john leary messages january 2021


Be prepared for even more disasters as they have been happening quite frequently. Trust in Me that I will multiply the food for all of the people who will come to this refuge., (Bishop Matanos Memorial Mass for Pope Benedict XVI, emeritus), Jesus said: My people, you are fortunate to see Bishop Matano offer up a Memorial Mass for the deceased Pope Benedict XVI emeritus. Many souls go to hell for all of these unforgiven sins. Refuse to follow this New Age one world religion because this will bring a new Mass without the proper words of Consecration over the Host. Bringing food to the hungry involves your effort to buy the food and share your gift with the poor and needy. Your people have lost their desire for prayer, and many need to come back to worshiping Me at Sunday Mass. He loves everyone who he left behind, and he will be praying for his family and watching out for them. Because of your abortions and such laws, you will be seeing My punishments in your natural disasters. People, who do not have power, could have problems keeping warm in the winter. He will be praying for his family., Jesus said: My people, I am showing you paratroopers being dropped behind enemy lines in the Ukraine war. Otherwise, I told my family to let me go to be with God). This is one need for your refuges, especially if you must endure a long power outage. You will see pockets of faith at My refuges, so keep strong in your faith even when you may be persecuted for your beliefs. Most souls go to purgatory or hell with only a few going directly to heaven. You had problems with your diesel fuels. Each soul is at a different stage of progress in loving Me and striving to be a saint in heaven. When he died, he begged for the forgiveness of his persecutors. Those people, who think I had other children, are badly mistaken. You are doing these penances for My sake, but also to test your free will. Some people help the poor by helping with giving out soup at the soup kitchens. So the Sanhedrin had My apostles flogged and released. My justice will come to all the cheaters and the media who covered up the truth. My disciples did not fast while the Bridegroom was with them. I had doctors visiting me in ICU because they could not understand why I was still alive, functional and talking, or at least not in a deep coma due to shock, etc. So expect more problems, but be resolute in sharing My messages. You need to nourish the crops with water and fertilizer, just as you need to nourish your faith with prayer, Confession, and My Holy Eucharist. around every continent, every country, every land mass, every water mass in the world. It is also the end of the Christmas Season and time for the green vestments until the beginning of Lent. firedditor 2 yr. ago I have been going deep down the leary rabbit hole the past year. If necessary you could turn off some of your appliances to keep your heater working. This life passes away quickly, but heaven is a better choice for all eternity. I did this to forgive all of your sins and offer you salvation if you believe in Me. You started coming to daily Mass when you were seventeen years old as you entered college. In the Gospel the people thought I had a demon, but I told them Satan does not cast out demons, or his kingdom could not stand. You also need to have a headstone or plaque to mark where a person is buried. The fires are a sign of how dry the forests are, especially in the fall. Even though I performed many miracles of healing, the Pharisees could not believe I was the Son of God. These quakes strike suddenly without warning. If the courts do not change the votes, then expect chaos with a partial martial law. When you first built your chapel, you had someone see thousands of flies which were prayed over and disposed of with a St. Michael prayer, holy water, spray, and a vacuum cleaner. You will see Me multiply what is needed for your survival. You are familiar with the power of My angels when one angel killed 185,000 enemy Assyrian soldiers in a short time. Good-bye for now and keep up your prayers for your family to get through these trying times., (Funeral Mass for Jerry Segrue)Jerry said: I am happy to see all of my family and friends who I love so much. This resistance could cause a civil war and even martial law may be called to control any possible riots, as you are seeing in countries like Brazil. Your Congress needs to investigate how long this giving of arms will last. Each of you will have your own vision of being brought in front of Me to witness your own life review. Dr. Mary needs a few Masses to come to heaven. Evil people could spread this disease to reduce the population. So the father gave him the money he was due. Then many angels gave glory to Me in a song from heaven. I showed you in your vision of one of your miracles where an icon turned from silver to gold. Trust in Me to help My messengers endure their missions for spreading My messages. They will force a digital dollar on you that can track how you spend your money. He wants to free all student loans, but the Supreme Court may stop this giveaway. Even more so, the Pharisees thought I was blaspheming also, and they could not accept Me that I was Gods Son. Your priest also mentioned giving food for the poor, or donations to your local food shelf. After My Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection with My inner locution. Saul even tried to kill David. This was the beginning of My public ministry when I started calling My apostles to follow Me. It is better to do things out of love for Me and your neighbor. The Baptismal blessing takes away your original sin, and joins the baptized person into the Communion of Saints. I call all of you to come to frequent Confession so I can cleanse your soul from sin with the priests absolution. This will be your time to try and convert your family members to believe in Me. The empty tomb is the answer to all of their questions, because I resurrected and now I am appearing in My glorified body. I will cast the evil ones into hell and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace., Saturday, January 28, 2023: (St. Thomas Aquinas), Jesus said: My people, this boat with the apostles and Myself represents My Church led by St. Peter. If you pray against abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinics, you could also be persecuted for your beliefs. I have died to bring salvation to all those people who believe in Me. Once the Antichrist declares himself, he will try to control everyones lives. So I am encouraging you to keep up with your penances for only two more weeks until Easter Sunday. Many people were healed by My miracles because they had faith that I could heal them. You also have seen pictures of the Magi who brought Me gifts for a king in gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Pray for the people who have lost their homes from floods, tornadoes and hurricanes., Jesus said: My people, this is a beautiful Gospel when I met the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. You will have many of My angels protecting you at My refuges, so have no fear of what is to come. When you went to Debrovnik where he lived, it was after the war in the former Yugoslavia. The beggar had to suffer through life with little help. So, first, I want to apologize, because there have been families and households that have contacted me this past year that I have not been able to acknowledge their eagerness to help our holy priests. So have your soul prepared every day in case you may die today., Jesus said: My people, I have been warning people to stock up on their three months of food for each family member. I also had you do four more practice refuge runs both in the warm weather and in the cold weather. A young woman was shot in the chest and was killed by the Capitol Police. 2 de enero de 2021: (vacunas, eviter microchip en el cuerpo) En San Juan Evangelista despus de la Sagrada Comunin, pudo verme a m mismo subiendo una escalera de un profundo pozo del mal. I warned My people not to take the mRNA vaccines because it does not stop you from getting Covid and the shots are killing some people with heart problems. I love all of you and I want you to be child like in your love for Me to enter heaven.. This is how the one world people are using Biden to prepare us for the Antichrists takeover. Have no fear because My angels will protect you with shields of unusual hardness and the evil ones will not see you. The same fake news called Antifa a peaceful protest, but they set fires to buildings and killed some people. The next challenge will be when the evil ones want to force you to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body that will control your mind. Hopefully, you will have a priest or more at your refuge so you can have Mass and the sacraments. You are having unusual weather with less snow than normal. Your military manufacturers are making money on another endless war. There is some hope in the revelation of a new whistle blower who actually changed the Trump votes into Biden votes from Rome, Italy. You will come to My refuges for angel protection, and for Me to provide for your needs. Jesus said: My son, you were asked to do My Will in both of your missions of spreading My messages and making a refuge. Keep protesting abortions by your prayers outside of your Planned Parenthood buildings. (Gen 3:24) He drove out the man; and at the east of the Garden of Eden he placed the Cherubim, and the flaming sword, which turned every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life. Now Adam had to till the soil for food. You think you can be prepared, but making practice runs will help you when the real tribulation will come. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. Always trust in Me that I am with you., Jesus said: My people, I keep telling My people to have no fear of what is to come. When I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, all of the evil people will be cleansed from the earth into the eternal flames of hell, and they will lose all of their power. You will see a darkness at first. They need to have a child-like faith to follow Me and I will reward My faithful one day in heaven. into traditions instead of mere precepts. You also had to be careful with your investments. So rejoice, and have no fear because My angels will lift your shields against all of the evil things the demons will bring against you., Jesus said: My people, you are in the midst of a coming battle between the good people and the evil ones. You may even see events leading up to Bidens impeachment for treason with your enemies. I as the new Adam did not fall into the temptation of making stones into bread, even though I had fasted for forty days without food. The refuge builders learn many ways to provide heat, prepare the meals, and organize a perpetual Adoration when they have a practice run. At My refuges you will be close to Me in your Adoration hours, and you will become holier people in your daily Mass and daily prayers., Wednesday, January 4, 2023: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton), Jesus said: My people, I have given you a sign that there are water wells established at most of My refuges, and this Shrine for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is truly a refuge for many people who will come. These pagans will suffer greatly in hell, if they do not convert their lives to believe in Me. The time for the Antichrists reign is running out, but you could see a trial of evil in the coming tribulation. The Democrats will try to use the Ukraine war to cover up any of Bidens secret document problems. Sometimes he does not receive them, and other times he sends them to you, and you do not receive them. I will have My angels protect you on your way to My refuges and at My refuges. Have no fear, as Jesus told you that He will protect the souls of His faithful.

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john leary messages january 2021