did dumbledore love harry as a son


However, Petunia and her own husband both resented Harry's presence for the next ten years. However, despite his benign nature, it is said that Dumbledore was the only wizard Lord Voldemort ever truly feared. In 1997, Remus was devastated by Dumbledore's death after the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and later demonstrated his faith and loyalty to Dumbledore by fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts. Dumbledore and his friend Nicolas Flamel (the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone) began to suspect that the disembodied Dark Lord was plotting to steal the invaluable object, which would be capable of restoring him to full power. [62], Dolores Umbridge, the new DADA professor interrupting Dumbledore, Dumbledore had come to fear the connection that existed between the Dark Lord and Harry, and purposely avoided him throughout the school year. Elphias pitied Dumbledore about his father, mother, and sister, and had a highly opinion of him. Still, the wizarding war raged beyond the walls of Hogwarts: Shortly before the Potters' deaths, Dumbledore discovered that James's Cloak of Invisibility was, in fact, one of the Deathly Hallows. Dumbledore also likely was the one who chose this quote as an inscription on the graves of his family members in Godrics Hollow. [36] Around the same time, the bookish young educator also procured and read a copy of The Predictions of Tycho Dodonus. He believed that lying to Harry was the only way to get him to do the right thing when the moment forHarry to die arrived. She attended Hogwarts as a student during Dumbledore's time as the Transfiguration Professor and later went on to replace him when he took the position of Head of the school. Fans will understandably never quite understand this decision. It was unknown how he felt about Quirrell's frailty or if he knew of Quirrell's bitterness over his bullying, making him desire to be noticed, but it was likely that although he was concerned about it, ever the optimist, he had hoped that Quirrell could overcome this with time. Snape resented Dumbledore's secrecy, and was offended by this lack of faith in his abilities. Despite public appearances, Dumbledore thought Karkaroff was a coward. He often used this to find connections he might have missed before, and also when he felt he had "too many memories". Before the final event of the Battle of Hogwarts, after Harry sacrificed himself and was struck by Voldemort's Killing Curse and nearly died back in the Forbidden Forest, his soul went to a place resembling King's Cross Station, where Dumbledore was waiting to speak with him. He was young, brilliant and frustrated; his talents were held back by the responsibility of caring for his sister Ariana, who was left traumatised after a Muggle attack. While clearly, hes not actually in love with Madam Pomfrey, its clear that he recognizes that things like compliments and love between friends are apart of what makes life worth living. However, this insight also made him extraordinarily good at manipulating people, which he was perfectly willing to do if he thought it necessary. Years ago at a Carnegie Hall event, Rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay, but the revelations didn't end there. At this time Newt helped capture Gellert Grindelwald, who was trying to convince Obscurial Credence Barebone to join his ranks. . Once Aurelius understands he has been lied to, he wastes no time in betraying the dark wizard. When he heard her conceiving Sybill Trelawney's first prophecy, he hired Trelawney to protect her from the Death Eaters. Once inside, Dumbledore located the Horcrux's second line of defence; a hidden doorway which only opened when it received an offering of blood. . In the summer of 1995, Vernon was about to throw Harry out of the house when Petunia received a Howler from Dumbledore simply stating, "Remember my last, Petunia." [81], Dumbledore attending Hagrid's birthday celebration, Before Rubeus Hagrid's birthday, Dumbledore decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. Marital status Among them was a Pensieve, a stone receptacle used to store and review memories, which witches and wizards are able to extract from their heads as a type of fluid. And after all, as Professor McGonagall once said after his tragic passing, "Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world." Dumbledore attended the Celestial Ball with other faculty members, at the start of which he gave a short speech commending the decorating committee's success. He claimed that he saw himself holding a pair of socks, when in reality he likely saw himself with former flame Gellert Grindelwald. In spite of Dumbledore's many extraordinary qualities, he was also a somewhat Machiavellian figure. Dumbledore was verbally and utterly unafraid of death and was obviously never scared of Voldemort himself, but rather what he may/could do to those he cared for, and he was also not afraid of being exposed to great torment. Umbridge and Fudge slowly passed rules and regulations that syphoned the powers of the Headmaster, while increasing those of Umbridge herself. RELATED: Harry Potter: The 10 Worst Things McGonagall Has Ever Done. Being a biased freak towards Slytherins. [72] Only then was Dumbledore made aware that the true driving force behind Jacob's obsession with was his love for his family. [46] A year later, when Harry Potter returned to Hogwarts on a mission given to him by Dumbledore, she did not question the decision of her dead friend, but immediately sought to provide whatever assistance she could. Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. Minerva had no qualms about displaying her loyalty to Dumbledore. After his death, he left Ron his Deluminator (a unique artefact created by Dumbledore himself) and Hermione his copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. She served for many years as his Deputy Headmistress, standing in for him and even replacing him as standing Headmistress on several occasions. Later on, upon overhearing a conversation about Harry's misgivings of Snape, he told Harry that to doubt Snape would be to doubt Dumbledore. If Harry actually learned Occlumency properly, he might have been able toshield himself from the mental manipulations which led to Sirius' death. [7] At some point after this, Albus would visit his old friend and pose for a photograph in Flamel's workshop alongside his celebrated mentor, with many of his alchemical tools and equipment being visible in the background, as well as crystal ball and a book with a phoenix on the cover. [41], During his time at Hogwarts, Dumbledore also developed close relationships and friendships with wizards and witches throughout the world. During the conversation, he even indirectly revealed the identity of the Curse-Breaker he had been finding in the past year, who had some school years overlapping with Snape's. Newt respected his mentor enough to do tasks for him. Furthermore, he also realizes the phoenix is staying by his side because he is dying as a result of his Obscurus curse. He was troubled at some of the rumours about Tom, these were true of course. [15], Later Dumbledore witnessed Newt, Tina Goldstein, Theseus, and Lally attending Jacob's and Queenie Goldstein's wedding in New York City. They appointed Fudge's Senior Undersecretary (Dolores Umbridge) to the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. [35], Dumbledore viewing his dark past with Gellert, One night, Dumbledore went to the Room of Requirement, where the Mirror of Erised was stored. [28], Harry and Ginny Potter's second son was named Albus Severus Potter, after Dumbledore and Severus Snape. I am constantly wondering whether Dumbledore loved Harry because there has been several talks and feelings about whether or not he has very much loved Harry. 5'11"[4] He doesnt see their value. Aureliuswas thus born in 1900 or 1901 when Aberforth would have been around 17 years old. Aberforth is a quiet, secretive man: he answers Harry's questions about the Dumbledore family, but never says more. [46], A while later after the battle was over, Harry found Dumbledore's body lying dead on the ground in front of hundreds of staring people, his body broken from the fall. He had a very long and crooked nose that looked as if it had been broken at least twice. [65], Despite his best efforts to help Jacob, however, and even though Dumbledore and the rest of the staff ultimately got the situation under control, their hunt for the vaults ended in tragedy when Duncan Ashe was killed while attempting to brew a particularly potent Erumpent Potion in an effort to get past one of the obstacles standing between them and one of the Cursed Vaults. Aurelius Dumbledore being Aberforth's son fits within the Harry Potter canon and is a good, logical explanation for the identity twist, unlike Credence being a fourth Dumbledore sibling (creating a hurtful retcon/plot hole) or Grindelwald simply fabricating the story (it was too big a plot twist to simply turn back from it). Grindelwald fled and Dumbledore ended their friendship, although his romantic desires did not subside. [15], Albus showing Theseus alongside Newt the blood pact, Albus came to the Hog's Head Inn to meet with Newt Scamander and Theseus Scamander. This, in turn, granted him the authority to properly accommodate the Lupins when the time came for Remus to attend school. We still jump on any chance to learn more about the Wizarding World, whether these updates come from aFantastic Beastsfilm,new entries published, or even mere Twitter posts by Rowling herself. Now, nearly 10 years after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published and . It was unknown of Dumbledore's feelings towards him at the time, but he likely saw Quirrell as being a gifted wizard from his academical performances during his time as a student, considering that he had been the Headmaster by the time Quirrell came to Hogwarts and appointed him in first Muggle Studies before having him teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. These revelations troubled Harry; they tainted his perception of a man hed long admired. It is very likely that he also had a good relationship with Charlie. Dumbledore looked at his deeds, at his flaws, and he had the wisdom to confront and overcome them; he fought the greatest nemesis there was: himself. [45], Once it became clear that Albus would not be dissuaded from his mission, however, Mrs Cole agreed to let him meet the prospective student and escorted him to the upper floor to the boy's room, where the two were formally introduced. Throughout the entire series, "Expelliarmus" seemed to be the only spell Harry knew how to cast. Harry's bond with Dumbledore was far stronger than the one typically shared between a student and his headmaster. Momina Asif. This failed because Dumbledore was able to guess the truth, when Harry Potter saved Ginny from the Basilisk. Master of death, Harry, master of Death! While Grindelwald and his army terrorised Europe, Dumbledore remained in Britain and refused adamantly to face Grindelwald. The next year was by no means any less troublesome than the previous year, with Jacob's sibling and their friends more determined than ever to stop R and find the last Cursed Vault, despite Dumbledore's attempts to make them focus on their studies. [46], Snape's skills managing to trap the curse on the ring in Dumbledore's hand, Dumbledore quickly returned to Hogwarts, where the skills of Severus Snape managed to trap the curse in Dumbledore's hand. Despite not being close, it cannot be doubted that Albus loved and cared for him dearly, evidenced by the fact that even though he resented having to stay at home, Albus still refused to allow Aberforth to stop his education out of concern of his brother's future. He did not offer her a glass, but simply produced it, knowing she would drink it. Some praised his father's actions, hoping to gain his trust, but they would not find favour with the young Dumbledore this way. The Ministry, afraid that he was going after Harry Potter, placed a large number of Dementors at Hogwarts to try to recapture him. In addition to the portrait of Dumbledore that was hung in his office automatically after his death, a, J. K. Rowling has said that if she could meet any character in the, While the magic used by Dumbledore to detect the traces of magic in the Horcrux cave was unknown to Harry, it may be related to the work of, Albus Dumbledore is described to be forty-five years old in. To help him prepare his speech, the Headmaster advised him to solicit the assistance of Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde, hoping that working with Thestrals could help Merula, who had seen her mother murdering an Auror thus enabling her to see Thestrals, confront her past and move on. Michael is a graduate of the University of Stirling with a degree in English Studies. Dumbledore's love of knitting patterns, a typically feminine pre-occupation. Another good friend of Dumbledore was Remus Lupin, one of James's and Sirius's dearest friends, and a werewolf. Instead of teaching Harry himself or arranging for Harry to take lessons with someone the teenager trusted, however, Albus selected Snape as Harry's tutor. Dumbledore had a good relationship with both of them, knowing them both to be pure souls. Harry was only able to tip the water over Dumbledore's face before the Inferi climbed up out of the lake and attacked them. He had originally intended to use the Resurrection Stone to bring back his parents, so that the heavy responsibility on his shoulders would be lifted. It's no wonder why Harry relied so heavily on Hermione's independently-gathered knowledge. Whether this means the blackening dead-look appearance would spread throughout the entire body is unknown. [46], Dumbledore and Harry Potter in the Crystal Cave, After much searching, Dumbledore eventually tracked another of Voldemort's Horcruxes to a cave that as a young orphan, he had once visited. Dumbledore also saw Grindelwald himself from the present. Dumbledore told Harry that he wasn't worried because he was with Harry. Ten years later, Dumbledore illegally dropped Petunia's nephew at her doorstep shortly after the murders of her sister and brother-in-law, despite the fact they were not named guardian candidates of Harry in the events of James and Lily's death. Five minutes later, Dumbledore was sitting on their living room floor by the fireplace, eating crumpets and playing Gobstones with Remus. He reminds Harry that even though his parents are gone that they live on in him. Albus knew his days were numbered, so he did nothing to stop Voldemort's plan to bring about his elimination. Dumbledore and Harry didn't really spend all that much time together. [105], Dumbledore's reputation was so significant that even years after his death, the only reason Albus and Scorpius avoided contacting him for help when they found themselves stuck in 1981 was because they were concerned that even the knowledge of their existence would taint Dumbledore's future plans, as it was agreed that he had always known enough to know what to do or not to do and awareness of details such as Harry's future son might impact his plans.[105]. Grindelwald had pitted Credence against Albus by telling him he had beenabandoned by his own family - worse, by his own brother. If it wasnt for Lilys love for Harry, Harry would also have been killed by Voldemort. And it had been for this reason that Jacob had taken the blame for the very potion that The Cabal had forced Duncan Ashe to make, as he feared that they would go after his family had he tried to expose them. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Credence's identity as Aurelius Dumbledore in, Grindelwald knew Credence was Aurelius Dumbledore, Harry Potter: Dumbledore Is Responsible For Hogwarts Most Bitter Character, Fantastic Beasts: Why Grindelwald's War Ends The Same Time As WWII, Harry, Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson), Everything JK Rowling Already Revealed About Fantastic Beasts' Ending, Every Harry Potter Character Alive During Fantastic Beasts' Timeline, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022). Dumbledore told Jacob's sibling they continued to exhibit little respect for Hogwarts's rules and himself, and gave them detention in the Kitchens under Pitts's supervision for the next school year.[98]. Still, the reveal that Credence is Aberforth's son is significant for both Fantastic Beasts 3, the franchise's future, and Harry Potter canon. The confidences exchanged that night between two intensely private and reserved characters were to form the basis of a lasting mutual esteem and friendship. They're bound by some sort of magical contract. Before heading back to bed, Harry asked Dumbledore what he saw when he looked into the mirror. His great-great grandfather was said to have owned a phoenix[16], as did his alleged relative Credence Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore. The corpse of his sister, Ariana[17] Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love.. However, both Snape and Dumbledore knew that it would eventually spread to the rest of his body. As fortune would have it, however, a blessing in disguise presented itself when the Board of Governors was faced with the decision of finding a suitable candidate to succeed Armando Dippet and concluded that Professor Dumbledore was the best man for the job.[54]. He was also right about telling Harry that Snape was on Dumbledore's side. Throughout the early days of the global wizarding war, a series of devastating attacks was perpetrated by Gellert Grindelwald and his cadre of followers across Europe,[42] and rumours begun circulating that his former friend had procured a wand of immense power, which Albus, who was privy to the aspiring revolutionary's Quest for the Deathly Hallows, understood to mean that he had successfully obtained the Elder Wand. He also attended Albus Dumbledore's funeral. After Lord Voldemort started his first rise to power in 1970, Dumbledore, around whom opposition to the Dark Lord had always rallied,[61] founded and led the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society willing to risk their lives to fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters, and despite the fact that the group suffered heavy losses during the conflict, it was also a significant contributor to the war effort. When then-headmaster Armando Dippet confided in Dumbledore about Tom Riddle approaching him about staying on after graduation to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts which he only refused due to Tom's age, suggesting he ask again in a few years Dumbledore advised him against it. Dumbledore suspected that the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Quirinus Quirrell was behind the plot to steal the Philosopher's Stone, while working for the weakened Lord Voldemort, and as such he asked Snape to keep an eye on him. I really hope my very specific plan that I didnt tell Harry anything about works even though Im Super Dead. What was more; while being entrusted the stewardship of the school was, in and of itself, an honour and a privilege, it also meant that he was henceforth expected to shoulder the responsibility of making all the difficult decisions that came with leadership: On such occasions, Dumbledore would step out into the Clock Tower Courtyard, where he found the quiet, starry night and the crisp air helpful in regard to putting one's troubles in perspective,[55] and developed a habit of pacing around his new office a lot, especially in troubled and trying times such as when the security of the castle was breached. Dumbledore, while often kind and calm, did have a very serious side of himself and was capable of a terrifying wrath. Aberforth Dumbledore was Albus's younger brother. Lucius Malfoy was also sacked from his position as a governor of Hogwarts, much to Draco's dismay and Harry's satisfaction. As an adult, Dumbledore had become an extraordinarily powerful and accomplished wizard, deeply knowledgeable and and proficient in all areas of magic. Once finished, the Headmaster applied the appropriate spells to provide Remus with a safe and secure place for his transformations that could contain even a fully grown werewolf, if necessary. Dumbledore tells Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) that in 1899, during the same summer that Albus fell in love with Grindelwald, Aberforth also fell in love with a woman from Godric's Hollow. Let's give it till break." However, we don't necessarily know where in the offices they sleep. Dumbledore seemed to trust Harry above all of Hogwarts' other students, but when it came time to give someone one of the most powerful magical objects in existence, Albus actually handed it over to Hermione Granger. He questions why Snape's motivations would be unchanged "after all this time". Albus explained to the Scamander brothers that the Qilin that Grindelwald stole had some special abilities and because of them Gellert could saw visions of the future, so the brothers had to be very careful. He had a great friendship with Hagrid, despite many not trusting the half-Giant.The greatest example of this, however, is Dumbledore's relationship with Severus Snape, in whom Dumbledore was willing to hold a considerable amount of faith after Severus had shown remorse. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. While initially unable to directly act against Gellert Grindelwald due to their past blood pact, the Ministry's surveillance of him, his love for Grindelwald, and his lingering guilt over his sister's death, Dumbledore sent Newt Scamander to New York to release the Thunderbird Frank, and later sent Newt to Paris to rescue Credence Barebone. When he's not juggling reading four books at once, you'll probably find him exploring medieval castles around Scotland. [62], Voldemort's curse, however, was prevented; Dumbledore quickly animated a golden statue to cover Harry and shield him from the curse. This did not, however, discourage the Headmaster from taking a personal interest in Jacob, who was both one of the most rebellious and most talented students at the time. Dumbledore also entrusted Snape with protecting the students once Hogwarts fell into Voldemort's control. Having grown concerned that this fixation might even drive him mad, and finally unable to overlook their pursuit for the vaults for these reasons, he was known to have reprimanded both Jacob and Mr Ashe for their many indiscretions on at least one occasion. Trusting Newt to do the right thing and protect the Obscurial from Grindelwald, it turned out that his confidence in Newt's character and ability was well placed: Newt's involvement resulted not only in the discovery of Credence Barebone, the most powerful Obscurus ever recorded (the only one to survive into adulthood), but also in the capture of Grindelwald, who had been disguised as a high-ranking official at MACUSA by the name of Percival Graves to find the Obscurus. Despite this injury, Dumbledore proceeded to destroy the ring, and with it, a piece of Voldemort's soul, bringing Voldemort that much closer to defeat.

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did dumbledore love harry as a son