which of the following statements best describes ethical behavior


C. Which of the following is a correct statement? D. observing the actions of others. Although a rare occasions, a patient may, at times, ask you to do something that is not ethical. Which of the following statements is true about business ethics? Creating competition between employees within the corporation: B. The government was compelled to protect them due to the fact that too many people would lose their jobs. He had personal beliefs related to his treatment. ________ refers to standards of moral behavior. b. 7. Rather than try to follow a . D. define us as being moral absolutists or moral situationalists. A. force us to make poor choices. A. the intended approach. If you were a part of this work team, which question would you ultimately ask yourself before initialing your approval of this policy? The stage of universal ethical principles. b. Which of the following would most likely involve ethical concerns? c. A clinical psychologist monitored the study. Is it balanced? According to Adam Smith's version of capitalism, the values each individual must have to produce for the common good are propriety, prudence, reason, __________ and promoting the happiness of mankind. In research, which of the following best describes ethics and ethical behavior? What constitutes ethical and unethical behavior is generally black and white and extremely clear-cut. A. a personal matter to be determined by each employee. e. A Corporate culture. Which of the following is not an aspect of the institutionalization of social responsibility? C. use education, leadership, and accountability to reinforce the code. It outlined the future of ethical guidelines that influenced ethical practices today. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. B. always end up bringing out the best in us. c. Ethics does not matter if you are working with nonhuman animals. D. a firm's responsibility to its owners. Animal research provide models that can be applied to humans. A. b. Treating participants as worthy individuals, d. Protecting participants' confidentiality. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Which of the following industries has the lowest rating after the most recent financial meltdown? a. It is a system of formal and repeated behaviors that unite people. 6. With respect to business ethics, it can be said that "it takes two to tango." a. What are some of the elements of a transformational sustainability strategy? d. Participants of the film were not deceived. (S)he is exceptionally organized. B. tracking the failures of those who are caught in business scandals. Which of the following statements is true of the Occupational Safety and Health Act? Bioethics is a subcategory of ethics. a. A. Overstating an expense report. D. observing the actions of others. d. Ethics can be difficult to understand and hard to get right. d. Participants were informed right after the study that no shock was given. B. ethics must be taught in every business school around the globe. Kant's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule are examples of which moral philosophy? The investor must take the majority of the responsibility for not performing due diligence prior to investing with Madoff. C. prices. A friend offers to share with you a term paper previously prepared for her Introduction to Business class last semester. C. law enforcement officers c. It became the first committee to invite researchers and doctors to work together. Moving factory production to an area with low wages and few health regulations may not be illegal, but it would mostly likely be considered _____. This indicates that: Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: He explains to the supervisors that the new policy will be posted in the break rooms on each floor of corporate headquarters. C. ethical A. the breakdown of traditional religious institutions. In describing or reporting their qualifications, services, products, fees, research, or teaching, they do not make statements that are false, misleading, or deceptive. C. lower prices. Ethical behavior will result in which of the following? Soliciting the opinions of others in a work group or in the overall business in order to gain feedback, justice principles were beliefs that everyone could accept, An ethical corporate culture needs _____ along with _____ to establish an ethics program and monitor the complex ethical decisions being made by employees. d. The guidelines were relevant but it was too difficult to practically employ them all in one moment. Ethics and ethical practice are integrated into all aspects of nursing care. a. B. Madoff was convicted for his crime because he was a "lone ranger" in white-collar crime, whereas Enron and WorldCom were part of the "too big to fail" corporations. Performing the Selected Desired Course of Action to Resolve the Ethical Dilemma. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? Which of the following statements best describes an opportunity? Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives, Introduction: Context and Challenges for HRM, Globalism, Multinational Enterprises and HRM, Diversity in Organisations: HRM and International Practices, HRM in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), upgrade your version of Internet Explorer, Rules or standards governing a profession, Business is outside the realm of ethical enquiry and morally neutral or amoral, Ethics in business do exist but differ from ethics in other spheres and may appear amoral in other spheres, Business, politics and private life share the same ethics as part of a moral community, Special privileges awarded to criminals and prisoners, What the European Parliament decides is right, Rights listed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights 1948, Rules designed to frustrate legal proceedings, Determine the strategy of the organisation, Dominate the operational issues in the organisation, Have an interest or concern in the activities of an organisation, The responsibility of an organisation to use its resources solely to increase profits, The responsibility of an organisation to fulfil its economic, social and environmental obligations to all of its stakeholders, The responsibility of an organisation to donate any excess profits to charities and community organisations, The responsibility of an organisation to protect the environment at all costs, Because it is specifically about organisation survival, It is ecocentric, eco-efficient, with 5Rs rethink, reinvent, redesign, redirect and recover, It is anthropocentric, eco-effective, with 5Rs rethink, reinvent, redesign, redirect and recover, It is ecocentric, eco-effective with 5Rs reduce, reuse, repair, recycle and regulate, It is ecocentric, eco-effective with 5Rs rethink, reinvent, redesign, redirect and recover, Beliefs or guiding principles that are core to the organisation and help steer the right actions, The collective value of the organisations assets, A statement setting out the organisations strategy, Because of the responsibilities that HRM has for the key processes and practices in an organisation, Because of the HRM role in promoting fairness and justice in an organisation, Because of the ethical component set out in HRM professional standards and codes of conduct. C. instilled by the leadership of outside consultants. Harm can be intentional or unintentional. B. a failure of leadership to establish ethical standards. D. company leaders should adopt and support a corporate code of ethics. B. an improvement in overall manager morale. Ethical ______ is the ability to perceive whether a situation or decision has an ethical dimension. The president of the company realizes that ethical relationships are based on: Teleology is a philosophy that states that, an act is morally right or acceptable if it produces a desired result, The types of moral philosophy discussed in the text include, According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, different individuals make different decisions in similar ethical situations because. c. Animal research provides platforms to do experiments that are difficult to perform on humans. Is it legal? Ethics is determined by self-interest. B. A. wider When Angela graduated with a degree in computer science and started her software company, she posted a sign that read, "This company will always operate within the legal limits of the law." B. D. can bring out the best in employees. Beneficence is doing good and the right thing for the patient. For example, providing nursing care for clients undergoing an abortion may raise ethical and moral concerns and issues for some nurses; and some patients may be affected with a liver transplant rejection because donor livers are not abundant enough to meet the needs of all patients who request it. D. integrity, Which of the following terms describes someone who reports illegal or unethical behavior? Accountability is accepting responsibility for one's own actions. Nonmaleficence is doing no harm, as stated in the historical Hippocratic Oath. d. Animals are generally not protected and it is up to the goodwill of researchers to ensure that they are protected. Business relationships often present ethical dilemmas that are: B. religious institutions What were some of the major achievements of the Declaration of Helsinki? Utilizing a(n) _____ allows an organization to identify, monitor, and respond to the needs, values, and expectations of different stakeholder groups. C. Integrity John has committed. Which of the following is not a recognised form of organisational justice? (S)he has a background in human resource management. Is staff effectively applying ethical principles to their daily practice? Many hospitals, medical centers and other healthcare facilities have multidisciplinary ethics committees that meet as a group and resolve ethical dilemmas and conflicts. Stakeholders are the individuals or groups who: d. Have an interest or concern in the activities of an organisation. D. self-motivated, Many Americans define ethical behavior according to the situation in which they find themselves. Which of the following best describes the Institutional Review Board? As with all other aspects of nursing care, the outcomes of the interventions to promote ethical practice are evaluated and measured. The collected data is then organized and analyzed. Which statement best describes ethics in business? b. Laws represent the minimum guidelines that companies must follow, whereas a firm's ethical stance may venture beyond the minimum level of compliance.

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which of the following statements best describes ethical behavior