4th battalion border regiment ww2


Regards, Cpl. Regimental Orders. in moving his G.H.Q. Copyright of content contributed to this Archive rests with the author. On the retreat of the German / Italian Forces, the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment occupied the airfield of El Adem. Nowhere in the Naga Hills was there 50 yards of flat terrain. On the 1st December 1945 the Battalion amalgamated with the 4th Battalion, taking on the name of the latter. Pte. consolidated and people got to know one another with the result that when the time came to embark for overseas, the Bn. Bob and I had a bathe in the lake the first day we were there, but, as someone told us that a woman had been carried off by a crocodile the previous week, we did not repeat that event. We spent a day or two in a transit area before being taken by guides up to the perimeter defences. Timeline of WW2 Raiders EXPLORE THE TIMELINES BELOW . Inter-war The inter-war period saw 1st Battalion fighting on the North West Frontier in 1921, garrisoning India and then moving to Palestine. We duly set sail from Calcutta in a British India ship, the Ethiopia, and arrived at the port of Chittagong in East Bengal (now Bangladesh). This infantry regiment was formed in 1881. The 4th Border lads were split into 2 groups and didn't meet up until they got back into Britain. However I have been to Rennes, visited his grave and spoke to some local people. 2nd Kings Own and 2, 4 and 9 Border all fought in Burma as explained in the beginning of this article. The 4th Battalion was a 1st Line Territorial Army unit, originally assigned to the 126th Infantry Brigade, 42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division. We now proceeded towards the concentration area at Column H.Q. Depots were open in Bowerham Barracks, Lancaster for The Kings Own, and in The Castle, Carlisle for The Border Regt. It has been transcribed and submitted to the website by Joseph Ritson, a volunteer story-gatherer with the BBC Radio Cumbria CSV Action Desk. Before Dunkirk, 1 Border, 4 and 5 Border and 5 Kings Own fought in France. Three months later, it became the first British unit to join a major engagement by glider, when it landed in Sicily as part of 1st Airborne Division. I shall describe briefly our training and operations, so as to give the reader some idea of the conditions obtaining. So, men from Cumberland and Westmorland were present at both checks on Rommel and the German Afrika Corps! There were varying degrees of success. Please see my various contributions to this archive on the incident. Our force consisted of two platoons and a headquarters platoon. Although up to recent years they have been head-hunters, when we were amongst them, they behaved in a civilised and friendly manner and each village had a detached Christian village where those who were converted went to live and they all lived amicably if separately. Platoon killed 30 Japanese and wounded 10 more and suffered two casualties only. We were deposited in a paddy field area around the village of Khunti, which was 20 miles from Ranchi and had never before been occupied by troops and we proceeded to set up camp. 1/4th Border Regiment 2/4th Border Regiment (home service battalion) 3/4th Border Regiment (depot/training battalion) Roll of Honour[edit| edit source| hide] The fighting continued all day in the beautiful spring day until nightfall when all the companies withdrew, taking numbers of prisoners with them. During the daylight hours, shelling of the British positions in Raschid-el-Fokkar was continuous. The 1st Battalion 7th Infantry Regiment and the 4th Battalion 7th Infantry Regiment (from Aschaffenburg, Germany) patrolled the Czechoslovakia border with Germany for years in preparation for war with The Soviet Union (USSR . The date of the first contact with the enemy was early on the morning of 24th May 1940. On the night of 19th March, the Bn. The 8th U.S. Infantry reactivated in 1947, assigned to Ft. Ord, California, remaining assigned to the 4th Infantry Division. Having fought in the West Indies in the early years of the French Revolutionary War in the 1790s, the 55th were in the Army of the Duke of York in his campaign in the Low Countries in 1799, showing particular gallantry at the Battle of Egmont-op-Zee. 20 The battalion took part in the raid on Dieppe on 19 August 1942. This infantry regiment was raised in 1755. public. Thank you for your detailed reply to my query and I await any further information. National Defence Companies were combined to create a new "Home Defence" battalion. (d.11th June 1940) Fearon William Milburn. Evacuation of casualties was a further problem. WO 169 / 1737 1st Northumberland Fusiliers It deals with the experiences of the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment during World War Two. H.Q. The days 16 - 18 June 1940 were really vital to what happened in France, because it was when De Gaulle was trying to get the French Government to continue fighting the war, and Ptain took over and asked the Germans for an Armistice. The Border Regiment fielded 18 battalions [7] and lost almost 7,000 [8] officers and other ranks during the course of the war. The regiment also raised 14 Territorial, New Army and Garrison battalions. They landed in Sicily, fought in Italy with the 1st Airborne Div. had come out with the withdrawal from Europe, not through Dunkirk but further west through Cherbourg and Brest. 4th Raider Battalion designated as 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. Mixed fortunes followed: one company was ambushed before they reached their objective and scattered. Orders soon arrived for us to move south towards the area of the Japanese L. of C. Our first objective was Mokokchung in the Naga Hills, east of Kohima. After returning from the Crimea the 34th were soon on their way to India as reinforcements to fight in the Indian Mutiny. Obtaining information from official sources seems to be quite difficult. I think he was one of the Burgess newspaper family so he may have written his memoirs somewhere. This article was written by my father to record his personal experiences of WW2. The day after Churchill gave his 'Finest Hour' speech and De Gaulle his 'Appeal' to the French: for the war to continue. This was carried out by C Company. The withdrawal of the Japanese from the Imphal/Kohima area had begun. Subsequently, in March 1941, the men of the 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment left on the troopship H.M.T. This infantry regiment was formed in 1959. Anyway, we can but try! Hutchinson M.B.E. It continued in British Army service until the 1881 reforms, when it was amalgamated with the 55th (Westmorland) Regiment of Foot to form The Border Regiment. and I met their M.O. 2nd Battalion, Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment The 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment is a field artillery battalion assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. 42 PDF version, 681.5 KB Footnotes GO 155/05. Many men from 'D Company' of the Borders were killed or captured. On one occasion I was present in Djerablus for a conference with the Mayor of the town and a gathering of Bedouin sheikhs. He was R.M.O. 2nd Battalion The Border Regiment on the North-West Frontier of India, c1933. public. The hotel there was situated in an elevated area above a lake with broad steps the whole way down from the hotel to the lake, which, when lighted up at night, was a lovely spectacle. The Special Reserve reverted to its militia designation in 1921, then to the Supplementary Reserve in 1924; however, its battalions were effectively placed in 'suspended animation'. In August 1945 when Japan surrendered, the 9th was stationed at Waw, west of Sittang River. As an example, the three-line battalions of the 4th Borderers were numbered as the 1/4th, 2/4th, and 3/4th respectively. It went on to serve in many British Army campaigns until 1958, when it was merged into The Kings Regiment (Manchester and Liverpool). For any other comments, please Contact Us. There was the odd troublesome one, but mostly its own muleteer learned how to control it and to keep it in line. 4th Durham Survey Section RECORDS DOWN TO 1805. This was a regimental formation of men drawn from the towns and villages of Cumberland and Westmorland: Carlisle, Penrith,. However, 21 days in 38th British General Hospital in Bangalore and a fortnights convalescent leave in Ootacomund, a very popular hill station in peace time with quite a colony of permanent British residents, soon put me on my feet and I never looked back. and in 1944, fought at Arnhem. On this day in 1944 Captain D.V. It was still there two years later, when it was amalgamated with the Kings Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) to form the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment. One of these brigades of infantry was named the 23rd Brigade and attached to the 1st Armoured Division. We set sail down the Bristol Channel on 21st March. referenced. Our journey was uneventful and our first landfall was at Freetown, Sierra Leone, though we had previously had a glimpse of the Azores. This was the old date for 'Empire Day'. David G. We haven't had a message back from Mr Hutchinson yet I'm afraid. Humphreys William. The Burma Star Memorial Fund10 A High StreetPewseySN9 5AQ. As so often happened, things did not work out that way. to land in Gallipoli in April, 1915. 2/4th (Cumberland and Westmorland) Battalion Formed at Kendal in September 1914 as a home service ("second line") unit. was established in a school and detachments were sent out to areas north of here, right up to the Nepalese border. This infantry regiment was first raised in 1702. They were small, around 5 ft. in height, but wiry and capable of running up and down hills with heavy loads. As casualties were left for my attention, I and my orderly marched at the rear of the column and, rather than be left behind, we carried the casualtys pack ourselves as well as our own, and it sometimes happened that I arrived at the midday or evening rendezvous with two 80 lb. There seems to be some accounts in the Public Records Office about what happened. It would be almost impossible for me to source documentary evidence of kinship to my grand-uncle George. The Bn. An account of the visit is contributed to WW2 Peoples War. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites Todays regiment remembers with pride the four battalions who served in Burma. A total of 13,167 of the regiment were killed in action. After an uneventful voyage across the Indian Ocean, we eventually arrived at Bombay. In addition 12 battalions of the Home Guard were affiliated to the regiment, wearing its cap badge. If your French is rusty that might be a problem, but it can be overcome. The Territorial Force (later Territorial Army) was formed in 1908, which the volunteer battalions joined, while the militia battalions transferred to the "Special Reserve". It was like Beau Geste excepting instead of arriving on camels, they came in the latest American cars. On 23 May they were in action near Amiens. Line of Communication troops were brigaded together as infantry to act as support to those two Divisions. up the Tiddim Road and in the battles round Bishenpur and also in defence of the Silchar Track; 4 Border in 23 Bde, harassed the lines of communication of the Japanese 31st Div., and met up with 2 Border on the Ukhrul Road in June, 1944. Shortly afterwards we left Ranchi and went to an area of West Bengal, east of Calcutta, where we were billeted in a deserted village. Even though suppressive Mepacrine tablets were regularly taken, malaria was not entirely suppressed. Having read the contribution you have made on behalf of Mr Hutchinson I see a mention of a rail journey through Rennes and arrival in Southampton 18th June 1940 (Tuesday). Between 1944 and 1946 I had in all nine attacks, but none after that. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. moved north and an armistice was signed on July 14th and we settled in to camping conditions on the outskirts of Qabb Ilyas. The HQ of the battalion was in Kendal, then in Westmorland. Just at this time the dingdong battles with the Japanese in the Maungdau/Buthidaung area of the Arakom District in Burma flared up and the Bn. Pte. KOSB A1/1& 2. After that it was Suez, Egypt, and a transit camp, until we entrained for the Western Desert. On 1 June 1945, a third Active Force component of the regiment, designated '4th Battalion, The Regina Rifle Regiment, CIC, CAOF', was mobilized for service with the Canadian Army Occupation Force in Germany. This story has been placed in the following categories. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (4th Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry), or L Edmn R, is a Primary Reserve infantry unit of the Canadian Armed Forces based in Edmonton, Alberta. The 2nd Bn The Kings Own and the 1st Bn The Border Regt fought in the Boer War and both were present at the Relief of Ladysmith in 1900 and in the battles before the Relief. Discover more about The Border Regiment by visiting Cumbria's Museum of Military Life at Carlisle Castle. Moving off into the town street fighting began. Finally, while still holding Incheville with 'D Company', the Borders and Foresters were driven back, suffering casualties from heavy German mortaring and shelling. to Ceylon. WO 169 / 1705 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment As the war progressed and further horsed regiments were . World War II Iraq War. In the immediate post-war period, the army was significantly reduced: nearly all infantry regiments had their first and second battalions amalgamated and the Supplementary Reserve disbanded. The Bn. lost a Company as POWs in France but was made up by the time they re-assembled at Kington Camp, including quite a number of newly commissioned officers. were evacuated. In any case, I hope you find out what happened. Repatriation to the U.K. had begun for those with three years and eight months overseas service, so the strength of the battalion was gradually diminishing. During the training period from October the only time the Bn. Carrying the lineage of Battery C, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, the battalion carries campaign streamers from World War I, World War II, and Vietnam, and has served with the 4th Infantry Division and . Capt. It was the only British Division of infantry in the Middle East at the time. Over a period of a few days, an army veterinary team removed the vocal chords of the brigades mules under anaesthetic without causing much distress to the mules, which were given 10 days convalescence and seemed none the worse for their operations, which were a big success. It continued in British Army service until 2006, when it was merged into The Duke of Lancasters Regiment. It then fought its way up through Italy, before returning to England in November 1943. However, as I was in the Cumbria Archives Office today I went to check a reference book I knew was in there with a little about 4th Border Regiment in WW2 ('The Story of the Border Regiment' by Philip J. Shears). The 9th Battalion The Border Regiment took part in several such actions, notably at Wetlet, Yindaw, Kinde and Pywabwe. The regiment's territorial components formed duplicate second and third line battalions. Historical records of events in France, post Operation Dynamo, are sketchy. It is of interest that one of our officers, who was wounded on a night patrol, was Anthony Steele, who later became a British film star and was married to Anita Ekberg!! The Battalion began the task of disarming some 2,000 Japanese and controlling the activity of dacoits on the Mokpalin and Bilin areas. We remained in Bangalore until coming up to Christmas and, just before Christmas, we entrained again, this time for Dehra Dun, a military cantonment in north India. The size of a battalion could range from 500 to 1,500 troops. We were given fourteen days leave, which Bob Watt and I took together. It was then sent to South Africa in 1899, where it fought throughout the Boer War (1899-1902). Not in any way belittling the heroic battles fought around Kohima by the 2nd British and 7th Indian Divisions, the harassing operations by 23rd Brigade of which 4 Border Regt. To be perfectly honest, until this last year when I have been a volunteer story-gatherer for this "People's War" project, most of the WW2 research I have done has been in France, and a little bit in Belgium and the Netherlands. It is a tragedy that since Indian independence they have been harassed to this day by the successors to the British Raj. The third company reached their allotted bridge, crossed to the east bank and drove off the enemy. After Napoleons escape from Elba in 1815, the Kings Own crossed from England to Belgium, and by marching 48 miles in 30 hours, took part in the Battle of Waterloo. Again, intensive training was carried out for the next three months and again all enjoyed the amenities, which were just as good as in Hereford. So, into the breech stepped the Naga Hillmen. In 1982, 4 SAI converted to a mechanised infantry battalion mainly consisting of Ratel-20 IFVs. When we had an airdrop, with five days rations, our packs weighed 80 lbs., which, along with the troops equipment and weapons was a considerable weight to carry up and down the hills. Heavy casualties resulted, with 27 killed and I had 97 wounded pass through my R.A.P. In the event that you consider anything on this page to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please click here. I know a little about the period and the Brittany area slightly, but not to the fine detail that you are seeking, David. Cartwright John. Volunteer battalions had been created in reaction to a perceived threat of invasion by France in the late 1850s. Archive List > United Kingdom > Hereford and Worcester. During World War II, the regiment fought German forces on three fronts, North Africa, Italy, and Northwest Europe. Capstick William. As I had always feared, I had an attack of malaria that morning, but, on taking Mepacrine, and on having my pack carried on a vehicle, I managed to march to the station and duly arrived at Bombay Docks, where we embarked on the Queen of Bermuda. This infantry regiment was formed in 1881. Most of the content on this site is created by our users, who are members of the During the siege, after being the Western Desert Force the Division became the 70th British Division. At this time things were going well in the second Wavell offensive and the Bn. Some weeks later we were off again by train to Suez. Platoon, with Major Douglas Scott in command, attacked various areas around the village itself. Delhi, hence Louis Mountbattens action on arrival to take command of S.E.A.C. All three regiments were involved in minor wars on the frontiers of India, and the 4th in the Zulu War of 1879. The Border Regiment's expansion during the Second World War was modest compared to 19141918. As World War II approached, the Territorial Army was reorganised in the mid-1930s, many of its infantry battalions were converted to other roles, especially anti-aircraft. There were so many that the newspapers at home dubbed Kendal, the hometown of most of them, 'The Town of Missing Men'. The Volunteer Training Corps were raised with overage or reserved occupation men early in the war, and were initially self-organised into many small corps, with a wide variety of names. vessels en route by sea to Tobruk. However, the day did eventually arrive when we were instructed to march to the station to entrain for Bombay Docks. The regiment lost over 7,700 men during the war. After a week or two of rest at railhead, during which malaria began to take its toll, we once more entrained for the long journey back to our old haunt Bangalore. The early dawn mist gave way to brilliant unclouded weather as the tanks and infantry moved to the attack. was called upon to reinforce the area. As I had an attack of malaria that morning, I was unable to go up to the town and my Christmas dinner consisted of bully beef, army biscuits, pickles, cheese and tinned fruit, whereas all the other officers had their Christmas dinner in the New Imperial Hotel in Delhi. Find out more about the site contributors. The 11th and 12th Borderers, New Army "Service" battalions, were referred to as "Pals" Battalions because they were predominantly composed of colleagues. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible". Next day the force moved North to regroup. The long and illustrious history of the Second Battalion, Fourth Marines began in April of 1914 during WWI when it was activated as one of the three battalions of the Fourth Marine Regiment Correspondence. We arrived in the early hours of the morning at the Christian village of Phakedzumi, where the inhabitants gave us hot tea. It deployed to the Western Front in March 1916, remaining there for the rest of the conflict. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. I only know a little about that area and that incident, but if 'Ouest France' has featured the story, then I am sure there must be many details available about what happened. Over in Europe it seems a lot easier finding out official information about the war and commemoration is taken very seriously. Between the wars the regiment was to serve in Ireland, India including the North West Frontier, Burma, China, Egypt and Palestine where Border and Kings Own were involved in the Arab Revolt of 1938-39. Moved to the West Indies to counter the French threat, the 4th and 55th share the battle honour St. We were actually on the train on Christmas Day, 1944, and it stopped all day at Delhi Station platform. Frontier attitude appeared to exist right up to G.H.Q. R.E. 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2/4) is an infantry battalion of the United States Marine Corps. As M.O., I had my own difficulties. WO 169 / 1454 51st Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. Fighting had broken out at this time in Syria and the Lebanon, so the Bn. Thanks again for your reply and interest, you have been most helpful. Now began a period of intensive jungle training on Chindit lines. 1 Kings Own were flown from India to Iraq in 1941, and took part in the defence of Habbaniya, one of the earliest examples of a battalion being flown into action. The training was severe and, apart from the tactical training, consisted, quite frequently, of marching up to 40 miles a day with full equipment. The best of luck to you, and thanks again!. This was a well-planned and executed campaign, overcoming incredible supply difficulties. An uncle of mine was killed along with more than 800 others in an air attack on trains in Rennes, Monday 17th June. In 1919, 2nd Battalion moved from Italy to Ireland. was an integral part made a major impact on the Japanese to bring about a withdrawal from the Imphal/Kohima area of operations and they did not again attempt an invasion of India. With the 34 Column of 4th Battalion Border Regiment, they departed from Mokokchung on 22 April having begun building the airstrip there as described in the previous Blog. They were part of the 70th British Infantry Division]". The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not It served on the Western Front until November 1917, when it was sent to Italy. moved from Aleppo to a town called Idlib, some distance away, where we remained for a further three weeks, and then returned to the military barracks in Aleppo. It was air-dropped on Arnhem the following month and suffered such heavy casualties during Operation Market Garden that it saw no further action for the rest of the conflict. But then, on hearing that Rouen had fallen into enemy hands, Fcamp became the destination. Now it was a question of taking over internal security that had been under Vichy French control. It had been from this airfield of El Adem that the garrison of Tobruk had suffered the attentions of the Luftwaffe dive-bombers almost daily. THE BORDER REGT. It was also atthis time that the 'Lancastria' was hit. We subsequently moved across the Ganges to Muzzaffapur, where H.Q. The vessel in which I travelled was the destroyer, Jackal. As winter was approaching the Bn. The regiment captured an Imperial Chinese Dragon Standard which hangs in Kendal Church, and was awarded the Dragon as a regimental badge. 2nd Battalion The Border Regiment on the North-West Frontier of India, c1933. Whilst we were there, we received the news that, on its return from its exploits behind the Japanese lines in Burma, Gen. Wingates Chindit force of one brigade was going to be absorbed into what became Special (Chindit) Force India. and A.E.R. The Durham Light Infantry Bn. The set-up for columns entering Burma proper was that a stronghold was formed from which the columns operated and which contained an airstrip. With reference to the siege of Tobruk, I append a list of North Country Regiments below. Deolali has always been a time-honoured name in the army, associated with the expression The Deolali Tap. In the American War of Independence, the 4th and 55th fought together in the Army of General Howe, which successfully captured New York in 1776, and Philadelphia in 1777. Fighting on in France in 1940 after Dunkirk. Another of the companies reached the north bank of the Somme and were engaged in mortar machine gun and rifle exchanges with the Germans. From the recollections of Part of the new brigade was the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment. September 2003. From there, they went by troop camels up the desert to Sidi Barrani. During that night, and still under constant harassment, embarkation took place on to ships and Naval craft. Good. Then, after yet another railway journey, this time at night, they arrived at Brest. It appears the British authorities at the time suppressed news of those left behind while, for understandable propaganda reasons, playing up the relative success of Operation Dynamo. WO 169 / 1713 Durham Light Infantry But knowing what is there and what to ask for is not easy. The problem at this time is that there is only just over a week before the site is closing down for furter postings! The other regular battalion were hastily brought home from the East, Kings Own to fight in France, and Border to join the Incomparable 29th Div. Thanks to the step-like formation of the paddy fields, where we jumped down every few yards, and to the poor marksmanship of the Japanese, we arrived without any casualties in the jungle area, for the Japanese opened up with everything they had rifles, machine guns, mortars and grenades. After being earmarked for support in General Archibald Wavell's offensive 'Battleaxe' the next departure was for the Syrian campaign. At nighttime, the Companies sent out patrols between their fronts and the enemy but no major clashes occurred before November 18th. The railway complex at Rennes was bombed during mid morning Monday 17th June. After three weeks in Aleppo Barracks we were relieved by an unruly lot of Australian A.E.F. I had been left behind the advance attending an officer of ours who had been wounded by one of our own tanks, and when we were being guided back to join the battalion, as we approached, we saw two crowds like at a football match with about a quarter of a mile between them. . For any other comments, please Contact Us. The 4th and 5th landed with the Army in the Crimea in 1854 and fought at the Battles of Alma and Inkerman. It was after the last battle that the enemy finally broke and made for the . I've left a message for Jemma, the co-ordinator for the Radio Cumbria volunteer story gatherers, asking for your question to be passed on to Mr Hutchinson, and if he has further details. Such was not possible in the Naga Hills. David G. Thanks for taking the time to read the article about the 4 Bn Borders in WW2 and your most interesting question. This infantry regiment was created in 1881. During these engagements the H.Q. The Chinese Dragon with which the Border Regt was always associated was awarded to the 55th after the First China War of 1841. The casualties were mainly exhaustion with malaria. The 4th and 5th landed with the Army in the Crimea in 1854 and fought at the Battles of Alma and Inkerman. By now part of the 6th British Division, the 4th Battalion of the Border Regiment were moved back to the Western Desert. This story has been placed in the following categories. To give the reader some idea of the preparedness for, and the attitude of the British Indian Establishment, it is of interest to relate that the first action of the authorities was to try to carry out a customs examination of a mobilised British division arriving in the country complete with weapons and transport from a war zone to a potential war zone. 1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry We arrived at Avonmouth Docks in Bristol and embarked on the liner Orontes. column from 8th Army arrived but was quickly cut off by the enemy and had to remain in Tobruk. Moving out from the Brittany towns of Brest, Morlaix and St Malo, and then finally arriving at Aumale, the 4th Border was allotted the task of capturing three bridges west of Amiens on the River Somme. They were referred to as the New Army or Kitchener's Army. On the subject of the environment, I would like to make a comment here on the conditions in which the columns were operating. Other ranks' cap badge, The Border Regiment, c1905, 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment, in South Africa, 1900. On the evacuation of Palestine in 1948, it served in Somali-land, and later in the Canal Zone of Egypt. 51st Field Regiment, Royal Artillery The whole of the 70th Division became engaged in the fighting on Sidi Rezagh and El Duda. Intensive field training was carried out but, in addition, we enjoyed the considerable amenities of Hereford. Unfortunately for this account I do not have contact details for Mr Hutchinson personally. When the 34th (Cumberland) Regiment of Foot amalgamated with the 55th (Westmorland) Regiment of Foot, to become The Border Regiment in 1881 under the Cardwell-Childers reforms of the British Armed Forces, four pre-existent militia and volunteer battalions of Cumberland and Westmorland were integrated into the structure of the regiment.

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4th battalion border regiment ww2