neptune transits houses


Or it could be one of your own staff members if youre the boss who is secretly working out of jealousy to make you look bad so they can take your place. Neptune transiting the fifth house makes you view others with rose-tinted glasses. There is the possibility of taking a more active part (consciously) in life, a sense of sharing the creative force, the experience of becoming one with the creative force, the creator. A time during which you may be able to carry your ideals and dreams into reality to make your home and environment reflect your inner desires and become as you dreamed it could be. Reckless behaviours caused by infatuation or addiction can happen during transit. Your business(s) partner can deceive you at this time, stealing finances from your company, intellectual or creative ideas, things like that, even someone who you see as trustworthy can con you during this period, Give people a chance dont become paranoid or fearful, which are the negatives of this transit. Your opinion about the value of certain people in your life may change, as you realise they are not who you thought they were. Let me marry you and make you all better! Do yourself a favor and use the magic number instead. May 2019 You will tend to attract dreamy, imaginative, and spacey people to you now. December 2021 July 2012 Of course, the results will depend on the nature of your dreams. If your relationship doesnt help you grow but makes you regress, it is toxic, and you need to seek help to get out of if you feel powerless to do it alone. It is often our beliefs that like we can never love again and that all people are misleading, that cuts us off from finding the right friends and lovers for us. Neptune Trine Moon Exploring the unknown of the subconscious can provide you with creative solutions to even the most challenging problems, which you can find hard to solve with logic alone. Are the houses in Vedic and Western astrology the same? Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Jupiter:Jupiter is your optimism. Yet to use Neptune energy correctly, it is essential to meet your own needs and others. A transit to H8 follows Neptune's movement through the 7th House during which period a person tends to develop idealistic views about inter-personal relationships, or at least an idealistic . Neptune represents delusion, illusion, dreams, addictions, and self-sacrifice. Positive aspects such as sextile, trines, semi sextiles, conjuncts to Neptune whilst transiting any house will somehow enhance your life. Transit Neptune in the 6th House Meaning, Transit Birth Chart, Neptune Astrology Free Interpretations . You may perhaps even suffer from withdrawal and disillusionment in marriage and other important relationships, if Neptune forms difficult aspects with other planets. Neptune transiting the first house can confuse you, leaving you questioning who you really are. Its imperative that you realise that opinions and beliefs can change and that, ultimately, life is an uncertain thing. You may start an introspection practice, start depth- Jungian therapy or some other occult or psychological therapy or practice. On its negative side, Neptune rules delusions of all sorts. but this can cause more issues than the ones youre trying to solve. Even if the truth is staring you in the face, you will be unable to see it. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! - Self-help, Spirituality, Numerology, Timeless Life: The 365 Day Self-improvement Plan by Clayten W. TylorIf you can visualize the perfect body the feeling will accomplish the rest! It is just that you and others may not be thinking straight, which can cause confusion, hurt feelings and wasted time. NEPTUNE TRANSITS - The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return . Moody, even dreamy, during this period of time. Neptune seeks to dissolve our ego(s), limiting beliefs and self-destructive habits; at times, I can do this by making us fall into compulsions. Neptune in the 8th house can distort how you view yourself and the world at this time. As usual, the sextile and trine tend to produce the fewest problems. How long does the Moon transit the houses? you may not make the best choice, spend a lot of time thinking and rethinking if this is the right choice or not? Neptune Transits Through Your Ninth House: This is the house of "higher mind", higher education, publications, religion, the "philosophy you live by, and long journeys. Go with the flow. Neptunes presence here can make it more challenging to stick to routines or schedules. Ask yourself what is this trying to teach me about myself, other people, life itself and higher consciousness-spiritual- religious experiences? There is an increased chance of confusion in relations with siblings and neighbors. Horaires d'ouverture de la mairie : Du Lundi au Jeudi : de 8h30 12h00 et de 13h30 16h30. Do all you can to be true to yourself by finding yourself, becoming a more independent thinker, do not try and please others out of a false sense of loyalty, be faithful to yourself first, always, It may seem dark now, but you can come back into your light. Knowing that knowledge never makes you superior to anyone else is crucial. You might find your ideals taking a more spiritual turn, thus involving you more in community and religious projects. You may find yourself working in businesses related to art, music, entertainment, psychology, photography, or hospitals. Sudden (Uranus) confusion (Neptune) is one possibility of this transit. Neptune. Neptune in the Eighth House Transit Chart. July 2020 December 2022 The trine and sextile work out with fewer difficulties, but with all aspects of Neptune you will probably feel as if you are being guided or pulled by an ocean tide. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Pluto:I am the opposition of Neptune to my birth Pluto right now as I am writing this! In general, this causes identity crises. This is difficult because care requires concentration, something that is lacking when Neptune reveries hit. Click the pic. Transiting Neptune through Third House. We are programmed to drink alcohol and take drugs without being fully aware of the full consequences of using these substances. 53 place Bivre Toutes Aures. January 2015 Or it may be that your more unrealistic desires are getting the energy and you put your life savings into that new company that is making a perpetual motion machine. Neptune Opposite SunThis marks a time when you could easily get carried away or even deluded with respect to your own goals and ambitions. Neptune Transits the 8th House Posted on August 17, 2018 In the 8th house, where Neptune is now transiting in your chart, the planet begins to spin its web of influence over your material possessions, close relationships, and mystical or spiritual pursuits. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. See if you can do something to give that career a little more pizzazz or do some volunteer charity work on the side. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Nothing mystical here. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but also a little confusing. November 2016 Neptune. MERLIER, notaire associ, SELARL. You have a sense of unity and brotherhood that will stay with you. It is easy for you to love and be compassionate and to value what life offers. Also, your enthusiasm could confuse others. We can mistake a low-life for the love our life. The only difference is you arent aware of it. Even mystical information, true higher conscious thinking mixes the rational and the irrational, ignore neither. Those from the higher realms do not try to contact people when they are intoxicated; this doesnt mean all souls in the lower realms are misleading. Neptune Transits Through Your Fifth House:This is a great transit to have if you work in a really creative field. How you respond to this transit and use its influence determines whether it will be a positive or negative time for you over the next few years. Don Quixote must have had several of these when he went mad. Be careful in any and all negotiations and business deals. The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). So it is vital you critically think for yourself, using the trivium methodology to help you train yourself to critically, think. Still, thinking of rational solutions to any problems will help. If you are spiritually inclined and grounded, Neptune transits can help you with your spiritual or occult practices. Go with your gut feelings, but dont become overly paranoid, yet do not over romanticise others at this time and be honest about your feelings, especially in business or intimate connections. What Is The Connection Between Soul And Body? A time during which you bring imagination and new ideals to your ambitions and life direction. Insights into dreams and ideals. Virgo Moon Transit :What does it mean that the moon is in Virgo? When transit Neptune is in your 7th house, you can struggle with your committed relationships and partners. Anyone have transiting Neptune on ascendantit has now moved into First House..I see to do a lot of sleeping! You could meet someone who imparts information that you may not use during this transit. Neptune Transits in Aspect to the Natal Sun:These increase the imagination and sensitivity. Those in authority may help you if you keep your ego in check and respect your co-workers. Neptunes influence in the second house has the effect of changing your value system. July 2016 The fifth house is the house of children, romance, speculation and fun, so this can be a highly enjoyable time, but do not get carried away. Ambiguities surrounding close partnerships are felt during this cycle. If you are studying a specific skill, like mechanics or accounting, you may have a problem with the details. Or worse for that matter. In other words, you have to work with a spirit of service for others. You are more vulnerable now to those who would take advantage of you on the job. Some of you may choose to research a new or old religious, spiritual, philosophical or psychological belief system. The best use of this time is to engage in deep spiritual or intellectual reflection. Which Neptune transiting the 1st house requires. Neptune transiting through your ninth house is characterized by wonderful prophetic insights regarding future cultural trends, also by mystical practices and teachings from foreign cultures. Let a professional take care of them. Horoscope 2023 Is It A Good Year In Astrology? February 2023 Neptune Transits the 12th House. Neptune energies may make you believe its the right thing to do at this time, but ultimately the truth will come out. Its just that during this transit, your guard is less likely to be up. You made it to the bottom. When Neptune transits your third house, it is an excellent time to study religion, mysticism, art, music and psychology. Avoid over-speculation in investments and gambling money on horse racing, sports and bingo. This is important because, when Neptune hits, you wont want to. Dealing With The Darkness On The Spiritual Path? Transit Neptune in the Eighth House. You can fall father into illusion and feelings of pessimism, unworthiness, fear and hopelessness. Neptune has the effect of making us believe, what we want to believe, instead of facing the facts. Moon Phase and Natal. January 2018 No, this transit doesnt cause these people to suddenly appear. You are slightly more impressionable than usual. Because the lower octaves of Neptune energy can cause illusion and deception, you may form new relationships based on fake perceptions at this time. December 2018 October 2014 April 2021 This may be difficult to do because you can be so sure that the relationship is wonderful. February 2013 When Neptune transits your Venus, your love life is affected. Use some caution in this respect. January 2014 Neptune transiting the 7th house is disillusioning and if there are people that we have weaved our idealizations around then we soon learn they were never what we imagined them to be. Meaning and how you can use them. A renewed interest in exploring the realm of dreams and imagination finds you getting to the heart of your secrets and sensitive areas. Some may be meeting potential partners who seem to be the one, but who end up being elusive or disappointing. You may be able to discover whole new areas of your psyche or mind that have been closed up to now. If you start to get personally involved with any of them at this time, well thats bad news. Its not always the case that you and others intentionally deceive each other at this time, although this can be the case. It is common for Neptune's influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. Neptune Sextile Pluto You may also choose to see what you wish to see at this time, which can cause more problems; you can be overly idealistic, choosing to ignore warning signs and red flags. June 2012 A time when dreams, fantasies, and the urge to be free of this hard world could themselves be a fantasy that deceives and misleads you. You have to be careful when choosing friends because there is a tendency to see them as you would like them to be more than what they really are. A tendency to become unrealistic and overimaginative may lead you to ignore and deny your own need for inner growth and personal change. Deceptive but hidden behaviour of others can cause you to make mistakes at work, which gain the attention of your superiors. Your personal philosophy may undergo a major spiritual makeover. You may downsize and give more to others; after spending a lot of your life trying to accumulate things. Unless the thing youre starting has to do specifically with Neptune (like taking up sailing, or doing charity work) confusion and deception are more likely to raise their ugly heads. Negatively you can be too in tune with other peoples problems, causing psychosomatic other hard-to-diagnose illnesses. The 7th house is the house of committed business or love relationships and open enemies; they can be a cloud of confusion over all forms of communications with these people at this time. Under Neptune transits, we are more likely to see what we want to see instead of what is really there. which are a result of your unhealed subconscious mind and the emotional and psychological wounds that live there. Still, it is our human need to look for certainty, typically by refusing to grow, that causes the most pain. Youre more imaginative, idealistic, and charming. The conjunction, square, and opposition are the most trouble because they make you certain that your hunches are correct. Search there are plenty of videos and resources online. No one can save anyone else; you can only save yourself; no one can save you; they can help you protect yourself. Also, if you use drugs, psychedelics or alcohol to reach a higher consciousness. September 2018 This can cause disagreement or misunderstandings with your friends, passing acquaintances, co-workers, family, business or intimate sexual partner(s) at this time. When Neptune transits your sixth house, the priority here is health and work. Be careful, also, when starting things. You experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. In other words, you tend to idealize your partner and think that they can save you from yourself. Your compassionate side is awakened so that it is possible for you to take care of someone who loves you, whom you care about, and who needs your help. The key to Neptune transiting your twelfth house is to explore the subconscious to discover your creative imagination. Under the stress aspects, you never see trouble coming. These are interpretations for Neptune transits through the natal houses. A sense of unity and connection as everything merges together and works. You could feel much more intuitive and psychic than heretofore possible. Your current bout of idealism may carry you away to the point of damaging or obscuring your true life values. If you use drugs or alcohol to explore the psychic realms, or if youre suffering from a disturbed psychological or emotional state. The meaning of the Finger of God, Grand Trine Aspect Pattern Astrology Rare Blessings, Elements and Triplicities in Astrology: Fire, Water.Air and Earth signs, The Opposition Aspect Meaning in Astrology, Quincunx or the In-conjunct aspect in Astrology, Conjunction Aspect, The Meaning of the Conjunct in Astrology, Square Aspect in Astrology Natal Chart- Meaning. Usually, this will do nothing more than cause an increase in daydreams (Im a surfing instructor on a tropical island, yeah). March 2020 Neptune transit can help you clear out past life karma and feel at one with yourself and the cosmos; however, its best to keep a journal or voice or video logs. And what would any of us be without a dream? Neptune transits opens you up to your emotions and something bigger than yourself and this material world we live in. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. overt or covert ( obvious or not so noticeable) changes in the way you communicate with yourself and others, likelihood you will research alternative scientific, technological, philosophical, religious, spiritual higher consciousness ideas, This transit is best used to uplift your consciousness and deepen your perceptions, Neptunes intuitive subtle influences can lead you to find resourceful solutions to any issues you are facing in your life. Reasonable period to focus on your creativity, even if its just for you and not for others to see, poetry, making music, writing songs, a novel, painting, learning an instrument and all forms of content creation is the best use of this time, excellent transit for all entertainers, psychic healers etc, You can produce some magical art or words, You can reconnect with your inner child or have fun with any children whose lives you are involved in. But relationships shouldnt take away your self-esteem, nor should you depend entirely on someone. France. Think of this post as an evolving online astrological journal of thoughts on planets and things in the twelfth house. Neptune energy serves to break down your ego and false beliefs about yourself and the world, making you more open to helping others. You could attract a lover or other people who detect your low self-esteem and disrespects you. taking practical action to change your behaviours managing your psychological and emotional health will ensure your self-esteem and financial security. With the areas of life ruled by the house transit Neptune is touring in your chart, it can be so difficult to see whats really going on, and we can be easily fooled. Of course, this is not a suitable time for ego games. We may place our trust in others only to be betrayed or misled. Neptune Transits Through Your First House:Well, at least its good for your imagination. The dreams can be bad. Well see. That weird diet where you just eat Yak excrement for a week may start sounding good to you. Your own goals and ideals may be stressed and challenged. The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). Neptune Conjunct MC Yes, you can support others or hold a space for them with boundaries, but you should never idealise so much you cannot or refuse to see they can do wrong. Your emotions and feelings could reach heights that are close to ecstatic. Not a time when you are at your most practical; you lose yourself in home and family. Many people with adverse aspects to Neptune in their natal chart or if Neptune makes negative aspects while transiting. But be careful as Neptune influence her can make you prone to believing in things which is not true, so you must always fact check anything you read or are told at this time. You may not want to lose the relationship, but you must speak your truth because the problems we hide from others never get solved. Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. Balsamic Dark Moon Transit Natal, Waning Gibbous Disseminating Moon : In astrology Transit and Natal. Oh, hi there! Your dreams are energized and your energy will tend to go to fulfill your dreams. October 2022 You may feel emotions of a religious nature. They can mess with your ability to react objectively to your current reality, Interfering with your conscious reasoning skills. Neptune Square Sun You can become a victim of very illusionary or fearful thinking at this time, Taking an interest in things we humans normal repress, sex, thinking about life after death, incarnation, reincarnation, You can become more involved with alternative groups such as secret organisations, swingers or BDSM type groups, Be careful when signing up for or deepening your connection to these groups, and make sure it is what you really want. This is a time for visions and seeing the unity beyond differences. March 2016 A long dreamy time when you find it easy to lose yourself in one flight of fancy or another, often at the expense of rational thinking and good judgment. Unless other transits to your natal chart, your birth chart supports this move. Which we have built up over our souls lifetimes. Especially if you get involved in toxic relationships or develop a drug, alcohol, or other addiction. Neptune Transits Through Your Fourth House:Not the best transit if you want to buy a house or do any real estate deals. Saint-Geoirs est une commune franaise situe dans le dpartement de l'Isre en rgion Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes.. La commune, situe sur les pentes septentrionales de la partie orientale du plateau de Chambaran, est adhrente la communaut de communes Bivre Isre dont le sige est situ Saint-tienne-de-Saint-Geoirs.. Ses habitants sont dnomms les Saint-Geoirdeaux [1]. Neptune stimulates your imagination and intuition. So check before you sign anything, do your research; if not, you could end up losing a substantial amount of money or all of it. You tend to idealize others, in particular your partners and relationships, during this time period. Its easier now to max out on credit cards because you wont be paying attention. - Spiritual Development, Religion, Numerology, Metaphysics, The Feeling, by Clayten Tylor Behavior in intimate relationships is strongly influenced by subconscious memories. April 2017 It may sound complex, but it is not; Neptune energy is perfect for finding creative solutions to problems, creating music, dance routines etc. Neptune Transits in Aspect to the Natal Ascendant:The Ascendant shows how you start things. Because Neptune places a fog other your analytical skills. Still, the deceptive energy of Neptune can make you fall for scams. Among other things, Neptune gets you interested in strange things. February 2017 Your whole mental environment takes on an almost other-worldly hue during this time. May 2014 This leads us to a direct connection with our higher selves and spiritual helpers t who talk to us via dreams or in more subtle ways. During Neptune transit, the first house you may get involved in unrealistic projects or research, like conspiracy theories, some may be true. This can lead to you leaving your current home or escapist behaviours like staying out late, working late, drinking or taking drugs. The danger that you are just fooling yourself is too great. Still, you will be less likely to follow these subtle intuitions. Over idealising and pedal stalling are keywords for this transit; you may feel that you can save an existing or a new lover may come into your life. This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only. Get yourself, or any relatives help for their compulsions. Delusion is in the air. October 2012 And what would any of us be without a dream? Because transiting Neptune teaches us the mystical principle of detachment and not getting too involved in the things of this world. December 2019 You likely find joy in a certain amount of solitude, and dreams are especially rich and involved. You are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deceptionseeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. The conjunction, square, and opposition, however, can put your brain into never-never land. It is easy for you to love and be compassionate and to value what life offers. Youre more inclined with this transit to view the big picture. External circumstances may force you to get honest about the destruction your habits have had over your life. You will just be doing this more when Neptune goes through your6th House. You may want to play rescuer to you; co-dependent connections of all types can be formed during this transit. This is a time when you become more aware of past lives. You will also wonder if what you are doing really makes sense and has purpose and if it is worthwhile to continue there. It is a very subtle process and you may not realize it after a few years. This slow-moving planets transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Uranus:Nobody born before 1992 will experience the conjunction, unless they live to be over 100. You may decide to deepen or begin a new journey into the metaphysical and the occult. This transit can cause unemployment or an inability to financially support yourself. You could have lived a religious or spiritual life up until now and started to realise you have been missing out on material gains. Not to say you will lose money or material security at this time. A tendency to escape or withdraw into your imagination at the expense of your friends and supporters. But without the ideals of Neptune, what would there be to strive for? September 2011. Reiki healing, herbal medicine, yoga, rebounding, massage etc., may help you at this time. You may want to spend more time alone in self-reflection; this time is best spent on understanding, forgiving, and learning to manage yourself, Learning to listen to your intuition will lead you to your inner courage, Crippling self-doubt psychological and emotional wounds may surface now. Neptune Trine Venus It is also vital that you do your best to be direct in speech, although Neptune in the 3rd house can make you hear what you want to hear or mistake what is meant by said. You may have to face all you have been hiding from confronting during this transit. Some of you will be dealing with frustrating behavior on the part of a spouse or close partner. But hey yano, there are a lot of valuable lessons in the mistakes we make in life. October 2018 Such as astrological life coaching, cognitive therapy, homoeopathy, acupuncture, energy healing. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology. which can make you mentally imbalanced, self-care is important, Self-help techniques or seeking traditional or alternative therapy ( Reiki or any other energetic healing or talking therapy) will help with any emotional or psychological instability, You can make bad financial decisions, so it is best to get advice if you feel you cannot manage your finances. Here are interpretations for Neptune transits to natal planets and Neptune transits in natal houses. A (perhaps) rugged time when it is easy for you to get lost in the clouds and lose sight of your own intrinsic originality and independence. You have to be careful when choosing friends because there is a tendency to see them as you would like them to be more than what they really are. Suppose you have been putting off dealing with psychological or emotional problems. Absolutely dont start a business partnership or get married when this transit is in force. May 2018 February 2012 If you do not feel fulfilled, you will tend to feel depressed because your life will seem meaningless and empty. Transiting Scorpio Moon Phase in Astrology, Transiting Moon in Sagittarius Phase Astrology, Moon Transit Capricorn Phase in Astrology. As far as your hopes and wishes, try not to make them so high that they can never be reached. Transiting Pisces Moon. Some of you may find the mundane concerns of life too boring, too drab to grab your attention! A dreamy manner or appearance, plus the ability to enchant others, finds this a time when mysticism and idealism seem to really be living in you. Childrens creative achievement can bring joy at this time; alternatively, children may experience emotional or psychological difficulties during this transit that affect your day to day life. Oh sure, it has a few minor things wrong, like termites and rotten plumbing, but I think I can clear these up without too much trouble. Not. Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. Still, you seek support to help you if you feel unstable. Your muse wakes. You may support them by buying their alcohol or drugs for them, or you can be the one whose partner buys your poison of choice. Reincarnation, yoga, meditation, or other occult practices or knowledge.

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neptune transits houses