cartman's criminal record


This, however, is a line from the song "Lady Marmalade", and considering the meaning of the phrase, likely means that Cartman does not actually speak French. The fact Liane allows Cartman to bully and control her is apparently due to extreme loneliness brought up by not have a serious romantic partner and also apparently not having any close friends. Eric Theodore Cartman, usually referred to as just Cartman, is one of the main characters, along with Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny McCormick. Kenny was the only one out of the four main boys (excluding Butters) to enter his theme park, as well as the only one offered a spot in Cartman's southern army. Their first meeting was in "Scott Tenorman Must Die", in which Scott sold Cartman his pubic hair, convincing Cartman it would signify maturity for him. Cartman's most passionate abhorrence is aimed at hippies, though he seems to use this term for liberals in general. This would technically make him a "Daywalker"; he does have the Ginger gene. When they spotted a real Peruvian band "stealing their spotlight", after the other boys first confronted them in English and the band members continued to play as if they did not hear them (since they did not speak English), Cartman began yelling at them in Spanish, generally telling them to stop playing in their area. However he is usually Kyle's first choice when he breaks his friendship with Stan. Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!". While Cartman claims this to be an act in the end, these sexual actions seems to be unconsciously executed, due to the fact that during or after, Cartman is both shocked and disgusted. Eh? Contents 1 Background 1.1 Concept and Creation 1.2 Accomplishments 1.3 Criminal Record 1.4 Talents 1.4.1 Manipulation and Leadership Ability 1.4.2 Ventriloquism He ran a regular podcast named Mad Friends (parody of Mad Money). He is also shown to be very vulgar and disgusting, doing things like holding people down and farting on them and making them smell his rectum. Florence Cartman Cartman does not understand him until he takes his pants off, at which point, he runs out yelling in monotone fashion "Lame!" "; In "Scott Tenorman Must Die", Cartman had informed Scott Tenorman of his parents' death with a smile and a creepy voice; he also taunts him, saying, "Na na na na na na, I made you eat your parents, Na na na na na na. Being disliked by nearly almost everyone in town, Cartman is a fat, bigoted, racist, sexist, cowardly, foulmouthed, manipulative sociopath who constantly spreads hate and bullying wherever he goes. [4], Trey Parker and Matt Stone have repeatedly stated that Cartman is their ultimate favorite of all the characters in the show. Co-Host and Co--Executive Producer at "Tha Low Showw" Rate. When he learns someone has confessed to the crime he, Kyle, Stan and Kenny had committed, thus eliminating the need to kill Kyle who was going to confess himself, Cartman asks Stan (in his usual trademark-pathetic way) if he can still kill Kyle. In "Raisins", Bebe tells Stan that Wendy wants to break up with Stan, leading to a heated argument between Cartman and Bebe, Cartman calls Bebe a whore numerous times to which Bebe calls Cartman a fat ass. This is called "remote access Everyone but Kyle likes the story, including Stan. Despite these traits, Cartman rarely commands respect from his peers. Chef even helped Cartman get Kenny's soul out of his body, before it killed him. Cartman's games with these toys can demonstrate his vindictive and cruel nature; one of his games, as seen in aforementioned episode, is "Lambs", in which Cartman reenacts scenes from "The Silence of the Lambs" with his dolls, such as placing a doll in a pit in his basement and then voicing the doll begging to be released while the doll holding it prisoner threatens the pit-bound doll. Another reason why because the town is too incompetent to do anything about it. Cartman dismisses this, and later he convinces Heidi to dress up as Gretel, while dressing himself up as Hansel. In "Here Comes the Neighborhood", Cartman makes fun of him because he is rich and wealthy. Although, in "200", it is shown that Mitch Conner may be a real being, as he was shown to possess knowledge that Cartman did not. Relatives An example is in ". He even eventually comes over to check if Kyle is okay, giving Stan a distasteful look. He also has been shown to consider Judaism to be a disability and the title "Jew" to be an insult. Everyone seems to be shocked whenever Clyde stands up for Cartman, especially Cartman (one example was in "Marjorine"). Even though he usually rips on Tolkien for being black, and he said he is gonna kill Tolkien someday - ("Christian Rock Hard"), he does not seem to harbor negative feelings for black people, and Cartman always says he is going to kill people, so saying he was going to kill Tolkien might not be personal. In "Christian Rock Hard", he demonstrates his knowledge of the nature of music artist's album covers, such as how the members of a band are mostly in random places looking in other directions and never smile. Grade He is intolerant towards hippies, which is something he makes comments about. That son of a bitch!". This penchant for ad hoc songs was specifically mentioned in "Ginger Kids". Ike joined Cartman's crew in "Fatbeard", and was the only Jew in the crew. Cartman cries outside of Kenny's hospital room. "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" shows for the first time that Cartman has the uncontrollable urge to finish singing Styx's "Come Sail Away" whenever he hears any part of the song, which he can do, under pressure, in 27 seconds (possibly a sign that he has a very minor case of OCD based on the fact that he mentioned it was not only songs he had to finish). He is the most foul-mouthed character in the show. Although when the satellite retreats back into his rectum, he experiences severe pain. He also stated that it has been his dream to own a million dollars since he was two years old. Cartman appears to be musically talented. Jimmy is one of the kids that Cartman have manipulated sometimes, and sometimes becomes his rival in "Craig's Gang". His "psychic" exploits and the serial killers' continued murders draw in a group of psychic . ! In "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut", Kenny and Cartman are alone in the scene, and Cartman blurts out "I hate you, Kenny" out of nowhere. in French, although he could just be quoting the French lyric from the song "Lady Marmalade" without understanding the meaning, but he could have been taunting him by saying he is French and using the French stereotype as a way to taunt him. In addition to his relationship with Billy Mays and Shelley Marsh, Romper-Stomper is one of the few people which Cartman has done a good deed for without being promised anything in return. Fuck. He has some Dutch and Irish descent, as in "Tom's Rhinoplasty", he mentions that his grandmother (Mabel) is Dutch-Irish. to send a message to an anger management psychologist's wife in mere minutes, making it look like a police report; Cartman had to find the location / number of The Psychologist in order to send the message. Cartman also may harbor some bigotry towards African-Americans. He then tells Stan and Kyle that he got some of it from a man named Ralph in an alley, who told him to "close his eyes and suck it out of a hose". However, it should probably be noted that they were ignorant of the true meaning of this phrase, mistaking it for Aramaic. However, his uncanny skill at manipulation, bilingualism, and ability to create elaborate schemes which are often effective imply a high intellect, despite his ignorance. In "W.T.F. In "It's a Jersey Thing", Kyle was ironically the one who saved Cartman when he was being raped by Snooki. However, obesity, HIV, poor eyesight, and bad tonsils may be the least of Cartman's health concerns; Cartman seems to have a very poor mental health. Kyle addresses this and politely asks the girls to cease their teasing because it is making her feel insecure about herself. Cartman's criminal record includes but is not limited to: Cartman as a Ginger kid in "Ginger Kids". Also in "Jared Has Aides" while Butters got grounded by his parents, Cartman decided to cover for Butters while Stan and Kyle tried to get 4 million dollars when Butters' parents told him they would call him on the phone every hour. In the episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever", Cartman treats Wendy's plea for breast cancer awareness as a joke, and subsequently she beats him up, leaving him in a pool of his own blood. Character Information He is married to Yentl Cartman and has three children: Menorah, Moisha, and Hackelm. Later, in "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", Cartman used his new friend, the Dark God Cthulhu, to banish Kenny, along with several others, to an "evil and parallel dimension". In "Die Hippie, Die", when a group leaves to conduct a rescue mission, all the group members say goodbye to a person close to each of them, except Cartman who bids farewell to Clyde Frog. Background Criminal Record (excluding the crimes he has done in the show and will do in the show) . ", and unlike Stan and Kyle (who immediately laughed), he was initially disgusted when it was discovered the rats had actually eaten him from the inside out, before proceeding to laugh. When Chef and the boys take him to see a proctologist, the doctor sticks his finger and his entire hand in Cartman's rectum. Cartman, though incapable of empathy towards people, exhibits a strong bond with cats despite being a speciesist. It appears that Cartman has a strong hatred for Clyde, as shown by his "Shit List" in "The Fractured But Whole" where he placed Clyde 3rd for his most hated person, after Kyle and Liane Cartman respectively. . Trey Parker[1] Also, in the episode "Are You There God? Cartman is often shown to be a poor student, but excels in leadership and team organization which usually involves exploitation of others' weaknesses. 01:15. And despite Chef's willingness to help Cartman, he like everyone else in town, is more than willing to insult Cartman and call him fat. In "Grey Dawn" he is seen playing street hockey along with the rest of the boys as a goalie. Cartman uncapped in "How to Eat with Your Butt". ("We must exterminate the Jews!"). In "The List", he comes up with a plan (and later a second) to get the girls' list into the boys' possession. This shows that the two are alike in mental health; homicidal and sadistic, which could be something for them to bond over. If you don't want to get her pregnant you pull it out and pee on her leg." However, as soon as she was done kisses him, she had no more feelings for him. When Cartman realized the truth, he then proceeded to attempt several fruitless revenge plots, until at last he created an elaborate scheme in which he had their father Jack, and Mrs. Tenorman killed, ground up into Chili and fed to Scott. This, of course, ruined Cartman's egotistical satisfaction at having humiliated him. For example, in "Cartoon Wars Part I", the two of them work against each other; when Cartman tries to get Family Guy canceled, Kyle tries to stop him. Aunt Although Cartman does not generally like anyone in particular, he was very fond of Chef, as seen in "The Return of Chef" where Cartman was crying in front of Butters and even admitted that he was going to miss Chef, but did not know how to tell him. Cartman and Kyle then found out, along with Mr. Johnson, that the actual cure for AIDS was heavy doses of cash, the point being the solution to any problem is to throw lots and lots of cold-hard cash at it. In "Fort Collins", Cartman is unable to tell Heidi about his past bigotry, out of fear of being dumped. When the boys were playing street hockey in "Grey Dawn", Stan was the only one he did not insult, referring to him as "Marsh", as any commentator would, as opposed to Kyle and Kenny, who he referred to as "the Jew" and "the Poor Kid", respectively. In "The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer", when Shelley walks in the living room and changes the channel while the boys are watching TV, Cartman tries to manipulate Shelley into letting the boys continue watching by telling her that he thinks she is hot. If you feel this post fits the purpose of r/southpark, UPVOTE this comment!! In "I'm a Little Bit Country" he smiles and sings the Dawson's Creek theme while he kills the Official Messenger Boy with a piece of wood then drags the body off-screen, although this happens in what was essentially a fantasy of Cartman's and may, therefore, due to Cartman's inflated ego, not be representative of his actual abilities. In the episode "The Succubus" it is revealed that Cartman's eyesight is very bad. Unlock Delia's Criminal Records Unlock Criminal Records Properties. Cartman tries out for the wrestling team in "W.T.F. Cartman beats up several people with these weapons; Mint Berry Crunch and The Mosquito at the same time, though it was a surprise attack, a little girl in an airport; several adults in an attempt to stop "murders" and "rapes", and fights off Professor Chaos and General Disarray, though he is eventually beaten. His most recent use of the weapon was in "PC Principal Final Justice", where he threatens his mother at gunpoint, who soon after reciprocated the action. Uncle StinkyHoward Cartman He also has a stuffed frog toy named Clyde Frog. Cartmans farts are shown to be highly toxic and even deadly in ", Cartmans farts are apparently harmless if they imbued with food and ingested, as no one gets sick from eating them in ", Cartman is shown to undergo several things that would most likely help him psychologically; he sees a therapist in ", Cartman's stuffed animal Clyde Frog was decapitated by Kyle in a fit of rage after he was infected with AIDS by Cartman in ". Most people at school regularly and openly despise and hate Cartman for being selfish and mean spirited, also mocking him for his weight (which has lead Cartman to be extremely insecure, going as far to be known to dismember children when they insult his weight), but most of the time Cartman seems to have a on and off relationship with everyone in in town. It has been said that Kyle despises Cartman because of his cruel, sadistic and selfish attitudes, as well as his prejudiceespecially towards the Jews. For example, in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", Cartman dreams of taunting Kyle ("I told ya so!") In "Cartman Sucks" he repeatedly invited Butters over to spend the night to play pranks on him, until it backfired on him and he made an inappropriate picture which featured him putting Butter's penis in his mouth, and which ended up being showed to the entire fourth grade class, humiliating Cartman instead of Butters. Personal Details & Biography. ", and Bebe leans away from her computer and flips Cartman off, saying that she killed him within the game, when Cartman's character respawns, he immediately attacks Bebe and refers to her as a "bitch". This passive attitude however seemed to be only temporary, as seen in "Crippled Summer", in which during Towelie's intervention on national TV, each of the boys is asked to read a pre-written statement about their feelings for Towelie. In "Tsst", he is slightly thinner, although in later episodes, he was shown to have regained the lost weight. However, Cartman has at times displayed a special dislike for Kenny, often without any reason; most often, he shows contempt for Kenny's family living in poverty. It is also shown that Cartman sometimes uses his talent to express his delusional side, he demonstrates this through his hand, which he calls Mitch Conner. Although she was a lesbian, and the boys did not understand what it meant, they tried to become lesbians in order to try to win her. There is no evidence in the record that any juror, during jury selection or later, ever saw the shackles on Movant's legs. Ironically, after having attacked Kyle throughout most of the episode due to his being conceived in New Jersey (as well as being ginger and Jewish), Kyle is the one who saves Cartman from this encounter. Appearances With. Although most people think that Cartman's first appearance was in this episode he actually featured in an animated short made by Trey and Parker in 1992 called The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs Frosty. In "Dead Celebrities" Cartman shows surprising respect and loyalty to Billy Mays for introducing him to the product Chipotlaway, which allows him to continue eating at Chipotle despite the fact that it causes blood to stain his underwear. A contradiction of his idolization of Adolf Hitler is seen in "I'm a Little Bit Country" where in this episode Cartman is incapable of pronouncing "Nazi" correctly (pronouncing it "Nay-zee") upon seeing it written, as though he had never come upon the word before. Cartman is also a very good leader as a pirate captain, in "Fatbeard", when he convinces all the Somalian pirates to join his crew, and causes so much trouble to international shipping that the United States Navy had to track him down and kill his crew. - Cartman posing as a teenage prostitute. These feelings are directly influenced by the other girls, who laugh at her, and tease her for ever dating him, albeit playfully. In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, when they were facing certain death, Cartman tried to atone for all the times he called Kyle "A big dumb Jew", telling him "I didn't mean it. When he tried to win the Special Olympics by feigning a disability in "Up the Down Steroid" , Kyle attempts to talk him out of it by telling him, regardless of their differences, that Cartman will surely go to Hell for such an act; Cartman replies that Kyle does not understand that Hell is reserved for the Jews, indicating once again his self-righteousness. The very dark, usually disturbing undertones to his personality often hint at an extreme mental imbalance. It's quite the rap sheet. Cartman is heavily implied to only pick on others because of the insecurity he has acquired from others calling him fat. In "Coon 2: Hindsight", Cartman, as The Coon, beat up Bradley and Clyde after questioning his method of running Coon and Friends. Cartman and Butters suffer great injuries together during "Super Fun Time". In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Kyle sums up Cartman's character as a "fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulative sociopath". In A Song of Ass and Fire, there is a picture of Cartman and Kenny sitting next to each other at Casa Bonita, even though Cartman slams down the photo because Kenny 'betrayed' him by switching to PlayStation 4 instead of sticking with Xbox 1. In "Christian Rock Hard", Cartman is beaten up by Tolkien after provoking him with racial jibes. I swear, you must have been reading my mind. Kyle is often put in the shoes of the protagonist to Eric Cartman's antagonist. Trey suddenly blurted out, "Cartman! He however has never fired it, and only uses it to threaten people. He normally used to go to Chef with his problems, and Chef was always willing to help him. The scene ends with Cartman dragging his finger slowly across Kyle's mouth in the photo, which could be interpreted as an act of lust, this further hints at a confused sexuality. Also in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" he threw a rock at Tolkien, giving him a black eye. Cartman also carries around what appears to be a Glock 17 pistol that has been seen in several episodes. ", to which he responds "holy shit", as the end credits begin. Cartman's shining accomplishment (according to Comedy Central's list of "Cartman's 25 Greatest Moments") came in the episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die", a testimony to Cartman's hidden ingenuity and cunning, as well as the full extent of his cruelty and mental imbalance. She does not mind doing stuff that is completely gross, as seen in "Make Love, Not Warcraft", when she takes a bedpan down to the basement where the boys are playing Warcraft and lets Cartman crap into the bedpan that she is holding.. Cartman's criminal record includes kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a methamphetamine lab, hanging Stan Marsh from a tree, and participating in prison riots. Cartman also seems to share many of the shows creators' (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) more controversial opinions, despite both of them modeling Stan and Kyle after themselves. Ever since "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", Clyde seems to show great respect for Cartman, since he went through everyone calling him a fat ass. Eric is quite possibly morbidly obese. He has an uncanny way with words and uses that to his advantage whenever he plots an idea. Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. Cartman has the tendency to pull pranks on Butters while he is asleep. In "The Damned", Heidi Turner and Cartman form a relationship when she gives him a glimpse of life outside social media. Listed here. Grandmother A recurring joke throughout the series is that, despite his mother's sweetness and wholesome demeanor, she is in fact a promiscuous, oversexed, crack-smoking, scheie-porn queen, prostitute, and nymphomaniac. Cartman wins the bet, and his single-minded quest to force Kyle to suck his balls subsequently becomes a significant subplot of the trilogy. Alexandra CartmanElvin CartmanFred Cartman Cartman begins to be annoyed with Heidi for not being submissive to him. "Whateva, I'll do what I want!" In the episode "Ass Burgers", Cartman is shown to be able to cook hamburgers very well, if only achievable after putting them in his underpants. Scott Tenorman continually defeats Cartman's attempts at retrieving a sum of money Scott tricked him out of throughout the episode, humiliating Cartman and elevating his hatred and desire for revenge. In the episode "AWESOM-O", Butters reveals to the residents of South Park a video of Cartman dressed as Britney Spears, while dancing around a cardboard cut-out of Justin Timberlake, which he apparently later made out with. During the episode "Ginger Kids", when the other three boys lead him to believe he has become a Ginger himself in order to teach him a lesson, he is horrified. Aliases However, Scott discovered that Jack Tenorman was also his father, much to his shock, but not because he killed his own dad, but because he is half-ginger, ever since Cartman vowed to get revenge on Tenorman again and get the last laugh. He lies to her and blames the incidents on Jimmy Valmer. Cartman also carries around what appears to be a Glock 17 pistol that has been seen in a few episodes. In "Cartoon Wars Part II", Cartman used it to threaten the president of FOX, however he realizes soon that he forgot to load it, causing him to throw it to the ground in frustration. Craig Tucker observed in "Fishsticks" that Jimmy was lucky Cartman was only asking for half the money that would be made from patenting a joke that Jimmy had come up with, and Cartman was intent on taking credit for (he had actually lied on the couch eating chips, offering no input). This cruel one-line comment along with the fact the supposed police report came from a "Mitch Conner" indicates that he was responsible for her suicide due to the doctor's remarks. The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Frosty (with the name Kenny)"Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". In two separate episodes, "Chickenpox" and "A Ladder to Heaven", Cartman is heard singing the song "In The Ghetto" in order to tease Kenny. The kid questions Cartman about his abuse of power, and Cartman promptly kicks him across the room in a somewhat cartoonish way, although he is never shown pulling off a feat like that again. He claims to be able to speak Spanish in "Rainforest Shmainforest", when he tells a Costa Rican freedom fighter that he wants burritos, and in "My Future Self n' Me", he actually speaks Spanish to the Mexican workers hired to smear Butters home with excrement. The most Cartman families were found in United Kingdom in 1891. However, Cartman seems to have a grasp of cheating strategies (as seen in "Eek, A Penis!".) Cartman, with the help of Butters, then snuck into Kyle's room and intentionally gave Kyle AIDS. He goes on about what he would do if a girl ever threatened to fight him, but instead recounts one such incident. After breaking up with Cartman, Heidi agrees to be Kyle's girlfriend, angering Cartman. But given the fact that it caused a large argument in the middle of the city between his group and some Jews, and given the violent and ignorant nature of most adults in South Park, it would not be surprising if it had turned into violence if allowed to continue. Some of them are a success or failure: Cartman is notable for having a very large criminal record. showing ignorance of the context in which "dildo" is used and, possibly, what a dildo is. However, Jimmy seems to be one of the few people that Cartman respects and is willing to do good deeds for. When Jimmy later questions his motive behind pursuing Kyle to get him to suck his balls as being "a little faggy", he explains that it was all to humiliate Kyle. Do you like it, Scott?". The students at South Park Elementary are all apparently aware of Cartman's stuffed animals and his mental health as shown in "1%", where Craig tells Cartman he should go home and cry to his stuffed animals. In "You Have 0 Friends", he invited Cartman to participate in his birthday party at "Casa Bonita". He tried to help Kyle delete Kip Drordy and get new friends by using Chat Roulette, but the only result he got were men masturbating and pictures of penises. His most recent use of it was when he and Butters stormed a Chinese restaurant, and he orders Butters to use his gun to hold the crowd and fire at any intruders (although Cartman begins to regret giving Butters the firearm because he keeps accidentally shooting men in the genitals). Kenny has generally taken Cartman's side in arguments or when they do things. So she killed the other toys and planned on framing Tolkien, but Cartman reminds her that because of Obama, black people cannot be blamed. Clyde Frog is stabbed and nailed to a tree with the word VENGEANCE underneath. His sexism is also seen in the series as he hates girls too but that is because he is sexually confused. In a mean-spirited feeling, Cartman begins singing an Elvis version of "In the Ghetto" when in Kenny's neighborhood, namely, the poor part of town.

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cartman's criminal record