north devon journal deaths


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On the preceding day deceased was on the river Exe, in a small boat, fishing, and from the testimony of a man named Cummings (who was in another boat) it appeared that the deceased was returning towards Lympstone, rowing very fast, after some time Cummings turned round, for the purpose of ascertaining the distance deceased was a head of him, when he perceived the boat, in which deceased had been rowing, drifting towards him, and deceased lying in it with his head on the gunnel; Cummings went into the boat and lifted him up, when he immediately expired. He was seen on Tuesday evening walking on the sands barefooted and the following day he was found drowned, with his stockings in his pocket, having, it is supposed, been encircled by the water on the coming up of the tide. Verdict, Died by the Visitation of God. "ILFRACOMBE - An Inquest was held on Monday last, in this town, on the body of THOMAS PRICE, aged three years, who on the Saturday preceding, in the absence of his mother who was gone into the garden to hung out some clothes, set himself on fire, and was so dreadfully burnt, as to cause his death the day following. After the examination, Mr Sweeting deposed that when he first saw the lad there was an ulcer on the right shin 6 in. Ambrose Nosworthy, constable, went to MRS F'S house; saw her on a chest talking about measuring the children for coffins; she appeared to him out of her mind. the inferior parts of the stomach in junction with the first intestine had inflammatory appearance, and on examination of the external coat of the stomach, it was found inflamed, and in many parts a complete erosion of the surface of a white pulpy substance, which must evidently have been produced by poison. Randall Randy Viger, age 62, of Edmore, ND, passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at Sanford Hospital Emergency Services in Fargo, ND, following a four-year battle with kidney disease. John Hill, a private in the 2nd bat. A verdict that its death was caused by an improper use of laudanum was recorded. before S. Walkey, Esq. Surgeon of Holsworthy, was returning from Bovecott House, the residence of Lewis Risdon Heysett Esq. Witness prescribed for the deceased, and saw him on Wednesday morning - he stated that the medicine had answered well, and deceased was so far relieved that witness did not advise any more medicine for the present. The young woman was, we understand, very happy in her place, being a favourite with her master and mistress. On entering the room did not see the sheet (described by Wm. Deceased desired witness to take notice of these words, in case any thing should happen to her or her husband. Verdict, Found Dead.On Monday last an Inquest was held by T. Copner, Esq. Leah Schell, 90, entered eternal rest on Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023. He had been seen drinking with two other men the night before, at the George and Dragon public-house, in Exeter-street, and subsequently he passed through Fanning's Gate, on the Exeter New Road, in a state of intoxication. Mr Karslake, of Dolton was applied to for a couple of hounds, and the unfortunate deceased and his horse were discovered by the huntsman, in Eastcott Coppice, Dowland, in a ditch which forty years ago was used as a sawpit. - On Thursday evening last, a man of this town named WILLIAM JONES, young in years, but having a wife now enciente, left his home to spend Christmas with his friends at Ilfracombe; and on his way thither he called at the public house at Prixford, where he drank rather freely; from thence he proceeded to Guineaford-pool, and at the public-house in that village he drank still more, till he became intoxicated, and quarrelling with a man he there met with, they fought for some time; from thence he pursued his way towards Ilfracombe, and at day-light the following morning he was seen a little below Twopotts Turnpike Gate, reclining on the bank by the roadside; a person passing by spoke to him, to whom he said, as well as he was capable of articulating, "take me to Ilfracombe;" thither he was accordingly conveyed, and in the course of the forenoon expired - the wretched victim of dissipation and intemperance. Verdict - Accidental Death.Loss of an Appledore Passage Boat, and Five Persons Drowned. The deceased has left an amiable husband and eight children to lament their loss.PLYMOUTH - Caution to Persons Administering Laudanum to Infants. Coroner, in the parish of Filleigh, on the body of MARY CURTIS, aged 52, who, while in the act of milking a cow, rose up, fell back, and never spoke afterwards. Coroner. In the above catastrophe we have an awful instance f the dire effects of intemperate drinking. After some consultation the Coroner and Jury being of opinion from the whole of the evidence that no suspicion attached to Mr Birdwood, it was determined that his testimony should be taken. The accident occurred within a few paces of the cottage of his distressed parents. Verdict - Insanity.Thursday 8 March 1832 EXETER - On Wednesday afternoon last, a fatal accident happened to a man named ISAAC OSMOND, who was in the employ of Messrs. S. and W. Kingdon, ironmongers, of this city. Being very abusive and quarrelsome, a respectable farmer of the parish of South Tawton, pushed him out of the room into the passage, where he fell against the opposite wall, and almost instantaneously died. The Jury expressed themselves perfectly satisfied with the evidence, and immediately returned their verdict "That he had destroyed himself whilst in a Temporary State of Insanity. - On Monday Inquests were held before S. Walkey, Esq. There was an open razor on the bed: and he died just after he was discovered. Mr Ripley remained a few minutes only, and proceeded to follow the deceased; when on his arrival at the new cut, near Powderham, he found him with another person who had raised him from the ground. Coroner, on the body of MRS ANN TURNER, aged 57, wife of S. TURNER, Esq. Mr Gilbert having concluded his statement, the Coroner proceeded with the Inquest, the evidence was adduced. "PLYMOUTH - Inquest. The capsized boat was then turned up, and one of the girls was found entangled in the sail and rigging quite dead. Verdict, Divine Visitation.Thursday 30 September 1830 PLYMOUTH - An accident occurred on Friday morning last at Oreston, which although attended with the loss of one life, might have been productive of still more fatal consequences. gentleman in bed, but quite dead, and appearing to have been so for some time. on Thursday last, at Bishop's Tawton, on the body of ANN LOCK, aged four years, whose cloaths caught fire while playing with her brother, about two years old; the mother had left the kitchen but a short time before, and on her return, observed the poor girl (through the window) in flames; she was so much burnt as to cause her death the following morning. In the course of the examination of the witnesses, it appeared that MR MILDRUM and deceased, had, on the preceding evening, drank some beer and a noggin of brandy without water, with their supper. Coroner, assembled at 6 in the evening, at the Black Horse public-house, Longbrook-street, - the body on inspection exhibited no external marks of injury whatever, and the Coroner informed the Jury that after calling the evidence, he should endeavour to explain to them anatomically the construction of the human frame, as far as appeared necessary in this case, and then advert to the probably causes of the unfortunate man's death. At about half past twelve the next day, the deceased ordered deponent to get the gig and horse ready, as he would drive over to Devonport, from whence he returned at about ten minutes before eight in the evening. The other child SCOINES, whose parents reside near Exe-lane, had experienced a similar fate only whilst its mother had gone a short distance to the well for water. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 22 November 1832 Inquest held by T. Copner, Esq. Verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.Thursday 3 May 1832 PLYMOUTH - On Tuesday last, an Inquest was held at the Royal Highlander Inn, on the body of ROBERT SPARKS, Barrack Serjeant of the Citadel. On Sunday last, JOHN BROWN, Esq. He was conveyed to a house near, & a vein opened, the fumes of the lime and culm having caused suffocation. The Coroner notwithstanding, most severely reprimanded the wife and son for the unkind, inhuman, and unnatural treatment and conduct, and said, they had had a narrow escape of being tried for manslaughter at the ensuing Assizes; but he passed the highest encomiums on Mr Pearse, jun. Elections in a Devon council ward have been suspended after the death of a candidate. Wm. Coroner, at Kentisbury, on the body of ANN BARROW, aged eighteen months, who, when at play with other children, fell into a running stream of water and was drowned. B. She was picked up by her father nearly opposite Mr Wickham's house. Bone, Esq. Coroner, at the house of MR PUDDICOMBE, at Horseacott, in the Parish of Fremington, on the body of JOHN, the eldest son of the said MR PUDDICOMBE, aged about 18 years; whose death was occasioned by his having eaten some bread and cream, which had been prepared with a mixture of arsenic, for the purpose of destroying the rats, by which the premises were infested. That Thomas Hannaford was his apprentice. at Honiton, on the body of JOHN FILDEW SEEDSMAN, aged 52 years; on the morning of the 17th, deceased complained of having a pain in his side, an emetic was administered to him in the evening, and his feet put in warm water. There was no appearance of any bed, except an old mattress, and no kind of bedding save the rags, already spoken of. In all probability, the accident was owing to the extreme darkness that prevailed. The boat then passed under the stern of the Lyra towards Southdown. The first, however, probably was successful, when, as is a too common but very dangerous custom, he leaned on the gun looking out for a second shot. That the said MARY MAYBE, with the knowledge of her mother, delivered herself of a bastard child which she, with the knowledge of her mother, kept concealed until the 10th of August, on which day it was discovered in so great a state of putrefaction, that it became impossible to ascertain its sex, whether it was born dead or alive, and if alive, whether its death was caused by violence or natural means. I think his death was caused by the loss of blood occasioned by the injury which he sustained. Verdict 'Accidental Death'.And on Tuesday last, at Ilfracombe, on the body of JOHN IRWIN, aged 83, who after having eaten a hearty dinner the day before, walked out into the court, where he suddenly dropt down, and instantly expired. The coachman was called BENNETT, and has left a widow and several children.On Tuesday last, an Inquest was held at Filleigh, by T. Copner, Esq. A gun just discharged was lying close by; the butt of the gun had been fastened to an apple tree, by a piece of tape, a piece of the same tape had been fastened to the trigger, having unbuttoned his waistcoat and placed the muzzle as before stated he pulled the tape, and was dead in a moment, the whole charge of the gun penetrated his chest. Coroner, to enquire into the circumstances attending the death of a man named WILLIAM WATTS, which occurred on the morning of that day; suspicions having been entertained that his decease was occasioned by a blow inflicted with a poker, by his sister-in-law, CATHERINE NORWILL. A considerable quantity of her cap was in her mouth and he pulled it out, but it did not seem to have been stuffed in, and might, he thought, have been washed in by the water. Verdict, "Divine Visitation. Verdict Accidental Death.Sudden Death - On Sunday last, the coachman of Sir Arthur Chichester, at Youlston, went into the stables to prepare the carriage to convey his lady to church, where he was suddenly taken with a pain in his stomach; he returned to the house, and his fellow servants helped him to bed, but within an hour he became a corpse. Verdict - Visitation of God.An Inquest was held by H. A. Vallack, Esq., at Little Torrington, on Monday last, on the body of JOHN PASSMORE, aged 15, who was killed on the spot the day before, by a kick of a young colt. WebYour search results for obituary: 913 newspaper articles contained information about obituary filtered by: Newspaper title: North Devon Journal County: devon, england Place: Upon viewing the body, and an examination of evidence, the Jury brought in a verdict of "Accidental Death. He retired to bed a quarter before Eleven on Saturday night, and she saw no more of him till she found him in the state above described on Sunday morning. Coroner, charged with killing and slaying ELIZABETH BAKER, his wife. Mr Ashford, of Culmstock, Mr Knott of Uffculm, and Mr Tucker of Exeter, opened and inspected the body; they stated that they found the stomach in a very diseased state, and had no doubt but that was the immediate cause of death; they stated that in their opinion, external violence would produce the diseased state of the stomach which they saw, but they could not undertake to say that external violence had been the cause in the present case; they also stated that the same appearances might be produced by other caused than external violence. on the body of RICHARD HOSKING, who was unfortunately drowned in the Sound on Monday last by the swamping of a boat, in tow of a barge belonging to Mr Billing, on her return from the Breakwater - verdict Accidentally Drowned, and a deodand of 20s. - On Saturday last, an Inquest was taken before James Partridge, Esq., one of the Coroners for Devon, at the Horse and groom public-house, Upton Pyne, on the body of WILLIAM HOSGOOD, who had been found dead in that parish on the preceding Thursday evening. Coroner, at Mrs Harding's Anchor Inn, Castle-street, on the body of ROBERT REYNOLDS, a young man about 18 years of age, a native of Truro, who had, for some time previously, been employed as assistant and traveller, to Mr Abraham, optician, High-street, and who died suddenly at his master's house, on the morning of the same day. WebSearch North Devon Journal Death Notices Covering: South West, Devon North Devon Journal FirstnameSurname AllABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQ RSTUVW XY Z Ian Michael - On Monday last an elderly man, of the name of HUGH NICHOLLS, of Bishopsnympton, was going to Dulverton, to see his son, who resides there; and when he came to the Cuckow Public House, about half way on the road, he went in to refresh himself with half a pint of beer; whilst sitting before the fire he complained that he was poorly, and reclining himself on the settle, he never spoke again, and before medical assistance could be obtained, he was a corpse. It appeared, from the evidence, that she had lived in that service between three and four years, and from her correct behaviour, and general good disposition, had gained the favourable opinion of her mistress, and the rest of the household; but about three weeks since she was suspected by Mrs Luke of an act of dishonesty, which she acknowledged, this led to her receiving notice to leave her situation, at the expiration of a month from that period. An Inquest was held on Friday, before J. Partridge, Esq. No application had been made or notice taken of the abscesses except that in the leg. It is remarkable, that the mother of the child was killed by a waggon passing over her, that very same day, and about the same hour, twelve months before.EXETER - On Sunday forenoon last, as Mr Wm. The deceased shook hands with her, and said, "God bless you," she then shut the door and deceased locked it inside. A Coroner's Inquest was held on the body, by James Partridge, Esq. Stukes, the eldest son of Mr John Stukes, builder, David's-hill, a powerful young man, who heard of the accident in the city, and has before most meritoriously distinguished himself in this way, with all the speed he was capable of using, arrived at the spot. - Verdict accordingly.Thursday 22 November 1827 EXETER - JOANNA MORRIS, a charwoman of this city, in taking a vessel with turpentine from the fire, at the house of Mr Lee, druggist, of this city, on Monday, spilled a small portion, which falling on the fire, the whole became ignited, and communicating to the woman's clothes, she was so dreadfully burnt, that though instantly removed to the Hospital, where every assistance was rendered she expired on Tuesday evening. Oppressed by the heat of the weather, about eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning, he sought the refreshment which a bathe affords, and for this purpose went into the river near Chaddiford Pill, something more than a mile from the town, on the north side of the river; he was accompanied by his relative, James Dennis, neither of whom were able to swim, and going beyond his depth, on perceiving his danger he called to his companion for help, who was unable to render him any assistance, and he unfortunately sunk in his presence; on an alarm being given, a number of persons hastened to the spot, many of whom crossed and re-crossed the river to find the body, which was picked up about three o'clock, very near the spot where it is understood he sunk. Ann Selly, a witness, stated, that on Friday last, between the hours of ten and eleven in the morning, she was coming from a neighbour's house to that of her mistress, Mrs Darke, with a saucepan of boiling water in her hand, and as she was about to enter the door, the little boy suddenly ran against her, and the scalding element fell over his face and bosom; she instantly took up the child in her arms and wiped him with her apron, till his mother coming in received him out of her arms. Plymouth Argyle have confirmed promotion to the Championship after a tense 1-0 victory over Burton Albion at a packed Home Park. the Coroner's Inquest returned a verdict of "Insanity. WebKenneth Kenny Lunde, 70, of Leeds, ND passed away Saturday, April 15, 2023 at Trinity Hospital in Minot, ND. Deaths. A Coroner's Inquest was held on Monday, by A. It was announced by the town crier, but alas! "BARNSTAPLE - On Monday last, an Inquest was held by T. Copner, Esq., Coroner, on the body of a child, called WILLIAM COWLEY, aged 5 years, who accidentally fell into a well of water, five feet deep, the preceding day, and was drowned. "Thursday 26 January 1832 EXETER - Death Under a Heap of Rags. Mr Curry, surgeon, was called in on Saturday to visit the child, whom he found in a sad state, the lower part of his face and two thirds of his chest being severely scalded, the bladder was broken, and the part beneath beginning to mortify; the injury was very extensive, quite sufficient to occasion the death of any child, much more of one so young. On viewing the body, there appeared an unusual discolouration just above the collar bone, on the right side of the neck, and the lower parts of the abdomen presented an appearance of great rigidity, without any swelling. An Inquest was held on Tuesday, when the Jury brought in a verdict, that "the deceased's death was occasioned by a compound fracture in the skull, produced by violent blows, but by whom they were given they (the Jury) could not determine. By A. An Inquest was held on the body, and a verdict of Accidental Death returned.Thursday 6 March 1828 On Tuesday last an Inquest was held on the body of HENRY SQUIRE, before F. Kingdon, Esq. - On Sunday last an Inquest was held at the Barbican House, before R. J. Squire, Esq. The deceased was travelling with a horse named 'Young Forester,' the property of Mr Knapman, of Okehampton, the man and horse were both missing on the 10th of July; various rumours were afloat respecting the cause of their absence, but nothing was heard to lead to their discovery till the 18th instant, when the Rev. 14th inst., at Taddyport, Little Torrington, Mr. John Gloyae, aged 75. - Tuesday last, an Inquest was held by A. Since then her fellow servants had observed an alteration in her manner, and several times she was in tears. A Jury, under direction of S. Walkey, Esq. A wound was discovered on the left side of the collar bone, and her neck was very black and swollen, and its appearance was such as would have led persons to believe she had been strangled. She came occasionally to the shop, but never saw her help herself to any thing but a small piece of twine. In the space of an hour and a half Weeks recovered, but all means were ineffectual in the case of the other. In a dressing room adjoining, which the deceased was wont to term his armoury, was a dirk, a sabre, a fowling piece, a helmet, and several other articles, with which he used to amuse himself. "Inquests held by Thomas Copner, Esq., Coroner. if he would go to Exeter with the deceased. He had by this time so far recovered himself, that he assisted in taking the packages out of the cart, and for a period declined the advice of those about him, to go to the Hospital, in order that any injury he had sustained might be examined into. The most prompt assistance was rendered by a number of persons who witnessed the transaction from the Quay, particularly by a young man of the name of Marshall, to whose benevolent and praiseworthy exertions, two of the individuals who had sunk were brought up in a state of extreme exhaustion, but ultimately restored; one unfortunate female called MARY COLLINS, who sunk and eluded all the endeavours of the divers to discover her, after being in the water half an hour, was dragged up by the grappling irons, but all the efforts of the faculty were inefficient to restore animation; this was the only life lost. - Cut his Throat in a fit of Insanity.Thursday 17 April 1828 Inquests held by T. Copner, Esq. The court was consequently adjourned to the following morning at 9 o'clock; and in the mean time Dr Bignell was requested to engage the assistance of Mr Hiern, one of the surgeons of the Barnstaple and North Devon Dispensary, who attended the deceased, to examine the body. Some one was present desired JOHN STARKE, the son to go down and take up the deceased, but he said "damme, let the old rogue lie, it's just what he deserves." Sometime after this he was found suspended by the neck, with the clothes line attached to a hook in the roof of the house; every means were used for his restoration, but in vain. - On Wednesday last, GRACE MEREFIELD, of Wear Gifford, single woman, was committed to the County Gaol, by Francis Kingdon, Esq. WebIn the North Devon Journal (2017) Provided by Peter Christie Extracts from past issues (1867, 1917, 1967, 1992) of the Journal. The driver of one of them, it is reported, was seen asleep in his waggon. Kenneth Kenny Lunde, 70, of Leeds, ND passed away Saturday, April 15, 2023 at Trinity Hospital in Minot, ND. Lyman F. Keim, 84, of Jamestown, ND, passed away Sunday night, April 23, 2023, at Jamestown Regional Medical Center, Jamestown. Verdict - Natural Death. G. Coombes, who is a miller, was next examined, but not on his oath; he said that after the deceased struck him several blows, there was a struggle between them, when he threw him heavily, but did not know that he had injured him; he assisted him home, and had been many times at his house to see him during his illness. Some time ago he caught his clothes on fire, and was so much burnt that his death was the expected, and though his life was preserved, he was thereby crippled in both arms. Coroner, charged under the Coroner's Inquest with the wilful murder of her female bastard child, on the 6th inst. The deaths of two people found dead inside a property in a Devon village are being treated as unexplained. He was soon after taken with violent vomiting and purging, which continued throughout the whole night; nothing he afterwards took in remained in the stomach, either tea, cider, beer, or any other liquor. Formerly of Devon County Council Passed away peacefully at the RD&E Hospital on 7th January 2020, aged 82 years. Loving Partner, Mother, Sister and Aunt. Funeral service to be held on Monday 27th January at St Paul's Chapel, Exeter Crematorium at 3.00pm. Family flowers only. Donations to Alzheimer's Society may be given at the service. The mother, who was on horseback, returned over Wadland Down about half-past nine, and on her entering the Down her horse started, which it had not been accustomed to do. crst dedicated pay, gavin rubinstein wife,

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north devon journal deaths