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The NCA board have approved a 3% pay award for 2022/23, applied as follows: A) Extending capability-based pay, delivered through spot sates, B) Investing in capability-Based pay, through spot rate uplifts, C) Applying increases to the standard pay ranges, D) Applying anomaly correction to South-East Weighting arrangements. 67. 99% of all officers have accessed the application this year to complete critical learning. 68. 77. The NCA protects the public by targeting and pursuing criminal groups who pose the greatest risk to the UK. 85. 5. This will be achieved through harnessing the collective powers of law enforcement, government, the voluntary sector and industry. We propose to continue this progress in 22/23, as outlined in our proposals at chapter 3. This submission evidences the impact of the pay pause, and the importance of continuing to apply a meaningful, affordable investment into our offer, to build a workforce for the future. How many NCA officers are in the UK? Officers at Grades 6-3 inclusive are entitled to request payment or time off in lieu (TOIL) for overtime worked, with the exception of Grade 3 officers on spot rates. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Built a more sophisticated benchmarking approach to inform next years pay strategy. Table 37: Conditional offers by applicant and offers. Continue roll-out of capability based pay. To support the NCARRB in making their assessment, the NCA submit this written evidence document, which must first be approved by HM Treasury and the Home Secretary. Business Support Officer National Crime Agency 3.0 Birmingham 28,840 a year 58. Their collective skills and diversity of experience are crucial to our operational success. The below data shows that the majority of our powered roles are officers graded 4 and 5, which are more frontline facing roles. The 22/23 submission continues to execute the current pay strategy through applying the 3% IRC in line with our strategy principles of attractiveness, fairness, sustainability and looking forwards. It is imperative that we align our pay strategy to support this, in order to stay ahead of the threat. The below table shows the grade breakdown of the payments made, Grade 4 was the highest claim with Grades 5 and 3 following closely behind. We have completed our 5th annual Recruitment Campaign, and we are onboarding joiners from this campaign throughout 21/22. Extending capability based pay to remainder of eligible roles in the agency. We build the best possible. 25. To build the future pipeline, we have increased our recruiting activity, though this means we have more officers who are still early in their career. 34. 7. The areas that we need to build specialist operational skills are prioritised for capability-based pay. An area where attrition has been quite high has been in our Armed Operations Unit (Firearms), where a combination of an ageing workforce and high numbers of officers moving to the police has meant the team have struggled to maintain operational capacity. *NCA data is based upon median pay in operational commands. 86. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. This reflects the operational nature of the Agency, with these being the core grades where we bring in, develop and deploy operational capabilities. As an NCA Intelligence Officer you'll be at the centre of the action, helping to prioritise operations. The challenge is more acute where these roles are also located in the South-East, as we require specific capabilities to tackle the threat in this area. Table 66: Spot Rate Values by grade and ethnicity. The reform that we have implemented has had a positive impact within the Agency. 65. We are devising a three year proposal which, subject to approval, would allow us to implement our full ambition. However, the NCA expects to continue to own our skills framework, whereby we determine the coverage of capability-based pay in line with operational need. There are a complex set of stakeholders and sign-off points throughout this process. As we move towards producing the ethnicity pay gap, we need to improve opportunities for BAME officers at the highest grades. 38. Embedded quarterly Diversity Dashboards to equip leadership teams with the tools to focus their activities, reporting activity to the NCA Board. As a law enforcement Agency we need to prepared to react to the changing nature of crime, this includes deploying officers outside of working hours and going beyond our normal working week. The NCA are planning to submit a three year pay deal as part of the 23/24 submission. The most prevalent reason for leaving the Agency in operational areas is retirement, which means that we lose experienced officers with important skills. The campaign led to 12 officers being successful to move laterally or be promoted into these roles. Expanded capability based pay to 54% of operational roles. In 2021, the Agency introduced a People Plan, to consolidate our position, set efficiencies and to bring people on to fill critical capability gaps. We have also conducted more activity and communication through our Remuneration Committee, and through our Agency review of RRAS. Table 68: Standard Pay Range by grade and gender. As officers progress through the IOTP, we expect to see more females on spot rates. National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body report: 2021 Recommendations from the National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body on the pay and allowances of NCA officers with. In December 2021, the Agency ran a series of all-staff virtual events, to bring the organisation together, to listen to the challenges faced and celebrate success. 61. ~ denotes 10 or less, including values redacted to safeguard the identity of our Officers. The role causes significant disruption to the officers personal life and requires a high level of personal accountability in managing risks to the business. Figure 1 shows the NCA pay strategy and the progress that we have made in implementing reform. The intention was to undermine the UKs economy, integrity, infrastructure and institutions through criminality. To support our assessment, the Agency conducts an equality impact assessment on the proposed entry list, along with forecasting the impact of implementation of the changes on the agency ambition. The DG will maintain a pivotal role in UK and international law enforcement, and will continue to be directly accountable to the Home Secretary against a number of ambitions set out in the Governments Beating Crime Plan and Integrated Review. We will review the ambition for grade 6 officers within the modernisation programme. It also draws out our pay challenges and the areas we are able to address this year. 59. However, we need to ensure we embed a coherent employment offer, and approach to pay, to support this. The strength of this recovery means the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) is expecting the pandemic to have had a smaller long-term effect on the economy than previously anticipated. 95. Tying capability based pay into areas that will require it most, investing in an affordable uplift in line with the evolving economic context. 17. see the job advert for full location information. This is being developed for 23/24, subject to wider agreement. Further attrition data is contained in Annex A, point 6. We have engaged with the workforce more on our prioritisation, and have provided more opportunities for the workforce to develop in these areas. The broad timeline for this process is as follows: November Home Secretary issues the remit letter to the NCARRB (published on, February NCA submits written evidence to government for consideration, March NCA DG delivers oral pay evidence to support the pay case, May The NCARRB produce their written recommendations, June July The government responds to their recommendations. Invest in capability based pay to 250 more roles, focusing on hard to fill areas. A request from the NCARRB as part of their seventh report in 2021, and from officers feedback, is to set out how pay works in the NCA as part of our annual submission. Our comparators include policing, the UK Intelligence Community and the Civil Service. Intelligence Officer/Analyst These are campaigns which fill vacancies across the NCAs Intelligence command, as either an Intelligence Officer or within an Analyst team. To conclude, the Agency has been continuing to develop our workforce through the 21/22 People Plan. As we plan for the future, we recognise there is a need to accelerate transformation to achieve our pay principles. The National Crime Agency (NCA) leads the UKs fight to cut Serious and Organised Crime (SOC). We have seen, due to Covid-19, our officers adapting to homeworking well (as a short term measure), and data has outlined that our sickness levels have decreased from previous years. Extending capability-based pay is a key component of our pay strategy. Whilst some officers could work from home, we continued to require an office presence for sensitive work, and our officers still needed to deploy operationally. Where we have applied reform, attrition has reduced, and we have seen increased numbers of applications for roles that are on capability-based pay. 23. At grade 1 we only have 5 female officers on the spot rate framework. 21. The Agency forecast that this proposal will have a positive impact on diversity outcomes, including a reduction of the gender pay gap through reducing the length of the pay ranges and applying targeted uplifts to the lowest earners. Develops technical and specialist skills to support critical work in fraud, asset denial, money laundering, bribery and corruption. The typical The National Crime Agency Investigator salary is 35,458 per year. The percentage breakdowns broadly reflect the NCA workforce, with there being minor differences in some areas. . 7. This helped us to deploy resource where it is needed. SOC affects more UK citizens, more often, than any other national security threat, and is estimated to cost the UK economy at least 37 billion a year, with this cost increasing annually. We require a unique, blended skills mix from different professions which we source from varied markets. This represents year one of a three year plan, the overall investment is predicted to be 2.7% over three years. 83. Table 52: Total overtime claimed by gender, Table 53: Total overtime claimed by ethnicity, Table 54: Total overtime claimed by age group, Table 55: Total overtime claimed by working pattern. This includes remaining competitive, attracting new entrants and reducing the time it takes to onboard new starters at the beginning of the employment journey. We continued to recruit where we could carry out assessments effectively remotely, though for some critical roles, face to face assessment is required and explains some of our vacancy gaps, as campaigns were extended. It is recognised that pay is one part of the package, along with the wider people offer, which is outlined in chapter 2. Related jobs include researcher or language specialist. Table 49: Total overtime claimed by command. The NCA has a blended workforce of powered and non-powered officers. Inter-operability across all areas is important for driving a holistic approach. Working parents can open an online childcare account and for every 8 they pay in, the government adds 2, up to a maximum of 2,000 a year for each child or 4,000 for a disabled child. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The NCAs mission is critical to our national security. 30. There are many different areas that we need to apply our budgets organisationally, including infrastructure and people, and it is a fine balance to manage total investment. We also aim to reduce the length of our standard pay ranges so that they are aligned with the Civil Service best practice of 15%. We have higher attrition in areas that we have not been able to apply reform, which demonstrates the importance of continuing to implement our strategy. 8. More detail on retention, presented through attrition data, is at chapter 2. In these areas we have specialist, operational roles that remain on the standard pay framework. This is the uplift that is affordable alongside the choices that the NCA need to make across the spending period. 2. SOC includes child abuse, human trafficking, slavery, money laundering, fraud, cybercrime, corruption, and the smuggling of drugs and firearms into the UK. Based on the policing submission for this year, it is predicted that the gap at grade 4 and 5 will reduce by some margin, however there is more to do to close the gap in future years. 3. Table 1: Progress against capability-based pay ambition, Figure 2: Current Powers VS. Non-Powers Split. 61% of overtime claims are from officers with powers, which broadly reflects the breakdown of powers vs. non-powers in the Agency. These examples demonstrate the complex nature of the work that we lead. The NCA recognise the need to balance pay awards, as the economic evidence does state that if pay increases were to exacerbate temporary inflation pressures, this may drive wage demand further across the economy, and lead to increased pressures. The average pay range in the NCA is 23% compared to the Civil Service best practice of 15%. This would build fairness, in line with the strategy. 55. We have outlined that there are still gaps that will need to be addressed in future years. For example, the Investigations command ran an internal campaign to increase officers in hard to fill roles in the South-East. We will offer higher increases to the lower grades, for example at grade 6, as we have fallen behind the Civil Service median pay. 81. The highest percentage of officers eligible to opt into spot rates are in the higher age brackets, 4.3% of 50-59 year olds and 2.26% of 40-49 year olds. 11. The pay strategy is detailed at chapter 1, with an overview on how pay works in the Agency at Annex B. As with the spot rate framework, the number of BAME officers at Grade 1 is low, with BAME officers on the whole being at the lower end of the grade pay range. The OBR have noted that ongoing global supply chain issues, energy price rises and labour market shortages are likely to continue to affect households and businesses in the UK. 28. In line with our strategy, we aim to extend capability-based pay across all eligible operational roles. 65% of roles within the command have powers. This is representative of our strong ethos and values-driven mission. The officers who were successful were from across the Agency. 33. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. This includes performance bonuses, overtime and contingent labour costs. 71. However, achievements with the vaccine programme, plans for additional jobs, and additional support provided to families and businesses, has supported the economy. The Trade Unions also set their own set of evidence to the NCARRB to support in ensuring a holistic set of pay recommendations. As outlined we have made some progress in achieving that, through extending capability-based pay from 48% in 2018, to 56% now. This will increase further as we build the modernisation programme. When looking at the ethnicity of the population, we can see that officers who identify as White are the highest percentage of officers eligible to opt into Spot Rate (6.05%). Although we have made progress, the average length of our standard pay range is 25%. Table 10 addresses the key feedback. It would cost 14.5 million to extend capability-based pay across all eligible roles, and a further 6.7 million to achieve pay parity with policing. Table 19 shows that there is a higher proportion of females than males at Grade 6 and 5. The following operational examples demonstrate the criticality, breadth and specialist nature of operations that the NCA are responsible for: 8. To deliver reform across the employment offer, we need to re-assess our long term strategy in line with our three year spending plan that is in development. 88. Intelligence Analyst 3 salaries Intelligence Analyst 1 salary View More Media & Communications Based on 5 salaries Internal Communications Manager 1 salary Senior Communications Officer 1 salary View More Product & Project Management Based on 5 salaries Project Manager 1 salary Project Manager 1 salary View More Administrative Based on 4 salaries We must attract, develop and retain the skills that we require across our many different professions. To support this, the Agency has a number of pay processes, policies and procedures that are subject to negotiation with Trade Unions. Our one year approach is based on a number of factors, including the timing of our business planning, which has immediately followed the settlement review, and the view that a re-assessment of our strategy will take time to complete effectively. 64. Whilst we are tailoring future recruitment to target these roles, it is important that we continue to apply capability-based pay, and address anomalies in location allowances in the South-East, as our data suggests that applying reform is having a positive impact. Our Intelligent Officer/Analyst and Investigations Officer campaigns have improved considerably, however specialist recruitment has become more challenging. The spot rate framework was first introduced in 2018. We have set out the plan to submit a 3 year pay proposal for agreement next year, in order to support this. Achieving alignment with comparators in our capability based pay framework. Table 51: Total overtime claimed by powers. The Agencys attrition rate is 8.9% as at 30 August 2021. Table 57: Total overtime claimed by command. The proposals at chapter 3 will enable us to make some progress in the delivery of this strategy, through continuing to extend and invest in capability-based pay, shortening our pay ranges and addressing some anomalies in South-East allowances. Each police force sets its own application entry requirements. A three year pay and workforce transformation deal ,which is currently in the preliminary stages of discussion. We have developed a People Plan, which identifies keys areas of delivery for 21/22 in culture, learning, recruitment, and pay and benefits. Table 45: Exit Questionnaire Reasons for working at NCA, Table 46: Exit Questionnaire consideration period for leaving, Table 47: Exit Questionnaire command leavers, Table 48: Exit Questionnaire reasons for choosing new employer. The impact of COVID-19 has seen on average a 50% significant reduction in leavers from the Agency. There are other areas that the Agency needs to budget for as part of our total pay-bill that do not come under the NCARRB remit. Investigations Officer These are frontline roles investigating Serious and Organised Crime, which includes the arresting and interviewing of suspects. Over the last four years we have increased representation of officers throughout all protected characteristics. It is comprised of senior leadership team representatives from all commands in the Agency. We have launched our online learning application, enabling learning to be delivered at pace. Salary & Allowances (NCA average compared to law enforcement average). 52. 80. The Agency will apply the criteria set out to determine the roles that will be prioritised for investment. 87. Table 65: Spot Rate Values by grade and ethnicity. It is therefore prudent to consider the most efficient, effective and transparent pay process that will be deployed throughout that time to ensure the necessary level of scrutiny and challenge. The NCA workforce is comprised of a blend of specialist skills and capabilities, and therefore the pay framework is complex. The table below shows that pay and benefits is a concern for officers. Commands are reviewing the current vacancy levels and assessing the pipeline to ensure the skills are being posted to the areas we have prioritised. However, moving onto capability-based pay provides more stability and permanency in earnings, and our data shows that it supports wellbeing and lower sickness levels. This is why the NCA offered a choice to opt-in. The Agency is planning on making some efficiencies this year through reducing some overtime and travel spend, though to secure the future investment required in pay, further savings within our contractual provision will be required. As the spot rate framework has developed, the number of officers working 40 hours per week has increased annually. Whilst we recognise it is not within the remit of the NCARRB, we will review our approach to professions pay, primarily in enabling functions, which forms a part of our total pay-bill. Subject to future agreement, the following are key areas of focus for our future three year proposal: Bringing more roles into capability-based pay; Addressing parity across the pay ranges, reducing the length of our pay ranges and ensuring we are able to compete within key markets; Moving officers away from RRAs and on to a capability-based pay, in order to build sustainability in the model; Reviewing working arrangements, including the 40 hour week, and considering where we may need more teams on shift arrangements, in line with our role as a 24/7 law enforcement organisation. This is an improvement on last year where spot rates covered 28% of our workforce. The operational success of the Agency depends on the expertise of the whole workforce. We've rounded up all the jobs on offer at the NCA's Warrington hub that you can apply for right now. This has allowed us to remain competitive in our enabling capabilities roles, when compared to our Civil Service comparators. 49. The current grading composition at grades 1-6 is below in graph 1. This publication is available at Tackling SOC requires a coordinated and national response. The intent is to build on this investment through proposing a multi-year investment deal next year (subject to approval). Table 12: Proposed values for 22-23 (Capability-based pay framework). 39. Whilst we have made positive progress, there is more to do realise our strategic ambition. Developing and delivering specialist capabilities and services to tackle SOC. This committee is responsible for overseeing and implementing the pay framework in a way which is fair, data-driven and in line with strategy. They have suggested that wage and price setting need to be balanced carefully, so as not to put even further pressure on the economy as inflation settles. Our constantly evolving and expanding capabilities means that we need people with experience of project management to policing, crime analysis to commercial procurement. NCA general enquiries or to verify an NCA officer, available 24/7 . We are operating in an increasingly volatile fiscal context. The National Crime Agency employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 2.4/5 stars. The Agency focussed on rolling our spot rates to grades 1-2 and 4-5 in previous years, to make progress against our ambition to align more closely with policing pay. You could also apply to become a police intelligence officer, if you work for the police. 23% of roles within the command have powers. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. During the financial year 20/21 there was agreement that officers could be paid TOIL at a standard rate. 29. . This provides is an example of the work that the NCA leads on tackling Child Sexual Abuse on a global scale. The current expected attrition for 2020-2021 is 7.5%. The level of personal accountability and risk associated with the role. . 43. When looking at the recruitment of operational roles we can see the challenges the Agency faces. 41. United Kingdom Average salaries at National Crime Agency Popular roles Deputy Director 91,938 per year Commander 40,863 per year Senior Operations Manager 54,514 per year Management Operations Manager 45,818 per year Operations Officer 32,371 per year Head of Operations 70,782 per year Software Development Senior Software Engineer This has meant an increase of 9% conversion rate of applicant to offer for specialist roles, over 200 additional powered officers at operational grades, and an average rise in pay satisfaction through our people survey results since 2017. We have built an increased understanding of our skills gaps through our learning annual review processes, this has ensured that training is aligned more closely to the requirements of the role. Comparable role in organisations with a similar remit to the NCA is undertaken by an officer of more senior rank, or the role requires a specific skill set which is remunerated at a higher rate. 57. The NCA has a workforce of 6,032 as at 31 August 2021, and in the last four years the Agency has grown by 1,942 officers. The results are approximately 2-3 percentage points down in comparison to 2020. It is important to note that there are some issues that will be addressed more fully through the three year pay deal that we are planning to submit next year: Table 10: NCARRB feedback and NCA Response. The ambition is to achieve full coverage of capability-based pay, in line with our criteria at table 10, across operational roles. The role suffers from significant recruitment and retention problems through a lack of suitably qualified candidates applying for the role and there are ongoing vacancies in the establishment. Absence has been lower during the COVID 19 Pandemic; with spot rate sickness levels are even lower than 2018 and 2019. This estimate is based upon 14 The National Crime Agency Officer salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. Authorised overtime is payable at the following rates: i) Overtime worked on a rostered working or non-working day is paid at plain time up to 37 hours (or 40 hours if on spot rate framework) per week; ii) Overtime worked on a rostered working or non-working day is paid at time and a half rate where over 37 hours (or 40 hours) are worked; iii)iii) Overtime worked on a rostered rest day or Bank Holiday with less than 14 calendar days notice is paid at double time (with no requirement to have worked 37 (or 40) hours); iv) Overtime worked on a rostered rest day or Bank Holiday where 14 or more days notice is paid at plain time in line with i) and ii) above); During 2020-21 the NCA spent 13.31m on overtime with the majority of overtime claimed in operational roles, with Intelligence and Investigations the biggest claimants.

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nca officer salary uk