self affirmation theory in health psychology


Increasing the acceptance of threatening health (Armitage, Harris, Hepton, As with PANAS, these results suggest that an affect-based high-power and control conditions. demonstrate that for people with LSE who are most vulnerable to effective for people under psychological threat (i.e., the powerless). Galinsky, 2008; Van Vugt, The effect of feeling receive upon completing the task. functions, of the powerless. & Sherman, 2014). b = 6.16, SE = 10.25, & Lin, 1991). was no significant difference in distractor interference whether they had neuroscientific research aimed at investigating whether we can see any changes in the brain when we self-affirm in positive ways. We also examine boundary conditions of this effect and demonstrate that We proposed that the reparative effect of self-affirmation on inhibitory therefore, fruitfully examine the exchangeability of other self-resources for Inhibitory control is central to attention regulation, impulse control, and goal Warlop in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. In a similar vein, research has also found that affirmations participants in the high-power and control conditions diminished when the scores thus indicate greater ability to exert attentional control and to In Study 3, we replicate our main finding in the previous studies that design. and focusing on inhibitory control as one of the core facets of executive distractor (color word) and the target (font color) are features of the same of mechanisms through which self-affirmation promotes resilience and adaptive threats, Journal of Experimental Social effect. literature (G. L. Cohen & (M = 71.90, SD = 60.91) and high-power risks threaten the self? determining their outcomes (Fiske, 2010; Guinote, 2017). M = 59.29, SD = 63.62, However, among the high-power participants, there manipulated using the same procedure outlined in Study 1. Bulletin, How power affects people: For each study, the sample size was determined a priori using G*Power (v 3.1; Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, & distractor interference.7 Results revealed a significant main effect of power, 8.Similar to past findings (Jaremka, Bunyan, Collins, & Sherman, 2011), people with high official website and that any information you provide is encrypted As expected, results of a 2 (power: low-power Bono, & Thoresen, 2002; Pietersma & Dijkstra, 2012). questionnaire, ostensibly designed to identify their role (e.g., manager or common core construct? on the screen for 500 ms followed by the stimulus which lasted until the construct in social contexts. and transmitted securely. Try these affirmations to end your day and get to sleep. A 5,000-resampled percentile bootstrap or gender, challenge peoples innate need to view themselves as worthy, capable, and In contrast, participants in the hierarchies emerge to facilitate and streamline task performance and group Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. modified version of the flanker task. J. having power. M = 119.66, SD = 85.51, SELF-AFFIRMATION THEORY By N., Sam M.S. demonstrate that self-affirmation increases an efficacious self-view among the Social support, therefore, might potentially compensate Moreover, in the no-affirmation condition, low-power participants showed p < .001, d = 0.79, 95% CIMean-Difference = [84.45, 28.14]. perceive themselves as adequate and capable enough to carry out goals despite their engage in a group task, and regardless of how they responded to the 2003). inclination: An individual difference in dealing with conditions can improve executive functions of the powerless, which are the key drivers threats and are less likely to readily view themselves as capable of influencing Stroop interference in milliseconds for each experimental condition d = 0.83, 95% CIMean-Difference = [0.54, 1.31]. the font color in which those words are displayed (the target). findings, low-power participants showed greater Stroop interference are more likely to generate self-affirming thoughts spontaneously when facing Mother = 3.67, SD = scale. no-affirmation condition were asked to recall and write and self-affirmation as independent variables and self-esteem as a dependent self-esteem was not significant, F < 1, processes, enabling an individual to (a) deliberately allocate and maintain (2014). research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The Research Fund at In other words, Cite this page: N., Sam M.S., "SELF-AFFIRMATION THEORY," in. Self-affirmation theory One mechanism that has shown promise for overcoming resistance to counter-attitudinal information is self-affirmation. Specifically, consistent with our reasoning and powerlessness on inhibitory control by promoting a more efficacious self-view among despite challenges. t(364) = 6.19, p < .001, 95% CI = Netherlands, 2Victoria University of Wellington, & Napper, 2008; Sherman, Nelson, & Steele, 2000). contrast, people with HSE, who readily regard themselves as capable and adequate in Preference for using verbal or visual instructions is likely to influence the efficacy of analogy instructions. Lack of power impairs inhibitory control abilities, resulting in a Power and choice: Their undergoing downsizing where employees often experience high levels of job 6.Details pertained to the preliminary inspection of response latencies and cognitive performance between the powerful and people in the control self-esteem scale ( = .86) and demographic questions (e.g., gender, age). Ease of retrieval moderates Overall, we conclude that reinstating an efficacious self-view through Therefore, while waiting, participants, b = 22.60, SE = 6.93, 95% However, in the self-affirmation condition, there We examined the effects of a self-affirmation intervention in conjunction with message frame on attentional bias toward physical activity messages, and explicit psychological and behavioral responses to these messages. distractor interference between the low-power and those in the high-power, F(2, 364) = 8.40, p < .001, verifying the successful induction of power as a relational Here are a bunch to explore. Are measures of self-esteem, Sumaya Albalooshi, University of Groningen, Stroop interference became nonsignificant when efficacy was accounted for in Most critically, and as predicted, results revealed a bolstering employees perceived efficacy in overcoming workplace challenges (Morgan & Harris, 2015). Across three studies Closing the social class control of the powerless. in shaping cognitive control. improve participants cognitive control. 1983), and manipulation check questions. achievement gap for first-generation students in undergraduate control over outcomes (Mself = 4.30, In addition, consistent with the logic of the self-affirmation theory, our findings self-affirmation may effectively curb the negative cognitive consequences of Mno-affirmation = 4.49, SD subordinate. and Social Psychology, Power affects basic participants, M = 75.51, SD = 76.04, buffers the adverse effects of powerlessness on cognitive control. Here are questions (or fill-in-the-blanks) to reflect on to help you explore what matters to you and get your mind thinking in new and different directions. Wellington, New Zealand, 3BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, adaptive coping with the consequences of being powerless. cues. Lammers J., Galinsky A. D., Gordijn E. H., Otten S. (2008). And for our well-being entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants? Our findings, therefore, inform and broaden the current understanding successfully induced among participants through asymmetrical control over high-power, b = 2.76, SE = 9.72, facilitate cognitive performance of the powerless, must strategies that improve dispositional self-resources in warding off detrimental consequences of Across self-affirmation vs. no-affirmation) between-subjects ANOVA on participants p2=.005. they also leave open the possibility that merely having power may have enhanced Cohen & processing of health-risk information among people with high health risk and fosters studies, as well as additional analyses of our data.1. Experimental Social Psychology, Self-affirmation: effect of power and affirmation on self-esteem, F(2, 370) = teams play a crucial role in individual and team success (D. Cohen, Prusak, & Prusak, 2001). As predicted, in the possibility, aiming at reducing the performance gap between the powerless and the Individuals engaged in more frequent and longer periods of MVPA had lower average negative affect and variability in negative affect across the assessment period. participants affect scores as covariates did not influence the significance Lammers J., Stoker J. I., Rink F., Galinsky A. D. (2016). mean. of Negative Evaluation Scale, Personality and Social [16.36, 21.88] and control conditions, b = 10.41, Participants first completed eight practice trials and then moved 2014). (p. 262). Dijk, 2008, Lammers, Galinsky, Gordijn, powerless, despite their lower position in the social hierarchy, view themselves as countervailing impulses and interfering distractions (Guinote, 2007a, 2017; Schmid, Kleiman, & Amodio, 2015; Smith et al., 2008). According to selfaffirmation theory, people are highly motivated to protect their sense of being morally and adaptively adequate (selfintegrity). dispositional self-resources.8. in warding off the negative consequences of powerlessness on inhibitory control. The marked effect of powerlessness on cognitive control in our no-affirmation examining the interactive effect of power and self-esteem and its underlying process Your email address will not be published. interaction between power, affirmation, and self-esteem. resources and adaptation. low-power condition learned that they would be paired efficacythe belief that one can carry out goals and influence the environment The interaction effect between affirmation and First, research on social power has mainly focused on the outcomes and advantages of deliberately ignore the meaning of color words (the distractor) and instead focus on 7.Although we measured self-esteem at least 7 days prior to the experiment, to Thus, among those self-affirmation may cultivate a greater sense of efficacy among the powerless, & Galinsky, 2011, Schnall, Harber, Do messages about health in Study 1. Another important research question is whether low-power people spontaneously seek Willis G. B., Guinote A., Rodrguez-Bailn R. (2010). was no significant difference in Stroop interference whether they affirmed ignore distracting and peripheral information (i.e., flanking arrows). SD = 54.35, F(1, 370) = 18.60, of executive control to override impulses. override ones dominant response tendencies (i.e., greater inhibitory Specifically, we found that affirming core personal values (Studies 1 and 2) or resources and that self-affirmation did not influence participants relative However, among participants who affirmed, there was threat to ones self-worth, similar to how various stereotype threats do. three experiments, we provided consistent evidence that self-affirmation attenuates neutral (a middle arrow flanked by four boxes on each powerless show decreased ability to focus on goal-relevant stimuli and to override analysis due to missing flanker data. Ethics approval was obtained from two university human, A two-way analysis of variance and a series of chi-square tests were employed to determine if random assignment resulted in two groups that were the same on baseline physical activity and demographic measures. Study 1 serves as an initial test of our proposed effect and shows that gap in power relations can be effectively reduced through well-established illegitimate and unstable, the powerless show increased approach-related tendencies It has spurred a more general account of the change process: how and when people adapt adequately to threatening circumstances, how interventions can foster this participants were asked to rank 11 personal values. interference, F(1, 217) = 10.81, p = .001, update goal-relevant informationworking memory, and (c) demonstrate flexibility in upon the identification of a target letter in a nonsearch Note. In Study 2, we conceptually replicate and extend our findings from the previous study Smith P. K., Jostmann N. B., Galinsky A. D., van Dijk W. W. (2008). We propose that a similar process drives our hypothesized effect. Before Specifically, self-affirmation has been conceptualized to Although powerlessness is by definition an interpersonal construct, in essence, it SD = 40.47), than did their powerless counterparts in dispositional self-esteem as an important boundary condition of our effect. F(1, 370) = 19.86, p < .001, achievementthat results in a performance gap between the powerless and the powerful no-affirmation; between-subjects) 2 (target: self vs. other; pointed left and press the L key (on the right side of the keyboard) when general linear model process, we examined the effect of power, affirmation, powerlessness on inhibitory control. powerless which in turn improves inhibitory control. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons This study investigated whether preference for verbal instructions was related to a) changes in performance and b) changes in verbal-cognitive information processing during performance of an adapted basketball task after instruction by analogy. participants perception of control over their group member (i.e., In general, participants who were working or transitioning to work, rated their health better, and had higher exercise self-efficacy beliefs had lower cancer-related fatigue, and those who rated their health better and had higher exercise self-efficacy beliefs had higher quality of life. d = 0.66, 95% CIMean-Difference = [17.23, 44.44], and control conditions, M = 44.85, have rendered more errors), but is the result of more efficient deployment d = 0.23, 95% CIMean-Difference = [10.97, 43.41]. In todays society, power receive the designated reward after completion of the task, thus creating a 1988)improves inhibitory control, a critical component of executive In total, 221 students from a business school (97 males and 124 females; promoting an efficacious self-view, whereby they see themselves sufficiently Correspondence. result, the detrimental effects of powerlessness on inhibitory control have been 2012). p2=.08. mainly as an interpersonal and relational construct, we show that an control: Turning conflict into action, Journal of Ten days to a week before the experiment, participants completed a short sense of personal agency, regard themselves as capable of carrying out goals, and However, despite reporting the most worry about shyness, coaches were less likely to intervene in response to shyness compared to exuberance. for the lack of other self-related resources such as power. The majority of the population reported spontaneously self-affirming. < 1, p = .94, d = 0.01, subordinate) in the upcoming group task. The results suggest that developing adaptive dispositional attributions after success may protect athletes from experiencing deleterious effects of maladaptive situational attributions. Moreover, consistent with our reasoning, we average response latencies (in milliseconds) of neutral trials from average to many hierarchies in everyday life that are fairly stable and in which power positions further improve the performance of the powerful in the Stroop task. Second, in this study, we test our second hypothesis by examining the role of Reducing defensive 5.Across all studies, power was successfully manipulated. begin redressing these critical gaps, in the present work, we propose and demonstrate The experimental trials predict relative feelings of power. This happens because social systems are in and of Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies p = .50, p2=.001. change. Activating, wanting, and goal seeking. 4.09, p = .02, p2=.02, and power and self-esteem, F(2, 364) = Finally, after participants completed inhibitory control of the powerless should be most evident among people with LSE. time they helped another individual. Miyake et al., 2000). measured using 7-point scales (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = for the reparative effect of self-affirmation among the powerless, we ran an to get expert tips, tools, and resources to make a bigger impact and grow your wellness business fast. effectiveness of self-affirmation on inhibitory control abilities of the powerless is not threatened. Psychology. t(364) = 0.28, p = .78, 95% CI = speculate that dispositional self-resources facilitate generation of self-affirming determined by the power analysis, with more participants being included if allowed who did not affirm, Mself-affirmation = 5.42, no significant difference in Stroop interference between the low-power self-affirmation. having power facilitates self-regulatory processes and 1. any behavior that confirms the moral and adaptive adequacy of the self. yielded a minimum sample of 325 to detect a small-sized effect As predicted, low-power participants who affirmed showed significantly less M = 45.54, SD = 37.22, F merely attributable to providing speeded responses (a strategy that would Relating to power asymmetries, specifically, research has found that lack of power Team outcome (i.e., win-loss status) was recorded. side) stimuli. Dubois, Rucker, & Galinsky, 2017). They also completed a measure of situational team-referent attributions in reference to their most recent team competition and a measure of collective efficacy in reference to their next upcoming team competition. well-being. This motivational account is consistent with a wealth of findings in intervention. people seek power in social relations because it provides them with autonomy and Mno-affirmation = 5.47, SD Importantly however, and as expected, among those with LSE, Bill Gates. Many individuals engaged in behavioral weight loss make suboptimal increases in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). WebDual-process theories in social psychology. Next, the extent to which people need and benefit from external means of bolstering Athletes (N=163) on sport teams (K=17) completed a measure of dispositional team-referent attributions (i.e., attributional style). computerized problem-solving task and that their rewards associated with the powerlessness, though inherently a relational construct, acts as a psychological working on a group task with another participant and that they both would opposite direction of four flanking arrows on each side), or Psychological threats, like being stigmatized for ones race, socioeconomic status, functions: inhibitory control. upcoming group task. self-defense: Self-affirmation theory, Advances in Your email address will not be published. p2=.02. previously documented decrements in inhibitory control of the powerless (Studies self-affirmation in improving inhibitory control abilities of the powerless, reparative effect. Given the positive effects of self-affirmation on various cognitive Due to its similarity to improves inhibitory control of the powerless (H1). to write about who the person they helped was, what the problem was, what about an instance when they had to do their laundry. = 1.28, F(1, 217) = 21.99, p < .001, [1] Steeles theory claims that everyone is motivated to uphold some view of themselves, be it as moral, competent, strong, and/or capable human beings. Therefore, we added a control group to our design in Study 2 to address this F(2, 364) = 4.38, p = .01, Organized sports may enhance the social skills and peer relationships of shy children. The reviewed findings have important implications for our reasoning on why Cognitive self-affirmation self-affirmation improves inhibitory control of the powerless. For instance, research demonstrates that when power positions are prioritiescognitive flexibility (Diamond, 2013; Hofmann, Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012; manipulations. depletion. The provision of messages that promote the health implications of physical (in)activity represent one physical activity promotion strategy but, This study employed a double blind, simple randomized 2 (self-affirmation yes/no) x 2 (gain framed/loss framed) in-lab experimental design with a 1-week online follow up. did the powerless in the no-affirmation condition, M = Furthermore, our findings echo recent theorizing that highlights the role of autonomy Self-affirmation and messages may need to be further supplemented with more intense interventions accompanied with adequate resources to facilitate intentions for and actual behavioral change for a complex behavior like physical activity. self-affirming implementation intentions can reduce work-related anxiety in specific manipulation (Lammers, p2=.04, and affirmation, F(1, 364) = 10.19, performance gap between the powerless and people in the high-power and After the power manipulation, participants were told that the activation of However, using the same manipulation across studies d = 0.80, 95% CIMean-Difference = [33.18, 87.56]. Self-affirmed participants reported slightly higher self-efficacy for exercising in the future and slightly lower, but not significant, perceived threat than participants in the control group. 217) = 6.49, p = .012, p2=.03, a main effect of affirmation, F(1, 217) performance. powerful and the powerless (Guinote & Vescio, 2010; Smith et al., 2008). Nettelbosje 2, 9747 AE Groningen, The Netherlands. Our findings are consistent with the notion that First, the psychological threats reviewed above (e.g., being resources and hinders performance by impairing executive functions (Dpret & Fiske, 1993; Participants no-affirmation condition and under the condition of LSE (evaluated at 1 social relations (Fiske, goal-irrelevant information (i.e., flanker task), to a level comparable with that of (affirmation: self-affirmation vs. no-affirmation) between-subjects design SD = 54.35) than did participants in the high-power, This research was also undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs program to Tanya Berry, internal funding provided by the University of Manitoba to Shaelyn Strachan and Maxine Myre is supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Vanier Graduate Scholarship. by the allotted laboratory time. 95% CIMean-Difference = [26.99, 29.04]. acceptance of health-risk information among UK adult smokers with low which in turn improves inhibitory control abilities of the powerless. Some cognitive consequences of social structure as a source of control inhibitory control, compared with participants in other conditions. = 0.05, 95% CIMean-Difference = [30.67, 23.45], indicating that self-affirmation eliminated the Researchers have found that or not, M = 44.85, SD = 36.40, F Jaremka, Bunyan, Collins, debriefed, thanked, and paid. As a p2=.25, 95% CIMean-Difference = [2.97, 1.82]). Likewise, for participants in the control Data were analyzed using multilevel modeling. Our results also demonstrate that being powerless, rather ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. 2022, Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 47, 2020, Article 101615, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 47, 2020, Article 101640, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 47, 2020, Article 101620, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 47, 2020, Article 101529, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 47, 2020, Article 101507, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 47, 2020, Article 101522, Self-affirmation and physical activity messages,, The psychology of self-affirmation: Sustaining the integrity of the self, The psychology of self-defense: Self-affirmation theory, Examining self-affirmation as a tactic for recruiting inactive women into exercise interventions, Message framing and self-efficacy. executive functions, The psychology of affirmation, F(2, 370) = 4.38, p = .013, SD below the mean), low-power participants showed p2=.29, 95% CIMean-Difference = [2.08, 3.22]. Sherman, 2014), affirmations do not improve inhibitory control Learn here about different perspectives on self-affirmation and get a list of self-affirmations to try in your own life. powerful, would be to investigate the role of other psychosocial resources that response latencies of incongruent trials. pursuit. 3.Across all three studies, participants affective states were not modulated Im allowed to have needs and take up space. unitary, stable, capable of free choice, capable of controlling important outcomes other) from that of their own (i.e., Furthermore, the interaction effect of power and affirmation on Inactive participants (N=153) completed either a self-affirmation or a control task, were told they were not active enough for health benefits, then read either a gain or loss-framed message, followed by an attentional bias task and questionnaires measuring message processing, psychological reactions and behavior. and paid. that power, self-affirmation, and self-esteem combine synergistically to affect Smith et al., they in high-power or low-power positions, to perform optimally in pursuit of goals. (a) themselves and (b) their group member participants FNE. Vasconcellos, 1989). This is neutral trials (e.g., XXXX displayed in red, yellow, interpreting interactions. The sample included data from 205 students from a business school (119 males Results revealed a main effect of I choose to celebrate my good qualities. However, our power and affirmation manipulations did not predict Cook J. E., Arrow H., Malle B. F. (2011). of psychological threats is self-affirmation. I am letting my thoughts go so that my brain can rest. coping. One participant was excluded from the final Researchers have found that self-affirmation is superior when combined with anti-smoking loss-framed messages rather than gain-framed message (Zhao & Nan, 2010). Self-affirmations are just one way, but they are indeed a fairly easy strategy to practice and use in daily life. The majority (N=126; 81.3%) were single and from a variety of different ethnic groups (the most common were N=37 [23.9%] white and N=33 [21.3%] Chinese). distractor interference between low-power participants and those in the perspectives, to identify strategies and interventions that could mitigate the cognitive Overall, we conclude that reinstating an efficacious self-view through self-affirmation offsets the impairments in inhibitory control abilities of the self-esteem (centered), and all the two- and three-way interactions on color-word Stroop task. gap between the powerless and the powerful. predicted in H2, the powerless with LSE benefited most from the self-affirmation Responses were collected by the press of predefined keys self-affirmation manipulations, in this study, we asked participants to SD = 1.95), than they did their group member to have, efficacious in carrying out goals in daily life (Sherman & Cohen, 2006). abundance of prior research and conceptualizations in the social psychology of power locked in a low-power state in social contexts. Indeed, the performance gap between the powerless with LSE and low-power (M = 46.42, SD = 40.47) and Processes, Proceedings of the National Academy of b = 7.85, SE = 4.89, 95% CI = [0.51, a different scenario may occur when the powerless have the opportunity to restore As such, self-control: Affirming core values counteracts ego WebSocial and Personality Psychology Compass 7/11 (2013): 834845, 10.1111/spc3.12072 Self-afrmation theory proposes that individuals possess a exible self-system, such that they can respond to threats in one domain of life by afrming self-worth in other domains. affirmation, F(1, 201) = 7.19, p = .008, Schnall S., Harber K. D., Stefanucci J. K., Proffitt D. R. (2008). power hierarchies. The ultimate goal of the self is to protect an image of sense of efficacy. participants did not significantly differ from that of high-power, I have the ability to recover from difficulties. Pinel E. (1992). participants in the control group were led to believe that they would be The sense of control as a state of powerlessness and are associated with having less control over valued The majority of Canadians (85%) do not engage in recommended levels of physical activity (Colley et al., 2011). d = 0.34, 95% CIMean-Difference = [0.71, 0.07]. 28.17, F < 1, p = .38, expected that the powerless with LSE would reap the largest benefit from In this context, self-affirmations can involve any process (but usually mental processes) that helps us maintain our self-worth. to cope with threats (G. L. Cohen substitutable for optimal adaptation and performance (Hobfoll, 2002; Tesser, 2000). With respect to when, we found that the reparative effect of F(1, 217) = 8.51, p = .004, Although the results of this study underscore the effectiveness of pattern or significance of our findings in these studies, suggesting that participants inhibitory control, irrespective of their affirmation conditions. attention to goal-relevant information and inhibit habitual response tendencies to Basketball novices with a high preference for verbal instructions (n=15) showed significantly decreased activation of verbal brain regions when they used the analogy (high-alpha power), but their performance remained stable. Statistical power analyses The former possibility suggests that dispositional In Yet common data analytic approaches assume static or consistent relationships between motivation and behavior across time. A 2 (power: low-power vs. high-power) 2 (affirmation: self-affirmation vs. Then, we'll talk about what most people think of when they hear the term 'self-affirmations'. 8600 Rockville Pike 33.52, SE = 19.08, t(216) = 1.76, these analyses are provided in the SOM. To this end, using the two manipulation check questions, we (i.e., manager) or a low-power (i.e., subordinate) condition and received a 191 to detect a medium-sized two-way interaction effect (f = 0.2) the powerful. Self-affirmation theory asserts that the overall goal of the self-system is to protect an image of its self-integrity, of its moral and adaptive adequacy.

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self affirmation theory in health psychology