tartarian empire, mud flood


There are numerous photos (shown in countless videos on the topic) from that same time period that appear to include signs that extremely advanced technologies were being used by the civilization that seemingly vanished from those pre-existing cities buried in mud. Well, they too use Google Ngram, and they find it suspicious that use of the words Tartaria and Tartary plummet to nonexistent following the 19th century. This ignores the well-documented history of Asia, which Tartary refers to. He is here on Earth to deliver secrets and spread dark truths of the universe beyond what any can imagine. Instead, they envision a massive mega-culture of advanced builders. Perhaps the most absurd claim theyve made is that the impressive temporary complex of ornate facades built out of straw and plaster of Paris for the 1893 Worlds Fair in Chicagothe so-called White Citywas actually a grand Tartarian metropolis that they have pretended was not real. A site for sharing views and pictures/photos of amazing old world. For example, it is entirely possible that these conspiracy claims crossed over into the English-speaking world from foreign language publications that arent mined in an Ngram search, or from online content in another language that, if I understand the tool correctly, wouldnt show up in a Google Trends search, even if it were set to conduct a worldwide search, because the keyword used is in in English. Water wouldnt work. The Holy Roman Empire? The banner on my FB page is a quote by Alvin Toffler: The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read nor write, but those cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Thanks for the comment Jet. James has repeatedly presented mankind with knowledge that would, and should, help us get over the hump or survive our technology, so that we can avert another catastrophic end. He claims to be politically impartial, but historians and critics of his work, especially Konstantin Sheiko, who wrote extensively about the implications of Fomenkos claims in his PhD thesis, point out that Fomenkos work fits clearly into an ethno-nationalist tradition of producing pseudohistory and alternative history that presents the Russian people and their history in certain favorable ways. . Artificial/Synthetic Telepathy And Mind Control, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: TIME TO ACQUIRE A MORE ACCURATE REALITY MODEL, REVISITING 911: DIMITRI KHALEZOV & THE 3RD TRUTH, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, May 11, 2017, PART 2: TIME TRAVEL--THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT (AND IGNORED) DISCOVERY OF OUR MODERN AGE, WORDS MATTER: POST-HUMAN IS THE WRONG TERM FOR WHAT ISCOMING, DYSNOPIA: A LOVE LETTER TO MILLENNIALS (AND THEWORLD), FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#3, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#2, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THEPAST, SNAKES & PARASITES: THE REALITY REVISION OF ACCELERATEDDECREPITUDE, TRUTH IS INTOLERABLE TO AN EMPIRE BUILT ONLIES, SECTION ON PSYCHOPATHY IS FINALLY BEINGPOPULATED, DR ANDREW WAKEFIELD SPEECH HEALTH AND FREEDOM CONFERENCE APRIL2021. You have heard of the ancient lost civilizations of Atlantis. Hushlings, do you believe that there was a great reset in the mid 19th century? While only 120 bodies were recovered, it is believed that 300 people died in the blaze.. Though he feigns academic impartiality, Fomenkos work is at the forefront of this movement to forge a false ethno-nationalist historical identity for Russia. And, they don't have to go alone, JTR Brown and Kevin Crispin are back to help dig up clues on the supposed . The flames leapt up to the sky in all directions, sparing only the few People on the highest peaks. After the Earth finished baking, the Creator began to make a new world, and as the Creator chanted the Song of Creation, it began to rain. JavaScript is disabled. I encourage listeners to go back to my Chronological Revision Chronicles series, specifically Part One, The Fomenko Timeline, to hear more about this figure and his theories. Dharma, Nagato. Indeed, searching Google Trends for Tartaria, one sees Phantom Time, the chronological revision theory of Herbert Illig that I spoke about in my series, listed as a related query. Theres an arch-traditionalism present in the theory, too. To help me determine the real Old Empire (Tartarian?) Tell me that doesnt sound like there is a connection. According to Fomenko, the Mongols, formerly known as Tatars or Tartars, did not exist, as such. An image of the State Capitol of Iowa, with less impressive buildings surrounding it. Either via a sudden cataclysm or a steady antagonistic decline and perhaps as recently. Some have suggested that it was the result of a worldwide volcanic event, caused by mud volcanos. Tartaria is also where the Greek word "Tartarus" originated from. In our current lineage, photography was invented in the 1800s, Napoleon died in the 1820s, and the timeline split occurred when Napoleon was in the Great Pyramid, as explained by James Horak. As with that other conspiracy mythos, Qanon, that has likely been encouraged every step of the way by Russian disinformation campaigns online, the Tartarian Empire hoax has grown to become a mega-theory as its proponents take a buffet-style approach, incorporating into the myth complex any pet theory or crazy notion they fancy. Well, now, this is interesting.Its been a while since ive watched any of her videos, so when I just now went to look up her youtube channel to insert the hyper-link over her name here, would you believe her most recent video, produced four days ago, is titled, EVIDENCE FOR THE MANIPULATION OF OUR PERCEPTION OF SPACE AND TIME AND THE CREATION OF A NEW TIMELINE? In the world before this one, the People and the animals turned to evil and forgot their connection to the Creator. These towns and cities that were partially buried made up Tartaria, a highly developed society that had free wireless energy and was home to, at least in part, giants Out with the old and in with the new, and that "new" civilization is us, was the "reset" of civilization. The following excerpt comes from orphantraindepot.com: From 1854 to 1929 an estimated 250,000 orphaned, abandoned, and homeless childrenwere placed throughout the United States and Canada duringthe Orphan Train Movement. Celebrity & Government Clones Imagery and Recap. Such historical details, to the Tartaria conspiracists, are just more lies covering up the truth. The events of 1859 and 1862 of telegraph systems operating without power, melted buildings, and extended aurora phenomenon dont seem consistent with a CME. Of course, civic engineering requires a lot of digging like this, even today. Proponents think this catastrophe occurred sometime in the 1800s. From there, the theory goes, they let their speculation about this presumably lost civilization run wild. Finally, at the height of the battle, the Thunderbirds suddenly threw down their most powerful thunderbolts all at once. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. On the helium subject alone, in relation to the current topic, James explained this during a September 5th, 2012 interview on the Kevin Smith Show. Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything I've ever seen. They bring up black and white photos from the 19th century that show people digging, whether employing hand shovels, mule teams, or steam shovels, especially if there is a fancy building around them. Your wonder and dismay likely further turned to shock and outrage as you learned of a global conspiracy to suppress the history of the Tartarian Empire, to cover up the existence of this mud flood, and to claim the impressive accomplishments of their advanced culture as our own. The pre-modern buildings that we venerate are sometimes said to be more than 1,000 years old. A podcast exploring the history and beliefs of the dark underbelly of the conspiratorial world! Eventually, as ethnological knowledge of the regions peoples grew, further distinctions had to be made, such that those in Manchuria were called Manchu Tartars, and those in the eastern reaches of the Russian Tsardom were called Muscovite Tartars. Indeed, it was the bellicose northern peoples of the Eurasian Steppe that the Chinese had built the Great Wall to keep out who would eventually come to be called Tatars by the West, such as the Manchu and Mongol peoples, as well as Turkic tribes. One of these theories involves a catastrophic event known as a mudflood. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We also know that they are involved with the encouragement of the growth of conspiracy claims. Big businesses, innovative buildings, and a new style of architecture were the results. So throw out everything you know about the history of the world, disregard everything you think you understand about ethnology, geography, architecture, and geology, and prepare to be awakened from the sleep of ignorance, liberated from the herd of the sheeple, and initiated into the mystery of Tartaria! A mud flood was said to have wiped out this Empire, leaving only architectural marvels that could not be destroyed by the flood or our "backward" human hands. The Orphan Train event has become attached to the mud flood theory, I suspect, because the historical records dont adequately explain the true cause or reason for the phenomenon. They point to the fact that grand buildings of certain distinct styles can be found all over the world, but of course that is because architectural trends spread internationally. And from there, it just devolved into photoshopped hoaxes of gigantic bones. Equally absurd are their explanations for why there does not exist ample archaeological evidence of this widespread culture, aside, from, oh, say, all the surviving buildings they claim are artifacts of the culture and all the photographs of their buildings that are no longer standing. The official website for the Hush Hush Society! Big businesses, innovative buildings, and a new style of architecture were the results, and the elite of today attempting another great reset using the slogan build back better. Instead, he argues that much of accepted history is actually duplicated from medieval history. Weight Of The Flood Caused A World Wide Volcanic Ash Event . And then, there is the doozythat Tartaria was actually peopled by giants. Perhaps youve also heard about the lost continents of Lemuria and Mu. Never mind that all the buildings they identify as Tartarian are made for regular size people. Not exactly a global threat. These machines are also placed in a specific grid pattern deep within and around the earth, and over time, through uplift, their original placement has been altered which in turn causes some otherwise inexplicable phenomenon. Racist 19th century map asserting Mongolian cultures are present in North America. Others in this category see Russian identity wrapped up in racial heritage, and they trot out the old myth of an Aryan people. If liquefaction occurs on or near your property, your house may sink by inches or several feet and be surrounded by or filled with liquefied soil. He has even gone as far as helping us to better understand and even anticipate the wonders that await us on the other side of this madness, if we would but act to stop it. Take for example, the neo-Gothic Whitman College at Princeton, built in 2002, or the Classical Greek architecture of the Schermerhorn Symphony Center built in Nashville, the so-called Athens of the South, in 2006. Well, you could describe both as the myth of a vast Siberian / Inner Asian empire whose history has been stolen and erased. Other spokes deal with various historical events that may or may not have had something to do with the manner in which the elite attempted to paper over or erase any clues as to what really transpired. Thus the corruption Tartars was supposedly coined, basically calling the Mongol hordes demons from hell. In this short exploration we focus on Tartaria and the Mud Flood. 60346, https://doi.org/10.2307/2658945. Thanks for the comment Wayne. Now, there is a fast-spreading conspiracy theory about the existence of an ancient, suppressed mega-empire that originated in their region, and it is remarkably similar to the ethno-national propaganda Russias president spouts as a pretext for expansion, asserting the Russians are just reclaiming what has always been theirs. It was so hot that the world's lakes boiled and dried up before their eyes. This appears to be the case with the claims about a global Tartarian Empire, as there is good reason to believe this pseudohistory originated in Russia and may have spread to the West as online propaganda or disinformation. Simply put, one gets the impression that these Tartarian Empire Youtubers and Reddit posters are just basement dwellers in boring towns who have only recently discovered the beauty of fancy buildings and simply cannot believe such structures are American. TheGreat Chicago Firestarted on the evening of Oct. 8, 1871. In that aspect, adjoining theories include historical great fires that burned down entire cities which would constitute building the new world on the ashes of the old one. Just what would cause such a global flow of mud is not typically clarified. Its good times! However, the reliability of these tools in determining the origin of such pseudohistories and conspiracy claims is decidedly questionable. And it expanded to a point that bythe beginning of WW1 there was a conspiracy to lie about what helium was, because they didnt want helium accessible to the Germans. Although I only came across the mud flood theory about a year ago, Im incredibly intrigued by it. Of course scientists that had worked with helium were all in on a conspiracy to say that helium came from natural deposits in the panhandle of Texas, almost exclusively. These cities include extremely impressive architecture commonly found in our city and state capital buildings, but also things like railroads, and even advanced technology. But have you heard about the lost empire of Tartaria? Image credit: Nick Taylor, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY 2.0). The California Governors Office of Emergency Services. Youve heard me talk about beliefs in the lost cradles of civilization Hyperborea and Ultima Thule. If you like that article, youre really going to enjoy the next onehoping to have it finished before the new year. Gradually, the term was dropped altogether, with only the occasional remnant to be found. Join David and Brent as they excavate the truth behind the enigmatic mud floods, unearth mysterious maps, and delve deep into the forgotten history of this once-mighty civilization. But of course, anyone who would believe in a global mud flood isnt thinking too hard about the science of geology or the analysis of strata performed at any dig site that could handily disprove their theory. But they still find supposed evidence for their mud flood, once again in old photos. The obvious problem here, of course, is that the CIA appear to be condemning Communist revision of Tartar history, which simply isnt in keeping with the idea that the erasure of Tartarian history was a global conspiracy, which likely would have to involve the CIA. That particular work was also written in a study guide format and included references to dozens of authors whose own extensive work on the topic had gone largely unnoticed. But again, we are talking about rural nomads, not an advanced civilization that, according to believers, is responsible for the construction of architecturally magnificent edifices. Just as Vladimir Putin today justifies his invasion of the Ukraine with falsehoods, claiming that it has always been a part of Russia and has no historical right to independence, his nationalist rhetoric is validated by, or perhaps inspired by, the pseudo-historian Anatoly Fomenko, who claims that Ukraine has no identity apart from Russia, for its people were always only part of his Russian Horde. This pseudo-history tacitly justifies war crimes. And if you think this is interesting, it gets much better. Tartaria Mud Flood Reset: A Missing Legacy Tartaria (originally pronounced "Tataria" without the first "r") is the name of the pre-Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. Mud volcanos are real, and instead of producing magma flows they produce slurries of warm mud. They call it the great reset. Unlike the biblical flood, though, this was a mud flood, and in its wake, entire grand Tartarian cities were left entirely or partially buried. Depending on your interests and thus the calibration of your YouTube recommendation and search algorithms and the pages you find promoted to you on Facebook, you may have learned a great deal about this globe-spanning mega-civilization in recent years. That nobody in our lineage has done more to provide us with a more accurate model of reality than James Horak, is something I believe in all sincerity. Joachim Skaar, the aforementioned Youtuber, has been quoted as claiming, The same people that built the Capitol in Washington built the pyramids in Egypt, and that gives us a sense of the great depths of ignorance displayed by these conspiracists. This is basically a biography of the Tartars and a look at cartography and doesn't focus much on the disaster side of the Mud Flood, nor the \"Free Energy / Advanced Tech\" lunacy.Stay tuned for my next video where I'll be examining the origins of the Mud Flood Theory itself.Investigating the Mud Flood Theory in Full:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ47XZ8vyzA8gffZJB9DdnNEe2-oyugMwFull Credits for images and video used here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZimmku-8y5GBlQbHfg-4bqu1aLDyI9z1xTSbONh3vA/edit?usp=sharing Though she spins the tale as fiction it leaves one asking where did she get some of her ideas? This caused some problems as these instruments are intentionally spaced out in equal distance for a reason. People still find them today in the Dakota Badlands. The California Governors Office of Emergency ServicesMyHazardstool can help you identify geologic hazards near your house.. In their reaction against the historical distortions of Tsarist and Church propaganda, Communists initiated their own revision and falsification of history, as the CIA observed in the aforementioned report, and after the fall of Communism, a new false history has emerged, still intent on painting Russia in the best light, and justifying its geopolitical powerplays. In this way, he and other Russians can deny that they ever came under the Mongol Yoke. Its a by-product, and if you know how to collect ityou have to know the secrets of how to collect it, how to turn it into a liquid for shipment, and then once it has been turned into a gas you can return it back to a liquidbut all of these are trade secrets that are held by the three big gas companies, the industrial companies that have been doing this for a hundred years. James Horak. The 'Tartarian Mud-Flood' theory - identifies a period in our history we're never informed or taught about uses a lot of compelling photographic and historical evidence to suggest that, surprisingly, our society could be no older than from about the year 1800-1850 - or a bit earlier - which gives . This includes electric trolley cars, fireplace like structures in homes built in a strange manner more suggestive of an advanced radiant model than used for wood burning, and Tesla-like poles on street corners that may indicate they were using a wireless transmission of power. Ignorance surrounding Tartary's use as a place name has spawned conspiracy theories including ideas of a "hidden past" and "mud floods ". TARTARIA, THE MUD FLOOD, TIME TRAVEL AND NAPOLEON: ARE THESE EVENTS ALLRELATED? All Rights Reserved. The old kings lists from 200 years ago or more refer to the King of Tartary as the king of kings and the lord of lords[ sound familiar?] In turn, is it just Russian ethno-nationalist propaganda as the work of Fomenko is revealing itself to be? Ignorance surrounding Tartary's use as a place name has spawned conspiracy theories including ideas of a "hidden past" and "mud floods ". It is based on the idea that there was a global catastrophe that destroyed a highly developed civilization and gave rise to the countries as we know them today. There are three different ways of describing what amounts to the exact same problem, depending on which language is best suited to the unique thought process of the individual. Many pre-20th century globe maps classified these regions simply as Tartary; as geographical knowledge grew, Manchuria and Mongolia were renamed Chinese Tartary, Siberia was renamed Great Tartary, and Central Asia was renamed Independent Tartary. The other element of the so-called great reset, besides the global destruction caused by the mud flood, was the purposeful erasure of Tartarian history. residential architecture from the modern imitations, I look for 4 main features: *Fiddly Bits on top (metal or stone protuberances to serve as antenna) *Flat Chimneys (never enough chimneys to heat such a large building by conventional means) 3, 2000, pp. The Tartarians were a tall people, averaging some eight to twelve feet in height. buildings and asked me to explain why they all had similar architectural styles if there wasn't some globe-spanning Tartarian Empire behind them all. A plausible theory that I cant take credit for but caused me to remember the Carrington event when a lot of the telegraph lines burned up. However, never let it be said that conspiracy speculators arent ingenious, for they managed in their blindly focused keyword searches to turn up an obscure declassified CIA report on National Cultural Development under Communism. In it, there exists a paragraph that is presented as smoking gun evidence of a cover-up of Tartarias history.

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tartarian empire, mud flood