administered boundary ap human geography example


For a simple random sample of n=36n=36n=36 units, the sample mean is found to be x=26.2\bar{x}=26.2x=26.2 seconds per unit. a geographical unit for the local administration of schools. In an organizational context, an internal boundary might be a line that divides a company into different departments or divisions. \mathrm{D} \\ Some examples of mountain ranges as boundaries include the Zagros Mountains between Iraq and Iran, the Pyrenees between Spain and France, and the Andes Mountains between Chile and Argentina. You'll get one hour and 15 minutes to answer all three questions, or about 25 minutes per question. The smoke can increase the city's air pollution levels. Zoom and pan the map to see the entire world. The College Board maintains a collection of real free-response exam questions that were administered between 2001 and 2021 with sample responses and scoring guidelines. \text { Wachovia } \\ 1. \mathrm{A} \\ \mathrm{A} \\ An internal boundary is a line or border that divides one area or entity into two or more smaller areas or entities. Over 70%70\%70% of households play such games. Dept. The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland: The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is an internal boundary that divides the two countries. European countries such as England, France, Spain, and Portugal; the border between Romance and Germanic languages that runs trough Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Italy. designed to show governmental boundaries of countries, states and counties. It's important to remember at the time to many people the oceans (Navy) was the path to domination. \text { Gateway } \\ As you can see above, you'll get no source for question 1, one for question 2, and two for question 3. \text { A } \\ Unit 4 Political Patterns and Processes 2021,, Unit whatever this is human geo- finished as, AP Human Geography Unit 8, Political Geography, World History and Geography: Modern Times. Sovereignty is the authority of a state to govern itself. \end{array} & \begin{array}{r} AP Human Geography Vocab Boundaries. 22 \\ \text { B } \\ KrogerMattelMcDermottMonacoMurphyOilNordstromNYMAGICOfficeDepotPaylessShoesPraxairReebokSafewayTecoEnergyTexacoUSWestUnitedRentalWachoviaWinnebagoYorkInternationalEPSRating81588421871446768470727982215776808418697805817587662319149806098698328RelativePriceStrength74172293846621875469216893256382420621625745405932726148316512364914IndustryGroupRelativeStrengthBCBCCCBBBEADAEBADDEADBBDBBCCDDDBCEDDSales/Margins/ROEABBEADECCCBBADBDCADCABCDBBBEABCAABABSource:InvestorsBusinessDaily,April7,2000.. The border between neighborhoods within a city: Cities are often divided into neighborhoods or districts, each with its own character and identity. For ethnic boundaries, they are drawn based on a cultural trait, such as where people share a language or religion. India is a less developed country which has limited government funding to pay for pollution abatement programs (such as alternative fuels) or large investments in public transit. Examples: War between Mexico and United States in areas such as Texas, where many US citizens had settled, and yet the Mexican government controlled the land space. The boundaries between these neighborhoods can be considered internal boundaries. an area that has a large population that shares a common history/culture, an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal land and foreign affairs, a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity, a nation that does not have a political territory, a country that contrains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distant nationalities, an attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impost tis political economic and cultural principals in another territory, second phase of European colonialism beginning in the 18th century due to industrial revolution sought colonies for resources, proposed by Halford Mackinder: Suggested that which ever state controlled the resource rich "heartland" of Eastern Europe could eventually dominate the world, proposed by Nicholas Spykman suggested that sea power is more valuable and that alliances will keep the heartland in check. \hline Audience - Human geography HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Borders, boundaries, and barriers Click the map URL above to launch the map. In the sample question above, the introductory statement makes it clear that the question will deal with states, national governments, and tensions between the two. a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. This question is an example of question 3 on the Human Geography exam. Students can develop skills in mastering the immersive curriculum, time management, and structured testing methods required to successfully pass an AP course. Ex. 24 \\ What are some examples of a physical boundary? \text { C } \\ BowaterPLCCallawayGolfCentralParkingDeanFoodsDoleFoodElec. \end{array} & \begin{array}{l} Before we get into examples with answer explanations, let's go over the essential steps you must take in order to effectively answer these types of questions. Finally, parts B, C, D, F, and G all use the command verb "explain," which means you will really have to go into detail to earn a point for each part of the question. formal agreement or pact between two or more countries to achieve a particular aim. CompanyAdvoAlaskaAirGroupAlliantTechAtmosEnergyBankofAm. What types of boundaries are on the earth? \text { Nordstrom } \\ The border between India, which is predominantly Hindu, and Pakistan, which is predominantly Muslim, is one example. At the end of the day, the clerk counts the cash in the register and gives it to the cashier for deposit in the company bank account. \mathrm{B} \\ Indonesia/Papua New Guinea, many African countries by European colonists. Climates and ecosystems, which can influence the types of crops that can be grown and the types of animals that can be raised in a particular area. StoreGatewayGoodyearHansonPLCICNPharm. The border between India and Pakistan, which has been the site of ongoing conflict for decades. Process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities, the action of making something democratic, minority-A rule by which the design of new electoral boundaries, must where possible, create electoral districts which have a majority population of some group which is a national minority. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, 'f5a9450c-28a2-4837-94dd-69230ed94f08', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Increased number of vehicles on the roadways results in visible air pollution, fog, smog, and/or airborne chemicals that lead to You can find plenty of AP Human Geography free-response questions (and their corresponding answer guidelines) online. \text { Callaway Golf } \\ \text { Atmos Energy } \\ License | Public Domain One classic example of an exclave is Alaska because it is not part of the contiguous continental United States. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which is a trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Political boundaries are often associated with ideas of sovereignty, territoriality, and jurisdiction, and they play a central role in the organization and functioning of political systems. Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. StructureYStructureZFirstCost$4,500$10,000EstimatedLife12years24yearsEstimatedSalvageValueNone$1,800AnnualMaintenanceCost$1,000$720\begin{array}{|l|c|c|} \end{array} & \$ 1,000 & \$ 720 \\ The benefit of geometric boundaries is that they are easy to mark on a map and easy to understand. \mathrm{B} \\ What is the probability that a randomly selected orange will contain between 5.00 and 5.50 ounces of juice? \text { Rating } In most modern economies the possible coalitions of interested groups are numerous, and the variety of possible unilateral barriers is great. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. 4 Diagnostic Tests 225 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept. Internal boundaries can be used to define and distinguish different areas or entities within a larger whole, and they can play a role in shaping the identity and character of the smaller units that they divide. Super Imposed Boundary. How does the term "registration" relate to the chapter? \text { C } \\ A need for additional public transportation lines and/or added capacity on existing transit systems. 80 \\ 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. In this section, we'll go through the answer to a sample free-response question from the 2020 AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description. Fed. Here are a few specific examples of internal boundaries: The Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is a series of walls and fortifications that were built over a period of more than 2,000 years to protect the Chinese empire from nomadic invaders. 70 \\ &\text { Source: Investor's Business Daily, April 7, } 2000 . \\ Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: PrepScholar 2013-2018. The 6th District was drawn to keep the wealthy, white neighborhoods surrounding the two cities, while black communities are included in the 2nd District, which is largely liberal. 12 \\ The era of confrontation and competition between the US and the Soviet Union when the threat of nuclear war created constant world tension &\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \text { B } \\ Germany was gaining power not Russia. In the prior exercise, you were asked to obtain the most recent annual report of a company that you were interested in reviewing throughout this term. JeffersonPlt. Here are the most commonly used task verbs on the exam, according to the College Board: Compare: Provide a description or explanation of similarities and/or differences. As you can see, there are two stimuli (a table and a photograph) and seven parts (A-G), each worth 1 point. \text { D } \text { B } \\ For example, in the United States (which is delimited by the Mississippi River), there is a "one way" highway north of the border. the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe, the Rio Grande River between the Mexico and the U.S., the Sahara Desert. 36 \\ The AP Human Geography Exam has question types and point values that will remain stable from year to year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day. A need for more housing, especially for lower-income residents. As an investor in this companys stock, would you be pleased with this years dividend yield? Store } \\ If you're satisfied, move on to the next part of the question, and repeat the process of identifying task verbs and trying to get the full point offered at each part of the question (always labeled A-G). Find common denominators and subtract. The division of Germany into East and West after World War II. Write your answers in simplest terms. the green line in Cyprus because it separates the Turkish and Greeks, Yugoslavia, the Murdock Ethnic Map of Africa. India has a large rural population and urban poor population who are dependent on burning wood for home heating and cooking. The cash register displays the amount of the sale. \mathrm{E} \\ For example, an internal boundary might be a line that divides a country into states or provinces, or a line that divides a city into neighborhoods or districts. a military alliance of western democracies begun in 1949 with 28 member states today; its members agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. What are examples of a cultural/ethnic or consequent boundary? The If molding labor costs $18 per hour, determine the direct labor cost budget for the year. The line that divides the states of New York and New Jersey is a geometric boundary that separates the two states. Author | Mike Hayes The border is patrolled by U.S. Border Patrol agents and is fortified with walls and other barriers. 98 \\ \text { Alaska Air Group } \\ We will define centrifugal and centripetal forces and how they can originate in political, economic or cultural dimensions. Internal boundaries can be found in a variety of contexts, including geographic regions, political divisions, and organizational structures. Looking for help studying for your AP exam? \mathrm{C} \\ Like most rivers, the Rio Grande shifts gradually (and sometimes abruptly) through time. \text { C } \\ Periphery processes have lower education, salaries, technology and less wealth. \text { York International } A stunning series of events between 1989 and 1991 that led to the fall of communist regimes in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Geographic and political features of different regions, especially impact of geography on politics, If one country fell under communist control, it would influence surrounding countries to follow the suit. The World Systems theory helps explain how colonial powers were able to amass great concentrations of wealth. A boundary dispute is a disagreement over the location or demarcation of a border between two or more countries, states, or other political or geographic entities. In addition to your down payment, you will also have to pay closing costs when you buy a house. The Himalayas are a natural boundary that separates China, India, and Nepal. 76 \\ b. Conflicts arise if the people of one state want to annex a territory whose population is ethnically related to them. Required: For example, if there is a huge population of liberal black voters in a district, they would win seats as they outvote conservative white voters. 83 \\ The process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government. territorially legally tied to a sovereign state, the process of placing price on a good and then buying selling and trading the good, an economy in which businessactivities and the allocation of resources are determined bygovernment order rather than market forces, the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly. From 1991 to 2011, Delhi's total population grew to over 10 million. He said that if the balance of power is upset a state or combination of states could become the dominant world power. What are some examples of a superimposed boundary? The additional vehicle increases the total amount of air pollution. Physical boundaries are natural features on the landscape such as rivers, lakes, and mountains. (Agree to create). This river, which runs for nearly 2,000 miles, marks the border between these two countries and is an important natural feature in the region. theory Hypothesis proposed by Halford MacKinder that held that any political power based in the heart of Eurasia could gain enough strength to eventually dominate the world. 57 \\ 54 \\ nation that transcends the borders of two or more states. \mathrm{B} \\ Or, laws requiring new developments be constructed with bus lanes, train lines, and stations. Mackinder came up with the Heartland theory. Just kidding, I did Google it, and it's probably not a thing, but not even the internet knows for sure. Walls, fences, posts Administered boundary The enforcement and maintaining of a boundary by government Individual countries decide how strict or relaxed border crossings will be. laws establishing states' rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership and use of the Earth's waters and their resources. The border between the United States and Mexico, which has been heavily militarized in recent years due to concerns about illegal immigration and drug trafficking. For example, a government might pass a law that establishes new provinces or states within a country, or that divides a city into different districts or neighborhoods. The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. The TPP aims to remove economic boundaries and promote trade and economic cooperation between the member countries. The Rio Grande is an important physical boundary on the southern border of the United States. 38 \\ 21 \\ A boundary is drawn on a map "agreed" by two sides. For example, when people who speak the same language or practice the same religion are split, boundaries play a negative role. organization of countries in southeast Asia to promote cultural, economic and political development in the region, formed in 1958 to heal scars from WWII promotes common economic foreign security and justice among other states, military alliance among democratic states to maintain balance in WWII, Unit 4 Political Patterns and Processes 2021,, AP Human Geography Unit 5 - Boundaries & Boun, AP Human Geography Unit 8, Political Geography, Unit 2 Vocabulary: Agriculture and Rural Land. Source:InvestorsBusinessDaily,April7, World History and Geography: Modern Times. State: A politically bound area controlled by an established government that has authority over its internal affairs and foreign policy. Alternative electrical energy and/or alternative fuel programs that are cleaner-burning or have zero emissions. compact state Journalize the payment of Houston's June 16-30 payroll on page 8 of a cash payments journal. \end{aligned} 57 \\ Two storage structures, given code names Y and Z, are being considered for a military base located in Sontaga. Colonialism is when a more powerful country attempts to assert its power and influence over a weaker country. A boundary drawn across an area before it is well populated and before there is any culture landscape. What is the future worth of each machine? \text { D } \\ Gerrymandering is important because it can have significant consequences for the balance of political power within a state or country. Ex. Identifying these verbs will also get you in the habit of paying closer attention to the differences between each of the tasks. \text { D } \\ We will also discuss why these two forces are vital to the survival of the state. Political Geography A nationality that is not represented by a state. StoreGatewayGoodyearHansonPLCICNPharm. c. At least how many ounces of juice will 77 % of the oranges contain? \mathrm{A} \\ boundary that has been forced upon the inhabitants of an area to solve a problem and/or conflict, i.e., Indonesia/Papua New Guinea. \mathrm{B} 31 \\ SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. Economic sanctions can have significant impacts on the economy of the targeted country. In this article, we'll go through the structure of the free-response section, some helpful tips for answering AP Human Geography FRQs, examples of what these free-response questions look like, and a few places where you can find the best practice materials. He proposed that a state resembles a biological organism whose life cycle extends from birth through maturity and ultimately decline and death. Like most rivers, the Rio Grande shifts gradually (and sometimes abruptly) through time. They can also be sources of conflict, as different groups or individuals may have competing claims to the same territory or may disagree about the appropriate boundaries of a particular area. The customary markup for an item is 60 percent. Explain: Provide information about how or why a relationship, process, pattern, position, or outcome occurs, using evidence and/or reasoning. 49 \\ This is more of a general tip for the AP Human Geography test, but as you work through the three free-response questions, make sure that you're keeping track of time and pacing yourself. If you see a topic that is especially familiar, you might go for that question first as you'll be able to answer it the fastest. During cold war these states of the USSR were in Eastern Europe, It began to fall in Eastern Europe in 1989 first with Poland then with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and ending with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, States protect themselves against others by matching their power against the power of the other side For instance, several wars have occurred because the Somali ethnic group is split between five different countries. In this document students will learn examples of boundaries, borders, and barriers around the world that exhibit the . \text { Bank of Am. } As India's economy grows, more people can afford to own cars or buy trucks for their businesses. Ex. If all ethnic groups in Africa were to be enclosed in their own boundaries, Africa would have over 2,000 countries (1). Conflicts over the location, size, and extent of borders between nations. Today there's a great deal of interdependence. Figure 8.5 | Chamizal Treaty map 8.4 BOUNDARIES AND BOUNDARY DISPUTES by University System of Georgia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. By doing this, the 6th remains Republican and the 2nd is the only safely blue district in the state. \text { D } \\ Source | Wikimedia Commons Explain. As a result of the fact that the course of a river is not fixed, a river boundary can be problematic. \text { E } \\ the Great Wall of China, the US/Mexico border, the Berlin Wall, AP Human Geography: Unit 4 Vocab w/ Examples. The boundary was created as a result of the partition of India by the British government, which resulted in the creation of two independent countries. The wall is heavily guarded and has been the subject of controversy and protests. What are some of the various closing costs that a buyer must pay in a real estate transaction? Physical geography: Physical geography, such as rivers, mountains, or other natural features, can sometimes serve as the basis for internal boundaries. \textbf{Total}&\textbf{Federal Income}&\textbf{Social Security}&\textbf{Medicare Tax}\\ estimated boundaries between nations, ethnic groups or tribes, when border treaties are interpreted 2 different ways by states, when borders are claimed, negotiated, or captured, when markers are placed on the ground to show where borders lay, government based on the principle that the people are the ultimate sovereign, A structuralist theory that offers a critique of the modernization model of development. AP Exams are regularly updated to align with best practices in college-level learning. 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. He argued that land based power, not sea, would rule the world. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? The border was established in the 1920s as part of the partition of Ireland and has been a source of conflict and controversy. \text { Texaco } \\ Censuses are typically conducted every few years, and they can be conducted in a variety of ways, including through in-person visits, mailed or online surveys, or phone interviews. The boundary has been relatively stable and peaceful, and has facilitated trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. In each part of the question (A-G), it's a good idea to underline the specific task verb at play, that is, what it's asking you to do. There was West & East Europe and the USSR. The process of redistricting can lead to dramatic manipulations. \text { Safeway } \\ "Hijacking" refers to the practice of altering district boundaries to move a group of voters into a different district, in order to change the outcome of an election. AP Human Geography Past Exam Questions Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. \text { Strength } Each candle requires molding. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. 17 \\ But in a situation where two entities who are conflicting over a piece of land create a boundary that satisfies both parties, boundaries can be positive as well. the delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government), based more on cultural and linguistic differences than religious or racial differences. 69 \\ ***Look at political cartoon***, A state that's absorbs the culture and traditions of its neighbors, A state that sits between two rivals or hostile states and serves as a _____ between them potentially preventing conflict Fed. A delimited boundary is a geographical barrier that is delineated by a single line that has a clear "one way" direction. Once you've finished writing your answer, reread the question and your response to make sure you've done everything it asked you to do. Sovereignty: The political authority of a state to govern itself. 72 \\ The Sahara Desert is a natural boundary that separates the countries of North Africa. Examples: An ongoing debate between US and Mexico regarding transportation of people and goods across their long mutual border. These boundaries are used to define the areas over which a particular government or political entity has jurisdiction and the areas within which it can exercise its authority. Which of the following employees would not fit into a protected class? Northern Ireland is mostly Protestant and Republic of Ireland is mostly Catholic, Israel/Palestine, Pakistan has a large Muslim population and India has a large Hindu population. T accounts and a cash payments journal page are provided in the Working Papers. Just as with every thoery some people argue against the World Systems Analysis and state that there is an overemphasis on economic factors in political development. EPS Rating is a measure of growth in earnings per share for the company. Likewise, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea is separated by another geometric boundary along the 141st meridian. Has many subsidiaries such as the Security Council, World Health Organization (WHO), ). 65 \\ 48 \\ \text { Fed. Alternative electrical energy and/or alternative fuel programs that are cleaner-burning or have zero emissions. The free-response section is the hardest part of any AP test. The border between North and South Vietnam, which was heavily militarized during the Vietnam War. He was influenced by the writings of Darwin (survival of the fittest). This AP Human Geography study guide is going to seek to describe the concept of devolution through the lens of the contemporary political-territorial world order. ***Look at political cartoon***, A state that is technically sovereign, but is heavily influenced by another state. a. Sometimes, these boundaries change suddenly because of armed conflict or state's change gradually through the process of devolution. 80 \\ This vast desert is one of the driest and hottest places on earth, and it forms a natural barrier between the countries of the region. ? \text { Value } study that analyzes geography, history, and social sciences with reference to international policies. 31 \\ The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is a trade agreement between several countries in the Pacific region, including the United States, Japan, and Australia. in the hopes of improving their income or quality of life. He believed that in order for the state needs to grow to survive or it will disintegrate. (also called ethnographic) a border drawn to accommodate existing religious linguistic ethnic or economic differences between countries (ex; N Ireland and Ireland), Processes that incorporate higher levels of education, higher salaries, and more technology, the original nucleus of a state (usually contains the densest population and largest cities, most developed transportation system and economic base), helps explain why some inner city areas enjoy considerable prosperity, whilst others display all the signs of urban deprivation and poverty. involve natural resources: mineral deposits, fertile farmland, or rich fishing space which all lay on border area. Boundaries forcibly drawn by conquering or a colonizing power without referencing to pre-existing cultural patterns. Core processes incorporate higher levels of education, salaries, and technology. These straight lines could coincide with latitude or longitude, as is the case with the northwestern boundary of the United States with Canada along 49o north latitude.

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administered boundary ap human geography example