ken mcelroy children


Back in 1981, it was your word against mine. It might be worth something to a fanatic if it still exists. I am sure their memories are nothing like the book and I hope they hold onto the happy memories they have. Good comment. If he was out stealing that night, Trena was most likely not with him. This woman sued the town over Kens death. Whatever happened to Kens truck that they shot him in? Not that I didnt need a little help. because this can/will happen again if it is allowed to. To many people make excuses for bad people. Kenneth Rex McElroy is shown in family photo with daughter Tina. A town having inadequate policing. I live in this area of missouri and have always wanted to know the location of where the farm house use to be can you point me in a direction. Now 47, he is the same age McELroy was when he was shot to death on the main street of Skidmore Missouri. I moved to Kansas City in the 90s and on the first job I started here, the first friend that I meet was a McElroy. Have no sympathy for McElroys wife Trena and his previous wife, they really enjoyed the bullying and intimidating people as much as McElroy. Theres no way anyone could have been convicted of anything, given the evidence of what McElroy had done to Skidmore. No one who was around when this coward terrorized them will ever talk. Think about this Between 30 and 46 law abiding, normally peaceful people have NEVER had an attack of conscience over 40 years and said a word. A history of abuse does not excuse Trenas actions, it only makes sense of them. An understandable wish. The FBI investigated to try to find out who actually shot and killed Ken Rex McElroy, but they had no success. Right. What I haven read is how tough and how much of a man he was without a gun with a man face to face that wasnt afraid of him. Why would the be a connection? And, whether one wishes to believe it Ken McElroy was in a paradoxical sense victimized by his lack of education, poverty stricken upbringing, a father who refused to punish him for his bad behaviour and his own seeming inability to improve his lot in life by trying to educate himself, work a legitimate job and learning to respect women and the townsfolk. The ones who shot him are also cowards even though he got what he deserved. I was born and raised in St. Joseph and my Mother who has since passed had told me that my Father (who died when I was 2) who was a St. Joe Police Officer knew Officer Stratton. Very well said. Classic. Getting them to to talk about it like pulling teeth. i feel sorry for all the women he terrorized for all the years. I find myself momentarily intimidated, in spite of what hes saying, in spite of all the good I know about him. Sadly,like in many place,these folks were probably considered poor white trash and the law looked the other way. I took a seat close to him and he immediately started to pick a fight with me. I believe the amount that lady attempted to extort from the town was $5 million dollars. I think the children are who I feel the worst for. he was a sociopathnot psychotic. She tried to get away from him more then once , t so true .she will answer 4 her deeds on judgement day 4 what she did 2 the townspeople but if they say she turned her life around thats good heaven ..HERESSSSSSSSS TRENA, Mp? Extremely hard working people. No children were molested, people robbed or beaten up, etc., because of a criminal's attorney. There have been 2 tornadoes & a fire hit the town in my grandmothers memory. He met his fourth wife, Trena, when she was twelve years old.. Im not sure I agree that her parents just turned her over to him they lost their home and dog (twice if I recall correctly). [4], McElroy fathered more than 10 children with different women. Oh, and by the way the skidmore people need not pat themselves on the back to hard they shot him from behind and he went to town that day knowing it was his last day and they just done him a favor. All of these things have combined to make me a true crime fanatic. Nobody twisted her arms to stay with the man. She departed this life Tuesday, January 24, 2012, in her daughter's home, near Conway, Missouri, at the age of fifty-five years. Its hard to feel sympathy for her when his bullying made her feel strong and secure. I want to feel something for Trena but as she carried a gun and was a lookout to help him when he went to town to terrorize people and sued them later, Im struggling. I am not from Missouri, but I have been fascinated by this story since I saw the movie in the 80s. I read the book and believe that the townspeople were fully justified. McElroy chose to be a bully. Do you really think an entire town targeted one man for death, covered for his killer, even a lawman did it, and all because he was misunderstood? One of them, Jeffy, had a hernia problem. When you get into a situation that young its you really do NOT know what youre getting into to. Bless the people who had to put up with these two monsters. When he decided I was all right, all sorts of doors in the community opened for me. True Story based on Ken McElroy, the town bully of Skidmore, MissouriBrian Dennehy as Len RowanCloris Leachman as Ruth WestermanMarcia Gay Harden as Adina Ro. The legal system failed them and they had taken all they could. She was bullied by this devious, evil, selfish man, completely dominated, and she made mistakes. They likely did the best that they could have, though, as any parent would. He would come to a bar called Blues Brew Town carrying a gun and the bar would empty out. Whether that was out of fear on their part I do not know. she probably had to start all over elsewhere. Half the people there in 1981 are gone now, and they arent being replaced. Ken Rex deserved everything that happened to him and his killers deserved jail, too. McElroy's appeal hearing was again delayed. Give the lady a break. Ill never forget the night of his visitation after he passed, people were lined up out the door to pay their respects . The case was later settled out of court by all parties for $17,600, with no one admitting guilt, for the stated reason of avoiding costly legal fees should the suit proceed. Mr Dalsing is a man who puts others needs before his own. Jeffery has done some amazing things in the 6+ years I have known him. He was elected sheriff in a neighboring country for several terms after retiring from the state patrol, and I heard recently that he was head of the state fair, although I didnt verify this. Godspeed. Trena was young and brainwashed by McElroy and fearful for her life. If he was in fact one of the shooters, then he held on to that for many, many years. He had no use for the successful or the educated. Glad for her and respect her privacy. he is smart, attractive, sweet, caring, and has a bigger heart than anyone I have ever known. But in a dramatic act of . [1][3] The next day, McElroy was shot to death in broad daylight as he sat with his wife Trena in his pickup truck on Skidmore's main street. The McElroys never had any money. It would be very informative to hear what you have to say about your Grandpa, and I will certainly post whatever you write. We have one. You need to get a job yourself and quit sniveling. I was mesmerized by how accurate Harry was in describing the atmosphere of Skidmore. I have just recently heard of this story. Did he run around there? But I live in eastern NC & kind of doubt Ill ever get out to Colorado. Just read your latest blog, in which you talked about your meeting with Jeffrey. I feel he abused the legal system to the point, he should have been disbarred. I seriously doubt that his father being ken rex mcelroy has anything to do with who he is today after all he did not even know the man. While I was familiar with his story before, I probably forget that he had had children. He wasnt nearly as mean as portrayed in the movie. She was drunk and angry. But his side was never told! Dunbar lives in Marvyille with his girl friend Bobbie. Interesting comment.In later years I think Trena did come to see what happened as almost inevitable given Kens crimes. Sorry Harryjust to clarify, when I asked what was his/her name, I was referring to the fourth child of Sally, not mentioned in your book. I agree that the laws are much better this day and time in regard to stalking, etc., but I still dont feel law enforcement did enough in this situation. The circumstances around the shooting, which took place in July of 1981 in the small town of Skidmore, Missouri, help to shed light on all of these mysteries, while leaving the central question who actually killed him? Trena . Jeffrey You certainly dont get an entire town to cover it up, if the man is not exceptional at being a monster and being hated by everyone. If huge numbers helped one another McElroy wasnt going to kill everyone. Ken McElroy would flip in his grave if he knew one of his children graduated from college and is a successful teacher of special ed kids. No investigation, no real police presence. People are fully entitled to talk about a thug whether he is DEAD or NOT. . [2], In all, he was indicted 21 times but escaped conviction each time, except for the last. His girlfriend lived in my apt building and he knocked her around quite a bit. I know I am really late to the party, however, I read through some of these comments. McElroy was never a popular man. Karmic: WRONG. Holy cow. lots of unanswered questions, just like KR no one will talk, here they have shirts that say stop snitchin, but I say if u know something tell it. It is titled The Town Bully and it was released in 1988. He was quite content to labor behind the meat counter while his wife oversaw the daily needs of the store. Ken may have done wrong is quite an understatement. She tried a few times to leave him and was very frightened of him, but with no one to help her, she relented to KR. Thank you, Harry. I wonder if del clement and kr made peace in hell, because I know they are both there. No one else ever helped her. I flew Sally into our town before I moved to her town. Actually,this took place in Skidmore,, Missouri,not in Kansas. Who knows, they might be following this blog? She was born in 1965 and died in June, 2020. Oh- are we going to relegate Trena to Sainthood? That lawyer should have been run out of town on a rail, or at least been reported to the bar. Others have identified the houses location on Google Earth. It takes a lot to reverse that type of brainwashing and Im grateful she found someone to treat her that way she truly deserved. I guess I never understood it completely. Cant blame the kids for the fathers sins. Lori met her and they have corresponded off and on over the years. When you grow up like that you can become an absolute mental slave to someone who makes you feel like you matter to them, particularly if they sink their teeth into you when you are a teenager and your frontal lobes havent fully developed. Trena was brainwashed by KR beating her until she learned how to please and do for him and what he wanted. However, she had her opportunities to disappear or move on on numerous occasions and she didnt take it. Of course by far the most referred to source was your book, which I have order but have not received yet. No names were mentioned. However, his part was given the fictional name of Raymond West. Cant wait to get your book. He was a young man. Thanks for the answer to my question, Jeffrey. Were you ever able to make any connection between McElroy and the town of Peculiar, MO? Oh well, karma did its job and gave her the cancer. Your email address will not be published. On April 2, 1983, she was united in marriage Kenneth Howard Williams, and. I believe that the blog is right and the book wrong. He found all the loopholes. No one lives where his house used to be, but his brother Tim lives in house not far away. If anything, she owed the townspeople something. I was having sex at 11 with grown men, so I can relate to what Im sure she must have went through. Of course she was a Victim, I was not aware she tried to get away from him to her parents and he killed their family dog! fuck that guy may he burn in hell. I am glad she was not harmed in the shooting of Ken. She stayed close to her parents, curiously enough. His behavior with women, however, was an entirely different matter. Then divorced, and I think remarried again. Over the course of his life, McElroy was accused of dozens of felonies, including assault, child molestation, statutory rape, arson, animal cruelty, hog and cattle rustling, and burglary. LOL This is plain ridiculous. You dont have that many people of one mind unless there is a serious situation. We all heard the stories about Ken Rexs rein of terror which started before my family moved to Oregon, MO in 1978 and ended with his shooting. Obit with photo of Trena Louise McNeeley McElroy Williams, 1957-2012. Thanks for the comment. They cant fight a man so they beat a woman. I dont know just guessing. It saddens me though that you only know(write about) the GIRL she was, not the WOMAN she became, she was loved by so many and left this world much much to early!!!!! She stayed close to her parents, which was always curious. Her obituary is online and lists a number of siblings, some of whom appear to be by other mothers than those listed above (surprise, surprise) She was forced to marry him to ensure that she cant testify against him. The town has had a hard time forgiving Trena. Has no one tried to prosecute him? Im so glad to hear that she was able to find happiness after the trauma inflicted on her by her 1st husband and by the town of Skidmore. He charmed the girls with dime-store gifts and rides in his truck. It takes quite a bit to get someone to kill another human being. Much to consider and assess here, even after so many years. He is an absolute amazing man!! I feel I owe you a debt for making me forget this damn pandemic for a while! For those not familiar with the environment in which we work I can only add that a person who lacks confidence and empathy is short lived in this career field. Without him around to protect her, she wilted back down to reality. Right now, Im looking at Skidmore via Google Streets and Google Earth. It was uneventful but had a great tenderloin sandwich. I just saw the story of your grandmother and then found this article online. The lot where Kens house once was still stands empty, although there is a trailer in the woods behind it. Even the worst people can sometimes act pleasantly. She insisted that I hadnt told the whole story about McElroy: he was much worse than portrayed, than anybody could imagine, and it had been harder than people would ever realize for her to give up her four children. I am sorry for all of his children (and their children), his victims and the townspeople of Skidmore. He was still alive in 2007 when you did. I have always felt so bad for Treena, she was a child victim and there was nothing anyone could do to protect her. OBVIOUSLY, they werent. City Confidential is a rip off of the book, and it annoys me to hear it cited for anything. Surprised that there arent more comments on here @ the Sundance Series, No One Saw A ThingIMO, It exposed nothing that Harry didnt reveal In Broad Daylight, other than we are to now surmise that Skidmore is a cursed & dying community. One of the kids I thinkbut Im not sureis in Philly. Thank you! Doesnt add up to me, if she had moved on and wanted to forget everything, why go back to that memory???? Trena was his accomplice, not his victim, by the time of his death. And Im here to say that I fully believe 100% that he was not a bad man. It will probably remain unsolved. Attempting to sue her victims. There was still a little packed ice and snow on the ground, so I think it was mid March of 1981. When the shooting happened in 1980, a friend, who had been working at the hospital in 1973, told me, that baby being kept hidden was Ken & Trenas son. And, Im sorry for this too, but as a former English teacher, did she ever get educated so she learned proper grammar. Jeffrey was 22 and a college graduate when he discovered who his father was. She endured beatings and rape or child molestation! And is Timmy McElroy still around? On July 27, 1976, Skidmore farmer Romaine Henry said McElroy shot him twice with a shotgun after Henry challenged him for shooting weapons on Henry's property. Dad said he was relieved that he did not have to go through a full blown trial as he was fearful of Ken Rexs revenge/harassment of prior juries. You made a non-point just then. Agreed. . I was in skidmore, some years back, as a result of the interest, the book sparked in me. He is what he is today more than likely because that is what he is skilled at in doing. I just recently read the story and I have to say how sad the whole thing is. I also hung out with Tonya and her boyfriend Chris as they started having babies. Suicide is cheap. I wish peace and happiness for all of them and hopefully they can close this chapter of their lives. If someone is wealthy or not isnt your business. and after the debacle died down, did any of his kids get treated fair? All those kids to support. Right. Many family members would not speak to me. Im sure the only regret those 45+ people have is that they didnt do it sooner. Tony , I am your aunt Tina your dad is my brother . Alice (2nd wife) children; son (Jaurez), daughter (Tonya/Toni), son (Ken Jr./Mouse) He typically preyed upon children from poor, uneducated families. For her thug partner ?? HOW did some guy who started impoverished get the kind of clout/connections it takes to get a pass from their earliest arrests. They should have shot her to she tried to fight the elderly shop keeper and gave interviews on what a saint ken was. Ken married first name McElroy. Loved the book! To me, what makes a person unforgivable is their refusal to repent for their actions. They operate a gourmet traveling food stand. The word snitch is a word mostly used by the criminal elements of our world. I believe she attempted to extort 5 million dollars from them. "His family was not part of the successful farming community of northwest Missouri. [14] Trena remarried and moved to Lebanon, Missouri, where she died of cancer on her 55th birthday on January 24, 2012.[15]. I think, after a few beers, he just snapped. Harry. I knew 3 of Ken Rexs kids when they lived in St. Joseph, MO in the late eighties/early nineties. Its similar to Stockholm Syndrome. And I call BS to imply there is some sort collective evil there. They had 10 children. I havent followed the Branson case that closely, but I know the crime hasnt been solved. You are to be commended.robin. No, as a matter of fact I dont think Ive heard the name before. Re-reading In Broad Daylight now. I didnt feel sorry for Ken Sr but I did feel bad for the kids. I will find a picture of her and post. Jeff had had a hernia. Small towns should pass laws to protect themselves from such harassment, and people stick together to prevent future problems. I dont remember exactly when Alice passed away, but it was at least 5 years, from cancer. He had no social security number and never filed a tax return. She was lucky that the second bullet didnt strike her. Kenneth Rex McElroy "Bully" Murder AS her daughter Tami listens, Trena McElroy retells how she watched her husband's life shot away by a man she and her attorney describe as a vigilante gunman. She was doing things to help ken terrorize the town . The Sheriff said they are still a threat to the community and that new leads had been developed. What happened to Alice Woods? How ironic that the law didnt protect the innocent and get Ken Rex locked up, yet they were there in force to investigate his death. Seriously, what was the point of even making your comment? Been there, done that and survived that! funny how all you people talk crap about a dead man. I just realized that you mentioned gary dowling as the second shooter in 2007 (epilogue). In June, 1973 I was a patient at the Fairfax Community Hospital, 20 some miles NW of Skidmore. Ive met your uncle, Jeff. Ken was 18 and Oleta was 16. . She did what she had to do to survive.the law sure didnt help her . I wish you guys could have had more time together. The next time Id be ready. He has not the slightest feel of violence about him. McElroy reportedly shot people, threatened them, stole, seduced preteen and young teen girls, and set houses on fire. Sounds like he didnt suffer enough. The law fails. im sorry that some people dont have sympathy for trena. Why not just say that in your comment. My daddy was a quite man but very protective of his 5 daughters and wonderful role model to my one brother ! Chelsey, regardless of anything else, an ADULT who impregnates a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD is a monster. The only way to take down a bully is to confront him and meet force with force including deadly force if need be. Harry, I understand that Trena passed away in January 2012 on her birthday. They only understood fear. I understand that was probably the case. McElroy must have paid him dearly. Ive seen pictures of it and cant understand the logic. The town of Skidmore or maybe I should say the people that witnessed or participated in the execution, I feel may not have had too many choices. With him gone, and a weasel lawyer manipulating her, its no wonder she sued the town. And a man who had such a powerful negetive effect on others in this town that it became a town of fear for many people in this town.One can see how this part of history would never die.But now the blog talks about ( The lost son of Ken) Which the two names should not be mentioned in the same sentence.See with Jeff I am beyound first impressions. She is hardly mentionedwhat happened to her after Ken died? However, I was forbidden to go anywhere near the pool hall in town, and could only go to the post office near it with an adult. His parents, Tony and Mabel, were humble sharecroppers that could probably not have coped with so many offspring. One question, did Trena ever profit anything from the movie? Why was he gunned down in the first place? Hopefully incredibly painful. On 1 June 1934, Ken Rex McElroy became the 15th of 16 children for Tony and Mabel McElroy. If she had just moved on and let the issue with his wrongful death go, I would have felt more pity for her in terms of how she first became involved with him. My grandfather is a great man and to know that he placed the fear of God in Ken and he never backed down from him makes him a remarkable man! The law is insufficient at times. He lived in the small town of Skidmore, Missouri, a . Alice died about ten or fifteen years ago. as its been told , did indeed act as a lookout , carried a gun & so forth . Harry, Trena passed away in 2012 I think and did remarry. It saddens me how people can be stuck in their convictions when they didnt have to walk the same path she did. Gerry Murphy: [10] Nobody called for an ambulance. Does no one stand up to him? And I call he to imply there is some sort collective evil there. Glad I could add a bit more info. I met her but we had a falling out. Thanks for your research! The Bowenkemps, the Strattons, the Preachers family and probably countless others? I plan make a pilgrimage to Skidmore, park in that spot, and toast to the commencement of that SOBs journey to Hell and to those with the bravery to send him there. Ken was a good guy and a good friend with those he was comfortable with. There was no physical evidence linking Clement to the crime, and no witnesses willing to corroborate McCloud's assertions. The T O W N failed to protect the 12 year old? Thank you Harry for putting that in the book. She use to ride around with Ken holding a gun, she liked all that abusive power. Just look at any blog comment list. By then, he was dead and could no longer harm her. I would also like to ask, When did Alice Wood passed away? Untrue. I know some were farmers there for years it was home yada. She , at least did eventually find normality and happiness. Judge recounts on Criminal how, in response to numerous complaints about McElroy, the closest police station (14 miles away) dispatched a marshal whose sole purpose was to watch over McElroy and keep the peace in Skidmore. Growing up poor MEANS NOTHING. He said that in Bos younger years he was known as the fastest gun in Northwest Missouri. Flipping television channels I ran across the old film Road House. He was getting paid to do his best for his client. Any new on them? But as years went on, Trena chose to harass the people of Skidmore along with her husband. Had ours for years. Very interesting. And neither of them had parents who were able to serve as any kind of good role model. But it was an easy thing for them to do, to raise their hands and lie under oath.". A common refrain among the people MacLean interviewed? I had relatives in Fillmore, MO and found your comments of there a bit mean. Working with kids with emotional disabilities requires limitless patience and understanding. Im not sure if Ken physically abused her but I wouldnt be a bit surprised to learn that he did. I think its interesting that Ken McElroy exibited all the symptoms of a sociopath. He gives somewhat of an explanation in the Sundance series No one saw a thing. I dont think he suspected there was going to be a shooting, although perhaps he should have. Unfortunately, those kinds of attorneys exist to this very day. she was lucky enough to get outta the truck that hot summer day when Ken was MURDERED .. & call it what you want .. vigilante justice or whatever .. it was MURDER. Things happen in small town America, but 1 in a million catch the attention of the media so it seems like an isolated incident. And the local bar with a loud air conditioner in a window somewhere making a racket while the locals hid from the heat of the day. Ive never come across Charlie again. I was 20 years of age in 1981 and living south of The River in Warrensburg when I learned of all of this. They were poor, they had come from Kansas, he kind of grew up resenting those he considered to be more successful. The murder of Ken Rex McElroy took place in plain view of dozens of residents of this small farm town, under the glare of the morning sun. Were they scared of this thug? It appears one of the daughters by Sharon was named Debbie Ann (perhaps the ?? btw will be reading the book soon. He had no respect for the law or those who enforced it. Bless the rave souls who had the guts to put that man to death. Very little was done to protect women. The whole shut up or be shut up is now a pervasive presence in whats left of the place. It is said that he could shoot doves and quail in midflight with those .45s and light matchsticks on a fence post at 25 yards away. Richard Stratton is still alive and kicking. i am happy that she did get to move on and live a happy life. McElroy controlled the whole town. Im going to comment on several things, first Trena did not sue the town until AFTER she married her new husband and started on her new life. I was completely immersed in the story while reading it. [6] Trena and her baby were placed in foster care at a home in Maryville, Missouri.

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ken mcelroy children