confucianism population


The Master replied, "What is necessary to rectify names." Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. In more general terms, filial piety means to be good to one's parents; to take care of one's parents; to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one's parents and ancestors; to perform the duties of one's job well so as to obtain the material means to support parents as well as carry out sacrifices to the ancestors; not be rebellious; show love, respect and support; the wife in filial piety must obey her husband absolutely and take care of the whole family wholeheartedly. Against defenders of political meritocracy, Tseng claims that the fusion of Confucian and democratic institutions can conserve the best of both worlds, producing a more communal democracy which draws on a rich ethical tradition, addresses abuses of power, and combines popular accountability with a clear attention to the cultivation of virtue in elites. Although Confucius never realized his political dream, his conception of politics as moral persuasion became more and more influential. [24], According to Zhou Youguang, r originally referred to shamanic methods of holding rites and existed before Confucius's times, but with Confucius it came to mean devotion to propagating such teachings to bring civilisation to the people. [63] During the Ming-Qing era, prominent Confucians such as Wang Yangming promoted individuality and independent thinking as a counterweight to subservience to authority. [23] This translation of the word r is followed by e.g. [103], Another new idea, that of meritocracy, led to the introduction of the imperial examination system in China. This represents 0.09% of the world's population, or slightly less than 1%. The Analects as the embodiment of Confucian ideas, Formation of the classical Confucian tradition, Mencius: The paradigmatic Confucian intellectual, Xunzi: The transmitter of Confucian scholarship, Confucian ethics in the Daoist and Buddhist context, Confucian learning in Jin, Yuan, and Ming, The age of Confucianism: Chosn-dynasty Korea, Tokugawa Japan, and Qing China. As the potential leader of a nation, a son of the ruler is raised to have a superior ethical and moral position while gaining inner peace through his virtue. [162][163] But using a broader definition, such as Frederick Streng's characterisation of religion as "a means of ultimate transformation",[164] Confucianism could be described as a "sociopolitical doctrine having religious qualities. This did not exclude martial arts culture. Inspired by the statesmanship of Zhougong, Confucius harboured a lifelong dream to be in a position to emulate the duke by putting into practice the political ideas that he had learned from the ancient sages and worthies. 11th century bce), who was said to have helped consolidate, expand, and refine the feudal ritual system. For example, the impact of the Vietnam War on Vietnam was devastating, but over the last few decades Vietnam has been re-developing in a very fast pace. According to Stephan Feuchtwang, rites are conceived as "what makes the invisible visible", making possible for humans to cultivate the underlying order of nature. In 7.23 Confucius says that he has no doubt left that the Tin gave him life, and from it he had developed right virtue ( d). Xi has expressed hope that China's "traditional cultures" of Confucianism, . [157] The Jesuits, including Matteo Ricci, saw Chinese rituals as "civil rituals" that could co-exist alongside the spiritual rituals of Catholicism. [46], Some Confucian movements worship Confucius,[49] although not as a supreme being or anything else approaching the power of tian or the dao, and/or gods from Chinese folk religion. Referred to variously as the Confucian hypothesis and as a debated component of the more all-encompassing Asian Development Model, there exists among political scientists and economists a theory that Confucianism plays a large latent role in the ostensibly non-Confucian cultures of modern-day East Asia, in the form of the rigorous work ethic it endowed those cultures with. The name Confucius, a Latinized combination of the surname Kong with an honorific suffix "Master" ( fuzi ), has also come to be . [76] With the Zhou dynasty, which overthrew the Shang, the name for the supreme godhead became Tian ( "Heaven"). One of the most famous collections of such stories is "The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars". [83] In his view, the power of Tian is immanent, and responds positively to the sincere heart driven by humaneness and rightness, decency and altruism. The followers of the Buddhist religion accounts for 6% of the population. This may be true especially in times of social chaos, such as during the period of the Ming-Qing transition. [144][145] It has also been argued by some Chinese and Western writers that the rise of neo-Confucianism during the Song dynasty had led to a decline of status of women. Confuciuss hero was Zhougong, or the duke of Zhou (fl. In this set of flashcards, you will learn about the long and fascinating history of one Asia's most major religions: Confucianism. Confucius did not accept the status quo, which held that wealth and power spoke the loudest. [30] Rn, translated as "humaneness" or the essence proper of a human being, is the character of compassionate mind; it is the virtue endowed by Heaven and at the same time the means by which man may achieve oneness with Heaven comprehending his own origin in Heaven and therefore divine essence. The Three Obediences and Four Virtues is one of the moral standards for feudal etiquette to bind women. [121] In fact, both Daniel Bell and Tongdong Bai hold that Confucian political meritocracy can tackle challenges that liberalism wants to tackle, but cannot by itself. Such efforts effectively expanded the Malthusian limits to population growth in preindustrial China, even in the absence of productivity gains. [142] Starting from the Han period, Confucians began to teach that a virtuous woman was supposed to follow the males in her family: the father before her marriage, the husband after she marries, and her sons in widowhood. Correctly performed rituals move society in alignment with earthly and heavenly (astral) forces, establishing the harmony of the three realmsHeaven, Earth and humanity. Meanwhile, the meritocratic house preserves competence, statesmanship, and Confucian virtues. indeed!" Though Confucius is sometimes credited with founding Confucianism, he said that he was interpreting the philosophy of Zhougong, the duke of Zhou, rather than creating new doctrine. Mao Zedong tried to suppress Confucianism, a philosophy that guided state and personal behaviour for centuries. While Jiang's model is closer to an ideal theory than Bell's proposals, it represents a more traditionalist alternative. After the An Lushan rebellion, patronage for Buddhism and its institutions fell to a new southern gentry class, formed through the massive population shift southward as people fled the war-torn north. At first the Chinese people embraced Confucianism more readily than the ruling class did, but Confucianism was revived and popularized by the Han dynasty, from 206 BCE to 220 CE. In later dynasties, a number of women took advantage of the Confucian acknowledgment of education to become independent in thought. Ruism, as he states, is more faithful to the original Chinese name for the school. Confucianism is a philosophy developed by Master Kong (known more commonly as Confucius) during China's Zhou Dynasty (1045 - 253 BC). Confucianism, also known as Ruism or Ru classicism,[1] is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China, and is variously described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or a way of life. As a result, this period led to the development of many new philosophies. Rn is close to man and never leaves him. Instead, the scholar Mencius, who was born more than a century after Confucius died, adapted his philosophy and preached in different states. Many European and American admirers such as Voltaire and Herrlee G. Creel point to the revolutionary idea of replacing nobility of blood with nobility of virtue. [44], Confucian ethical codes are described as humanistic. Rather, Confucius considered himself a transmitter who consciously tried to reanimate the old in order to attain the new. Rn (Chinese: ) is the Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic. Confucianism, a Western term that has no counterpart in Chinese, is a worldview, a social ethic, a political ideology, a scholarly tradition, and a way of life. Its implementation enabled the Western Zhou dynasty to survive in relative peace and prosperity for more than five centuries. Japanese Confucian Philosophy. Zhou kings declared that their victory over the Shang was because they were virtuous and loved their people, while the Shang were tyrants and thus were deprived of power by Tian.[3]. (Analects XIII, 3, tr. [89], Other forms of revival are salvationist folk religious movements[90] groups with a specifically Confucian focus, or Confucian churches, for example the Yidan xuetang () of Beijing,[91] the Mengmutang () of Shanghai,[92] Confucian Shenism ( Rzng Shnjio) or the phoenix churches,[93] the Confucian Fellowship ( Rjio Dotn) in northern Fujian which has spread rapidly over the years after its foundation,[93] and ancestral temples of the Kong kin (the lineage of the descendants of Confucius himself) operating as Confucian-teaching churches.[92]. [41], Confucius used the term in a mystical way. Examples of such xiaoren individuals may range from those who continually indulge in sensual and emotional pleasures all day to the politician who is interested merely in power and fame; neither sincerely aims for the long-term benefit of others. Confucianism, the way of life propagated by Confucius in the 6th5th century bce and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millennia. [30] Individuals may realise their humanity and become one with Heaven through the contemplation of such order. Confucianism Though not formally recognized as a religion by the Chinese government, Confucianism has had an undeniable impact on Chinese history and culture since its conception by the Chinese philosopher Confucius around 479 BC. "Yin and yang are the invisible and visible, the receptive and the active, the unshaped and the shaped; they characterise the yearly cycle (winter and summer), the landscape (shady and bright), the sexes (female and male), and even sociopolitical history (disorder and order). Roy Tseng, drawing on the New Confucians of the twentieth century, argues that Confucianism and liberal democracy can enter into a dialectical process, in which liberal rights and voting rights are rethought into resolutely modern, but nonetheless Confucian ways of life. Confucianism was not successfully spread by Confucius. ASARB conducted its first congregations count in 1990. "[141] Matthew Sommers has also indicated that the Qing dynasty government began to realise the utopian nature of enforcing the "cult of chastity" and began to allow practices such as widow remarrying to stand. [117], For those who, like Bell, defend a model in which performance at the local levels of government determines future promotion, an important question is how the system judges who "performs best". All these duties take the practical form of prescribed rituals, for instance wedding and death rituals.[44]. They also fought wars to enforce the belief system on others and enforce specific versions of it,[98][99] possibly some of the first in religious history done by factions who believed only a single divine being was the primary force driving the world. This idea is developed further in the Great Learning, and is tightly linked with the Taoist concept of wu wei (; ; w wi): the less the king does, the more gets done. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot. [according to whom?]. Some South Koreans believe Confucianism has not contributed to the modernisation of South Korea. Another meaning of rn is "not to do to others as you would not wish done to yourself. Omissions? The petty person is egotistic and does not consider the consequences of his action in the overall scheme of things. [86] Another modern proponent of the institutionalisation of Confucianism in a state church is Jiang Qing. [54] The Five Constants are:[54]. Li embodies the entire web of interaction between humanity, human objects, and nature. Religious Landscape Study. Important military and political figures in modern Chinese history continued to be influenced by Confucianism, like the Muslim warlord Ma Fuxiang. Zi-lu said, "The vassal of Wei has been waiting for you, in order with you to administer the government. display courtesy; ensure male heirs, uphold fraternity among brothers; wisely advise one's parents, including dissuading them from moral unrighteousness, for blindly following the parents' wishes is not considered to be xiao; display sorrow for their sickness and death; and carry out sacrifices after their death. as the embodiment of Confucian ideas. [29][30] The principle of Heaven (L or Do ), is the order of the creation and the source of divine authority, monistic in its structure. [8][160] Confucius views about Tin and about the divine providence ruling the world, can be found above (in this page) and in Analects 6:26, 7:22, and 9:12, for example. For them, Confucianism does not have to be premised on the assumption that meritorious, virtuous political leadership is inherently incompatible with popular sovereignty, political equality and the right to political participation. At different times in Chinese history, Confucius (trad. [152][153], Further analysis suggests, however, that women's place in Confucian society may be more complex. [156], Ever since Europeans first encountered Confucianism, the issue of how Confucianism should be classified has been subject to debate. Submission to authority (tsun wang) was only taken within the context of the moral obligations that rulers had toward their subjects, in particular benevolence (jen). Traditionally, cultures and countries in the East Asian cultural sphere are strongly influenced by Confucianism, including China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, as well as various territories settled predominantly by Han Chinese people, such as Singapore and Myanmar's Kokang. Confucianism is the way of life propagated by Confucius in the 6th-5th century BCE and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millennia. [108] As Bell puts it, he defends "democracy at the bottom, experimentation in the middle, and meritocracy at the top. In addition, loyalty does not mean subservience to authority. [128] This synthesis, blending Confucians rituals and institutions with a broader liberal democratic frame, is distinct from both Western-style liberalismwhich, for Tseng, suffers from excessive individualism and a lack of moral visionand from traditional Confucianismwhich, for Tseng, has historically suffered from rigid hierarchies and sclerotic elites. Creation is therefore a continuous ordering; it is not a creation ex nihilo. Confucius. By the 6th century BCE, the power of Tian and the symbols that represented it on earth (architecture of cities, temples, altars and ritual cauldrons, and the Zhou ritual system) became "diffuse" and claimed by different potentates in the Zhou states to legitimise economic, political, and military ambitions. She stresses the complementarity and equal importance of the male and female roles according to yin-yang theory, but she clearly accepts the dominance of the male. These are accompanied by the classical Sz (), that singles out four virtues, one of which (Y) is included among the Five Constants: There are still many other elements, such as chng (; , honesty), sh (, kindness and forgiveness), lin (, honesty and cleanness), ch (; , shame, judge and sense of right and wrong), yng (, bravery), wn (; , kind and gentle), ling (, good, kindhearted), gng (, respectful, reverent), jin (; , frugal), rng (; , modestly, self-effacing). At the cultural level, for instance, Confucianism, its institutions, and its rituals offer bulwarks against atomization and individualism. He felt that virtue (de), both as a personal quality and as a requirement for leadership, was essential for individual dignity, communal solidarity, and political order. They hold the power to define the hierarchy of divinities, by bestowing titles upon mountains, rivers and dead people, acknowledging them as powerful and therefore establishing their cults. These names do not use the name "Confucius" at all, but instead focus on the ideal of the Confucian man. Going beyond the Master, they theorised the oneness of production and reabsorption into the cosmic source, and the possibility to understand and therefore reattain it through meditation. the public should not know how officials are selected, since ordinary people are in no position to judge officials beyond the local level. Confucius saw an opportunity to reinforce values of compassion and tradition into society. In every case, Confucian meritocrats draw on China's extensive history of meritocratic administration to outline the pros and cons of competing methods of selection. In later centuries, Confucianism heavily influenced many educated martial artists of great influence, such as Sun Lutang,[citation needed] especially from the 19th century onwards, when bare-handed martial arts in China became more widespread and had begun to more readily absorb philosophical influences from Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism. The term Confucianism is derived from Confucius, the conventional name for Master Kong, the most revered sage of this religious tradition. Yuri Pines. Muslims make up about 1.8 percent of China's population, accounting for around twenty-two million people . In the Chinese language, the character r meaning "scholar" or "learned" or "refined man" is generally used both in the past and the present to refer to things related to Confucianism. Confuciuss response was to address himself to the issue of learning to be human. Starting in 2000, the US Religion Census began to make religious diversity a priority, trying to go beyond the major denominations to count . When actual, the king's personal virtue (de) spreads beneficent influence throughout the kingdom. Confucian thinkers in the West, inspired by religious pluralism and liberal democratic ideas, have explored the possibility of a third epoch of Confucian humanism. [17], Social harmony or morality is identified as patriarchy, which is expressed in the worship of ancestors and deified progenitors in the male line, at ancestral shrines. This represents 0.09% of the world's population, or slightly less than 1%. In Japan, Confucianism stands, along with Buddhism, as a major religio-philosophical teaching introduced from the larger Asian cultural arena at the dawn of civilization in Japanese history, roughly the mid-sixth century. [107], Bell and Wang propose two justifications for political hierarchies that do not depend on a "one person, one vote" system. [11] Confucianism focuses on the practical order that is given by a this-worldly awareness of the Tin. In his book Confucian Perfectionism, he argues that Confucians can embrace both democracy and liberalism on instrumental grounds; that is, while liberal democracy may not be valuable for its own sake, its institutions remains valuableparticularly when combined with a broadly Confucian cultureto serve Confucian ends and inculcate Confucian virtues. The conflict created a need for new political models to solve the crisis. Zh () is the ability to see what is right and fair, or the converse, in the behaviors exhibited by others. [61] A good Confucian is also expected to remonstrate with his superiors when necessary. Author of. RELIGION AS A PERCENTAGE OF WORLD POPULATION: 0.1 percent OVERVIEW. The intellectuals of the New Culture Movement of the early twentieth century blamed Confucianism for China's weaknesses. [62] At the same time, a proper Confucian ruler should also accept his ministers' advice, as this will help him govern the realm better. This theme of mutuality still exists in East Asian cultures even to this day. Tongdong Bai presents an in-between solution by proposing a two-tiered bicameral system. Like many contemporaries, Confucius saw ritual practices as efficacious ways to access Tian, but he thought that the crucial knot was the state of meditation that participants enter prior to engage in the ritual acts. Though closer to a philosophy than a true religion, Confucianism was a way of life for ancient Chinese people, and it continues to influence Chinese culture today. [108] In Against Political Equality, Tongdong Bai complements this account by using a proto-Rawlsian "political difference principle". Confucianism was initiated by the disciples of Confucius, developed by Mencius (c. 372-289 BCE) and inherited by later generations, undergoing constant transformations and restructuring since its establishment, but preserving the principles of humaneness and righteousness at its core. Defenders of Confucian political meritocracy all champion a system in which rulers are selected on the basis of intellect, social skills, and virtue. [84] Confucius amended and recodified the classical books inherited from the Xia-Shang-Zhou dynasties, and composed the Spring and Autumn Annals. Please select which sections you would like to print: Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy, Harvard University. [97], Confucianists historically tried to proselytize to others,[98] although this is rarely done in modern times. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. [143] Some critics have also accused the prominent Song neo-Confucian scholar Zhu Xi for believing in the inferiority of women and that men and women need to be kept strictly separate,[146] while Sima Guang also believed that women should remain indoors and not deal with the matters of men in the outside world. ", Volume I: The Ancient Eurasian World and the Celestial Pivot, Volume II: Representations and Identities of High Powers in Neolithic and Bronze China, Volume III: Terrestrial and Celestial Transformations in Zhou and Early-Imperial China, "The Religiousness of "Confucianism" and the Revival of Confucian Religion in China Today", "Kang Youwei: The Martin Luther of Confucianism and His Vision of Confucian Modernity and Nation", "To Inherit the Ancient Teachings of Confucius and Mencius and Establish Modern Confucianism", "The Civil Theology of Confucius' "Tian" Symbol", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Entry: Confucius, Oriental Philosophy, "Topic:Confucianism",, This page was last edited on 2 May 2023, at 00:15. [120], Another key question is whether Confucian political thought is compatible with liberalism. This practice is defined as "centring" ( yng or zhng). The junzi disciplines himself. [citation needed] The emperors of China were considered agents of Heaven, endowed with the Mandate of Heaven. Confucius created the model of junzi, gentleman, which may be achieved by any individual. [note 2] Matteo Ricci was among the very earliest to report on the thoughts of Confucius, and father Prospero Intorcetta wrote about the life and works of Confucius in Latin in 1687. The search process identified 833 publications matching the search criteria, and after the review . Especially the works of Liu Zhi such as Tinfng Dinl () sought to harmonise Islam with not only Confucianism but also with Taoism and is considered to be one of the crowning achievements of the Chinese Islamic culture.[133]. There is no deity worshipped in Confucianism, though the worship of ancestors and of Confucius himself as a sage master and teacher are practiced. At the political level, the non-democratic side of political meritocracy isfor Bell and Baimore efficient at addressing long-term questions such as climate change, in part because the meritocrats do not have to worry about the whims of public opinion. [31], According to the scholar Stephan Feuchtwang, in Chinese cosmology, which is not merely Confucian but shared by all Chinese religions, "the universe creates itself out of a primary chaos of material energy" (hundun and qi ), organising through the polarity of yin and yang which characterises any thing and life. William Theodore De Bary, Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), 91110. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1963), 159. [44] However, Confucianism does venerate many aspects of nature[16] and also respects various dao. Competition is often used as a means to advance the status of the clan. [119] Others, like Jiang Qing, defend a model in which superiors decide who gets promoted; this method is in line with more traditionalist strands of Confucian political thought, which place a greater emphasis on strict hierarchies and epistemic paternalismthat is, the idea that older and more experienced people know more. Specific duties were prescribed to each of the participants in these sets of relationships. Its influence has also extended to other countries, particularly Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. "[71], According to He Guanghu, Confucianism may be identified as a continuation of the Shang-Zhou (~1600256 BCE) official religion, or the Chinese aboriginal religion which has lasted uninterrupted for three thousand years. Yet there are four seasons going round and there are the hundred things coming into being. [109], Bell, Wang, and Bai all criticize liberal democracy to argue that government by the people may not be government for the people in any meaningful sense of the term. The appeal to cultural values and social norms for the maintenance of interstate as well as domestic order was predicated on a shared political vision, namely, that authority lies in universal kingship, heavily invested with ethical and religious power by the mandate of heaven (tianming), and that social solidarity is achieved not by legal constraint but by ritual observance. Tseng, Roy (2020). Many of these Confucians suffered and sometimes died because of their conviction and action. [155] More recently, some scholars have also begun to discuss the viability of constructing a "Confucian feminism". These movements are not a part of mainstream Confucianism, although the boundary between Chinese folk religion and Confucianism can be blurred. [40] There are such a number of uses in Chinese thought that it is not possible to give one translation into English. [100], Confucianism, despite supporting the importance of obeying national authority, places this obedience under absolute moral principles that curbed the willful exercise of power, rather than being unconditional. [48] Analects 10.11 tells that Confucius always took a small part of his food and placed it on the sacrificial bowls as an offering to his ancestors. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The junzi (, jnz, "lord's son") is a Chinese philosophical term often translated as "gentleman" or "superior person"[69] and employed by Confucius in the Analects to describe the ideal man. [112] In his account, the exams select for intellect and other virtuesfor instance, the ability to argue three different viewpoints on a contentious issue may indicate a certain degree of openness. How many Confucianism followers are there worldwide? [42], Zigong, a disciple of Confucius, said that Tin had set the master on the path to become a wise man (9.6). Grades 5 - 8 Subjects Religion, Social Studies, Ancient Civilizations Image Confucian Philosopher Mencius The story of Confucianism does not begin with Confucius. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. He found order and understanding in his . Among all things of creation, humans themselves are "central" because they have the ability to cultivate and centre natural forces.[58]. It remains the social code of the Chinese and continues to influence other countries particularly Korea Japan and Vietnam. Confucianism. [81] Chinese thinkers, faced with this challenge to legitimacy, diverged in a "Hundred Schools of Thought", each proposing its own theories for the reconstruction of the Zhou moral order. The Zhou belief in the mandate of heaven (the functional equivalent of the will of the Lord on High) differed from the divine right of kings in that there was no guarantee that the descendants of the Zhou royal house would be entrusted with kingship, for, as written in the Shujing (Classic of History), heaven sees as the people see [and] hears as the people hear; thus, the virtues of the kings were essential for the maintenance of their power and authority.

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confucianism population