emery smith latest news


I see that as a long term plan to lower our guard. Youre all right. The Arsenal boss. Safety, lve light and blessings sent to you and yours and to Emery for a speady and safe recovery. Its not going to be one person. Now you are getting this for the first time. These types of vehicles are so amazing, they are usually made in space through harmonics and frequency. This is an excerpt from ascensiongallery.com on the Three Core Principals: These three core principles of informed consent are important to understand, as they correlate to the tipping point that must be reached for the human Collective Consciousness to be awakened into the thresholds of accepting the higher frequency reality. government and U.S. militaryare sick of whats going on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Omega Project to bring in the Fourth Reich and the New WorldOrder. Tear down those walls, so we can start to rebuild!!!!!! In truth, only now that she has been out of his crazy paradigm for just over a year, she is working on trying to enlist in the military as an option. The article also revealed much more of the Alliance operations against the Deep State, which the adversary is very grumpy about. this article. That being said, I did have my life threatened. As more people can comprehend their personal rights in UNVERSAL LAW, they can exert that personal power to become more flexible and open to receive the clarity around the larger unpleasant truth behind world events. Tom DeLonge Group Stunningly Debunked: Curtains for Partial Disclosure. We could have a lot of abundance as far as medical technologies, the cures for diseases, the abundance of water and food for everyone, and housing, if these technologies were released. David, listening to your f2b interview now. This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August: The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in. So, these things are all suppressed. (9:35) So, things like that, which, we talk about water and food. We thank our supporters from the bottom of our hearts for their generous donations that keep anomalien.com alive. Does that mean that he can't have some accounts that he either fabricated or that aren't true through honest misinterpretation, confusion, or flat out lies on his part? Ive also been in/out of the ER for over 6 years with chronic cellulitis infection in my left leg. We are taking multiple precautions to ensure his future safety. This is also a great website resource with lots of videos explaining a lot of these types of things. Furthermore, they are giving themselves three days 72 hours to complete the investigation, even after seeing my website. Jesus said, My Father works until now. while he walked on this planet. I asked Emery and his associates to provide proof of where the dogs discovery was announced on social media. I am a Christian and testify boldly that our Creator is in control forever more. They can change shape with all of the occupants not even knowing its happening, and then re-form again in different worlds, in different dimensions, and different parts of the universe, immediately. So, Im glad Corey Goode is out there talking about this stuff, Greer is still talking about it, Wilcock is still talking about it, all these amazing people that you see at these meetings are talking about the science and the physics behind it, and trying to figure it out, and life experiences, which is important. So, I believe that I had to come forward, because I needed to get this information out to the people before its time to go. Because you prove ETs exist, the first thing the scientists are going to say is, Well, how did they get here? Microwave, sonar, or other technologies broadcasted around the planet. All of them will be driven out from their hiding places. Theyre even using the same language (consciousness renaissance) that Corey has said Miccas people use. Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?. Miraculously, Raven was found alive by a good citizen after the perpetrators dumped her off on the highway. If you do not have Christ Jesus in your heart, you are a part of their play. By doing this attack, they are absolutely, 100 percent signaling that Emery is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I could order one right now today for under a million, just for me with 4K cameras everywhere. 5+2=7 times 7 times each hours continued the entire 7 hours of sleepand I have no brain damage. We NEED THE LIGHT! FULL [emailprotected]#*&$g DISCLOSURE, so we can clear it! Because it is simple, without our Almighty G-d, none of humans can win this race. This was the first time that I actually posted pictures of the crash, further proving that it did really happen. This is an act of total desperation. These are purposeful constructed to avoid the coming Judgement bringing by Christ Jesus. S1:E1. [In this meeting within the Oval Office,] President Eisenhower [told the insider]: We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing. So, its really interesting how these craft that we have had for many, many, many years, some have been there for over 30, 40 years, and some craft are very new. Uhhhgggfggff How are we to know what were up against if we DONT have FULL DISCLOSURE?!? God bless, God speed and Namaste. Here is a wider shot of Emery on the hospital bed, showing more of the equipment in the room: This was the first shot he sent me, where it became very clear how sick he was: I asked him to take a photo of his wristband, and here it is: I also said it was important to get documentation on his symptoms and treatment. Well wipe the sleepiness and salve from our eyes, just let the light in!!!! Immediately after posting this, the Saudi Mass Arrests articles hit counter ended in 666. Jake Carter is a journalist and a paranormal investigator who has been fascinated by the unexplained since he was a child. If you are fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the secrets of extraterrestrial, you will us. Get the local news and weather where you live from 5NEWS. Like, when I was working with the projects in New Mexico, we stumbled upon something, we couldnt figure it out, whether it was an extraterrestrial device or a craft, so we would call the other bases. Thank you for helping. I did not want to say a single word about what we had done until at least one episode had already aired. Plus, a lot of my nondisclosure agreements just ended, not all of them, and I felt more comfortable talking about these types of things. This was very obviously a Dark Alliance targeted attack, not just three random black SUVs who happened to follow him and want to abduct his dog. All it does is show us how very real all of this is. So, theres a lot of this going on right now to manipulate us, the normal people down here, separated from the political and the corporations. I didnt incarnate in this lifetime to not see this thing through! Im not familiar with exactly what they are trading, but there is something going on with that. Photograph by Emery Smith. When these ships come into our space time they become vulnerable to attack by certain weapon systems that DEEP STATE & the HIGH CABAL, Globalists, and others at this low level of energy intention can capture them. Since then, we have taken elaborate precautions to insure that his valuable information can never be lost. Here was a part of it: We pulled over to let dogs pee and in 5 min three black SUVs followed us right after sunset. If Emery was larping, i.e. By working together to get this content out, we were all doing our best to make the world a brighter and happier place, with greater freedom for all, and to fight for the release of suppressed technology and information. Smith: You're welcome. Hi, Im Emery Smith; Im 46 years old. Its almost like a person who has been locked in a room their whole lives, never allowed to see the outside world, finally being set free. We thank the good folks at Paypal for stepping up and solving this problem for a man in his greatest hour of need, rather than taking three days to investigate.. PHOTOS OF EMERYS STAY IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM. Change). Of course, there are always the classic spheres, egg shapes, and the disc shapes. Sudden sickness of Every is probably result of attacks from direct energy weapons. Multiple insiders have said we are uniquely good at integrating technology from many different sources, where the result is greater than the sum of its parts. Retweeted. In no way was Gaia aiding and abetting the Cabal, or whatever we choose to call our shared adversary. This is a very real battle, with very high stakes. There are plenty of movies, television shows, video games and the like that have prepared us for the type of cosmic disclosure that Emery Smith is bringing to the table. This was seen as very valuable. Well, there are a lot of countries on the planet that dont have a lot of fresh water and food. I am one of the people covering that story with intel most others dont have. There is a video, MANDELA EFFECT 20 MINS THAT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES!, and probably others where the owner of the company that creates the Quantum Computer D-Wave and D-Wave2 where Geordi Rose says that the computer pulls resources from other universes (dimensions). Unfortunally , I,m not someone wealthy to help you out financially , but I hope you find some It was a combined operation. This is all very real. By attacking him so forcefully and frontally, they are indeed making it very obvious that they are on the ropes and feeling threatened by this. Lets bear in mind that we have eyewitnesses to three black SUVs pulling up and grabbing his dog as it was walking around on its own, 50 yards away. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation But Why? We need to understand how these attacks are done, quantum AI with the help of nanites or nanotechnology, about able to see what a human is seeing and hear what a human is hearing, also are able to read the any human though anywhere in the world, now quantum ai and plan any attack on anybody on the planet earth. http://jayweidner.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/landscape-4124096_1920.jpg, http://sacredmysteries.com/jayweidner.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/logo-600-b.png, David Wilcocks Apology Letter to Gaia Inc, KUBRICK AND 911Jay Weidner interview with Project Camelot Part One, Jay Weidner Debates Stanton Friedman Apollo Moon Landings. Paypal is also going to expedite the investigation, and is saying Emery should have full access to your gifts as of some time tonight. I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as Publicity is Protection. A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. Bear in mind that this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. I am a huge fan of Cosmic Disclosures and Wisdom Teachings. Reply. He has seen live ETs in person as well, at various times, including tall humanoid reptilian types. He will be making a statement soon enough. Certain individuals could throw off the narrative the Cabal is trying to spin more than others. Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, also known as the "Black Project whistleblower", alleges he worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the USA. Your [url]Watersprite[/url]. This led to his infamous 1961 warning about the rise of unwarranted power and influence by the military-industrial complex.. I hope you had a great holiday season. They were dated January I guess that was the air dates. 2. After Eisenhower was JFK. I think Emery Smith is the man. Instead of slowing down or steering away, this driver maintained his collision course and actually accelerated. The driver had wildly veered over into the oncoming lane right before the impact. Now lets go. 5. Get Commander Ashtar, the pleiadians or whomever to set up a meet and tell me what to do!!!! His reason for going public is that Smith claims the ET technology could completely change human life by offering free energy and groundbreaking medical cures. Here is what I wrote about it at the time, and posted into the existing article as an update: https://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-here/davids-blog/1221-4chan-wikileaks, UPDATE III, SAME DAY [OCTOBER 22ND, 2017], 3:43 PM: TRAGEDY, BUT MUCH GREATER LOSS AVERTED. Someone obviously ordered this attack. We all stepped up and did the best we could to help him, including many of you who participated in fundraisers. These are some of the popular terms people use to define, Who is actually making me pay taxes, and who is making me pay my electric bill, and the price of gas keeps going up and down, and the pricing of all these negative things that we really dont need. I mean, look at us now. . It is artificially created and manipulated. And were just asking ourselves, What is going on? As far as the projects, it was always fascinating every year, as you get higher security clearances, to also see technologies, and extraterrestrials working with humans, against their will at one time, and then seeing them becoming a family and being happy that theyre helping us because they feel really sad for us. One simple thing Im sure he knows Id carry 2 silver rods on me at all times! Achille dans la mythologie grecque avait sa propre faiblesse! Coreys life was threatened. We are going to rip this thing apart.. You can see how someone like Emery complicates the idea of a neat, tidy, partial disclosure that rolls out over the next 50 to 100 years. Normally the Deep State would simply roll out a whole mess of troll videos trying to discredit Emery and make him look bad, for whatever reason. He shares his struggles and his joys; as well as some tidbits regarding fascinating new free energy technology and the capacity to clean up massive toxic nuclear messes like Fukushima. Share. So, these are things which make more sense to me, these energetic devices, because any way that you can decrease the use of gas, coal and oil, which is poisoning the planet, its poisoning the atmosphere, its poisoning us and the animals and the oceans, then theyll clear up. Theyre usually made in space through harmonics and frequency. I just quit my clerical job as a school clerk after 15 years. Wandering between this world and the dark side is very dangerous. He seemed very uncomfortable and scared to death during the interviews but I believe him because being a Gaia subscriber I investigate every single piece of info I can get my mind on :). I was deeply concerned about all of this, but until he got healthier I did not want to tip off the adversary with any news that he was this unstable. And you know there are a lot of private satellites out there now. They dont even care at this point. Hopefully all the light people send will prevent further attack. Victoria. Last night I got the kind of text from Emery that you never want to see. And it was the first time I was physically next to these beings and was able to communicate telepathically and get a lot of information downloaded that I needed to embark on this journey, and which helped me tremendously. For me , youre a great man, really brave , and I thank you herefore. It was vitally essential that we preserve his knowledge and experience in case something happened. https://www.personalgrowthcourses.net/video/cia_secret_weapon. At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes GROSS NEGLIGENT ABUSE, which can directly lead to multiple species GENETIC ANNIHILATION as well as other DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES., Thank you for taking the time to read this. Paul turned away from the car to try to change the impact angle and reduce the severity of the crash at the very last second. I know of the atrocities that we are faced with that is way back within the last 1000 yrs of Atlantis. So, no time elapses, because they have their own atmosphere and they have their own gravity and they have their own little space that they have projected from this craft that keeps them completely encapsulated with it. Blood was found on the window and the drivers side door. There were incredibly malicious and slanderous attacks being made online against me, my various insiders and Gaia, by what I refer to as the Dark Alliance. This included personal death threats I received in July 2017, warning that if I continued working as the host of Cosmic Disclosure, I would be killed. I recommended documenting any tissue damage to the dog, photos of the Facebook post with the name scrubbed, et cetera. Is this for real or not? By the way, Coreys Sphere Being Alliance website has been very severely hacked. Get access to playbacks and watch on your own time inside our members-only area. I would like to know how to prevent this bombardment. The only vaccine not containing contamination was a veterinarian sample. IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed! We would call all these places and say, Hey, do you have anything like this that you could help us figure out to get it to work? Because we would stumble upon things and wed have to stop, and then if we cant figure it out ourselves, well start asking around. (17:45) Ive had many memorable extraterrestrial experiences, too many to count. There are 2.5 billion people over there; its like a third of the planet, and just in India. ELABROATE PRECAUTIONS MEANT GETTING HIM TO COME FORWARD. Thanks again for joining us this morning and having us to your house. This may very well have been a move that saved his life, even though it brought the impact even closer to his side of the car. MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. Now Paul has just had a head-on collision. After these posts started appearing in May 2018, I began receiving many, many angry letters, comments and public attacks. Emery was extremely distraught, as expressed in other personal texts I will refrain from sharing. This is exactly what happened to Pete Peterson after coming forward on Cosmic Disclosure with much more controversial information. What can be done, besides finding out the truth, whatever it is, and being angry enough to blow out a blood vessel, and in my case, raise my blood sugar into lunar orbit? now the fallen ones want to study us in order to learn the True knowledge of Eternal Life. WHY DID WE POST SOMETHING ON OCTOBER 22ND? Its right here, right now; I could just open it, grab it and use it with the right technology. I dont remember if it was in this article or not, but in one of these Emery updates there was mention of ice dart technology. She with colleagues wrote a Scientific article indicating that of many vaccines studies, they contained metal contamination including Aluminum and Titanium. I wasnt really allowed in the early years to know anything about what I was dissecting. But mostly (the funding) comes from here. There could be something at work here that is harder to fight than normal. Like. For Emerys security, we did not say how sick he really was, or that he was in the hospital, until he stabilized. According to the CIA agent, Eisenhower was shocked. And it was very addictive for me to go to work, because I just wanted to know more and more, and where is this going, and why doesnt anyone know about this? He was Our physical bodies, minds, and energy bodies are the targets. I am using this blog post to make sure you are aware of some things. Its UNETHICAL and goes AGAINST UNIVERSAL LAWS!!!!

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emery smith latest news