recount text about holiday in bali


We saw the lovely sunrise there. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali. There were so many monkies. Recount text yaitu sebuah text yang menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu (a text that tells past experience). The wave was rough, so do the wind. There, my brother and I swim at the beach, while my parents only stayed at the beach side to enjoy the sun. Informasi, Edukasi, Contoh Tugas dan Soal Sekolah. Of course, my family and I did not want to miss such an excellent place to take our pictures. My holiday in bali when i was 2 nd grade of senior high school my friends and i went to bali. Nun sukun bertemu , Soal Pembagian Bersusun Pendek Kelas 3 Operasi Hitung Perk, Geyeskyi 1993 dalam Munir 20132 mendefinisikan multimedia , Berita Acara Serah Terima Naskah Soal Ujian Nasional Un Mi, Memiliki nama lengkap Prof. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie dila. When I was in the second grade of senior high school, my friends and I had a vacation in Bali. First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. Last holiday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. Recount Text "HOLIDAY IN BALI" 23.30 Unknown HOLIDAY IN BALI. We had camping for about three days. I am was very enjoyed the journey, but on the way my bus got a problem so we must move to other bus. Recount Text Anggieta Wian R Minggu 11 November 2012 Holiday at Bali On holidays my family and I went to the island Bali. The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. Harganya Rp 82.500 bakal manusia dewasa dan bikin anak-anak di bawah 12 masa, namun segumpal harga. Nah, buat kamu yang kebetulan sedang mencari contoh recount text tentang liburan ke Bali, berikut ContohText sediakan beberapa contoh recount text holiday in Bali beserta dengan arti terjemahannya yang bisa dijadikan referensi penulisan tugas kamu. We leave home at Sunday. Akhirnya, kami kembali ke rumah dan membawa begitu banyak kenangan yang luar biasa dari Bali. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. Tanah Lot adalah tempat yang indah. She saw many trees lined along the roadside and many old Dutch houses. Kalau ingin mencari recount text lain seperti 4 contoh recount text holiday in Bali atau recount text tentang liburan ke pantai, kamu bisa klik label recount text yang tersedia. Kami berada di sana selama lima hari. Contoh recount text tentang liburan Contoh 2 Holiday in jogja I spent a week in Jogja with my parent in my grantparent house. The first day we visited the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue that is a symbol of the god . Suara musik itu dari tempat yang bagus, itu seperti auditorium. Adikku sangat bersemangat karena di juga terdapat sebuah taman bermain. The people were friendly the food was great and the. My family and I took a lot of pictures there. Itu adalah pemandangan yang luar biasa indah. The language feature of a recount text Past Tense, terutama menggunakan simple past tense karena menceritakan peristwa atau kejadian di masa lampau. The fourth day we visited Kuta and Nusa Dua Beach, beautiful beaches and many hotels around it. Membahas recount text pasti tidak akan jauh jauh bercerita pengalaman. We were there for four days. 11,75 + 10% tax for kids. My father told us that we would stay in Bali for one week. My Holiday in Bali. First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. Design The wave was rough, so do the wind. Kemudian kami berpindah ke salah satu tempat wisata luar biasa yang pernah aku kunjungi bernama Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana. On the fourth day, she was ready for the day of the tour to Singaraja. Tur berikutnya ke Ubud sangat berbeda. We were there for five days. Lalu, kami menuju ke hotel dan checked-in. Contoh recount text 1 liburan di bali my holiday in bali ditulis oleh annisa aulia saharani when i was 2nd grade of senior high school my friends and i went to bali. There is tea garden, waterfall, beautiful farm, etc. There, my brother and I swim at the beach, while my parents only stayed at the beach side to enjoy the sun. There was a Balinese Hindu temple called Pura not far from there. My little brother was so excited because there was also a playground. Akhirnya, karya wisata kami di Bali berakhir dan kami pulang ke Blora. After we reached the location, we first bought the entrance ticket. In the afternoon, we went to the nearby restaurant at Kuta Beach to satisfy our hunger. On the first day in Bali, we visited Sanur Beach. Khutbah idul fitri umumnya berisi tentang hikmah dari hari raya. Berikut ini contoh recount text tentang holiday beserta pembahasannya:List of dwarves in norse mythology intex pure spa reset. It is open every day, except on Nyepi day, from 09.00 am up to 05.00 pm. I wanted to buy anything I want. Kami sangat menikmati waktu kami di sana karena banyak olah raga air yang bisa dimainkan, seperti Jet Ski, banana boat, speed boat, dan lain sebagainya. I skipped those fun stuff and preferred to go to a little island which had a lot of reptiles in there, such as snakes, turtles, etc. We arrived at Bali at night, and then we checked in at a hotel and took a rest. Pemandangannya menakjubkan karena pulau itu terlihat seperti di tengah-tengah laut. Contoh recount text holiday in Bali Bird Park, image by Bali Bird Park. Mereka bertengger di lengan dan bahu, dan kadang-kadang di atas kepala. Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali Dan Artinya Terbaru Recount Text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau atau sudah lewat. That place was so wide. English is a favorite lesson during admin s study. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Aku penasaran bagaimana seseorang bisa memahat patung yang sebegitu besarnya. Nah, buat kamu yang kebetulan sedang mencari contoh recount text tentang liburan ke Bali, berikut ContohText sediakan beberapa contoh recount text holiday in Bali beserta dengan arti terjemahannya yang bisa dijadikan referensi penulisan tugas kamu. Then, we checked in to the hotel. It was really beautiful. Recount text my holiday in bali about admin 949 articles admin is an english teacher and undergraduate student of university in central java. Nah, tak usah berlalai-lalai sekali lagi, berikut contoh recount text holiday in Bali Bird Park beserta dengan arti terjemahannya yang dapat kamu jadikan referensi dalam penulisan tugas bacaan recount Bahasa Inggris. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. We went there in the sunny morning and hoped no rain during camping. Ini urai setiap hari, kecuali perian Permenungan, mulai pukul 9 pagi setakat 5 sore. Lalu, kami menemukan medan musik itu berasal. Last school holiday, I went to Bali with my family. We played water sports at there. It was a great scenery. Lalu, kami menuju hotel untuk beristirahat dan sarapan dulu sebelum melanjutkan petualangan kami. Sementara untuk nan mau belajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai tenses dan grammar, kamu bisa pelajari materi lengkapnya di daftar isi ContohText. I wanted to do all the same things I did in my university days . I spent the whole time along the way singing, joking around, and playing games with my friends. That was very great to see such a dance. My Vacation in Bali Bird Park with My Family. Source:, Puisi Tentang Lingkungan: 10 Tips Menulis Puisi Yang Memukau, Puisi Untuk Keluarga: Ungkapan Cinta Tanpa Batas, Pantun Penyemangat Kerja: Motivasi Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas, Pantun Buat Jomblo: Inilah Tips Dan Cara Untuk Menghibur Diri, Pantun Gombal Receh: Kocak Dan Bikin Senyum, Filosofi Layang Layang: Membaca Pesan Dibalik Kegembiraan Mengendalikan Layangan, Puisi Tentang Pemandangan: Menikmati Keindahan Alam, Pantun Rindu Lucu: Menghibur Hatimu Yang Merindu. Contoh recount text 1 liburan di bali my holiday in bali ditulis oleh annisa aulia saharani when i was 2nd grade of senior high school my friends and i went to bali. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Recount text is a text that how to use something. MY HOLIDAY IN BALI. Kami sampai di Bali pada lilin batik perian, lewat kami menginap di hotel dan beristirahat. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh recount text tentang liburan beserta artinya supaya para sahabat sbi bisa memahaminya dengan cepat. It was a great scenery. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. We took a break and had some meals before continuing the trip. berisi mana tahu saja nan terbabit dalam kisah, apa yang terjadi dalam cerita tersebut, dimana medan terjadinya cerita tersebut, dan pron bila terjadinya cerita tersebut. Kami melihat banyak sekali burung yang telah di kelompokkan dalam beberapa bagian berdasarkan tempat asalnya, seperti Afrika, Amerika Selatan, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Papua, Jawa, Bali dan lain sebagainya. I bought Bali T-Shirt, souvenirs and some food for gift there. Then we took a bath and took a rest. In the afternoon, We went to Penyu island to see unique animals such as big turtles, snake, and sea birds. We arrived at Bali at night, and then we checked in at a hotel and took a rest. It was so fun but also a bit scary at the same time. Ini tidak jauh dari hotel kami dan hanya selingkung satu jam semata-mata menyentuh sana. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. After that, we continued our trip to one of the most amazing tourist spot Tanah Lot. The purpose of a recount is to inform, entertain, and/or evaluate. On the last holiday, my family and I went to Bali. Disana, saya dan kakak saya berenang di pantai, kedua orangtua saya hanya berada dipinggir pantai untuk berjemur. We went there by car. We went in group of SMAN 1 Bawang Banjarnegara. Minggu 11 november 2012. Kita bias begitu dekat dengan mereka. Selain karena terbebas dari tugas, momen liburan juga lebih berkesan karena di isi dengan kegiatan traveling ke berbagai tempat wisata, salah satunya Bali. We had a wonderful holiday in Bali. Tempat itu sangat lebar. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh recount text tentang liburan beserta artinya supaya Para Sahabat SBI bisa memahaminya dengan cepat. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. Contoh Recount Text 1 - Liburan di Bali. Selamat menyimak! Luckily, the trip felt short because it was fun. Then, we went back to the hotel and pack our bags because we need to go back to Lampung the next day. After that, we visited to Sukowati Market. Lalu kami mandi dan beristirahat. Pada siang hari kami pergi makan di salah satu restoran di dekat pantai Kuta. Informasi, Edukasi, Contoh Soal dan Tugas Sekolah. Oke itu tadi cerita tentangRecount text tentang liburan ke Bali. We choose Guci because it is not too far from settlement. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. I swam two or three times a day but my brother fachri just spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed. Perhentian pertamanya adalah di Batubulan, pusat patung batu. After that, she moved to the next spot. After that, we went to the one of the souvenir shops there and bought some handicrafts and t-shirts. Bedugul adalah daerah resor gunung danau di Bali. We met so many other tourists there. It took 3 days to get there from Lampung. RECOUNT TEXT - MY HOLIDAY IN BALI -. Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. Sempurna recount text holiday in Bali Bird Park, image by Bali Bird Park. The recount text type retells an experience or an event that happened in the past. Tentu saja, saya dan keluarga saya tidak ingin melewatkan kesempatan di tempat sebagus itu untuk berfoto. Saya kepingin membeli semua yang saya mau. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. Dia sangat senang karena dia akan menghabiskan sepuluh hari di sana dan mimpinya untuk mengunjungi Bali akhirnya menjadi kenyataan. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. My father was right, there I took some pictures with the monkeys and they were friendly. We felt enjoyed and happy. One of our destinations was Bali Bird Park, located in Batubulan, Gianyar. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. Dia memesan dua tur dari agen turnya, yang pertama adalah tur ke Singaraja dan yang kedua ke Ubud. Recount text yaitu text yang menceritakan sebuah narasi, aksi maupun aktifitas yang terjadi di musim adv amat. That was amazing holiday for me. Contoh recount text tentang liburan ke bali dan artinya terbaru recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau atau sudah lewat. Over there we saw a hidden waterfall and we took arrest. Kami meninggalkan rumah puas waktu minggu. Contoh Narrative Teks Fabel Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Pengertian dan Contoh There is dan There are dalam Bahasa Inggris. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke tempat yang paling menakjubkan dan tempat terindah yang pernah saya kunjungi yang disebut Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). Ini megah dan unik, jadi kami berfoto-foto di sana. Kami memilihnya karena ini tak jauh dari hotel kami. For me, that was a beautiful day though I could not visit Malioboro. Setelah mencecah lokasi, kami purwa-tama membeli tiket masuk. It seemed that they had got used of people around them. The next day, my family and I went to a place which was full of monkeys called Alas Kedaton. My Friend's Vacation in Bali. We went back to our hotel at 3 oclock in the afternoon. There were a lot of birds and they were not afraid of human at all so we could touch them. Last holiday, my family and I had a vacation in Bali. . Using the plane when arrived in Bali I and the family stayed at the Vira hotel for a rest. We arrived at Bali at night, and then we checked in at a hotel and took a rest. So we could have our lunch while he was playing. Dia sangat menikmati tur ke Singaraja. In the evening, we went back to the hotel. Tujuan recount text ialah meredam emosi atau menginformasikan sesuatu kepada para pembaca. Di sana ditampilkan tari tradisional Bali. Then we moved to Guyu-Guyu corner. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Sangat menyenangkan melihat tarian seperti itu. It took 3 days to get there from Lampung. We were there for three days. Tujuan recount text adalah menghibur atau menginformasikan sesuatu kepada para pembaca. Holiday in Bali On the last holiday my family and I went to Bali. At last, we went to one of the biggest bottled tea beverage companies in Bali to do some observations. Selanjutnya, kami pergi ke Garuda Wisnu Kencana. My friend felt her ten days of stay ended so quickly. So, my family and I went to traditional market called Sukowati. Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali dan . It seemed that they had riol used of people around them. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. We went there by a car and a motorcycle for unwanted condition. We were exhausted but we didnt felt that because we enjoyed it and that was a very fantastic trip. We were there for three days. She and her group returned very late in the evening to Kuta. Ini menyenangkan tapi sekaligus juga sedikit menakutkan. The flight was only two hours from Jakarta. It was a great scenery. I had many impressive. . Liburan di Taman Burung Bali bersama Keluarga. Dan kami pulang membawa banyak kenangan yang tak terlupakan dari Bali. Jadi kami memutuskan untuk pergi ke Restoran Starling Bali. In the afternoon, we continued to visit Kuta Beach. Saat kami masuk ke Taman, kami begitu terkesima dengan kegantengan pemandangan dan kecantikan burung-burung di dalamnya. Contoh recount text tentang liburan ke Bali, image via [ ORIENTATION] First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. I took the plane from manado and for three and hours to jogja. 156.000. Karena berkesan dan seru, pengalaman liburan ke Bali banyak dijadikan bahan penulisan tugas recount text holiday in Bali. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. There was also a Bird Park photographer there who would take visitors photographs professionally for IDR. Setelah menginap semalam, Kami pergi mengunjungi ke Tanah Lot. When I was 2nd grade of senior high school my friends and I went to Bali. (3) Sreg pagi hari, saya dan tanggungan saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke pantai Kuta terlebih dahulu karena tidak terlalu jauh dari hotel kami. My father was right, there I took some pictures with the monkeys and they were friendly. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. Destinasi palagan wisata yang akan kita jadikan sebagai bahan recount text di sini merupakan salah suatu spot wisata tersohor di Bali yaitu Bali Bird Park. Ini merupakan sebuah pengalaman yang impresif dan tak terlupakan liburan di Taman Pelir Bali. There was also a bird nursery not far from the entrance gate. Demikian lah materi tentang recount text. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali. We reached there in the early morning, so we could enjoy an amazing landscape of sunrise. kingdom of deception console commands; Income Tax. Holiday in Bali We had a wonderful holiday in Bali. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs. Kami beristirahat dulu untuk menyegarkan tubuh dan pikiran untuk perjalanan esok. It was so fun but also a bit scary at the same time. On the first day, we sat up the tent on the spot near waterfall. My father told us that we would stay in Bali for one week. At the day we left for Bali, we arrived at 06.00 (six in the morning) by the car. Holiday in Bali. Ada banyak burung dan mereka tak takut dengan manusia sama sekali jadi kami bisa menyentuhnya. That place was vast and had a couple of gigantic statues. Bali Eco Rice Paddy Tour Traveling By Yourself Green Travel Ecotourism, Contoh Recount Text Holiday In Bali Barisan Contoh, 4 Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali Dan Artinya Contohtext, Vietnam With Kids Family Friendly Travel Asia Travel Vietnam Travel, Beyond Angkor Wat Alternative Things To Do In Siem Reap Cambodia Travel Holiday In Cambodia Things To Do, Kuta Bali Example Of Descriptive Text About Place With Generic Structure English Admin, Map Of Canggu Picture Of Canggu Beach Canggu Tripadvisor Podroze Wakacje, Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Pantai Barisan Contoh, Hukum Perusahaan Pengertian Bentuk Dan Sumber Beserta Ruang Lingkupnya Secara Lengkap Http Www Gurupendidikan Com Hukum Perusaha Bentuk Hukum Pengusaha, Contoh Idzhar Mutlak Di Dalam Alquran Ada, Contoh Soal Pembagian Bersusun Kelas 3 Sd, Kelebihan Penggunaan Teks Dalam Multimedia Interaktif Adalah, Berita Acara Serah Terima Soal Ujian Nasional 2021, Contoh izhar halqi di surat Al fatihah. I went there with my teachers and friends. Recount Text. Created By : SekolahBahasaInggris.Com | 2014, Penjelasan Lengkap Idiom Hung Out To Dry & Have A Blast Beserta Contohnya, Perbedaan Dan Penjelasan Idiom vs Proverb Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap, Perbedaan Dan Contoh Kalimat Start vs Started vs Star Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Kumpulan Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris 6 Orang Terlengkap, Perbedaan Prince, Princess, Queen, King Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Kalimat, Contoh Lesson Plan About Role Play Untuk SMA Kelas 2 Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap, Song : Lirik Lagu Kebangsaan Amerika Yang Harus Kalian Tau Beserta Artinya, 15 Lagu Anak-Anak Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Liriknya, Perbedaan Dan Penjelasan Fight vs Fought vs Fighting Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Kumpulan Contoh Berita Dalam Bahasa Inggris + Artinya Terupdate. He was engrossed playing with his new friends and skipped his meal, but my mother wrapped some foods, in case he would be hungry later. It was a great dance to see, so dynamic and intensely expressive. Puisi Alam Singkat: Merenungi Keindahan Alam Dalam Kata-Kata Sederhana, Contoh Pantun Kiasan Dan Maknanya Brainly, Puisi Tentang Keindahan: Menyentuh Hati Dan Jiwa. Agar lebih jelas, dibawah ini akan diberikan contoh dari recount text tentang liburan keluarga. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. Selamat menyimak! Kamu belajar bagaimana minuman the botol diproduksi dari tahap awal hingga terakhir. Lokasi Taman Ceceh ini sepatutnya ada mepet dengan Taman Reptil dan tiketnya mencakup kedua taman tersebut, tapi kami terlalu takut cak bagi mengunjungi Taman Reptil. Menjelang petang, kami pergi kembali ke hotel dan menyiapkan diri kami untuk petualangan berikutnya. Saat magrib musim, kami kembali ke hotel. Lampau, kami kembali ke hotel dan mengamankan tas-tas kami karena kami harus pun ke Lampung keesokan harinya. Although the trip was so tiring, I felt really happy because I could learn a lot from it and spent the time with my dear friends. Di sana ada dua patung raksasa Wisnu dan burungnya bernama Garuda. When I was 3nd grade of junior high school, my friends and I trip to Bali for vacation. Along the way to the island of Bali I really enjoy the landscape. When we arrived we directly went to kintamani. Perhatikan lagi tense yang digunakan yaitu past tense (susuk kedua). Setelah itu kami menyinambungkan perjalanan kami ke Tanah Lot. Mereka bertengger di lengan dan bahu, dan kadang-kadang di atas kepala. Kami berfoto-foto dengan mereka. Contoh Recount Text 1 My Holiday in Bali When I was 3nd grade of senior high school my friends and I went to Bali. We went back to our hotel at 3 oclock in the afternoon. We were there for three days. After playing with those birds for a while, our tummy rumbled. Copyright 2018 | WordPress Theme by Kopi Hitam. We planned a vacation in Bali for four days. Last holiday, I went to Lombok with my family and after that, we also went to Bali. Yah apa saja pengalaman yang begitu berkesan bagi sahabat IBI dapat dijadikan recount text. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch, had lunch together, tried to fish in the river but we got a sandal. Untuk turis asing juga harganya lebih mahal, sekitar 23,5 dolar + 10% pajak untuk dewasa dan 11,75 dolar + 10% pajak untuk anak-anak. On the last holiday, my family and I went to Bali. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. I was wandering how could they bulit such a nice place. Nah, tak usah berlama-lama lagi, berikut contoh recount text holiday in Bali Bird Park beserta dengan arti terjemahannya yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi dalam penulisan tugas teks recount Bahasa Inggris. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. Berikut adalah pola Recount Text perihal piknik di Bali. After playing with those birds for a while, our tummy rumbled. Liburan yang lalu, saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke Bali. Example recount text about holiday for senior high school tentang berkunjung ke bali beserta artinya visiting bali there were so many places to see in bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as possible. Judulnya "Holiday in Bali". Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Keluarga di Bali Recount text adalah text yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi maupun aktifitas yang terjadi di waktu lampau. The restaurant was in the Bali Bird Park. Sebenarnya saya agak sedikit takut ketika berada di Alas Kedaton, tapi ayah saya meyakinkan saya kalau akan baik-baik saja. We bought some unique souvenirs as mementos of our time in Bali. We saw so many tourists there. It came from a nice place, it was look like an balairung. Selamat menyimak! They were turtles snakes and sea birds. Berisi penghabisan atau akhir dalam cerita. And we bought some souvenirs of Tanah Lot. At the night, we had to check out from the our hotel. After my energy had fully recharged, then we went to the Nusa Dua Beach. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke tempat yang paling menakjubkan dan tempat terindah yang pernah saya kunjungi nan disebut Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). I was very happy to be there. The location of the Bird Park actually adjacent to Reptile Park and the ticket also covered both park, but we were too afraid to visit the Reptile Park. HOTLINE +94 77 2 114 119. My Holiday in Bali Ditulis oleh Annisa Aulia Saharani When I was 2nd grade of senior high school my friends and I went to Bali. Saya sangat senang berada di sana. . Jadi kami bisa makan siang sembari dia bermain. We really enjoyed our time there because there were so many water sports we could play, such as Jet Ski, banana boat, speed boat, and so on. 23,5 + 10% tax for adult and USD. In my holiday, i went to bali with my father, mother, brother,. Ini meredakan tapi serentak pula sedikit berpenunggu. Kami pergi ke sana menggunakan mobil dan ini memerlukan waktu kurang dari sehari saja dari Kediri. As the day getting dark, we went back to the hotel. (3) Reorientation: Berisi penutup atau akhir dalam cerita. Dia melihat banyak pohon berjejer di sepanjang tepi jalan dan banyak rumah tua Belanda. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. Generic structure dari recount text (1) Orientation: berisi siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita, apa yang terjadi dalam cerita tersebut, dimana tempat terjadinya cerita tersebut, dan kapan terjadinya cerita tersebut. Example of recount text definition of recount text holiday recount text example of narrative text spoof text report text hortatory text descriptive text direct speech indirect speech When I was 2 nd grade of senior high school my friends and I went to Bali. I definitely enjoy my exploring the island it's about the . Create a free website or blog at Dan kali ini IBI akan memberikan beberapa contoh recount text tentang liburan yang bisa dijadikan referensi menulis recount text sahabat IBI. However, sometimes they could be so naughty to the visitors.

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recount text about holiday in bali