stacy kuykendall obituary


Also, he could have gotten at least one of the children out of that house. Willingham's ex-wife, Stacy Kuykendall, has kept a low profile throughout the debate over his execution. It was pretty convincing1,000 times more convincing than Mr. Beyler's pack of lies, deliberate distortions of the truth, gross errors and other wrongdoing in this so-called "report".I also believe Ms. Kuykendall. Not without the scientific evidence to firmly back up that the fire was deliberate arson. We know that Craig Beyler is a "whore of the court" investigator was paid $30,000 to advocate a particular conclusion. Tags Amber Kuykendall. at 10:15,A person's interests last beyond their lifetime. Moreover, as I have demonstrated above, defending oneself is not the same thing as declaring your client guilty beyond question. Show your support But it seems that most of them felt grief and sadness instead. That's why I know OJ did it as he let the kids live because they were HIS kids. Just like no one seems to understand us. Not only confessed, but confessed during a visit which by all accounts would have been recorded by the state. And you could try reading your own authority and stop lying and misleading everyone first. Mrs. Kuykendall was an honors graduate of Murphy High School and. But justice is to sell to the highest bidder. Co opting and the very real grief of a victm to silence other voices and political gain is rephensible and as immoral as those thease "Tough on Crime " ilk condemn so loudly . Nor can we convict a man on the basis of the words of a wife whom he beat and who lives with the grief of the loss of her children and a hatred for a man who she feels should have either saved them or died in the attempt. Stacy was unharmed as she was out Christmas shopping at the time. Then she stabbed my brother and he died. My whole family knows that James was murdered and so said the coroner who did the autopsy on my murdered brother. Like Louisiana. And as the years went by, she probably gave in to that idea. Get over it . Stacy Kuyendall was 13 years old when she died. If you had an indigent relative accused of a major felony, would you be comfortable with having Mr. Martin defend him or her?Chris. It is obvious you don't know what the hell you are talking about but are arrogant to think you are qualified to give legal opinions. And do it again and again and again and keep your story straightall the while realizing that any father who doesn't give his life for the sake of his babies is worthless in the eyes of the rest of the human race, and is probably better off dead too.Yea, there is no reason for his inconsistent statements but that he set the fire, and those taken together with the rock artist posters in the laundry room are proof that he was a devil worshiper and deserved to die.I guess it's just that the whole world is against Texas because they are so independent minded after winning the war with Mexico andblah blah blah. Annon Cyber Bully you protest too loudly as they say . His statements to the Corsicana paper ridicule the work of innocence projects. We covered that, too. Our brother was their "amigo". Or one might argue that she was still in the childrens bedroom when she called out to him. They, of all people, should get it. We don't cry. Not even for actually being Satanists if that's what floats their boat. Not for reacting badly in emergencies. him will not make Mr Willingham guilty . "And you wonder why I FIRMLY believe and stake my life on it and that of my beloved murdered brother James, that Cameron Todd Willingham was indeed guilty. O W Kuykendall (Kirk or Dub to his family and friends) passed away November 1, 2021. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. He accepted Christ and baptized on December 31, 2014. We all have to live with the tragic loss of our beloved brother. Stacy Kuykendall Willinghamgirlslivesmattered is on Facebook. Waurika. Any log or record of who has accessed or listened to recordings from visitations for now-deceased death row inmate Cameron Todd Willingham. If you are protecting your conscience because you don't want to admit a mistake was made and you might be responsible, then I too would be reluctant to step up to the plate. Mr. Martins attack of innocence project, which have helped many wrongfully convicted persons regain their freedom, is indefensible. No lawyer with integrity would so slander a dead client to save face. I am sure TDCJ will give it to you with Goodhairs blessings ! A normal person would never have acted like he did.Any ideas, comments?Jean, I have just re-read the Beyler report. Human rights and justice isn't real high on the list of values! If he did not do it . He has defended his work - which he has the right to do. You really need your own blog. He said that he yelled at her and then exited the house, leaving Amber and the twin infants inside to die. Details in Stacy Kuykendall recent statements contradict what she said in multiple statements to law enforcement authorities, letters to Willingham and attorneys, and under oath at his trial. Perhaps you have a reason to worry he might be innocent you sure act it . The cognitive dissonance would drive anyone crazy.The final death-row conversation is truly ambiguous. Dr. Beyler concluded that a finding of arson cannot be sustained. The state presented ostensibly credible evidence in all the DNA exoneration cases as well. I claimed only that Mr. Willinghams first appeal did not raise ineffective counsel, not that he never raised this issue; please stop uttering falsehoods.Because it is not raised in an appeal, therefore, your statement was irrelevant, ignorant, and deliberately misleading. You just have to know the right people, have enough clout, and enough money and you can do like OJ didcommit any murders you want and walk away scot-free without punishment.Any ideas, any comments?Jean. Therefore, your argument that he has a right to defend himself is misleading. Shame on you! Mr. Willinghams first appeal did not even raise the question of ineffective counsel, so the fact that it was not found in this instance is strictly meaningless.What is meaningless is what you wrote above. Why are you denying the scientific truth? Were not talking about new law here. When intelligent people presented with the same basic evidence can't arrive at a consensus you have reasonable doubt. All their covering up does is cause the media to dig deeper that they do not get it shows how arrogant and out of touch with reality they are . And the odd thing is that I've not broken any laws that I'm aware of, there's no real reason for any of this. This is just another variation: I murdered the kids because you said you were going to leave me. Shame on you for ignoring her pain.Chris. In order to understand Texas politics, you have to understand the authoritarian personality. My injuries are permanent and I have to live with them the rest of my life. Correction again: I said in my 1:46 pm post: "I used to be against the cold-blooded murder of unborn babies up to the 3rd monthuntil I found out they do it up to 9 months, even minutes before birth for ANY reason. Jean. With respect to IAC I have seen no legal authority charge Mr. Martin with anything. One story said he was more interested in saving his car, though one could speculate that perhaps he moved the car because it was something he could do to aid in the firefighters effort to rescue his children. Dont hold your breath as long as the wig is Governor. Something they thought terribly funny. If you wish to have a legal system that works with gossip, assumptions and the prejudices of the local yahoos, congratulations. Anon at 9:44 through 9:57,"I am unaware of his attorney repeating any confidential communications of Willingham. She told reporters that Willingham set the fire that killed the girls "and watched while their. Beyler was paid to write a report about arson investigations, not to weigh in on Mr. Willingham's guilt or lack thereof, and certainly not for his (unknown) views on the death penalty. Goodhair and company sure are acting that way By defending this unethical attorney Willingham is guilty ? Also, he changed his story on the fire, I understand, about 27 times. Neighbors said Todd didn't try. They would never pursue her even tho they knew how to find her.You CAN get away scot-free in Florida with premeditated 1st-degree murder if you know the right people and have money and other connections. is not allowed the same thing. Nothing would be better for Goodhair's campaign than for him to stick to his guns that Willingham deserved to die even if he is proven absolutely factually innocent. The State of Texas buggered it up big time on this one and we all know it. Tx has made many mistakes on death row inmates and sentencing was done in the usual way. From 7:00 -- Thanks for your thoughtful response. Publicity sometimes shakes some things loose. Thank you.Chris, To all,Here is a link to comments about Mr. Martin, It is obvious you don't know what the hell you are talking about but are arrogant to think you are qualified to give legal opinions.One cannot lie if one does not know what one is talking about; its a flat-out contradiction. Life without parole is also life without hope. Maybe it's paranoia, maybe it's really something in the water, or maybe I'm just allergic to the whole state, but I'm more comfortable vacationing in third world countries during political unrest, the odd tourist joint during catastrophic natural disasters and found New Orleans in the early days following Katrina relaxing compared to my average visit to just about anywhere in Texas. Doctors tried to revive her before pronouncing her dead. Those of us who comment on this case ought to respect that Ms. Kuykendall has experienced things most of us can only begin to imagine and should tread carefully. He said he had been called "Hambone" for so long that he felt like it was his name and he felt strange when he was called by his name James.We all love him so much. Let's stop protecting ourselves and make Texas a better state. We are sad to announce that on October 16, 2022, at the age of 78, Gary Lynn Kuykendall in Charleston, Arkansas passed away. But that's not a reasonable conclusion based on her inconsistent statements.Really who you should blame for this line of argument isn't the media but her family members who gave affidavits about what she'd supposedly said at a private family meeting. For a book deal or a movie would guilty or innocent be a more profitable ending? She kept it just in case that corrupt so-called "justice system" decided to prosecute the serial killer who murdered my brother but they never did.You CAN commit murder in Florida and get away with it. Trust me, I know more about fires than you probably do.What convinces me, more than anything, is that he refused to go back in the house when it was first smoldering. to the late Carmen and Ethel Cates Kuykendall. We just multiply. Stop lying and misleading people. What motive would Stacy have to lie about something like this after all this time. If anything, if she had any doubts about his guilt it would seem that she would be the FIRST person asking questions about the evidence used to convict. at 10:19 AM, Anon. [5] The tape or audio file (in whatever format it's maintained in) of any recorded visitations with Cameron Todd Willingham during the month before his execution. stacy kuykendall obituary. KUYKENDALL, JR. Mr. Frederick Thurman Kuykendall, Jr. - a native of Geiger, AL and a resident of Mobile, AL since 1952 died Thursday, August 22, 2009 in a local hospital. I fact, I thought you were adamant that Willingham could have saved his older child.Willingham may have been guilty as sin but the source of the fire has proved questionable. But (and this is addressed not only to the commenter but to Grits and David Grann)-- can't we argue our points without attacking Stacy Kuykendall and calling her a liar and worse?Try to imagine what she went through. Bobby Gene Kuykendall, age 58, passed away on Nov. 27, 2022, at Southeast Hospital in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. "Sorryin a hurry because I have to go somewhere.And yes, I like grits. And out of dozens of posts I wonder how I hit a nerve.I don't know what happened but I can say for sure that today there is certainly reasonable doubt. Real classy. The only definition of justice for these people is deference to authority and power. In her statement to the Star-Telegram Stacy says when she got to the hospital she asked Todd why her children were dead and he was still alive and Todd had nothing to say. View the profiles of people named Stacy Kuykendall. There is a difference between morals and crimes but our society today is even quicker to pass judgment. Accidents do NOT happen and this fire was NO accident. Since almost all IAC claims require evidence outside the record, they are not raised in an appeal. O.J. The people who keep the likes of Goodhair in his gig don't care whether Willingham set the fire or not. Her father's grave is beside hers. Ferrari Funeral. It's your fault. I used it because in a number of conversations about this case, it was brought up. I put the wrong link to the story above but can find the correct one.It is a good link with a victim's family calling for anger to be turned around and used in a positive way.We have a system you do not trust but you give them your blessing to carry out executions of your choice.Todd Willingham was a young man. I see the same pattern of Willingham's lies & deception, and the TOTALITY of the evidence in Willingham's case. You linked to something that links to a case. Woodward. Obituary Bud Kuykendall, age 92, passed away peacefully on Monday, January 11, 2021 at his home in Sandia, Texas. Annon Cyber Bully What is your agenda ? So there. We even have a lovely clip with the so called defense attorney who sounds like he should have been heading the lynch mob instead of defending anyone. She had to have lied.10/28/2009 08:15:00 AM : No, give your respect back to Grits. The ONLY question should be is IF the killer did it or not.Then the next question should be, WHEN to execute the murdererand that's all.Anyone who opposes the death penalty, opposes justice for the victim, and is uncivilized, and extremely barbaric. Willingham's own version of events was essentially a confession. Why didn't he? Grits, Frist I can say that from my real life experince with being on Polunsky . Apparently those who think he is doing so don't understand the Texas conservative political ideology which drives his constituency. Not only will it be great to hear the tape but it will also tell us who also had this brilliant idea before you. Not for liking hard rock. The sole exception was when she spoke out about his ultimate fate in a 2012 interview with The. Can you provide a link that shows that Mr. Willingham waived this privilege? In the next paragraph she says "I lost all my children." No, I don't think Willingham was guilty and I hope the hell that his legacy is to bring change. His birthdate was 1837. They said he moved his car away to prevent it being scorched but made no effort to save the girls. There is no doubt this man was evil but as long as he was alive there was someone to blame for the pain and suffering of those left behind. That is simply offensive and out of line . TDCJ has not released any recording yet and it will not because there is not one . It is time to stop the persecution, convictions and even executions of those that are disliked.

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stacy kuykendall obituary