xuan loc, vietnam 1969


When TET hit, all hell broke loose. Much appreciated, ALCARAZ RETIRED 1SG. Both American and ARVN. Captain. David, Prior to the Vietnamese Presidential election, I believe either September or October 1971, The 18the and 25th switched AOs. Do you remember our Cpt. Maj. Wolf had returned to the States a couple of months earlier and my new superior officer was a Artillery Major. Was with AT#87, 68-69, senior advisor to 4/48th for most of the time. The another 5 for rehab at Brooke/San Antonio. Edward Yava says: I remember a ARVN Sgt Vo Van Vu with 18th Div also Major Xa who was KIA in Phouc Tuy. Ha. Set. President Thieu reviews Montagnard troops. Happy Thanksgiving Sir. Zoomie is one of my friends. I have a couple of Mitcham photos taken in the MESS. Ever hear from Dai Hui Stansfield? Barry Smith, S2 advisor, TM 49. Bill Stoner, When I was the advisor to the Div Recon (I&R) Co we were attached quite a few times to a 11th Cav troop but I cant remember which one, F troop rings a bell. They still wore it in 71. BTW 2nd tour was with the 1st Cav in 70 71. Unit arrived by troop ship. Got a Spooky and broke up the attack there. SSGT Black . It seems to me I remember that tower being a little o we 210 ft. Dick Wolfe, Dick FAQs - How to Order | Sgt [E-4] Zoomie here [aka Dennis Dieckman] Intelligence Operations Specialist with USAF FAC TEAM KENNY CONTROL, call sign Kenny Zero One Alpha, July 1967-Sep 1969. Thanks for your information about adviser of I & R company , I remember 1/52 rd battalion is cast Danh ( RVN ) and sgt Danh is interpreter and LtC Boon is adviser and LtC Thinh is regiment commander , Lt Keith is adviser of 52 rd I & R company and Im is interpreter for Thiet , well ! Website Terms & Conditions | USAF Aim HighFly,Fight Win. Phil, the roads we took, wow!! Im Nguyen Van Suoi. Several times, I tried to convince him that was not a good idea. Bill Coleman. An element of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in tanks and armored personnel carriers moved in to engage the force. My name is Ray (Beachball) Godfrey I was an Australian Navy pilot with the 135AHC EMUs We operated with Mike/Special forces & 118 ARVN out of Xuan Loc during 68. They are very good quality photos that had been kept sealed in an ammo box fit 40 years. Was there many times. The Reg Forces/Rough Puffs called him Crazy White Man from then on. Alvin, I did hear that he somehow discharged his AR pulling it out of the vehicle. Exactly where was that camp/ Xuan Loc, Gia Ray? Col. Coleman chewed me out wanting to know why I was at his Command Bunker and too get my Butt (he said a lot of curse words) to my bunker fast. Total Immersion but I got thru it and had an extension on my MOS. Start prep classes for dialysis next week. Rodney Nauman was Capt. Ran around scrounging with my driver. Sir I knew Pappy in 76 after he was grounded due to a heart condition. I was the lone American advisor. Del Rio Texas Laughlin Air Force Base USA, U-Tapao Royal Thai Air Force Base Thailand. He was under a great deal of pressure from his boss. How close was your base to the runway? I hope that this clears it up and gives some closure to SGT GReens family. We seldom travel any distance and have invited all our relatives to visit us. I went in at 17 in 65 got out in 72. I just hope they were able to withstand the end. I also have Kidney failure. No Rice Paddies. I am totally retired now, after 28 years in the Army active and reserve, & 25 years working for a Defense Contractor. I was just browsing through the MACV Team 87 comments and came across you mentioning the 135th AHC out at Blackhorse My dad Capt. jrkennedy@juno.com. Vietnam War, 1961-1975. Zombie visited with me and family here in Arizona. Travel pass for all over signed by LTC Patton, Cards from President Thieu and others. We were childhood friends in East Tennessee, and I would like to know more about his tour in the Nam. John, I kept a diary while there and this is what I wrote on 7 and 8 May, 1969. HQ WAS IN XUAN LOC , THIRD REGIONAL CORP. He was a very brave man and very cool under fire. Proud to have served with you folks Interesting evening. I grabbed my gear and went to the TOC to report in. Doug Quit while since Jul 2017 but I hope you are still with us!!. That is what started my search. just found this spot. I would appreciate it. He just came back from R & R at Hawaii. . Thanks Ed.Ive pretty much sifted thru all the material re the Battle for XL. It was summer of 68. There was one other ship that left on Sept. 23 named Eltinge which carried the rear Detachment. President Thieu and Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam seated. I rotated in December and in late March the 52nd became a Task Force and was sent to Loch Ninh/ An Loc for an operation involving the 5th and 18th Divisions. Contact Us | He also showed me a very nice place near our Siagon headquarters where a guys could get a drink, black market steak and relax. Brings back memories. Anyway Take Care Stay Safe. Doug Sichler. I didnt know that at the time but found out real fast. If we get a rig it will double as another guest bedroom. Glad to see you survived, Dear Mr Bob Morse ! I was wondering who was this Woman, dressed in Jungle Fatigues, wearing a Green Beret with 5th SFG Flash. 0 More than 1,500 communist troops attack U.S. and South Vietnamese camps near Xuan Loc, located 38 miles east of Saigon. Jim my name is Gail and I am Doug Souzas cousin. Dick Wolfe Lt Sig C We built the bar and the stage there. I can be reached at jfschlat@gmail.com or 859-230-7070. The ARVN III Corps ' last defensive line east of Saigon connected the city of Bnh Dng, Bien Hoa Air Base, Vng Tu, Long An and the lynchpin centered on the strategic town of Xun Lc, where the South Vietnamese Joint General Staff committed the nation's final reserve forces in Saigon's defense. My memories after all these years are few. Back then it was an outpost mostly Special Forces. At that time he seemed to be an older soldier. Ritchie W. Pickron. My first night in Xuan Loc with Team 87, I was with Comm that night April 18 1968 I was sitting in the Open Air Movie Theater watching Bonnie and Clyde thinking this isnt all that bad. we were working in the civilian hospital, army captain Snyder was our boss. So the two Artillery Officer split the Advisory duty for the Division 30 days forward and 30 days in XL. Just follow instructions and keep your attitude up. He was a tough-as-nails E7. That was a long, long night! Thanks. The 18th formed up with the 43rd leading the way and went right back to Tay Ninh West. My father has the same problem of finding his records after the so called "Big Fire" they had housing military records. Changed all our registrations and the last one is my car registration which renews in July. also have their names. Hopefully no snow or fires slowing us down. Bob and I bunked in the same building, so we had a lot of time to talk. Was in xuan loc when we built a cinder block commo center there. I listened to Walt Ginger on the radio all night. You got that right. I was a temporary lifer 65-72 with most of it in Vietnam. A E6 Crumbley and E6 Reyes. He later settled in Falls Church, Virginia where I met him once. I dont remember anyone there except for a Major(cant recall his name), FAC Pilot, that I rode along with (O1E Birddog) doing aerial recons and marking targets with WP for air strikes and doing BDAs after the airstrikes.HOWEVER, I do remember seeing Martha Raye In the Mess Hall at Xuan Loc . I am trying to find out what actually happened to Frankie for a family history book so if you know anything to help me I would greatly appreciate it. I would like to get an update. Left in April 66. Took a lot of Picks of the Compound and the Airfield. As the following: Enjoy. I was a radioteletype operator. Tim Murphy, : I was with 18th ARVN G-3, TOC and the I&R after transferring up from Ham Tan. I was the G-1 Advisor from Jan to Dec 72. If not, do you know who it was? I climbed it to take Arnold Apple, Smith the clerk, Zoomie, Geoff Michaud, and Col. Scarborough. Capt. I went back in 1980 or there abouts and was frankly amazed at the transformation of the town, but more to the topic at hand, had an opportunity to talk with some of the town folks from back in the day about what happened to them (those that would talk) after 75; The road between Xuan Loc and Saigon (Hoi Chi Minh City) was not so terrifying now, the rubber plantations not so deep and forboding, and the rice fields up around Plantation (near Bien Hoa) where II Field Force HQs used to be, were now covered over, or had beaucoup construction vehicles and speeding was frowned upon! He did do a previous tour from 66 67 as a Major. He is my father and was there from Dec. 65- Dec. 66. Featured Collections | I was there starting in December 69. He mentioned the division commander, Gen. Lu Lan,was fluent in English and French. It is not me. -Moar- and Phil Adam (me). There was an incident where the enemy took over a Ron Rego. In Ham Tam with Th 48, I probably saw you, I was the I&R Co advisor june-Sept 68. Xuan Loc, South Vietnam. SFC Winland was shot when we flew over the trees. I have added you to my prayer list. Lemoyne Watkins, have had a stroke, but have good memories of Xuan Loc and AB8AO I am racking my brain for their names. Cant remember the name of his replacement (maybe Tanner or something like that) but recall he was scrambling around on top of the field grade bunker during the attack you mentionednever could get a coherent explanation for why he was up there. Im at slandry164@gmail.com if anyone wants to connect with me (Im his eldest son).Thanks and ALLONS! Was there during Tet 68. Most of my time spent with commo on the MACV 87 compund, up on Signal Mountain, and down at Ham Tan. I did, and they established a base line for me and listed every place I was during all tours with the dates. I do remember being with a cav platoon that had two Dusters attached and we set up a firebase with a battery of 155;s, It was called FB Penny after the artillery CO a black Capt named something like Pennypacker? he was there from 1966 -1969 as a advisor. Hi the one I worked with was a red cross volunteer surgeon, I believe from Canada. A Vietnamese band plays music at Pleiku airport. Moneypenny was my immediate superior when I arrived. We got together and we thought that he had made it. Mr. Willbanks: Im a volunteer with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund effort to find photos of all men who died in Vietnam for the Wall of Faces. Only a few hundred photos are yet to be found. You must have been at xuan loc same time as me- weird to read some of the stuff. I cane up from Ham Tan. I was in Ham Tan first, security platoon then RTO. Its a golfer and fishermans dream. Hi Sean Always thought it was a MACV camp at xuan loc. How are your wounds doing? Got stuck with the guys up on the mountain relay site for a few days. Do you remember the name of the Platoon Sgt? I had heart failure. Bill Stoner, hang in there. Please contact me at blackhorse4@verizon.net. Advisors were killed under mysterious circumstances probably set up by their Vietnamese counterparts.. Not personally. Only a Chihuahua at the moment but never can tell what my wife will take in. What a loss.Stayed in 3 more years but got RIFD along with all the other Infantry Captains. Sr Adv Col Tuberty may be the only one. Does anyone remember a Jeff Barker an ex British Army officer who led a bunch of mike force or David (Foxy) Cronin another Aust Navy Officer who was a liaison officer at Xuan Loc. Yet I worked the Switchboard from April to May 68, then I worked as a Lineman with the Comm Unit. Slow healing so I go to a wound clinic every Friday. Oh well, keeps us alert and young. I went to flight school I have a picture of a group of the guys. He has been deceased for 10 years and didnt talkbout his fighting in WWII, Korea, or Vietnam but I know from his files that he was in Xuan Loc. Stay safe, Do you remember Smitty the co.vlerk at Xuan Loc or Sgt Apple? Am doing research on where the Gia Ray camp exactly was located. Several LTs including me who had disputes with higher ups found out he took our side.. Was there for Martha Ray when perform on the makeshift stage. 1LT Raymond Lyn Collier & I was a Spc 5 as well. Wish I could remember more on the days gone bye but all the notes here are good. Zoomie was there awhile back and said it had changed considerably. However, my Dad was 6-1 tall and and 44 years old. III Corp I didnt think much about Agent Orange. Anything I lost there I havent needed for 40 years so I dont need it now. President Thieu, Vice President Ky and Commanding General Montagnard II Corps Lieutenant General Vinh Loc salute the troops standing in formation. Facing a courts martial for striking his Division Surgeon in public he was forced into retirement as a 2-star in Germany. Did you sell out in Nevada? Mountains in the background. This was near the village of Tuc Trung. I came in country on the Troop ship Walker in April of 66 with HHC 4th Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment 25th Infantry Cu Chi. Life is short. I was talking about 1Lt Carrol Walker in this last post. Can you send me an e-mail at naa588@msn.com so I can reply to you and ask a few questions. Please contact me at blackhorse4@verizon.net. She deals with everything.VA has been pretty good. I am currently assisting in the writing a history on the 135th and the navy contingent. THe VIetnamese commander at the time avoided the VC and probably was a turn coat. I guess I spent too many days and nights in the woods, enough to last a lifetime, so camping out is not my cup of tea. I think it was Watts ? Hope all is well. One of the RTOs from the hill was aboard. SA was Col. Robert Steele, and my superior was Maj. Like to see the movie, Patton. As a Field Grade I communicated easily with the Battalion and Regimental Commander and conveyed Infantry instructions from the Sergeant and coordinated Fire Support..I went with the 48th on missions into and around the Dogs Head and the area North of Tay Ninh West and the Cambodian border. That was in 67 68. I was with the Comm Unit worked on the Telephones. John Landry then at the 11th Cav and was routed to the Suoi Cat attack by the VC on 2nd December 1966. He is was a RuffPuff unit. Died quickly. In 1970 he was on recon but did not get to tell me where, but that was when he was serving his second term 1970/1971 at Rach Gia again. I always wanted to contact him in later years. If you havent already, google the battle and view the videos. This page is not available in other languages. Medivaced to 90th EVAC, Japan, then Walter Reed. He wasnt 11th Armor Cav Commander.. Please have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Regimental SA was LTC Davis,a great guy. A CH-54 helicopter of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne is seen in flight on a combat assault mission. I was in Bien Hoa before that. It was originally a French rubber plantation and the U.S. Army kept the plantation buildings and even the swimming pool. Have had a stroke and memory shot to hell. I asked for another assignment and they sent me to Xuan Loc, Vietnam, Headquarters Battery, 2 nd Battalion 35 th Artillery (Camp Husky). I worked in the Admin office and then later worked for the Senior Advisor as a secretary in his office on the ARVN base hq. I am not on FB or twitter, I too flew a few times with Pappy [call sign Aloft 34 if i recall correctly] ]to see how the Army did it as I was the spook [call sign Kenny Zero One Alpha] with the Air Force FAC team that supported the 18th ARVN from July 67-Sep 69. I need to get some info on Doc Snyder and a few other things from way back then. It has been a lot of years since, so dont quote me on that. 1969 in the Vietnam War; Xun Lc Base Camp; Usage on vi.wikipedia.org Cn c Xun Lc; Usage on www.wikidata.org Q19841064; Structured data. I just missed the bomb attack on the saigon floating restaraunt by a couple days. Yes, I believe it was in August. Dennis, you were with the AF FAC when I was there. . Dont know if I ever met him though. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. read an article in the Indpls. I was an Advisor with the 4th/43rd/18thDivision and we went into the same area as the 1st on the 8th. I arrived in Xuan Loc in Feb. 70 and was assigned to the 5th ARVN Cav. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Were they on maneuvers or was this a fixed position battle? Unfortunately, I dont remember hardly any of the folks that were there. We just keep going and going. I was in the como building at the switchboard from Jan 66 to Jan 67. While being with HQ element. I lived down the road from the Team compound with 43rd RCAT near the officers (Viet) club. Probably Colonel Tuberty, who came over from 11th Cav. I was in the TOC at that time but left in April. I will be going to Dr in Feb. to check I was on the top when Husky let lose with their 175s it shook the crap out of the the Com-Tower. I was with the signal unit at Xuan Loc from June 67 until June 68. I used to have to climb it a month to replace the batteries in the field phone. Dont know when this picture was taken, looks so civilized though. Of some comfort, I suppose, to know that, at least, it was Maj. Turners idea. Took a jeep out to the crash site. Do you know what's the last name of the Frankie you are looking for? CPT Ralph Standbrook. IT WAS THE 1ST BATTALION-43RD REGIMENT OF THE 18TH ARVN DIVISION. I think it was up to 200 feet at the top When I saw your post I wanted to let you know. He was the son of General Patton. I would love to find out more both of his Vietnam tours! well Sir y0u beat me to retirement. Can not remember names of a Captain and Sergeant I worked with at the Regimental HQ at Blackhorse those days. Worked many times with Yourself, Captain Hope and Pappy. 50 years now. Circumstances were: TF 3-43 surrounded at Dau Tieng, east of Cu Chi for about 10 days. Battalion . Im doing a remembrance paper on LT Collier and am trying to get as much information about him and that time period as I can. I was with the 1st Sig Brigade in the MACV compound in Xuan Loc Dec 69, in Bien Hoa for the friendly fire incident 17 & 18 Feb. 70. Thought I would touch base since the pandemic is now pretty much behind us. A cute nurse came in and he got a rise over it and was very happy that it still worked. He Passed away this year. Their unit was just probably assigned an AO to check out. Living the dream!! I was a radio operator at Xuan Loc from Sept. 1967 to late Aug. 68. Dont remember very many names from that time. I will try to locate Tuc Trunguy. BTW: Both Steele and Plummer were great as SA. ED when were you in-country and with Tm#87??? Great pilot and friend. 4/43rd I was sent to Ham Tam to run that site with Team 48 great bunch of guys. I believe it was during this time that they were in Cambodia under heavy fire by a machine gun nest and lost many man until he lost it stepped out into the machine gunners range of fire and blasted them away. I am looking for a teammate John C. Lamar at 18 DIVISION in Phan Tri training center at Long Giao Base who worked there in 1971 then goong back to America. I am also looking for information about my Vietnamese counterpart. (LogOut/ I hear it was next to the rock quarry.am trying to locate it on Google Map but am having trouble finding it. I was a radio teletype operator at the Team Base. I got out without a wound. After several months in Tay Ninh I was brought back to Xuan Loc and assigned to The Hill hill 837 radio relay site, 15 clicks east of Xuan Loc, where I spent the next 6 months. But Patton carried an AR 15 and sprayed the bastards on his way out caring that big guy. Hope all is well. I sometimes wonder even today if there was something else I could have done to convince him to give up on his idea. I do have a few pictures (non-combat) of Xuan Loc, Tay Ninh, and Nui Ba Din I would be happy to send to you for your reunion. Used to stay at the continental hotrlbin saugon when i had time off. My uncle served in this group, SSGT Leon Green. Thank you. A marine carries a PRC-25 radio on his back crawls through the grassy area.. Battalion Command post set up in the field with communications gear and tall antennas. I know another Capt. No Ray I have not heard of him. He showed us pictures of his wife-a beautiful lady. Lee He and I remained good friends until his passing. Some had blue and grey uniforms and some just in brown and grey. I am his eldest son and I live outside of Wash., DC near Dulles Airport. attached to 87th MACV at Xuan Loc from April 67 through TET until end of March 68. They settled in Binghamton, NY. Retired Aug 73. Many times trips were made with just me and my driver. We have beat the bushes in Binghamton, but no one remembers him, much less has a photo. Thanks for asking. Unfortunate that the censor chose to delete my description of the corpse I didnt intend for it to be deliberately graphic but rather to provide context for why Sgt. We only travel where porcelain facilities exist, but wish we had a camper at times. I will be back with you. It would be good to hear from you. I was there in late 65 till april 66. Seems like yesterday. Marv Zumwalt doesnt remember me and I dont remember him. Wife was born in El Centro, CA and has family in California and Arizona. Activities of "F" Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, during Operation Thor , in the Vietnam War. (Google the famous Xmas card incident.) I was with the 18th Division G-3 TOC and the I&R. He also arranged for me to take the FAST (flight school) test in Saigon, and arranged help flight to take me down and back to XuanLoc. I think shortly after you left Major Stimlsly? Big relief as you can imagine. English: Aerial view of Fire Support Base Xuan Loc, manned by members of Battery "A," 5th Battalion, 42nd Artillery, 54th Artillery Group, II Field Force. Are you he? I am sorry that I cant provide any more info. By Thomas E. Ricks April 14, 2015, 11:41 AM Thomas E. Ricks covered the U.S. military from 1991 to 2008. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and are now looking for a Prosperous and Safe New Year. This would be my third, a most likely last, return in past 4 years. Got some ulcers on my left foot. One time in September 1971, I was the temporary SA for a couple days. No, the picture was not of Xuan Loc at the MACV compound. I cant imagine the compound being that improved! My email is b333@comcast.net . I had met LTC Ginger while at Tay Ninh. I was in the EM club just about everyday talking with other guys about what was going on with no duty assignment yet! His case is particularly difficult. Phil, Thanks for the friendly comment. I do remember the OClub, because that is where I got my Captains bars which were presented to me by Col Coleman at the bottom of a glass of bourbon. I was there at the time. I will look in my parents photo albums for the photo you sent to my mother. Dead bodies and body parts. Very happy to see the site is still going. Some said he did it to himself because of personal problems. and ran into him there.we went to high school together and were dumbfounded as we met near the radio room. There is a silver lining. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). General Nazzaro converses with Lieutenant General Herman Nickerson and Lieutenant General Xuan Lam. I have an aerial pic of the Fire Base. The request granted, the. Mr. Chuck Billeud. some spots on my body. For any guys reading this WATCH those PSA levels closely! Do you remember the Doc that got assigned to the compound ? This article is a list of known military operations of the Vietnam War in 1969, conducted by the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States and their allies. The new SA was Col Plummer and he used all combat branch officers as Infantry on operations with the 48th. I think I remember Micka and the debate on the accident. Walt Ginger returned to the team after that but he was never right mentally I figured. R. Wolfe. Woodworth? Hi haylett was with you on both mountains and smitty the black guy. He was shot up pretty good in his Jeep headed back to his RFPF unit as I remember. It shocked us all when we found out that he had died. Dick Wolfe Anything on him his helpful. Best cream of chicken soup i have ever had! My father was in Xuan Loc in 1968 or 69. Tuc Trung was a small village that was adjacent to some rubber. Got a fewe rides in the back seat with Pappy, Aloft 34. Hope your life went well. My name is Caldwell and I was the Team Sgt Major.. ARVN Div did not have a Sgt Maj in their TOE/TA. Cant remember the name of the Warrant Officer who was in charge of all of that. Yep LTC Patton told us the same. Definitely made an impression on this young LT! Dont recall the Wild Bunch incident. I also, remember that the 25th lost all the ground in Cambodia and the NVA was headed toward Tay Ninh. He was wounded in action and passed 20 Nov 69. Neighborhood kids, An Loc, Binh Long Province, Viet Nam, 1968 Neighbors smoking, An Loc, Binh Long Province, Viet Nam, 1968 in late 65 till aprill 1966. When back home (late Sept. early Oct.?) lol. Is there anyone here Team 87 Xuan Loc, from august 1965 to April 1966? Got on the post, but w/in 5 minutes the political officer white shirt and black trousers showed up and threw me out. Gia Ray was the thorn. We signed up for an apartment in a senior living facility here and sold our house last year in about two weeks. Gia Ray was the rock crusher site.was not Xuan Loc. After talking to him for a while, I suggested that it might be a good time for him to take a break from Vietnam maybe return to the states for a year, then back to Vietnam if thats what he wanted to do. After five hours of intense fighting, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces were driven off. Lost all mine during baggage transfer to CONUS. Nothing like George in the movie but there were only the five of us so it wasnt a big command thing. Would appreciate an email to crossmanred@aol.com. Do any of you remember the Native American who was at 18th Div YOC and went on misdions eith the I&R. Tho we all called the town Xuan Loc, its real name is Gia Ray. I will continue working with your info, once things are restored. 185 pp. SSG Maauel Barrera was KIA in September 1967. Have not had any contact other you from the time i was there Sept 65 to april 66. was guard on compond 67 sept. 68 july wilson(team97), I think I remember you WilsonI was S/G under Big C ( SFC. I would like to get in touch with him if you could help.Thanx,SSG John Fechner,MACV TM 87, 69 and 70.EMAIL: jefechner@comcast.net. Vietnam War 1969 American and Vietnamese troops wait to move out on patrol through a coffee plantation, some 50 miles east of Saigon near Xuan Loc, Vietnam on Dec. 31, 1969. Rest in Peace my friend. You will have that memory of what it was and looked like until the day we die. We just had our 60th reunion, so we are OLD. We are in Leaf city. There were 1700 of us in the whole country back then and we were para military. Returned early 2005 and it changed my life. Whod guess Id leave my final tour down the road 6 years later. emailmajikman1@yahoo.com, Hi Walt. Got to work with Kit Carson Scouts with the line units. The Sultan left on Aug. 19th, Upshur on 20th and Barrett on the 23rd.

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xuan loc, vietnam 1969