That story was produced by Brian Calvert and edited by Jacob Conrad. Ancestress the worst d o jatt. Joe Weisenthal: (00:14) And I'm Joe Weisenthal. In February of 1979, a small plane crashed onto an icy slope high in the San Gabriel mountains, ultimately leaving three people dead. So they embark on this relationship, which, you know, has its quirks, right? Great. So his head is going thump, thump, thump music. unfictional falling podcast transcriptpacita abad cause of death Posted by , With a high compression ratio may result in 609 , Category: 1804 half cent crosslet 4 stems Will the asteroid come? And I should just say that the piece ended up being really dumb, but it contains the best moment of tape I think I've ever recorded. And then what happened, you graduate and then did you move in together? They'll make sure their first drop is like a foot or six inches even then, and a big yellow and red signs all over it. Good God, I knew the car would come up. The first 60 people to donate by midnight tonight will EACH unlock an additional $100 for KCRW, thanks to KCRW Champion and Public Media supporter Mark. From teenagers to octogenarians, prisoners to prison guards, bra saleswomen to lighthouse keepers. Yeah, because I knew if another curly haired girl walked there before I did the game, is that her? It's very hellish. Yeah. Yeah, it does, because it feels out of control. No cat should ever jump out of a window. Know much better showpiece. Well, her MiniDisc recorder malfunctioned in the way down. DR. HOUSE: The sound will come in, just like it normally does it hits the eardrum and goes through the little ear bones, it vibrates the fluid but there's no little sensors there to sense the vibration. AMANDA McDONOUGH: We were joking the other day at lunch, about how, like you can watch ESPN before a game and find out if a player's knee is bothering them; you can try to tell whether or not their going to play as well that day. Yeah, we would see each other around at parties. I. For the last twenty years or so, people with hearing loss have been able to restore some of it with an electronic device called a cochlear implant. Mission control is going OK. Sending that message to the feet. You're ready for this? Yeah, a fellow named Charles Blondin, famous French wirewalker and a Canadian guy who called himself the Great Ferrini. Lost recordings, hidden worlds, people possessed by a sound, a vision, a mission. And do what? Oh, yeah. She would just sit on a street with a barrel. And our record here, it wasn't in this paper, but our record is. But just as you're about to go under, he says just that the first onset of sleep found one big jaw. You don't really know. In this bundle of five Listen & Learn activities, students will listen to a podcast (runtime for each episode is between 15 and 28 minutes) focused on a variety of high-interest topics designed to hold teens' attention and facilitate critical thinking. Review our. Right. Well, say you're living on the 30th floor of a building and it's summertime. I mean, people always say falling in love. RECEPTIONIST: (over an intercom): You're welcome. This is David here. That make people even crazier. And we'll be right back. Ftbol Confidential looks at Nikys Sports, the biggest family-run chain of soccer stores in LA. They've been dissected in uncountable numbers. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. What is a defenestrated mean? So basically, you're saying his little brain is trying to figure out the timing. AMANDA McDONOUGH: Well, there was a falling out with the, uh, boyfriend at the time. This is David Eagleman. How is that guy? You could listen to the Unfictional podcast as a class or have kids plug in their devices to listen individually. Was he in his helmet or had the helmet blown off? Turns out when you're falling, you don't actually see in slow motion. It turns out the fabric of space and time funnels down towards a black hole. They take her out to the middle of the river. Then the brain says, oh, I thought my foot should have hit the ground by now, but it hasn't. That's almost a rain of cats. Sort of like a Lusi echo. Hi. DR. JANE GAY: OK. There was like an attentiveness beyond I want to ask you one thing, which, like you just said, I'm falling for him. So it was a leap. But in fact, it was tarpaper hanging over the edge. Free Podcast Hosting with custom domain. B-bye. Up to 150. And each time it was new. That describes the transmogrifier a fantastical device from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strips. OK, so the next following, what we can call these falling, falling, falling votes now. She came in and she was very, very clear that she hadn't made up her mind if this was the direction she wanted to go in. And the legend goes that Albert Einstein was walking around one day and he found himself imagining a person riding in an elevator. Gay is patting her on the back]. All right. Support Radiolab by becoming a member today atRadiolab.org/donate. Just sort of. The result: light for your Christian walk and life for your soul. AMANDA McDONOUGH: Wow! She just didn't look right after that exhibition, her manager ran off with the barrel and he took the barrel and he started going on the circuit with a lovely young woman that he claimed was Annie Taylor. And sometimes I really like that. Or spend time with an artist who gives away her life savings every night. It's like a 15 story building that we're having, like, oh, yeah, this is just halfway. AMANDA McDONOUGH: Oh my God, it just changed! I think I just asked a lot of questions. Yeah. So what just happened? But how do they do that? But there's so much we still don't know. Meanwhile, almost every element of producer Jaime Roque's life was upended by the transmorgrifier: new job, marriage, and prospective fatherhood. The pilots had to take desperate actions if they had any chance of saving lives; did they have enough time for a safe landing? And out of those twenty two, only one died to twenty one cats survived from eight. I'm doing the math to see how many that is in a week of days. He's a neuroscientist. May 12, 2022 Producer Jaime Roque takes a ride with Ernie Moran in his 1965 Chevy Impala to explore the history and culture of the lowrider community of East Los Angeles. November 18, 2022 Ftbol Confidential looks at Niky's Sports, the biggest family-run chain of soccer stores in LA. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended . Another way of saying it, the flip it around, it may make it more clear, just as you can turn gravity off by snapping the cable, you can actually simulate gravity by pulling on the cable that pulls that elevator up really, really quickly, because now the scale is running into your feet. That's weirdkind of like, vibration. He said, if you imagine the universe as a vast rubber mat, a rubber mat held really, really taut, let's just take a wider and let's take the earth and just plop it on to the mat. Barnum saw the fall, he said that if someone could figure out a way to go over that, that would that would be a huge stunt that would give them fame and fortune. This is Fred Coolidge, all about the hypnagogic by. After claiming your Listen Notes podcast pages, you will be able to: Respond to listener comments on Listen Notes, Use speech-to-text techniques to transcribe your show and He got out there and he put the stove down and lit a fire, had a couple of eggs in a frying pan and made an omelet right over this churning like rapid. Stairway is to don't read. So your torso will stay alive for a little while, OK, until you bleed to death. . He then had to make one more leap. Get inside the mind of a rogue taxidermist. It really doesn't say, well, why, what was its function? And I walked by there a few times without him knowing it was me where I could see him and look at him. Here he is at the Herbst Theater. No, no. A secret road to. RECEPTIONIST: (over an intercom): Your one o'clock patient is here. [She laughs] He got sick, I took care of him, and then while I was sick, he went on a short vacation to San Francisco with a couple of his friends. Its gravity is so extreme light traveling at the speed of light. It's a it's a shame we can all agree about that. She's very brave. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. When was the first time you talked to him? We jump into a black hole, take a trip over Niagara Falls, upend some myths about falling cats, and plunge into our favorite songs about falling. So, what's internal is the receiver and the electrodes. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true . Norman did become a young ski champion, but he was also a normal 11-year-old kid who mostly wanted to do his own thing on his own time, and he resented the pressure from his father, But it's the same for most of us, the important things we learn from our parents don't really come into focus until much later in life. podcast pages. He couldn't string those together as all the same person having the same conversation, right? DR. JANE GAY [reassuringly]: A robot. It was mixed by me, Bob Carlson. And off she goes to the brink. Over the last couple of years, it feels like everyone has been through th, Street vendors are an essential part of Los Angeles history and its economy. But what people would say, how long when you were falling, how long? The Kitchen Sisters Present Stories from the b-side of history. And the day after he came back, he comes up to me and tells me that he cheated on me in San Francisco. So like if we're living on the curve, then we're constantly falling down. Cats have fell over nine stories. What makes you larger and one who makes you see what you want and I should go right through the center? This is April. And but that kind of explanation didn't really satisfy. And then this moment of weightlessness. That board Radiolab is produced by WNYC and its message science reporting on Radiolab is supported in part by Science. It's UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson. Thousands were up and down the river, tens of thousands.

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unfictional falling podcast transcript